Who, in your opinion, is the most annoying character in any game?

Dr. Coomer@lemmy.world to Gaming@lemmy.ml – 52 points –

Personally, it's Faith from Farcry 5 for me. Uninteresting dialog that can be summed up to "I was bullied once" and that's it. Literally every other character is so much more interesting. Jacob gives you a sequence where you run through a gulag which he then uses against you, John tries to kill you and is openly hateful towards you plus is a character you get to interact with, and Joseph is a lunatic who was right.


Do you go to the cloud district often? Oh what am I talking about, of course you don't!

Fucking Claptrap......

Naaaaw, I love him! He's just a misunderstood ADHD robot without friends. Cut him some slack!

Did you play his sidequest with getting people to come to his birthday party in Borderlands 2?

I actually named my home server claptrap. My desktop is chappie (from the movie of the same name, with another anthro robot).

I did, I played all the borderlands until the third (which I just couldn't put up with) multiple times and he just annoyed the piss out of me constantly xD

Wdym "another"? Claptrap isn't an anthro robot lol. He's a trash can with feet for hands (and I love him)

I agree, but I do think that is kind of the point with him.

I do not get every other character's willingness to overlook it and treat him like just another quirky member of the gang. I mean, Tanisha has no social skills but she's at least clever and has some clear utility to the Raiders.

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Navi from Ocarina of Time.

Literally the Clippy of Zelda.

"Hey! Listen!"

How about shut the fuck up you stupid firefly from hell?

Whenever I replay OOT I never have a problem with Navi. She rarely hard interrupts, usually just a short tone and flashing C button that goes away after a few seconds. The voice lines only trigger if you press the button to call her, in most cases the hints she gives are genuinely helpful, and stays out of your way for the vast majority of the game.

Fi from skyward sword though..... Far worse because she does interrupt gameplay, often repeats what the last dialogue box just fucking told you, and takes several dialogue boxes to tell you what Navi would have taken one to do. I'm glad they significantly overhauled her interactions in the HD release but I'm still going to be hesitant to play that game again

Fi is SO ANNOYING! Skyward Sword has some really excellent bits but Fi is just way too heavy handed.

Watch me dance while I sing in my annoying voice while my mouth opens and closes at inappropriate times!

Yeah Navi is much less intrusive than people remember, she was really well done. And yeah Navi is concise and has a little personality whereas Fi is rambling and repetitive and just completely emotionless (yeah I know lacking emotion was intentional but that doesn't make it enjoyable)

People probably remember the memes more and it replaced their real memories.

Zelda's ghost in Spirit Tracks is even worse. She explains logic that a 5 year old could figure out. "Now we should go over there and do the obvious thing! I'm going to explain this over several sentences making you wait and click through them all!"

Bloody Paimon. (Genshin Impact)

And this is coming from someone who still logs on frequently. All I want is to mute her.

Paimon has that obnoxious Elmo complex. Sing-songy PLUS can't speak in the first person.

there's a character from Trials of Mana who talks like that & drives me wild. some people switch to the japanese voice cuz of how bad the VA is

What?? Faith might be the only interesting character in the whole FC series. I don't think you understand the character's backstory at all, TBH. The original Faith was the Seeds' sister who died young, so the brothers kidnap young women in the cult, drug them (I forget what the name of the drug is in the game), and convince them that they're Faith Seed. Eventually that woman dies so they replace her with another. It's horribly tragic and, in my opinion, is leagues above the standard character writing of the Far Cry games

Yeah, I was puzzled when OP listed Faith as most annoying; I don't think they paid attention to the story.

I found her more interesting than many other Far Cry antagonists, let alone other video games characters.

Mr clippy. Word was so much more fun without him, word isn't very fun, without Mr clippy it might've been goty

That's a tricky one, but if I had to pick, maybe Ashley from Mass Effect. She's very insubordinate and disrespectful towards you, I hate her speciesism and (fittingly enough) she's a Bible thumping Christian, whenever she opens her mouth I wish I could eject her through the airlock. It doesn't help that you can't deny her joining the team or even kick her out, safe to say that whenever I get to Virmire I always kill her without even thinking twice.

I'm replaying the Arkham series and I'd forgotten that Ashley's VA plays Oracle. I couldn't figure out why I was getting annoyed every time she called Batman until I made that connection.

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The stupid talking book in It Takes Two. Practically destroyed any plot momentum the game had and that's if it wasn't beating you over the head with painfully obvious relationship advice.

I think the girl was even more annoying and creepy as fuck to boot.

That game should be called Children Ruin Everything.

I don't think I've ever finished watching a playthrough. I saw the scene with the stuffed elephant and noped out. Who is this game for? All these characters are terrible people.

It's for gamer couples who want a really well designed co-op game.

There's not really much else like it. Most other so called co-op games are just the single player game with a extra player and more bullet spongy enemies.

I'm not sure anyone can play it without rolling their eyes at the cutscenes and plot though.

I see none of you guys has played Resident Evil 4, otherwise we would be shouting "ASHLEY!" all together as one being.

I forgot about Ashley. Literally lost just about all my ammo in one section trying to save her.

I haven't played that in like 15 years and it was still the first game that came to mind. Mainly that one area. You know the one.

Navi from one of the Zelda games. “Hey!”

The Owl from OOT as well

Oh man, "did you want to hear this again?" Every single fucking time I would be mashing a to get through his dialog and press yes by accident. Every time...

Ahaha! Yes. So annoying!
I seem to recall navi being mostly skippable. But the owl having to say everything. But you would still button mash to try and skip, then end up having to see it all again

Old man checking in here. Yuffie from ff7 was the most aggravating character ever

I was on Team Yuffie until ::: spoiler ffvii spoiler she stole my fucking materia :::

Never played the original, but she is so annoying in the remake and her motivation to gather materia is razer thin.

Because of what you have to do to get her to join your party?

Literally every single character in the newest Pokemon game. The entire narrative is so god damned insufferable. I‘ll never buy another Pokemon game again unless it’s like Arceus and has less narrative.

Pokemon didn't grow up with it's player base. They try and keep the storylines Kid friendly, when I'd guess 70%+ of players are adults.

Black & White probably had the most "Adult" narratives of the series, delving into the slavery/forced labor a bit. I'd love to see the games delve into some more adult themes, but I doubt it will happen.

That sandwich dude is pretty good written tbh

If you’re talking about the sandwich vendors, they were the worst. Everything about interacting with ingredient or sandwich vendors is soulless.

No no, I mean this one story line with that guy that makes sandwiches to cure his mastiff!

You’re right, those vendors were as soulless as my red-haired ex.

Natalya in Goldeneye.

My friends and I called all annoying companion/escort characters “Buttfuck”. Natalia was the buttfuckiest Buttfuck.

Easily the rival in the early Pokémon games. Being so annoyingly cocky and full of themselves just to get wiped by my party's first slot Pokémon every single time... Bruh, just get a grip on reality, would you?

The way they were infuriating motivated the player and makes it satisfying when you beat them, so being annoying was absolutely the right choice. The last Pokemon games I played were on DS where your "rivals" were nice and supportive and non-annoying and they were boring and I would have fastforwarded them if I could have.

That shithead skeleton from Undertale. If I an ever forced to play that game, it's all genocide all day, idc that it's the hardest mode. That game looks like ass and its fans are insufferable, but that fucking little skeleton deserves to be ground up and snorted.

Handler. Everyone's shovelling coal into the furnace to keep from freezing to death, she's making roasted yams, and then eats them in front of everyone who is collapsed from exhaustion.

Everytime I kill the monster, she's like, "Yay! We did it!"

Wyll and Gale from BG3 were both suuuuuuper boring companions.

I had a bit of an inverse experience between the two. My gut reaction to Wyll was good, but his story made me dislike him, but Gale I disliked off the bat but came to appreciate after a bit of dialogue.

Wyll's act 3 content feels so stupid, where he suddenly starts ego tripping and becomes less and less likeable. "The blade of avernus" my ass

Yeah for real, its almost impressive to give them the storylines they had but make them just so boring compared to big K

I thought they were both delightful, but neither's storyline had the emotional payoff that something like Shadowheart's or Karlach's had.

Borderlands 3 whatever that new siren girl's name is

There were 2 characters in BL3 that were annoying, and no not the twins. Ava and Lorelei. Both extremely annoying.

There's just so many characters whose entire presence makes me go "please shut the fuck up" that it's hard to pick just one. Like yeah pretty much anybody would sell Preston Garvey to Satan for half a donut, but there are just so many other annoying characters...

The first that comes to mind is the entire crew in Pikmin 4, and particularly Collin. Those little chatterboxes never ever shut up or cease giving you advice on things you already know how to do. I hate them so much.

I wont downvote you but you cant stop me from doing this: ☹️

Haha, sorry. They just drove me up the wall. Somebody else in this thread besmirched a character I like though so I know the feels.

Coming back to revise my answer. It’s definitely FF7 Chadley.

Screwball in Spider-man for ps4/ps5. Everything about the character and challenges was just.... not fun, and felt like such a waste of time

The challenges in the DLC was straight bullshit most of the time.

And I always hated what Spidey said whenever he didn't get gold on any of them. Like why do you actually give a shit? She's an actual insane person.

Tatsu from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a really annoying little dude. I watched my buddy play through and every time he said anything he’d tell the tv “shut up Tatsu.” It’s arguably more aggravating because the game seems aware of his annoyance since one of the main characters is constantly suggesting she cook him into a dish to eat. I’d say that would be the best outcome.

Idr the little shits' name but the guide kid in Blade and Soul.

Since we're on the topic of Far Cry, pretty much every single character from Far Cry 6. The gameplay was fun but the story and writing was so incredibly bad that I had to force myself to complete story missions.

No one mentioned Noober from Baldur's Gate yet...

For me it’s Jessica Chobot replacing the journalist in Mass Effect 2.

Claire Redfield in darkside chronicles. I saw that ASS and that was the last I saw of it. Before Stellar Blade, there was Claire Redfield. Claire Redfield is awesome.

Hrm, tricky.

If I had to pick one, Zenos from FFXIV. Incredibly overdone - even in a japanese-game context - hero foil, always used at moments where his presence doesn't fit the tone and interrupts an otherwise consistent tonal progression.

He among other things wastes much of the catarsis of the story's ultimate ending in Endwalker by adding a 6-10 minute incredibly boring battle with a ton of exposition for no reason right in the middle of it.

Zenos. Zenos. Zenos.

I cannot update this enough. Just completed the Endbringer MSQ, and holy hell. His entire character, premise, every stupid monologue, every cutscene, his entire arc. Banal and awful. Felt like some 6yo on DBZ crack wrote his entire plotline.

I just searched for any reference of Zenos and I'm glad you posted this. His existence serves zero purpose in the story. Zero.

That is all, thank you!

Mel from MGS. The flirting and hero worship of a guy she'd only read about, too much

John Bradford from X-Com 2, he stopped me playing to tell me something he told me 100 times already.

Taion from XC3. He’s just… Edgy McEdgelord

Unpopular opinion but Wheatley from Portal 2 can go breathe vacuum.

Not a fan of Steven Merchant and felt his voice acting was of placeholder-quality. Made the game considerably less enjoyable to play through with him desperately trying to be funny.

I should look for a mod, because even Gilbert Gottfried would be less irritating.

His annoyingness is part of the core plot. The progression works excellently.

  • "This guy's an idiot"

  • "This guy's an idiot, but funny."

  • "Ok, too much of idiot guy, I want glados back."

  • "Oh, hi glados"

  • Idiot guy gets really annoying.

  • Hey glados, can we go kill idiot guy together?"


Tatsu from Xenoblade Chronicles X is a really annoying little dude. I watched my buddy play through and every time he said anything he’d tell the tv “shut up Tatsu.” It’s arguably more aggravating because the game seems aware of his annoyance since one of the main characters is constantly suggesting she cook him into a dish to eat. I’d say that would be the best outcome.

That girl in monster hunter world is SO BASIC.