empress says she is going to return cracking denuvo games

atlas@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Piracy: ꜱᴀɪʟ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ꜱᴇᴀꜱ@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 251 points –

from her telegram


Following Empress' bullshit via Telegram screenshots is a fun experience. I like to think of it as the B-plot of digital piracy.

I dig their cracks but i don't follow the drama. Care to offer a primer on the soap opera?

Go into the notes of almost any of their releases and you'll find borderline schizophrenic screeds full of hate and bigotry. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, thinking the Harry Potter series is good, all kinds of shit. Also, at least once she said she was going to jail because she was caught cracking something but kept putting out releases without any disruption. Here's one from the time she was accused of being a trans woman (cw: all of the above)

thinking the Harry Potter series is good

One of these things is not like the other?

she pretended she got arrested by some guys on reddit who leaked her address

some serious people ON REDDIT managed to report me to authority with my real address, i am not quiet sure how it happened, but even with putting my philosophical side aside, i think i pissed off the entire internet just by trying to control "MY" own crack for 24 hour is actually something i am still not able to believe. in less than an hour, i will be dragged out of my home here with my lawyer, but considering i was caught red handed while preparing version 2 fix for my immortals crack, i don't think there will be much of hope against it at all.

Her message to those who had insulted her was totally not at all bitter – she thought they were ‘all beautiful people’ who she definitely didn’t hate, because they had just made a mistake. This was all somewhat rich for a woman who was rapidly developing hints of megalomania and power-madness.

And then she made an Obi-wan-esque speech about ‘remembering me’ and ‘contuing on my path’.

Everyone was quick to point out the flaws here. The police generally don’t bust down your door, catching you ‘red-handed’ cracking Denuvo, then call you to tell you they’re going to arrest you in an hour, so you have time to write out a long and dramatic letter blaming others for your woes. ---this write-up

empress good cracker

emperess get big head

empress thinks shes plato reincarnate

she is not

empress mad she isnt seen as brilliant as she feels

empress gets banned from reddit

empress drip feeds latest crack out of spite

empress hates repackers for taking attention she deserves

repackers turn their backs on her

empress is """""""raided""""""" by police

empress is miraculously freed the next day

also went on a weird ass transphobic rant in one of her nfos

img 1

-day/night, etc

Once she pieces together that dusk and dawn are in there too she'll figure out day should be mid-day and night should be mid-night. She's right there to becoming history's second timecuber. All she needs to do is take that step past duality, from two to four.

Literally everything she listed there except life/death has gradients. Like does she not realize that words like Day, Night, Hot, Cold, are all just terms humans applied to describe something? Has she not heard of cool, warm, dusk, dawn, twilight, noon, afternoon, evening, morning?

It's genuinely a lot. EMPRESS has an ego, and has started shit with anyone they can. This ranges from other crackers, to repackers, to the people requesting cracks. They see themselves as the hot shit because "I'm the only one who can crack Denuvo".

The world would be a much less interesting place if someone besides her was cracking Denuvo.

What the hell is Denuvo?

Copy protection software that is very hard to crack because it seems to be everywhere in the game binary so you have to meticulously go through the whole thing to weed it out.

It's been known to slow games down because it's called too often to check if your game copy is not pirated.

She's such a narcissist that she couldn't stay out of the spotlight. lol.

Regardless; I doubt that any game she could develop would be any good; and I shudder to think of what deranged DRM scheme she will cook up to protect her own game. It'll probably be worse than Denuvo, knowing how unstable she is.

Genuinely, the scene is better without her hate filled screeds polluting the web. Her abilities might be appreciated more if she got some mental help and she could rejoin the scene as a positive force; not someone who lets their ego run rampant and spews hate at the slightest provocation.

Unfortunately the scene is too cowardly to NUKE her output into obscurity until she cleans her spew up.

Well, MMOs don't really need DRM. They mostly just need anti-cheat. The server can check for legit ownership or not. Usually it's only single-player games that get cracked.

MMO's get cracked too. Used to play Ragnarok Online in a pirate sever paying 0$.

They can. It's a lot harder and different though. It requires emulating the server software and replicating it. It won't be the same servers as the main game, and also usually requires knowledge of something not provided with the game.

Op.... She said she will return AFTER her MMO is ready and is going well.
That won't happen. There's no way it doesn't get stuck in development hell. She's never coming back.

Empress is making an MMO? Lol

100% science-based dragon MMO

To this day I still don’t understand what “100% dragon” means.

Is it like they’re pure breads? Are there literally no other animals? Is it some sort of 90’s style emphatic like “maximum overdrive 100% turbo dragon”?

I'm still stuck on "science-based"

I mean I “get it” I think? It’s like trying to make a science-based time travel movie. You operate with strict rules and try to keep grounded in our current reality where possible. Some theoretical concepts at least feel more “realistic” than others.

Game of Thrones tried to be somewhat grounded compared to say, Warcraft which is very high fantasy with a lot less basis in reality.

We call that "science fiction", not 100% science-based

Common mistake, is not 100% science based, is science based, 100% dragon.

Damn, you're right. It makes total sense now.

BTW I love your username. If only there were some way to make money off it!

You really do not see the distinction I’m drawing?

No, I get what you're saying, I'm just saying that the name for the thing you're describing, where some fantastical premise is extended logically using more realistic science, is "science fiction".

Dude no shit come on. I don’t think dragons are based in reality. They don’t exist. What are you trying to say? That I don’t understand what science fiction is?

You can go “dragons are magical indestructible things that breathe fire because hand waves” or you can try to go “if dragons are real (which they aren’t because apparently I need to state this) this is an approximation of how they’d biologically work.”

These are different things. I can’t believe I’m having to write this out.

It’s not about the degree of genetic hybridization but rather what’s playable. 100% dragon MMO means there’s only dragons, no other playable creatures. Pretty straightforward, no?

Lmao thank you! I was literally coming to the comments to make that joke when I read she was making an MMO

I can't wait until it's revealed to be a worse version of Active Worlds filled to the brim with their insane ramblings.

It's anyone taking bets on if she's going to use denuvo?

Woah, I remember that thing :o Didn't think anyone else would.

... Oh shit, that's still a thing :O Whew.

And all of her simps will fall over eachother at her feet over this.

Why hasn't anyone yet done the ballsy move by just learning her tricks and distributing that to everyone to learn? Why does it have to be this unhinged bitch?

From what I gathered, she's pretty much a genius at cracking

Cracking Denuvo isn't particularly hard as much as it is extremely tedious. Checks are baked everywhere in the game code, so there are (at least) thousands of little edits you have to make, and if only one of them was implemented wrong or hasn't been located (this is gamecode, tied to in-game events), no more game. (This is a flawed explanation, but you get the deal)

It's enough to drive most crackers insane... hence EMPRESS.

I only took 1 Reverse Engineering class in my CompSci program, so I could be wrong... but I am pretty sure it is both extremely tedious and also extremely difficult to crack Denuvo

It is pretty entertaining though, isn't it? Like, this is the closest we will ever get to the movie Hackers, but in real life.

So basically this is:

"mess with the best. Die like the [insert random offensive slur here]"

I think you may need to add some more slur placeholders in there, but yes.

Cracking Denuvo is hard as fuck!
No matter how unhinged she is, she's very talented.

I like to believe that if anyone else succeeds in cracking Denuvo, they will become as insane as empress in the process

1 more...

It doesn't help that almost everyone good enough to crack it gets paid really well to improve it.

Empress being a notable exception cos she's insane

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ahh i guess there will be more unhinged fetish-fueled slur filled screeds

Yep and I'm all for it, lol.

She is fucking insane and it's pretty damn entertaining (and a bit sad).

I legit don't even know what's even worth playing/cracking these days. It feels like a gaming drought rn

I've switched to indie games or older releases in my backlog

100% there are a lot of indie games worth trying

Sadly most of them are in early access and never get finished but they're still fun

Shoutout to Slay the Princess. It was honestly one of the best games I have played in years and it was created by a husband / wife duo so it is as indie as it comes.

I have switched to movies. Sold gpu and built a home theatre.
I just can’t be fucked to sit on my butt and press the keys anymore. Not after being in the game in VR which is in hiatus. Flat games are just seriously the worst from both storytelling worlds.

I have trouble sitting down and forcing myself to watch a whole movie or TV show. Just like games, no movies really interest me. I've tried to get into anime but a lot of them have weird cringy tropes I can't get past.

Basically nothing AAA as far as I'm aware. Only major AAA releases I've had any interest in are the Sega relaunches (JSR, Crazy Taxi, etc), but some of the rumors I've heard aren't good so I dunno how much hope I should put into it. Everything else is either indie or old console games.

Man,I understand why only like 2 complete lunatics are still willing to crack denuvo

But why must it be so

The only thing I was even looking for being cracked was Lies of P but then the devs themselves removed it from the game and also put the game on sale for super cheap so I just bought it anyway 🤷🏻‍♂️

We need more Denuvo crackers :(

What's fucking stopping you from learning how to do that shit yourself?

It's really hard and time consuming? The fuck you so mad about??

"Come on man, if you want to crack, just start cracking games... duuh it's actually so easy dude"

As unhinged as her rants are, I find them enjoyable. Especially this post. Though I suppose this post is far milder than many of her previous works. 🤣

I look towards the future with some hope.

Isn't this that lady who's mental mental chicken oriental?

I mean sure reads like that with how she was describing that other guy

Love it all except the r word. It’s not 1990 folks.

Isn't she also talking about a trans woman using masculine pronouns?

She's a massive transphobe. Despite (to my understanding) being trans herself (probably not true, edited to remove)

Okay hold up, I'm going to need a reference on her being trans herself. Because no, as far as I am aware, she is in fact just a transphobe.

Honestly I don't keep up with her drama all that much but when I was more in the loop I definitely recall people referencing the 'fact' she is trans.

Literally no source now though because its been years, so feel free to disregard it as baseless.

Edit: Honestly, thinking about it now, that might have been some misogynists who just couldn't accept that a cisgender woman could be talented enough at computer related stuff to crack denuvo. So I'm gonna erase "empress is trans" from my brain.

Are you thinking of fitgirl? She's notoriously been a target for hate from Empress, who I think may have accused her of being trans at one point? Though like, as a trans girl myself, I can see her being trans just from this webpage: https://fitgirl-repacks.site/games-with-my-personal-pink-paw-award/

Edit: both because of the page itself, but also there's a bunch of stuff with queer themes in that list. A couple of non-binary protags and a few sapphic romances.

No it was definitely empress being discussed at the time, but I could definitely see fitgirl being trans, as a fellow trans girl!

I've seen people accusing her of being a trans woman before, which obviously she has always responded to with transphobia and denial. I see no reason to believe her to be trans unless you have evidence

Yeah, I was in the process of editing my comments when you commented. Hope the edits are suitable, communism.

as long as she is cracking denuvo she can say all the slurs she wants as far as im concerned

She makes a handful of digital toys free. Slurs hurt real people. Keep this in context

14 more...

i'm not caught up on my piracy lore™
who is this person?

This is the only real denuvo cracker, sadly. Others exist but they're nowhere near her. The vast majority of denuvo cracks come from this crack. An absolutely unhinged ladybwho runs a sex cult of sorts via telegram. She hates trans people, gay people, anything vaugly progressive, and only supports woman's rights as she believe them supirior. She'll say all this in her NFO files in each crack.

A while back she stopped cracking in order to, as she states, make AI porn then later an MMO.

Apparently insane transphobe with a god complex, I'm out of the loop too

Here's hoping P5R is on the list!

Man it was on sale for $20 on green man gaming a few weeks ago during the "sizzling sale". Whenever steam has sales check them out IsThereAnyDeal as that's how I found it. Atb that price, I gave up waiting and caved. I was even able to convert my PS4 save (jailbroken) to PC without losing any progress.

I realize the group I'm in, but I wanted to let others know who are holding off potentially because of the price

"It's not about the money, it's about sending a message".

I refuse Denuvo on principle, only buy worthy games when they remove it. But I think Atlus games never got Denuvo removed? Even after years. So it's either it gets cracked and I play it, or it doesn't and I won't lose sleep over it lol

When it was just released on PC, I saw on Reddit that it probably won’t happen. Apparently Empress does not like anime games and therefore refuses to crack them.

I, myself, have been secretly hoping for it as well though. Got the game on PS5 (ps4 version) and refuse to pay money again for the game (unless it gets a heavy-heavy sale for like 10 bucks or something).

she is "finishing her mmo first" lmao we need more denuvo crackers.

basic windows functions

does not matter had crack dot png.

Lol this is how FOSS developers should talk.

Empress making Torvalds' old communication style look perfectly normal

big understatement, it makes old torvalds look courteous and nice