Would you take a cheap and effective once-a-day anti-aging pill? What if it were a suppository?

festus@lemmy.ca to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 84 points –

You can assume that for every day you take the pill you don't age that day - if you skip it for a day you age by a day.


I put stuff up my ass that doesn't even stop me aging

Yes, probably. I also really enjoy the idea that you think that it being a suppository would factor in to the calculus at all, I think it’s really funny

Fellas, is it gay to put immortality up your ass?

The mildly homophobic nature of the question is hilarious. "Would you want to live forever if you also had to be a little bit gay????"

It’s not even slightly gay to use a suppository either, it reminds me of the guys who think it’s gay to clean their ass because it’s gay to touch an asshole.

I don’t have anything against the straights. I’m not a heterophobe – I’m a real cool dude — but when those people talk about not washing their asses, it’s only natural for us to feel a little bit of heterophobia against their lifestyle.

Please don't lump us in with those people. That's not a "hetero" thing it's just a disgusting person thing.

That's not heterophobia, that's just being horrified by ignorant bigots that are also hetero.

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See, I'll go out on a limb and say it's not gay for a man to engage in prostate play. Even having sex with another man isn't necessarily gay!

You went pretty far out on that limb with your second sentence

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Yeah, I'd be uncomfortable, but immortality is immortality.

Now, if the requirement was a daily barebacking by the ultra-rich engineering their cum to be the elixir of immortality, I'd be a little more conflicted.

I’d say about as gay as a colonoscopy. So the verdict is: yes, extremely gay!

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What kind of horseshit twist is that? Are you literally 14, OP? "There's an immortality pill, but OH NOES 😱 it goes in your BUTT 💀💀💀!!!!" Have you considered writing for Black Mirror?

I'm taking it even if it's the size of a horsecock, regardless of which hole it goes in.

What we've learned from this exercise is that Baumgeist takes horse cock up the butt.

It's $5 for every time you fantasize or $50 (+time and materials) for each video. Either way, pay me

Relax, and I'd be taking it too. Clearly people have enjoyed the question.

I am somewhat interested though in how often people would keep up with taking it, as I'd imagine people might skip it every so often (oh it's just a day).

Who would say "no" to this??

People think suppository is a 4 letter word. "Oh put something in my colon for immortality?! Never!" Honestly the world would be best without that sort of thinking.

People that dont want to experience climate and societal collapse I guess

I honestly think ending aging would be a boon for society. Because the death rate will plummet to accidental deaths, suicides, and homicides only, which are a tiny fraction of total overall deaths.

Therefore overpopulation is going to very quickly motivate world society to get its collective shit together to solve the nagging problems that have been holding us back, and encourage expansion into the rest of the solar system. Because if the issues weren't solved, even the wealthy elite would be threatened.

Haha very optimistic. Like overpopulation currently causing "untolerable illegal immigrant waves" causes people to reduce their CO2 footprint, share their homes and all.

Hell, please no more old people. Many are nice, but no way. There is a reason politics made by old people doesnt work

If you're under 50 you're probably going to experience it anyhow, no anti-aging butt stuff necessary.

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Seems like a no brainier. You'd get used to taking it.

I bet with time you could just hold the pill flat on your hand, reach back and your asshole would gobble it up like a horse.

This wasn’t a sentence I was expecting to read in my entire life.

People say AI start hallucinating bizarre sentences is a problem, but I'm beginning to wonder if it simply gazed too deeply into the internet abyss.

Um hell yes. And if it were a suppository, we'd all quickly get used to some butthole time every morning

Are you guys not doing butthole time every morning!?

Sometimes before bed too. Can’t be too careful.

I've made it a normal part of my meal routine to be sure I'm getting in my three times a day.

Even those of us who don't enjoy putting things up our butts eventually get used to doing it anyway. It's just another body part.

(Folks, if your butthole hurts, go to the doctor already. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and other butthole problems are quite treatable. Don't let them get worse.)

This is a definitely yes question. No other side effects? Sign me up!!

Sign me up. Even if there's side effects like nausea or whatever. I'll do whatever it takes to stop my bones hurting more every year.

But what if it doesn't make you younger? So you'll still stay your current age, with all the chronic stuff you already have.

I'm 34. Yes, my bones hurt, but it's not terrible and I'd rather stay 34 forever (or at least drastically slow my aging, like if there were serious side effects I could take one every two days and effectively double my longevity).

I'll be my age forever, perfectly ok with that. Make taking the bum pill part of a daily exercise routine.

Sure. By mouth, by butt, by injection, by patch, whatever. Yes.

I’d be taking them two at a time!

Get a day younger for the double dose.

First dose is $3, second dose is $300.

I would be saving up all year to get a week younger as a treat

You would have all the time in the world to get as young as you like.

What kinda question is this? I already take plenty of pills daily, I would do much worse things to not age.

I'm old enough that my doctor shoved a tube the size if a garden hose up my ass and cut off six polyps from my large intestine. A suppository a day keeps the death away? Yeah, sign me up.

Okay, but now the suppository causes polyps in the large intestine as a side effect.

If I take 2, would that stop aging for one day and then reverse for another? Because I'm gonna need about 20 years worth of those up my ass, stat!

That depends, does it prevent me from dying at a normal age? If so fuck that I don't wanna outlive everyone I know and care about. If it just keeps me looking and feeling young, then sign me tf up my guy.

But, did you consider you also get to watch all your enemies get old and die? I'm so glad I get to hear that Trump died at some point. Hopefully soon...

I'd take it even if it was a "put it into the cut in your arm" form

I am disturbed is that something like the back of your elbow?

I just meant to say that an eternal life in exchange of putting something up my ass is too easy of a decision. So I imagined how far i'd go, and I would be ok even with a permanent wound I have to poke every day. Because that's a fucking eternal life!

Yes. Is the drug harvested from the brains of hyper intelligent whales from another planet? If so, then hell yes.

What if you take two?

No more effect than taking one - otherwise some people might opt to make it a once a week thing and then the question is less interesting.

Will it be simply cosmetic event or would it involve preserving the integrety of your internal organs?

If it's the second: welcome to Groundhog Day, except the rest of the world moves and you stay still.

You aren't aging so it's preserving the integrity of your organs. But it's not a time machine pill and everyone can buy and use it if they want, so it's not a Groundhog Day situation.

Your brain actively changes in order to acquire new information. If the drug preserves the integrity, when you close your eyes, it's a reset.

Thus, Groundhog Day.

Ahh I see what you mean. The pill is able to both allow you to continue to learn new information and develop normally while preventing negative age related effects like dementia from forming. Of course in reality there would likely be some contradiction there, but I'll just wave my hands and say the pill has magic fairy dust (harvested from happy fairies who are happy to share it so there's no ethical considerations there).

Let's allow the magic dust, then.

I don't think I would. Perhaps for a few years, at most, but at some point you would find yourself feeling alone and tired. Even with the possibility of stopping to take the pills at any moment.

As we lose loved ones, friends, relatives, our world shrinks. And that is something you have to carry for the entirity of your existence, the longing for people you lost or were deprived of. Or it could just be you to be forgotten by others.

Eternal youth is a burden because you would age nonetheless but only inside your skull. It takes a special kind of person to deal with "immortality" and not turn cynical or callous, assuming that at a given point you wouldn't just simply lose your sanity.

This is a recurring theme in literature and the outcome is usually the same: immortals long for the rest denied to them, as the world moves forward with complete disregard for their longing of what was and disappears.

No one has ever had to deal with this so we have no idea of knowing what psychological effects would occur. “It’s been explored in literature” does not have the same meaning as “it’s been the subject of a double-blind study”.

I think most “ooh it would be bad to be immortal actually” is just copeium - people convincing themselves they don’t want something because they can’t have it anyways, so it’s less of a blow when they can’t get it.

To the detriment of hard science, there are experiments that shoul not, can not and will not ever be more than thought experiments.

It's not very difficult to gauge how external change affects us. Unless we have a very special "wiring" in our minds, it breaks us in an over elaborate death by a thousand cuts.

Many people who lived long and fruitful and well lived lives left behind tellings, especially in the form of diaries, on how they missed that person, or pet, or place or something else. And this is something any human being can easily relate to.

Eternal youth would turn cruel to those having it.

We lose people we care about all the time during life and most of the time we don’t want our lives to end because we lost our friends, family or even lovers. If anything, it gets easier to accept loss as you get older. There’s no reason to think that trend would reverse.

Are you trying to convey we grow indifferent to loss or just accept it more easily or just develop better ways to keep our feelings to ourselves?

Over an average life span of 75 years we may lose, let's average, around 35 meaningful persons.

Now lets scale that figure twice, three, four times. Or even more, because who knows what other nefarious effects the sense of immortality would have on our psyche?

At some point it would grow enough on any sane person having to cope with losing one loved one after the other.

How are we losing these loved ones? Are you assuming you're the only person getting these pills?

Acts of violence, fortuit events, acts of god, etc.

Death comes for us in many fashions.

So why do you suppose we would be losing so many more people over some reasonable span of time if it's only the unusual that is killing them?

Your opinion on this isn't very coherent. I suspect it is more tied to an emotional reaction more than some objective reason. You may want to explore why.

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Neither - we learn to accept that loss is sad, but ultimately something we can’t prevent, and therefore we become more accepting of it. We learn that everything is temporary, so we learn to appreciate the things and people we enjoy while we have them, but we also learn to let those things go when we lose them.

You’re right that we don’t know what effect immortality would have, but given how, on average, the elderly react to the loss of their friends compared to how the young react to the loss of their friends, we should surmise that it would be easier to deal with the losses, rather than harder.

everything is temporary

Exactly because we are aware of our finitude. Remove that and it's an entire new horizon.

The way this experiment is proposed, the magic pill would deliver eternal youth, thus, immortality, which would erase that mental coping mechanism we develop throughout our lives as we diminish one day after the other.

I'd risk such pill would create a conflicting notion of wanting always something new but without the possibility of losing anyone or anything relevant to the individual. One loss, any loss, would be much more detrimental.

As a species, we are a living paradox. We have huge brains capable of abstraction and inovation but we crave the confort of familiarity and stability, of routine, as change brings uncertainty and fear.

If at some point we are able to extend our life expectancy to the hundreds of years, it will be an entire evolutionary step to take, created by ourselves. The strain on our minds will be immense.

Now you’re being internally inconsistent. You explained that it would be bad because we’d live together but would be sad because we’d lose our loved ones, but now you’re saying that it would be bad because we wouldn’t lose our loved ones. Why wouldn’t we learn that the things in our life are temporary just because we wouldn’t die of old age? We’d still lose pets, we’d have fleeting moments, etc. exactly the same way, the fact that our lives would last forever wouldn’t change the fact that we would learn that nothing else is temporary.

Kids deal with their first experience of true loss all the time, and even with their underdeveloped brains and lack of emotional understanding, they’re capable of dealing with the loss and moving on. Your claims have no basis in reality and are pure conjecture. You’re absolutely welcome to your opinions and free to express what you think would happen in any way you like. My problem is that you seem to think that your opinions are somehow more based in reality than the opinions of others. None of us know what the impacts would be, it’s as simple as that.

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He's trying to say that humans with unlimited time would become masters of many things

They'd have to practice every skill regularly. Any skill you gain if you don't keep it up you'll lose it over time. Sure it'll be easier to pick back up again but you won't do it anywhere near you did the last time

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I would take it just so my body doesn't deteriorate but I don't want to delay death either. Need more info.

Without hesitation. I'd happily become Hayden from Doom and live indefinitely as long as my consciousness is a continuity of the original.

I mean like, give me true immortality, I will willingly experience the heat death of this universe / big snap / w.e, and welcome the new universe.

If I take 2 a day could I go back in time?

No. I guess the idea with the question is more around how often you'd take the pill. People can extend their lifetimes already by exercising and eating healthy, but how often do they keep that habit every day. If the pill only worked for one day at a time, how often do you think you'd skip taking it because you'd only age one day and you had a really busy day?

Guess I'll take a bunch of aging pills and look at my future self then use anti aging pills to go back.