Your music player pops up and says that you are the #1 listener to a certain song, which song is it? to Ask – 87 points –

Whatever song I last performed to.

A few years ago Spotify was convinced I absolutely loved Imagine Dragons and inserted them into EVERY playlist because I wrote a performance to Radioactive. I don't actually care for their music much. Though nowadays I download the song onto my phone to avoid that

This year it's The Birthday Massacre, which I'm actually perfectly ok with :)

Spotify, Play Music, and YouTube Music all try to convince me I like Imagine Dragons and Trampled by Turtles. No matter how many thumbs down I thumbs down them, they make their way into playlists.

Oh man I have that same problem in Apple Music! I make a playlist out of my set list and have it repeat all week until I have everything down, and then the algorithm picks from it for months after that.

I'm starting to think maybe I should use one streaming service for learning and another for enjoyment?

I was top El-p listener two years in a row

I was top El-p listener two years in a row

Poisenville kids no wins

The music video for Genghis Khan by Miike snow

oh man i was obsessed with this video, hahaha it's the best!

the whole album is great, and i hadn't even known there was a Genghis khan video and then i watched it like ten times in a row.

no joke I'm going to watch it right now.

Cinematic masterpiece

My favorite part is all of the background minions bopping along

Well they did tell me I'm in the top 1% of listeners to Janelle Monae, but it would have to be someone lesser known.

Probably 3 Strikes by Joshua Ray Walker.

When You're Ugly - Louis Cole

Hey, that’s my guy!

Do you like Knower also, or just Louis Cole projects?

they're both great.


I got to see them live in a fairly small venue, he's just as exciting and dynamic as in all the videos.

I usually like knower better, but the gig i saw was a Louis Cole show, even though Genevieve was there as his main singer and even singing by herself sometimes, and I enjoyed all of it as much as i enjoy knower.

I didn't know almost anything that he was playing, I think they were mostly upcoming songs.

Tom Cardy - Active Perception Check

It gets stuck in my head a lot and I end up just putting it on.

Also maybe Skrillex - Bangarang

Because my go-to thing is when I'm in the kitchen with my wife and daughter I'll yell "ALEXA! PLAY BANGARANG!" And everyone groans. And then we listen to EDM for as long as it takes for them to leave me to work in the kitchen alone.

holy shit perception check was so funny, is his other stuff also like comedy d&d stuff? I'll listen to more Tom cardy.

He has a bunch of random songs about random stuff. One of my other favorites is "I don't work here" and it's all about people assuming he works where he's at (grocery store, lifeguard post...) and it gets more and more absurd as the song goes on.

I'd recommend his YouTube channel, most of his stuff is pretty good.

oh! have you checked your butthole guy!

i sent this to everyone when i first came across it.

i think it was the last thing i saved on reddit before jumping platforms. it all makes sense, i kept thinking it sounded like hycybh and then it popped up.

absolutely solid gold.

Me at my house:

Daughter: "I don't know where my phone is"

Me: I don't say it.

Daughter: "DAD, I can't find my phone!"

Me: I still don't say it.

Daughter: Daaaaaad, do you know where my phone is?!"

Me: deep breath

hahah, me and my girlfriend still chant it at each other when we've lost something, that song has literally changed our lives.

haha oh man I'm going to make an evening of listening to the channel, thanks!

ELO - Mr Blue Sky

David Bowie - Oh! You Pretty Things

CSN - You Don't Have to Cry

Aretha Franklin - Say A Little Prayer

Hall & Oates - Rich Girl

Shannon Hawley - Mercy With 1000 listenings and maybe 100 from me i bet i'm close to the top 😀

Either Sleater Kinney's One Beat

or Royksopp's What Else Is There

Oh that Royksopp is excellent.

If I'm on a bus somewhere and put this song on, I can easily listen to this song on repeat for 45 minutes while I trundle along.

I've done that many times, it has the perfect mix of haunt and beauty and excitement.

Satan is Real by Kreator. I’ve just discovered them in the last couple of years, and they’re great, plus this video is very…something.

I discovered him through the Hi Ren video. He is so fucking good.

Yep! I found him thru his Money Game series. At the time, he only had two parts. I slowly started listening to his other stuff and became a hardcore fan. Once Hi Ren came out, I was already all in. It hit so harddddd. The dude is extraordinarily talented. He's in my top 3 with Eminem and Residente.

Congrats on finding him! Assuming that he's a bit of a unique artist and we both like him, we probably have some fundamental traits or other matters in common, so hi similar person 👋😁

my first kiss at the public execution - The Blood Brothers

that felt like something i had to endure, you listen to it a lot?

like his vocals and the music is good, no doubt, but do you find it pleasant to listen to? enough that you listen to it more than anyone else on the planet?

Pretty much anything from "Imaginary Tricks"

wow! that lights out video is a trip and a half.

le fright is pretty good too.

huh they should try promoting themselves, they have such a full, unique sound

"Where's my t shirt" and "Absolutely Nuts" are my favorites.

It's just two guys. One does drums, the other everything else

Marie Douceur

By Marie Laforêt

One of my favorite things to do when a cover of painted black comes on a movie is to tell the person next to me what a good song it is and then ask them if rest of the music by the artist sounds like paint it Black.

"what? no, i mean, that's paint it black".

" I know, it was great. but do the rest of their songs sound like that?"

"No, that's like, paint it black, by the rolling Stones."


Candee - Back For Me

I swear I’m her only listener.

Maybe even:

Isabel - Like Snow in June

Songs mostly lost to time. I have others where I’m quite confident I’m the only person who listens because they really are lost to time and I may have the only existing copies. However, they wouldn’t be much less interesting to list here because no one could find them.

I would get rather scared if that would happen go me.

That's because I don't have a "my" music player and I don't listen to music regularly on a PC or phone.

Sweet True Lies by Beast in Black

huh, that's the purest metal boy band I've ever heard

I knooow but it's catchy as fuck and I can't help it.

for sure, super catchy, I'm curious this they came up with the sound, like how they decided to match those lyrics with that music.

definitely talented

"Great Summer" by What the Kids Want

Not because it's the song so listen to the most, but because it's the most obscure song I listen to frequently. It's on every "summer" mix I make and just an absolute banger.

After raging and breaking my keyboard over my knee and hiring a lawyer to go after the music players creator for showing me a useless pop-up.

What was the question again?

OSI - Stockholm

...i've been carrying a lot of pent-up rage..

What does listening to that song do for your rage?

...not entirely sure; possibly a proxy for snapping in real life?..

That's cool.

Why do you have ellipses before and after your username?

is there any reason why you only have two dots after your comments but start with three?

Enormous Penis by Da Vinchi's Notebook.

That's #2 on my list, right after The Gates

The Gates is great too, but I love the happiness of Enormous Penis. I also love thinking of those guys with the enormous pickup trucks and how they would love to follow the advice in the song to make themselves happy, but can't.

Intervals - Neurogenesis

that is fantastic, I'm going to listen to that album now.

it reminds me of the end of some awesome action rpg I've been playing for 50 hours and defeated the boss and my character is walking off into the distance in the credits.

memory palace and Circadian are both phenomenal albums (though their entire discog is great overall imo)

H∆G - Past the stargazing season (English version)

It's fine. Sometimes this happens. A song gets stuck in my autistic brain and I'll play it non stop for days or weeks.

Nothing really, I'm not invested in anything to that degree

Parpaing by Igorrr probably. The song is a face melter. If I’m trying to lift a PR or run fast as fuck this song will get me to where I need to go.

Fucking awesome track. A good use of Corpsegrinder Fisher's vocals, and awesome 8-bit and glitch effects.

sound of silence 🤪 my music player does not pop up, i have popups disabled 😁