Mark Hamill Unearths Trump-Bashing Tweet From Taylor Swift That’s ‘Aged Remarkably Well’ to politics – 513 points –
Mark Hamill Unearths Trump-Bashing Tweet From Taylor Swift That’s ‘Aged Remarkably Well’

This article could've been a PNG

But you’d miss this the part where they mention that trump claimed he made Taylor swift “so much money” and that she’d be “disloyal” if she supported Biden “like she did in 2020.”

What the fuck is that geriatric diarrhea bag even referencing.

But on the whole, yeah. Huffingron post is basically twitter news. Which is…fucking insane.

Alas, the website only has a text LLM to generate content.

I think in basketball they call that an alley oop.

Just needs to bring it up to date to include:

  • legally adjudicated rapist and serial defamer
  • indicted on 91 criminal felony counts

What other bullet points are we missing? The list is so long, just got to hit the highlights.

Well, I can't say I can name even one of her songs, but if she triggers magats and has Luke Skywalker on her side, then I guess it's time to get Swiftie in here or whatever.

I have heard literally one of her songs and only because I was being paid to write a parody of it, but based on her overall behavior, she seems like she's better than pretty much every other billionaire out there. Admittedly a low bar, but still something.

There was a pandemic era interview of her that was really poignant and insightful. She knows and things about quite a lot. Her Midnights album had a lot of self criticism and reflection, and she's commented a lot more about unfair gender norms.

She also kept a music store in Nashville afloat during the pandemic, and she's really generous about health insurance and bonuses. Her truckers for her tour got $100k in just bonuses.

I'm a fan. I think as far as billionaires go, she's achieved it in the only ethical manner possible. Being a global music sensation is pretty much the only way to do so -- if she has even just 100,000,000 fans globally, each just needs to spend $10 for her to make a billion. And honestly, I don't think that fan number is that off.

Sure, she makes and made mistakes. She's human. But all in all, I quite like her. I'm biased certainly, I grew up listening to her music. I listened to it a lot through a lot of loneliness, and at some of my lowest points, I was listening to "this is me trying" daily (and "beautiful" by Eminem, an odd pair to be sure).

I'm a 29 year old man and I'm happy to call myself a Swiftie haha

I give her props for writing her own songs in an age where everyone on the radio uses the same five ghostwriters.

Just wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed reading your take on Swift. Thanks for sharing. ☺️

Rowling used to be my example of a good billionaire, then she went all TERF-y.

Rowling earned her billion ethically -- she just turned out to be a unethical person, and it wasn't known until much later.

Alongside Taylor Swift it highlights the only way to ethically be a billionaire -- mass global popularity. When you have 100,000,000 fans, and each of them spend just $10 on a book or album, you make a billion.

>Rowling earned her billion ethically

citation needed

She famously wrote books that sold well and then she sold rights to movies and video games based on those books which got her even more money.

If you're saying that is unethical then the onus is on you to tell us how.

Just want to throw out there that those were fantastic video games too! Goblet of Fire and sadly Deathly Hallows were fairly sucky adaptations, but all of the others were amazing, high quality games.

I recommend everyone pay them, but given that Rowling is a TERF, you'll want to pirate them.

copyright is immoral

copyright is immoral

citation needed

I don't think copyright is inherently immoral. I think it's good to have at least a temporary monopoly on a piece of creative work that you've made. The important word here is temporary. The way it's set up right now, copyright protection lasts too damn long.

Unless it’s a multigenerational collaboration then yeah it should protect the creators relationship to their work in their lifetime, but that “happy birthday to you” nonsense is stifling.

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people share stories. it's natural and good. copyright is a government enforced monopoly that prohibits sharing. it's immoral.

The gubmint isn't forcing you to only sell your stories. If you want, you can upload your stories on a website for free.

But you don't get to tell people how they should distribute their creation. That's some authoritarian bullshit.

You dont need to sell stories to share them.

But with copyright you don't get to make that decision, the copyright holder does.

I definitely dont. Ive shared a fuckload of stories without ever consulting the copyright holder.

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Oh you're one of those people, living in delulu fantasy land.

personal attacks are expressly prohibited in this community.

This means you’ve been reported already. Be prepared.

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Not inherently, but the way it's currently set up sure is.

Is it immoral for an artist to charge money for their art?

no. it's immoral to tell people they can't share it. sharing is good.

We have entire facilities with the sole purpose of sharing books. You can buy a book and lend it to whoever you want.

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Check out some of her re-releases. 1989 Taylor's Version is pretty solid all the way thru.

The new songs she's added with it are really really good too. "You are in love" is I think one of my favorite love songs ever.

She also has the Joker on her side though :/

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An article...about a tweet...quoting another tweet.

I mean, it's mildly interesting, but I don't know that this is really news.

The page also doesn't load for me. Probably because I block so much bullshit. Don't know the quote, don't care. Time to keep scrolling 🤣

An article…about a tweet...from a celebrity…quoting another tweet...from a celebrity...from half a decade a political discussion forum.

Yeah, but to 70 million people watching Fox News tonight, Luke Skywalker, who worked for the woke, child-grooming, deepstate, communist Disney coporation, is a socialist libtard. It's going to be a global headline and breaking news.

Trump, meanwhile, has claimed he made Swift “so much money” and argued she’d be “disloyal” if she supported Biden, like she did in 2020.

Buzz word disloyal Means a green light to followers.

MAGAts: "Y'all hear what Trump wants us to do?"

Thomas Edison: "I'm deaf in one ear and I heard that."

Beethoven: "Tommy, my boy, I'm deaf in both ears and I know what he meant."

Helen Keller: Yeah, it's clear as day what he's saying.

Duff man says a lot of things. If you are still listening your brain will just stay hurt. Ignore the trolls.

Apparently she secretly coached her boyfriend to win the Superbowl or something

Oh absolutely. Without help from a pop star there's no way the professional football player would know what to do.

Didn't everyone already know even before 2016 that he was a narcissistic rapist with the IQ of a damp rag?

Yes. Unfortunately, that's exactly what Repubs want.

America is a country that rewards sociopathy, and conditions its citizens to think that the most heartless among them are the most awesome.

A lawyer for damp rags is gonna make a killing off the defamation suit they're preparing against you.

No problem. I'll just apply to run for president, then claim the process is in the way of my getting elected.

Yeah but now we also know that he routinely shits himself as an expression of dominance.

Other than her songs she literally has not said anything about politics this round but everyone is freaking the fuck out.

So much stupidity

Other than her songs she literally has not said anything about politics this round but everyone is freaking the fuck out.

So much stupidity

They fear her potential, so they try for a pre-emptive strike.

Insecure conservative men truly fear and dread women who hold their own power.

You missed this part:

this round

Her original tweet is from 2020.

One would assume that she hasn’t changed her mind on the matter.

It was a good opinion, so I hope she didn't change it.

But it's irrelevant to the fact that she didn't express it.

Ass U Me, that all ya do make an ass out of you and me, isn't it?

Trump tards are so blinded that they don't realize they're the ones doing the job for her.

Mark Hamill is a treasure, but why can't he be on Mastodon? George Takei has 420k followers, and he could too.

Because Trekkies understand Tech and Warries understand Religion.

Star Trek: mostly hard sci-fi

Star Wars: fantasy space opera with magic powers

hard sci-fi


Mean for hundred of years in the future it may be hardish sci fi...they at least use made up words to explain things rather than just saying it works. Though I do agree, it's no The Expanse (minus the gateways), Altered Carbon (without the consciousness put on a chip), Battlestar (without the teleporting)...wait not sure what the reasoning was. Those were just some of the first hard sci fi hits from Google for me.

Though Star Trek is more out there for sure, in not sure it's much worse than others...maybe transporters being the worst for the category.

It's aggravating that Twitter is still treated as the public square when half of the public has abandoned it.

Even with a mountain of earned media (AKA free publicity), loosening restrictions and enforcement on bot accounts and trolls, and tens of billions of dollars of new investment, It's dropping rapidly off the social map. It's less popular than Instagram, Telegram, Weibo, and Facebook Messenger (not Facebook - Facebook Messenger). Every time I see a news article promoting it I cringe. When I see people who should know better sticking around to prop up the dying platform it's beyond disappointing.

At it's height there were twitter accounts for something like 1/4 - 1/3 of the population in most developed countries. That is huge, but it was never the universal adoption that heavy users seemed to think it was.

It generated/generates news because it's easy to see and short enough to digest quickly, not because it's a representative sample.

hehe… Hamill does a better Luke Skywalker IRL than anything anyone could write in the last 25 years.


1999’s Luke Skywalker and the Prisoner of Azkaban?

I'm so sick of seeing her name. I don't care what celebrities think about politics, they're either part of the ruling class or are a willing servant.

Swift puts out more carbon than hundreds, maybe even thousands of other people. I couldn't care less what she thinks about trump. Yes he's an asshole that I want breaking rocks in prison, but you really don't deserve input.

I disagree. She's got a platform that reaches people. If this is the thing that pushes younger people to get out and vote against Trump, then I'm all for it.

Do I think it's short-sighted to vote on what a celebrity says? Sure, and I wouldn't do it. But I'm also interested in US politics, and a lot of people aren't/tune it out. I'm not looking a gift horse in the mouth if this is where people find their motivation.

Mark Hamil can go take a luke skywalk

Look at the date. Oct 8.

On Oct 7, Hamas launched the surprise attack on Israel. The Israel military response didn't even start until the end of October. I take no issue with someone expressing their support on Oct 8.

He says #Always

This man is 3 years younger than israel itself. If he doesn't know anything about it by now he should shut up about it. He helped manufacture consent for genocide.

As much as nobody here supports the genocide in Gaza, you can still be supportive of the families of Israeli civilians that were murdered on Oct 7th without selling your soul.

That's not what his tweet says whatsoever.

He says he supports israel. Not "My thoughts and prayers for the innocent civilians killed on october 7".

What Hamil does is like saying you support Hamas instead of saying you support supporting Palestine.

Yeah, and how many teen couples will tell you they will always love each other?

Exaggeration is a thing.

You know how Zionists say they will always unconditionally support israel, And then when israel does genocide again they still unconditionally support israel?


Yea... I don't respect Musk enough to care about his dumbass rebranding.

Yeah my comment was meant to be interpreted as "who the hell is still using that shitty website?"

The links in the article point to Twitter, therefore, Twitter is the website as far as I'm concerned