What is a fun childish thing you still do as an adult?

toodles@midwest.social to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 404 points –

For me, it's sticking my hand out of the window of a moving car. Whether I'm driving or not, I love having the windows down and waving my hand in the wind. I've loved it since I was a child and I'll never stop doing it!


I still ride my loaded grocery cart down the parking lot to my car after each trip. It’s the little things in life.

Hell yeah! I thought I was the only person who did that. It's fun and efficient.

On a similar note, they make healies in adult sizes. Got a pair for my 21st as a gag gift, and ended up using them to walk my dog all the time. He's a lil guy, but hes a dense 15lbs of muscle and he could pretty easily pull me up to that "oh shit" speed.

I remember there being a guy in one of my college classes who’d roll down the aisle of the lecture hall on healies to his seat everyday. What a legend.

I love skating in the parking lot with an empty shopping cart! But since I had a little unhappy accident I'm a bit afraid of using a cart full of groceries.

I don't trust people who don't do this at least once per shopping trip.

Wait....adults don't do this? Shit, my parents always did, and I do because it's faster than walking xD

Walking/balancing on curbs, retaining walls, downed trees in the forest - pretty much anything.

Yup. Do that too like when I'm walking through a parking lot or something. Keeps me feeling young!

Running up stairs on all fours, like a monkey I am 40 years old

Congrats on still being able to bend over at 40! I'm 2 years from 30 and everytime I bend over something pops lol.

If you're not stretching daily, you're gonna hate life. I'm also not stretching daily so uhhh do as I say not as I do? Lol

I can recomend to do just something easy. Find easiest and shortest routine (that lasts 2 minutes, literally) and do it in the morning.

Since I startet it, I feel much much better. It is not like full exercise, but at least muscles don't hurt as much.

I do:

  • Head and Shoulder Rolls x5 to each side
  • Hip Circles:l x5 to each side
  • Arm Circles x5 to each side
  • squats x10
  • some others similar warm up exercises when I feel like it (ex. malasana squat)

Idea is to move every muscle in my body. It is not hard, lasts 2-3 minutes but makes my day few percents nicer.

You should add in toe touches, everyone should be able to touch their toes without bending at the knees. I recommend bending you're knees, touch your toes, straighten your knees out till you feel the stretch, hold for a few seconds, do like 10 times.

It's not that often that I'm in a car I'm not driving anymore, but when I'm a passenger you can bet your ass I'm imagining a little ninja dude running along side the car, doing sick ninja flips over stuff on the side of the road.

I thought I was the only one that did this! Glad to know there are others out there!

I have summers off from work (am a teacher), which I COULD be using to get tons of errands done, renovating the house, working out, etcetc. However, I am currently spending it sleeping in, playing too many video games, staying up late, crafting, reading, etc, which is exactly what I did during summer as a kid as well. It's been nice :)

What kind of things do you craft?

Too many things, sporadically!

I tend to hop between different craft types randomly, depending on my current interest. But some of the ones I've enjoyed at various times the last year or so are crocheting (learning how to make little stuffed animals right now!!), watercolor and gouache painting, putting miniature kits together, origami, simple jewelry making, pottery, etc! :)

I don't get to do it much anymore, but watching cartoons on Saturday morning.

Oh man, Saturday morning cartoons just hit the spot! A bowl of cereal with the addition of a cup of coffee.

I discovered there’s giant 5 hour+ videos of entire Saturday morning cartoon blocks from all different networks from the 90s on YouTube. Complete with bumpers and vintage ads.

I have to be up early on Saturdays now because the baby doesn’t understand sleeping in so I put these on.

Mind sharing the name of the YouTube channel? Sounds like something future me needs tomorrow or Sunday morning :)

when you go shopping, push off with your trolley and pull yourself up to go for a little ride down an empty isle. 40m and I still do it

Came here to post something similar. I'm in my 30s but can't resist going for a little "cart-ride" in the parking lot when going back to my car.

I could never get those damn things to go straight for very far.

It slows you down a bit too, but you can steer by using one of your feet to create a bit of drag on one of the rear wheels. It's pretty intuitive because left makes you go left and right makes you go right.

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Me and my wife (no kids) have recently decided to do the 'stuff you enjoyed being a kid' type outings. Such as dino parks, castles, zoos, theme parks.

If you are an adult having kids is usually how you end up in those places and we decided just to do those things for ourselves.

You know, I don't think I've ever thought about your second point. That's a pretty great idea!

Have fun! It's even better if you can pay attention and don't have to manage the short attention span of the kids.

Sometimes when I drive into a roundabout I'll do a couple laps just for fun

I've never done this but reading this made me want to go do it next time!

Same! That roundabout happens to be right next to where we work on our racecar so it feels extra fun lol

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Sandwich biscuits (like Oreo and the likes, but there are plenty local brands) are extremely popular among kids where I live. I still eat them, the same way as I did as a kid: split them in halves, eat the filling-less halves, and then join the halves with filling so I get to eat biscuits with 2x more filling.

Oh thank god I'm no longer alone! Not that I probably was, I imagine tons of people do this, but I was the only one in my family that did. Whoo! There are at least two of us now!

Wait. What? I'm not the only one doing this weird shit, yay!

Happened so much they came out with double stuffed oreos.... to which I clearly still did the same and had "4x" the center

Running short distances for no particular reason. Like if I'm a short distance from the car and realize I forgot something in it, I'll run there and then run back.

Sometimes people are like "what's wrong?? why are you running??" and I'm just like why not? It's fun.

Mee too, preferably when no one watches though

Do you fling your arms back like Berry Goldberg?


I love my nuggies as much as the next self respecting autistic, but I've bitten into too many bones to stay with the dinos... Even if they'd slap with the air fryer now. 😢

Laser tag. Shit's great, the shine does get taken off somewhat when I do really well and rank top but all my opponents are small children and their parents look vaguely annoyed.

I did this one about three years ago with my niece for her birthday party and her friends. Just a few of us adults took part as everyone else thought it was too childish.

It felt great to scream and yell in the dark ... I became a squad leader, rounded up my team and got them to scream as loud as possible as we charged the enemy .. I also ran with my niece and ran cover for her .. had a total blast and I was completely exhausted at the end of it all. Nothing like playing games with a bunch of sugar intoxicated ten year olds.

I woke up the next morning and I couldn't stand up ... my thighs were completely crapped from having to crouch, walk and run for two hours the day before.

All completely worth it though.

I've found that I've been enjoying Archery Tag, also sometimes called Archery Games as a fun replacement for laser tag. It's basically dodgeball but with marshmallow tipped bows and arrows. Shits fun and great exercise.

Where do you get to do this? Saw it a few years back and forgot about it. Looks like so much fun!

I assume if you search on maps for archery tag it will pop up. Idk if there are facilities everywhere.

If you have a large family you can also just buy the equipment yourself for not like crazy expensive

Balance on random things when I'm walking. Also imagine racing my cart sometimes when I'm at the store.

Even though it's more of a stress reducer and to help me calm down, I like to snuggle and cuddle with my favorite stuffed rabbit. It also brings me back somewhat to when I was a kid and had tons of stuffed animals.

One of the girls I was dating forgot to hide her stuffed animals when I came over for a movie night. She was embarrassed, but I thought it was really sweet. It shows the more human aspect of people :)

When I started dating my current BF years later, and saw that he had two stuffed animals on his bed that he sleeps with each night, I knew he was a keeper!

That is really sweet. In the past, I've thought it was a little weird when adults have security blankets and stuffed animals they sleep with, but you are totally right that it shows their humanity. Everyone has a need to feel safe, especially at night, and if that comfort comes from a stuffed animal, so be it!

I still enjoy the movies and TV shows I watched as a kid. Doug, Hey Arnold, Brave Little Toaster, etc. They're great!

47 and I still try to get out to a skatepark at least twice a week.

No idea how long I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to make every session count.

You'd be amazed. You'll probably be doing it up to 60, as long as you don't injur yourself.

So, as long as I don't don't injure myself.... in 37 years of skating....

Are there any other options I could consider? Cause that ship sailed a long time ago :)

Honestly though, while its forced me to change my style of skating, I enjoy it as much now as I ever have. Learning new tricks, getting a solid whole body work out, meeting and hanging out with new people, it's all still there.

Holding a plate of food or a cup of coffee and pretending it is a spaceship flying through the air, dodging the chair, the table, the house plant, over the couch, down the canyon of the coffee table and chair and carefully up onto its landing pad at the end table. A few times I've had some near misses and hit a wing or the underbelly on an obstacle. Once or twice, I was witness to a terrible tragedy as I lost my ship as it spilled out onto the living room floor. Perhaps it was the lack of airplane noises that caused these terrible mishaps.

Holy moly me too!! Lol my wife is like really? Can’t help myself.

Happy to meet a fellow pilot. Don't over load your vehicle and keep your speed down. Stay safe out there .... Lol 😆

Breaking hard-boiled eggs on my forehead when having visitors. I'm 40 something.

Every once in a while when I’m out grocery shopping, I’ll buy a coloring book, Silly Putty or Play-doh. They’re soothing distractions and the smell of the crayons, putty and doh really take me back.

Also, if I’m a passenger in a car and it’s raining, I still play the “rain drop race” game on the window. Good times.

I still play with my old Legos, albeit very rarely.

I just bought new Legos!

What kit is it? It's been ages since I last got any new, my favourite one was the Bionicle series.

The plants and flowers. A cool way to decorate that doesn't die off and always a conversation starter. Also check out https://www.lightmybricks.com/.

Those Lego Pac-Man Arcade, Boutique Hotel and Orchid kits have my wallet running for its dear life :')

I know how you feel, Lego saw me (and all the other kids of the 80's) coming. Ghostbusters, DeLorean, Optimus... all they needed was a Knight Rider. They need to let up so I can contribute to my retirement fund again.

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Riding the grocery carts through the store if nobody is around to hit. Ive slammed into a display once, took almost 5 min to get it back together, and no employees came to help the entire time, but i dont blame them.

Costco is the best place to do this. Big heavy carts and huge parking lots for speed and distance. I always get a few smiles when people see a 40-ish year old man flying down the aisle.

My freezer doesn't go a summer without freeze pops/ice pops and it never will.

Yes! I’m knocking at the door of 40 and a few times each summer I’ll accidentally cut the corners of my mouth on a freeze pop. Reminds me of being a kid.

I (38 m) still have a blanky I sleep with - mostly because my cat will only sleep in my bed if it's there, she will (mostly) only sit in my lap if it's there and she pretty much just hangs out in whatever room it's in... Yeah... It's her blankly, I'm just its mode of transport to make sure she hangs out with me.

It probally smells like you, so when you are there and the blankie is there, its like its 2x you, which is what she likes.

I (47) still watch a lot of animation. Teen and up. Go back to Looney Toons now and again as well.

Me too... What surprises me is that I still enjoy them unlike other hobbies I had and lost the taste for.

Finger drum

I do this all the time! Whenever I'm walking I'll finger drum on my phone and/or wallet that are in my pockets. Or on the desk at work to whatever song is playing on the radio.

I always wanted a cat, but my parents never let me. Now I have two, and getting a third.

Also, I always wanted to wear colourful, pastel jfashion or edgy goth clothes, but I had neither the money or the style and now I wear both daily (sometimes at the same time, I guess)

Also dessert as dinner, video games whenever and playing Simba with the cats.

The best thing about being an adult is the freedom to do what you weren't able to as a child imo.

Buy stuffed animals. I sleep better when I have something soft to snuggle up against, and they work better than pillows since they're smaller, and also they're just very cute.

I’m a stay at home dad so I’m constantly playing house and building towers so my kid can knock them down. Good stuff.

The swings.

Some of my fondest memories are of swings. Not just from childhood either. I vividly remember an intense session in university, and another from only a few years back was special for a variety of reasons. And now, my daughter is just old enough to really start appreciating them. I don't think I'll stop swinging until I'm incapable.

Listening to bedtime stories, well now its audiobooks but its just the best way to fall asleep

TIL I must still be a child. I do most of the things mentioned.

During spring time when snow is melting I like to dig small ditches to drain puddles and watch the water flow. Some of my mountain bike trips take twice as long because I can't help but stop for every nice puddle

EDIT: Also run! From my house to car or shed to house etc. I could walk but running is faster and more fun. I don't get why adults only run to excersice.

I did this at a beach recently, which had a slow trickle of water from a nearby wetland. I dug it out and made the little creek run into the ocean. My SO sat on a log and was watching me, amused x3

There's an even bigger one down the beach, but all the kids use that one and I feel a bit too self conscious as an adult to play in that one (unless I have a lot of friends who also would like to try!)

I still make random noises for no reason

Same. Sometimes I have to tell myself firmly to shut up and concentrate on what I'm doing, but I never listen.

Never used to do this until I got into linguistics and now I find myself sometimes just randomly trying to produce an unfamiliar phone. Recently it's often been [ʕ] or some pharyngealised consonants since I've been looking more into Arabic

I like jumping in water puddles, been doing it for decades but I recently moved to a winter rainfall area so haven't had the balls

Hold my breath going through tunnels. This really backfired when I was on vacation in Hong Kong and went through a hella long tunnel. Did not know what I was signing up for.

a bit weird, as a kid I developed a habit of making "tape swords" by taking a long piece of clear tape and rolling it into a thin tube. I still do if if I find myself with a roll of tape, it's a good fidgeting tool.

Blowing soap bubbles and accidently spilling half of the fluid.


Master who?

Bates ... Mr Bates is a Master and we refer to him as Master Bates ... he is also a man of letters who is a cunning linguist.

This is more of a highschool childish, but occasionally I like to smoke weed and stay up till 3am playing video games. Then call in sick for work the next day of course

Snowmen. Still build one whenever there is snow.

I play pretend, two hand touch football, Frisbee, study ant hills, build snow forts, sandcastles, etc. Who said being an adult meant no fun would be had?

Leave the marshmallows to the end when I eat Lucky Charms... And still eating kid's cereal for breakfast.

I don't think I ever really stopped being a child, cuz I still do pretty much everything I did when I was 10. lol

I watch cartoons, I play with toys (mostly Lego) and video games, I blow dandelions, I do the hand out the window thing in a car, I'll dress up like a ninja and prowl around in the dark, etc.

Edit: Reading this a second time, makes it sound like I am Charlie from It's Always Sunny...

ITT: people climbing their stairs like a 4 legged animal

One thing I do that I have since I can remember is triple cut the slices on a frozen pizza so that each slice is a single bite. Makes the pizza extra good!

A few months ago, I was outside blowing bubbles with my 4 year old. She moved on to something else, but I kept it up for a while. I forgot how fun it is to watch them fly off and see how far they go!

Since I was a kid I've always run up and down flights of stairs and continue to this day. It is fun, it's a workout and I find walking far too slow.

Skip like a kid with a chocolate icecream. Sometimes I would jump and clap my feet together on the side. Makes my wife smile.

Daydreaming about dragons

The adult version of this is crafting your own DnD world, and personally I spend a lot of time considering how to craft the perfect little scaly friend to inhabit it

~I’ve~ ice cream for dinner!

Edit: not straight cream. Do even kids do that??

Trying to see if I gained superpowers like trying to shoot webs to see if I became spiderman.

Blowing the seeds off of dandelion flowers into the wind :)

What you now hear is the sound of a few generations of American dads weeping for their lawns

If you want a boring, pretty much dead monoculture of a patch of grass, you gotta work for it. ;) I think that real nature, including useful plants for bees and other critters have much more value. Children should play on lush meadows with flowers and interesting insects to discover, instead of a mentally and visually dull organic carpet, that is merely a facade for wannabe-perfection.

Totally agree with you. As small as my patch of lawn is, I've still thrown loads of clover, nasturtium, compost, etc. I'm trying to help it become a self-sustaining ecosystem, but I'll admit, I'm kinda winging it.

Play with swords.

I do historical reenactment in the SCA and the fencers use actual metal blades to fight. It's HEMA but with fun clothes and a ton of other optional activities like brewing and making our own coins (those are my chosen activities, but a lot of people do costuming, calligraphy, music, apothecary... the list goes on).

It makes my inner child so happy 😊

I like to go around on my rollerskates, idgaf how goofy it looks now it's fun to me.

I am still regularly traveling on all fours, especially up stairs

I jump up and touch the top of the doorframe when I'm passing through a door. Not every time. But probably more than half the time.

Play mario kart with a 9 year old

its fun

Kicking, stabbing, and otherwise destroying ant mounds! It's especially satisfying when you expose the eggs and get to watch the ants scramble to get them to safety!

Politically radicalize yourself. Right or left, it doesn't matter. It will give you a purpose, and even if it's lame, you will feel the adrenaline when you contradict with people you don't know on the internet.

Or make children, and you can have fun times with them, playing childhood games. Honestly, its hard with children, but it's also fun and wholesome. It was a life changer for me and my dull life.