'We're Gonna Be Up Your Ass': CNN Plays Shocking Voicemail Sent to Anti-Jordan GOP Rep's Wife

Flying Squid@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 523 points –
'We're Gonna Be Up Your Ass': CNN Plays Shocking Voicemail Sent to Anti-Jordan GOP Rep's Wife

McCaul went on to call the tactics despicable and added, “If this is the level of my party, I think it’s in the gutter and we need to get out of the gutter right now.”

Hey, McCaul - you can get out of the gutter any time you want. If that is the level of your party, and you continue to carry water for them you are complicit.

I have an idea. He can vote for Hakeem Jeffries. Just a thought.

If people of good conscience actually want to eject American Fascists from their party, that's about the only way to do it at this point.

I wonder if they could vote secret ballot if Hakeem would win.

Yeah he can switch to the Democrats. Democrats already shown you can be any party you want to after being elected.

I wasn't talking about the Democrats at all.

Threats of violence, sounds like a Jordan MOB call. Guess Jimmy hasn’t changed his attitude much since helping to orchestrate January 6th for Trump, voting against election results, defending Trump during his impeachment, opposing Trumps investigations, voting to repeal the Affordable Care Act, backing Trumps ridiculous Mexican border wall, backing Trump's efforts to roll back regulations on environmental regulations, financial regulations, and labor regulations... etc etc etc

It definitely sounds like a mob threat. "We hear you're not voting our way. That makes Mr. Jordan mad. You don't want to make Mr. Jordan mad."

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Oh, they said that they "weren't violent like the left" before threatening to sexually assault her.

They're on base, and you can't tripple-stamp a double-stamp, no take-backs, etc.

These fuggin' morons think (just like Trump) that using the magic words "non-violent" is a free pass to say whatever stupid and horrible shit they want without consequences.

Just like the magic words "I'm not racist but"

Me, the only bottom in a large orgy with a collection of gay daddy bears, expertly maintaining my heterosexuality: "no homo"

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Guys, it's okay - the lawmaker was only threatening to molest the wife nonviolently.

Anyhow as a woman apparently her body has ways to prevent molestation if she doesn't want it

Hey, you really need to cite your source.. It's only fair republican congressman Todd Atkin gets credit for his research and conclusions here.

Tapper's face was priceless when he specifically said the message was edited to conceal who the lawmaker was and who the wife was, and then his guest immediately said who it was.

We aren’t like the left. We aren’t violent…you’re going to be fucking molested like you can’t ever imagine.

You forgot to add, as an after thought, "not violently"

Gently fucking molested, I guess.

I guess Fox news and other right wing outlets are saying the left is violent? It wasn't the left I saw trying to overturn American democracy on Jan 6th...with lots of violence.

I am sure the right has spun the Jan 6th people as being peaceful tourist-because they have. The rights leader is an orange liar.

These people still think entire cities are smoldering craters from BLM. I wish I were joking but I have to listen to this shit sometimes.

Fascists have to accuse the left of being violent or they have no cover to be violent against the left.

The left doesn't need to lie about the fascists, the fascists are violent and that's just basic facts.

Didn't one of these die hard "America First" Republicans stab a little boy to death in front his mother like not even a week ago? It's clear who's violent.

It's like a shitty ouroboros of pedophiles abusing other pedophiles

"You're gonna be fucking molested..NON VIOLENTLY!"

What the fuck is this crackhead.

"See, I meant it peacefully your honor."

Wow this call is insane. New Republican low. Set.

How could the dumbest idiot think this was a good idea or that it would be effective except as a backfire?

Whoever told him to do this was very clear to remind the caller to not announce any acts of violence, to keep it all non-violent. And he was like "uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay 'we're going to be up your ass molesting you, non-violent, non-violent'"

Nailed it

It'll take a fair bit to go lower than Jan 6 and the spineless kowtowing that followed.

I'd just call this on brand at this point.

What happens when people in politics who only know how to deposit donors money into their checking accounts, try "negotiating" from a position of non-leverage?


Why would the Democrats do this?!

I wanna know why Obama hired this person to give a bad name to good ol country boy Jim! /s

Leave Obama out of this. These are clearly Anti-Fa Satanists!

What do you mean!? Everyone knows Obama is a Muslim Anti-Fa Satanist dijon eater in a tan suit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The proof is in the terrorist fist-bump.

Obama is just a puppet. You heard the voicemail, this guy said "We are Antifa now" this is clearly a Soros funded BLM crisis actor trying to sow chaos and damage public perception of republicans. We would never threaten a woman. She has every right to feel safe in her kitchen amongst the survivors of her 12 school age children.

Claims to be a supposedly radical and violent left wing group... Threatens them because they won't vote for Jordans.

I mean even for Republican standards this is sad -- they try to at make sense with their internal attacks.

“Well, this shows you the level of political discourse in this country now — ” McCaul began before Tapper interrupted.

Seriously what an asshole. Doesn't matter what they do, they always find a way to blame the Democrats.

I fucking love it when they eat each other.

For people who stuff themselves into plate carriers and parade around with rifles bleating about "tyranny", they sure do get upset when you don't line up to felate their tyrants.

They courted this. Did they not see that one day it would backfire on them?

Conservatives by default assume they're one of the special people in the imaginary hierarchy.

It's why even the poor ones always have so much disdain for "others" being helped. Even when that might also benefit themselves. Because now that "other" is potentially being elevated to a similar status.

Or even more simply, these idiots got main character syndrome and we all get to suffer for it.

Wild that this person claims to be antifa (the Boogeyman) but can't keep it up as they can only spout the garbage right wing messages.

Thsi being a false flag by Reps and right-wingers really doesn't surprise me. These guys have seemingly infiltrated sides since Obama era

My impression was he heard about Antifa burning down cities and attacking the capitol, and now he's threatening to become like that. But strictly nonviolently, of course.

Yeah he's not saying he is antifa, he's saying he will now become what he associates with antifa (destruction, anarchy, etc. Etc.)

To be clear McCaul, the faction you are referring to are the MAGAts supporting Trump. You know, the supposed second coming of Jesus you’ve been supporting. He has taken the GOP into the gutter. The GOP was shit before but now they are absolutely traitorous scum sucking shit bags.

Move on him like a bitch. Don't ask, just imprison. When you're a judge, they let you do it.

Republican congress people in our red area are scared shitless of the many violence prone MAGA crazies.

the asshole on the phone speaks for everyone who votes for Republicans

Do we have an active LeopardsAteMyFace community? Because those leopards are definitely eating good.

Deranged. Just a bunch of angry words that demonstrate absolutely no understanding of anything.