We all know it's true

Wxnzxn@lemmy.ml to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1030 points –

And the comments section without FlyingSquid

Those 2 truly are the lemmyverse

Wait where is SatansMaggotyCumFart@lemmy.world is he safe is he alright?

Yeah I love Lemmy, but I feel like it's being held up by a few different people. I comment and even occasionally post to try and help with that, but it's kind of scary how much weight is on a few peoples' shoulders, and that's not even accounting for server owners and the devs

That's the way it is with every platform, you only have a comparatively small proportion of people who do a huge share of the posting.

Reddit has the advantage of being absolutely massive that the power posters is also still a huge number. I'd imagine even the biggest of entire Lemmy instances is smaller than some of the major subreddits, which personally I'm fine with. This emmy instance isn't some major corporation beholden to growing value for shareholders at all costs, but on the other end it still doesn't mean the admins can do everything without monetary or labor support from us.

I like to think I make a difference with my inane bullshit, but K O L A N A K absolutely has me beat. Can't even get top commenter on my small instance lol

The solution is to poach the best superusers from Reddit and get them to put their content here where it will be more appreciated.

To be perfectly fair, this is also the case even with real life friend groups, where there are generally that one or two friends who hold the friendship the most.

I try to post content, but I've found that it's certainly more clunky than submitting to reddit ever was. Share url to sync or jeroba isn't as smoooooth as submitting to reddit through RIF. I wish there was an easier way on desktop which is where I do most of my surfing.

Every time I submit something, it gets removed for not being in the proper community.

Like dude, the proper community doesn't exist and I don't have the time to mod a community!

I'm actually everyone else on Lemmy besides those two, running a few hundred accounts

Whatever. I'll still be here.

Edit: Jeez. My egotistical comment was beaten by 7 hours. https://lemmy.world/comment/10773740

Literally came here to say this. A few of you are keeping the place alive

No one cares about you πŸ™„ for the love of life. Get off it already... you even forced an emoji outta me, just to really get my point across /s

Sorry sorry, trying to be sarcastic-mean, not actually mean. Just wanted to rib poke for a second, but not at the expense of a person I don't know. I truly like seeing your activity around here; couldn't help myself though. Ya dick

I'm not great at sarcasm lol. I only wish the best for you, ya random squid πŸ™

Your sarcastic mean was sarcastic enough. Thanks and I wish the best for you too! :)

Upvote because gimp

Noticed the legendary pepper brush and immediately looked for this comment

I used to visit a classic forum like this. One person really carried the conversation and then suddenly disappeared and the forum died. Still have no idea what happened to them. Hope they just got bored or preoccupied with life.

It would be an age of anime content, because I'm going nowhere.

What! I applaud your effort in promoting Dungeon Menshi in literally every instance.

!dungeonmeshi@ani.social has been a huge success. And the monthly active user-count suggests there's plenty room for subscriber growth still.

Now that the season is over, I suspect the people who don't watch shows weekly will start joining, too. And season 2 will be even more great as then the community will already be around and have a user-base.

Can't wait.

To continue the conversation and at risk of being converted to another fandom, what is this? O.o?

Dungeon Meshi, or Delicious in Dungeon, is a renowned manga series by Ryoko Kui, and my personal favourite of all time.

The first half of an anime adaptation by Studio Trigger (of Kill la Kill and Cyberpunk Edgerunners fame) just wrapped.

It's about a party of adventurers that lose one of their members deep in a dungeon, right before using a return spell to get all but that one member back to the surface to safety.

Having lost most of their gear, provisions and all of their funds, they resort to the taboo of eating the monsters they kill as they delve back into the dungeon to retrieve the remains of their lost companion, so they might revive her.

The entire story takes place within just this one dungeon, and is a masterclass in extreme-detail world building and lore. The same goes for the characters.

The series starts off at a slow burn, masquerading as a comedy with unusually intricate worldbuilding, but slowly develops into a phenomenal fantasy story that dives deep into its characters.

Interesting. That sounds very interesting and up my partner and I's alley. Is the anime adaptation well done then I'm assuming? Is it worth delving into both?

Thanks for the information. We were looking for another anime to start watching!

The adaptation is fantastic. It even elevates some parts beyond what is possible in manga, taking full advantage of the way animation, sound and music allow for more complex expression of a narrative.

The manga is also great, and worth experiencing. Having read it in no way ruined the anime for me.

The story is so insanely full of details that even if you don't get into both manga and anime, whichever medium you prefer is worth watching/reading twice, just because you notice and put together new things on a second go.

Aha thank you for such succinct answers πŸ˜ƒ, we will be checking out the anime soon. We love double watching things because you really do often see a lot of the nuance that goes into it! Especially when it's very well built like this sounds to be! I'll definitely also check the manga myself!

It would be as disastrous as the impact to PC gaming when Gaben dies.

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It makes my nerd heart happy that the most prolific posters are Trekkies, that’s the internet I left reddit for.

I don't really know what drama caused it but when he stopped posting on c/risa@startrek.website it was a sad sad day.

No it wasn't.

Go check out the first few posts on !tenforward@lemmy.world to learn why. Essentially the startrek instance admin was power tripping, instance got abandoned by the main moderators and content contributors to get away from that.

I understand that but none of the replacements came close to matching the level of content and quality, risa used to always be popping in recent and I've not found any of the replacements (I subscribed to them all) to be anywhere near that. Not saying the action wasn't warranted (it probably was) but still sad.

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this thread made me realize lemmy is in more ways like the forums I used to frequent when I was younger (that is about 20 years ago fuck...)

Let's stop with the hero worshipping just because someone posts a lot. I saw Picard post a racist meme yesterday, heroes aren't perfect.

Please share the link to that post.


Note that the deer head and antler aesthetic is based on a number of depictions of w*ndigo that have gained popularity among white audiences and been heavily criticised for cultural appropriation.

"Cultural apropration" is a nothing burger championed by people who often have no ties to the culture that they claim needs their protecting. A white man speaking for indigenous american culture does not give indigenous americans more of a voice, it takes their voice away by revoking their ability to speak for themselves.

There's nothing wrong in speaking out for other groups for as long as it actually corresponds to the current needs of people inside the group, as defined by themselves.

This is what being an ally is all about.

But yes, one should better consult people on what they ask for in the first place.

I dunno mate, seems like I'm the only one in this thread who actually has a source from a native american. @Vytle@lemmy.world talks a big game about respecting native americans and elevating their voices, while denying the existence of the issues they care about and talking over them. Maybe Vtyle should try listening to the people they claim to represent instead of deciding what indigenous people think for them.

You are grouping all indigenous people together by saying "denying the existence of issues they care about and talking over them" I emplore you, who is "they"? Are you implying that all native Americans hold the same beliefs? That they are the same people? I also never claimed to represent native Americans. I would never speak for a culture or peoples I don't belong to.

No I'm not. You're just inventing nonsense reasons to "no u" this conversation and justify racism. You've read the accounts from the affected communities, because I linked them. You're just lying.

And here's a native american person saying not to culturally appropriate the w*ndigo: https://writingwithcolor.tumblr.com/post/171102081849/no-longer-taking-questions-involving-the-wendigo

Never mind the fact that the entire point of the meme is to say that native american folkloric creatures are scary, incomprehensible, and fundamentally other, in comparison with european folkloric creatures.

This comment should be deleted too.
You know you want to.

"Not being racist is racist!!!" I do not understand how the asshole in this thread got people agreeing with them. It makes no sense. They had no sources, no factual backing, all they did was complain about non issues and say antiracism is racist. I don't get it.

I've blocked several of the most active posters here and I don't notice any difference on my feed. Neither would you.

Flying squid blocked me apparently. I didn't notice until people here talked about how prolific he is with comments

Someone ignoring your comments does not mean they blocked you.

Nice false assumption , which contradicts the small amount of data you have

You mean the comment from the person you're saying blocked you that's responding directly to you telling you they didn't block you?

Is that the assumption or the data I have?

What the hell are you talking about? Flying squid didn't respond to me. Or rather, if they did (admittedly not sure how that detail works), I didn't see it. Internet randos love to make assumptions but I confirmed they blocked me before saying they did. When I try to view their profile, the UI lists no posts or comments when I'm logged in. That means they blocked me.

Good on you for making assumptions though.

[ - ] Avatar. TrickDacy@lemmy.world
2 points 22 hours ago.

Haha apparently they blocked me from their .world account so TIL that’s my Lemmy experience permalink report parent reply [ - ] Avatar Flying Squid@lemmy.worldM 12 points 17 hours ago.

I didn’t block you.

You, being so majestically brilliant, blocked them and you're apparently obsessed with saying they did it.

You're going to have to go for a third try on the meaning of the word "assumption".

It really improves Lemmy for me, especially with TPM. All he does is spam really old reddit memes that were old even back when I was using it, so I'm not missing anything.