McConnell has fallen multiple times this year, sources say | CNN Politics to politics – 672 points –
McConnell has fallen multiple times this year, sources say | CNN Politics

Ah man that sucks. For the ground that he fell on. I hope the evil can be scrubbed off it.

No way. That eldritch black ooze gets into things and STICKS

I hear thats what got Tasha Yar.

What an absolutely banger of a TNG reference my friend!

I wish Mitch McConnell a speedy another stroke.

If it was a TIA they'll probably put him on eliquis. Few months of that and his blood will be so thin, the next time he falls he'll bleed out from a subdural or a hip fracture. Can't wait.

Wonder if that's why his hands were so bruised a while back?

All old people get like that once you hit your 70s.

My mom degloved her hand a few weeks back when reaching into a kitchen drawer on the wood. And she didn't even feel it.

Yikes. Might be time to retire.

I think the only way he'll retire is in a coffin or if he gets confined to a hospital, otherwise they'll keep him going somehow.

They'll give him the Weekend at Bernie's treatment if they can get away with it...

i doubt they would let him

@sci Why not? The establishment can replace him in a heartbeat and Kentuckians will vote for whomever is picked for them.

@DocMcStuffin @xc2215x

Because a Democrat governor would appoint until a special election is held and he would rather die than let that happen

Perversely, KY legislature passed a law specifically requiring the Governor to appoint a replacement from the same party. It was vetoed, and veto was overturned. No dem replacement despite Beshear in the governor's seat

Republicans change the rules if they ever see that they’ll hurt them in the future.

Funny how it's called KY when its politicians fuck us without lube.


@DocMcStuffin @xc2215x @sci

I guess Kentucky is one of those states where the governor isn’t required to pick someone from the same party? I’d written Kentucky off so long ago that I haven’t been paying attention.

Nope. In Kentucky the Governor must select from a pool of 3 candidates that the GOP gives them.

Don't you think he looks tired?

He's got the gaunt face of a man who's withering away. My grandpa, a much better man than McConnell, looked like that for the last few months of his life, despite spending the majority of his life with a slightly pudgy face. It is truly ghoulish the way they parade politicians like McConnell and Feinstein around as if they still have all their wits, when really they should have retired years ago. Hell, half the senate should have retired over a decade ago, but both parties value incumbency too much

Incumbency, ah yes, the low hanging fruit of retaining party control.

My boomer parents are adamant that feinstein is still "young." They don't want to admit to their own mortality (they are in their 70s). I believe that's what is driving a lot of this bullshit.

Americans don't believe they will ever die.

At least Harriet Jones, Prime Minister, acknowledged her mistakes and did her best to help humanity in the end.

I for one hope he is healthy enough to live the rest of his life in pain over years, and forced to step down and lose his power. This man has inflicted terrible damage to this country and its citizens. This is a man who put corporations and profit over anything and has sold our democracy to the highest bidder while empowering radical religious fanatics and fascists.

He's partly responsible for so much pain, suffering, and excess deaths in this nation via his support for gun lobbies and removing healthcare rights of Americans, for his support of Trump, and the excess deaths resulting from his administration.

I hope he gets exactly what he deserves.

Zero chance this decrepit human garbage will ever step down. I hope I can be proven wrong but I'd rather just see him stroke out and it be the end. Retribution won't undo what he's done. Putting him in the dirt will be the only chance to invite that opportunity.

I mean if we just poke him he may very well just topple on over

You're probably right, but one can hope


YOU get a ban! And YOU get a ban! EVERYONE gets a ban for wishing nature to take its inevitable due course! Muwahahahaha! Power Trump Mod powers - activate!

One thing I will give the mods of Worldnews credit for. Right when Ukraine invasion started a whole mess of accounts with odd history (3 karma, 2 comments, 8 years old) started posting Kremlin propaganda. Every single one I reported was knocked off.

Seriously. Lemmy is the Wild West and I love it for that.

Okay so if its the wild west ive got questions, namely whos gonna get ripped apart by coyottes?

If you look around the room and can't tell who's gonna get ripped apart by coyotes, it's gonna be you.

Too many people in Congress that falls under the "Help I've fallen and I can't get up" crowd. That's not the foundation of a healthy democracy.

Life Alert should sponsor these geriatrics. Or maybe Mitch could shill reverse mortgages.

Sincerely? I don't want to hear another word about him until he doesn't get back up. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Old people fall... a lot.

I work in Hospice and 90% of our patients are referred after a fall.

I picked up my grandma probably 20 times in the last year.

The worst times are when he falls in the shower and he's naked and I have to pick him up bc he can't get up himself and my grandma is unable to pick him up

Am I the only 1 that could hear the slurred words in his speech for a good couple of years ? Surely someone with health issues where it impacts the brain such as strokes shouldnt be anywhere near any sort of power.

Obituaries I won't be upset to read for $1000 Alex.

him and diane feinstein need to be thrown out of congress on the grounds they cannot perform their duties.

Satan is finally starting to claim what is now rightfully his.

I wonder when Copeland's contact is up.

Why couldn't one of those times be out of a plane, mid-flight? It's just not fair.

Or off a cliff, a or maybe even just down some stairs.

As the weather finally cools off, I wish Mitch has himself an exceptional fall...

McClownel may not have read his contract with Satan closely enough.

Jarvis, open up the Mitch McConnell press conference freeze video and overlay Hidden Sea, Buried Deep by the Caretaker over it.

Mitch is a piece of shit, who has done irreparable harm to America and shares a significant amount of the blame for why the country and its government is in such a horrible place right now.

BUT I don’t wish him harm, at all. I hope he’s okay, seriously. He needs to retire. Now. And live out the rest of his life in private.

I feel like wishing Mitch harm is the same as wishing the Earth well. Dude is a cancer, I don't think there's anything wrong with hoping he loses the ability to inflict harm on others asap, and the only way he'll stop is when he's incapacitated or in the ground.

He's cancer. You don't wish a tumor well, you cut it out and throw it in an incinerator.

I think there are human that you can wish harm upon since it would be good for humanity in general. And why should be enjoy life in private, after he destroyed so many others?

I wish him plenty of harm, he doesn't deserve to live life in peace. He deserves to live it the way he wants women and minorities to live. It's okay to wish harm on people, it's not like you're trying to cause that harm yourself

Yah nah fuck Mitch Bitch. I hope he dies and gets cancer in his balls and brain. And Alzheimer’s.