Still haven't found the right amount of mind bleach for this one... to Lemmy – 733 points –

Sometimes I like to remind myself the internet is full of fake stories. Today I pray I stumbled across one of those. Infact I insist I do.

Doesn't matter if it's fake.

It's in your head now.

It's in all of our heads now.

We all lost the pussy pussy game

Somehow I find the worst thing in the story that it's the worst infection they've seen in months. Not years, months!

The worst part is anyone thinking this bullshit is remotely plausible.

Yeah, we are all horrified and all, but no-one is asking the pertinent question:

What did it taste like?

The Inuit (formerly called the derogatory 'Eskimos') have a taste for fermented whale blubber.

The Scandinavians also have a taste for fermented seafood.

There's something about living in freezing weather and developing a taste for semi rotten food.

I'd wager it has something to do with living in a barren wasteland for at least half the year.

When the choice is between starve to death or eat the putrid thing, most people will eat the putrid thing.

I dont think the boyfriend was at risk of starving.

Yeah no I was speaking about the scandinavians, not the bf.

Imagine, there are even millions of people that eat fermented milk!

The Scandinavians also have a taste for fermented seafood.

Excuse me, but that's only the Swedes! We may have other weird eating habits in Denmark but surströmning ain't one.

Swede here, can confirm swedes like some of the nastiest mf bs. I don't get it. I just stay clear.

Likely because there aren't a lot of herbs and spices where it's cold and fermentation adds complexity to the flavour.

Please put a trigger warning and a NSFW on this one. Keep in mind some people might want a bit of a warning that the meme they clicked on graphically describes a vagina infection.

Might as well put that warning on the whole damn Internet. There's no bumper bowling on the Information Superhighway 😂

The internet is not for the weak.

Oh come on. It's text. You can stop reading at any time. Not everything has to have trigger warnings, which are generally not effective and can in fact be harmful

I don’t think marking it as NSFW is an unreasonable request. Especially when it actually is NSFW.

What do you mean "it actually is NSFW"? What's NSFW about it?

I can’t tell if you’re joking

I'm not joking. What makes it not safe for work? It's text

Eh, I can see it - like right now I'm posting this from my phone but I'm on my employer's wifi, some employers might have a problem with what is accessed over their network... Though if that's the case, pretty much all of Lemmy should probably be considered NSFW...

If that's the standard we use, even being on lemmy is nsfw. The titles/thumbnails/etc.

I agree with this take. The point of NSFW is pictures, not text. Who's reading over your shoulder?

It's not that people might read it over your shoulders and be offended. It's the fact that it's gross and some might not like being exposed to it. Keep in mind there's been multiple reports about this post.

Someone may stream their screen while reading

I dunno. Some people may not like to read about vaginas seeping pus and would probably appreciate a heads up that the meme contains that.

This is a shitposting sub. There's lots of stuff that lots of people don't want to read. Doesn't mean every post needs to have a description of what will be in the post. And marking it as NSFW just devalues the point of NSFW

People arguing whether this is appropriate or not is so stupid. It literally won't change a thing for those people, but to others it might actually make a difference and save them some trouble. What's to lose here? Gee

Yeah! I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.

lol at first i thought this was the nsfw train copypasta

1 more...

I'm glad the put the most horrific part in italics, otherwise I might have missed it

imo it's more for emphasis. it's pretty hard to get tone through via text so people like to use bold and italics to supplement that

Sometimes I miss old reddit for stuff like this, the jolly rancher story, the cum box, etc

But then I see this stuff again, and I think I like the more sterile internet in a way.

I don’t like the fediverse version of the jolly rancher story

I'm not sure if I should ask after the horror I just read, but..... What is the jolly rancher story?

Buddy I'm warning you, delete this comment before anyone can give you the link. It's for your own good

Oh my god. That's sick. I actually gasped when I saw the punch line at the end...Holy shit.

OK, thats enough internet for today