. . .

Anti-Antidote@lemmy.zip to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 838 points –

If you don't feel like eating the crust, you're having a shitty pizza.

Agreed. Just crushed a pizza and the crust was awesomely good

Unless you're trying to maximize protein to carb ratio when eating a pizza (if your top priorityis to eat the pizza). But then, are you really eating a pizza if you don't eat the crust?

Marcos is where it's at.

People like to shit on little sneazers too but they're pizza is made from the shame shit as their crazy bread.

Also all crust tastes fire when dipped in a vat of garlic butter.

I hope this comment burns this into your memory and one day, when you've had a proper slice of whichever style ends up being your favorite, you think about what you said.

But I like the cheese and topping part a lot more so way eat extra calories?




Make me?

Apparently you've been eating substandard pizza, because really good pizza crust is a delight unto itself.

However if you insist you only like the toppings, you have 2 choices:

  1. Find a life partner who loves crust.

  2. Just bake the toppings in/on a sheet pan and eat them directly from it, without crust.

It's not just toppings, but it's all of them together that I prefer. 1's good advice though for sure

My substandard pizza is like $4, edible crust isn't worth the difference when an upgrade is slightly less substandard pizza.

Even when our dough is off, it's oiled and garlicked. I find it hard to argue with the garlic.

Fuck that.

  • You're a grown ass adult, eat whatever you want

If you don't like the taste of crust and have enough money that you don't need to make use of every piece of food, then don't eat the crust.

If you don't like the taste of crust but think it has some benefit, then eat the crust.

If you don't like the taste of crust but are broke and want to eat the crust to feel full so you can spend more money on other stuff, then eat the crust.

If you like the taste of crust but want to save the crusts to make an art piece out of them, then don't eat the crust.


Counterpoint: Society should be pressuring people not to increase food waste just because they can afford throw stuff away for no reason.

People throwing away crust isn't even a grain of sand in the ocean of food waste. But as stated in my original comment, you can choose to eat the crust if that feels important to you. And even though you would be wrong for pressuring other people to eat crusts, the other person should do whatever the fuck they want despite your pressuring

This opinion is a similar vein as "there's no point recycling plastic because most plastic waste is caused by industry". We are all grains of sand on this earth. And in turn we are all full of microplastics.

Plastics recycling doesn't happen much because it is an expensive process, and new plastic is too cheap. Even if you put it in the blue recycling bin, it's fairly unlikely that it actually gets recycled and used again.

Metals actively get recycled well. Paper and glass recycle okay, but in practice also face problems.

Some coverage:



Yes there is a problem with more disposable, non-recyclable plastics being used. Of course that's on industry to fix. That does not mean plastic recycling is pointless. If you're in the privileged position to literally have a bin specifically for that, recyclable plastics will be filtered out and recycled. If you have that and they don't, that's on your municipality to fix. Deciding to not bother with the process which is right there in front of you because you read it's "not 100%" is super dumb.

Waste management experts say the problem with plastic is that it is expensive to collect and sort. There are now thousands of different types of plastic, and none of them can be melted down together. Plastic also degrades after one or two uses. Greenpeace found the more plastic is reused the more toxic it becomes.

New plastic, on the other hand, is cheap and easy to produce. The result is that plastic trash has few markets — a reality the public has not wanted to hear.

From the NPR source I listed earlier. Industry has no interest or ability in fixing this issue by recycling, and vanishingly few municipalities are likely to subsidize plastics recycling to a level at which it makes an appreciable dent in plastic waste.

The plastics industry has cynically forwarded the idea of plastics recycling despite knowing it was unfeasible. We need to drastically reduce plastic use, and probably limit the types of plastic produced for the sorting problem to be mitigated enough that recycling or a clean disposal method is feasible.


Right. As I said (whether or not they have interest) the fix for usage, production and sorting is on them. Much like if you have plastics recycling available, it is absolutely on you to use it.

Plastic is a finite resource that is not going to disappear from global usage any time soon. Just throwing your hands up and saying "only x% actually gets recycled" or "where I live they don't do it well" is just adding to the existing problem.

Just fucking recycle.

usage, production and sorting is on them

Plastic is a finite resource that is not going to disappear from global usage any time soon.

Just fucking recycle.

These statements are you throwing up your hands, but towards the actual problem of plastic waste.

"where I live they don't do it well"

Where I live is on Earth, they don't do it well anywhere here. In the US, people have been actively trying to get people to recycle more since the 70s, plastic recovery from recycling barely gets over 5% and that's consistent throughout that 50 year period. That's not just "not 100%" that's dismal.

As an initiative it has been wildly unsuccessful at best, and a cynical distraction at worst. The plastics industry is largely the same entities as the oil and gas industry, and they have run the same playbook to defer meaningful action against their damaging products.

To bring it back: People not recycling plastics is equivalent to people not eating their pizza crusts in that they are trivial and ineffectual solutions to the problems of waste.

Welcome to earth. Here outside the US there are countries that recycle up to 35% of plastic waste and intend to recycle more through regulations on types of plastic used and improvements in processes. https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/environment/waste/waste-packaging/pong/tables-and-graphs/recycling-targets/

It's not dwindling, it's not dismal and it's certainly not pointless.

To bring it back: choosing to not recycle your plastic because you think only 5% of it will get recycled is indeed as stupid as throwing away your pizza crusts and thinking it doesn't contribute to food wastage.

Actually there's no point in recycling plastic because the plastic you put in the recycling bin ends up in a landfill anyway, so yes we should be going after the industries instead of blaming individuals

That very much depends on where you live. Deciding to not recycle because you think it doesn't get done properly in your locality is just as dumb as not recycling because you think industry is a bigger polluter.

I understand that climate change isn't being entirely caused by you not recycling properly, but that doesn't mean it's not a shitty move to just say fuck it and not even bother trying.

Really doesnt matter where you live. Recycled plastic has limited reuses and sorting plastics is a nightmare so much that the majority that is recycled is used in composites.

Something like 5% of the plastic production is recycled and that number continues to dwindled.

Imagine, long after humans are extinct and the things we created are obliterated or decayed into their component parts. Other life has taken over and the planet has done its volcanic and plate shifting things, the rains and oceans have done their erosion. Then another highly intelligent species evolves.

First of all they're going to have a hard time with their industrial revolution because we took all the easy metals and fossil fuels, but maybe the planet has had enough time to churn some things up.

This new species marvels at the qualities of a certain stratified layer rarely observed above ground. Eventually drilling leads to a discovery of this layer over most of the earth. And it's fucking plastic.

5% worldwide? It absolutely matters where you live. Look at progressive countries and you will see that it is not that low a percentage when people actually make an effort: https://www.scb.se/en/finding-statistics/statistics-by-subject-area/environment/waste/waste-packaging/pong/tables-and-graphs/recycling-targets/

None of this knowledge is a reason to not use recycling when it is available. When you have a waste bin and a recycling bin and just put plastics in the waste, that's a douche move.

Yes. Its worldwide. And its good a few countries take it serious. But in the states, pratically all waste services that offer a reycling bin.. plastics all get loaded up and sent straight to a landfill. Its purely optics.

guess you never learned to finish your plate.

there's kids starving in Africa for fucks sake

If you eat food just because you "Don't want to waste it", you become the wastebin.

I'll mail the leftover crusts to "children in Africa", maybe that will solve the world hunger.

Or, you know, someone in need nearby. There are homeless people eating out of garbage and families using food banks everywhere. But then you'd also look like an asshole for just giving them a bunch of crusts instead of a whole slice.

How about just not buying more food than you can eat? Or save a couple of slices for the next day? Or give someone else a slice before you fill up on the inner circle of your plate of food?

Have you ever been outside?

  1. Homeless people aren't just everywhere. Normal countries deal with homeless people properly - they house them and take care of them

  2. I don't know how much pizza I'm going to get at a restaurant.

  3. I don't always go home, so boxing leftovers is not always an option.

It's almost like idiotic blanket statements like "be a man, eat the crust" are fucking moronic.

Be an adult and treat your body with respect. Listem do your stomach and your brain, not what some weirdos online think is "the right thing to do".

Plus, if I leave the crust, it signals the restaurant that the portion is too big.

2 more...

Proper bread is a very very basic acquired taste. It's something you should've acquired in your teens latest. If you don't like crust, it's because you mother was helicopter parenting and cutting off crust from your sandwiches.

I swear that the best burger in town, the best sandwich in town, the best pizza in town and the best breakfast bread are all because of the crust.

Not even attempting to eat it is a lack of experience. Or a lack of good bakeries or burger, pizzaand sandwich stores.

I'm telling you that you're missing out here. It's not a fucking choice. You don't know what you're missing until you've had a proper crust. Cutting it off is like, yeah sure there are bad crust and all, but you're only eating the less important part of the meal to begin with. How can you even judge the food without the crust?

I like bread. I dont like pizza crust. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think they've got a point. You like bread like a good sourdough or baguette? Or you like American sandwich bread full of sugar. It is a world of difference and they've got a point. Lack of experience is nicer than saying you have bad taste. Maybe you've just had bad pizza? Maybe you're fucking 16? Hard to tell on the Internet

3 more...

people throw away the crust? is this an American thing?

Not enough corn syrup on that bit.

i think they just love wasting food at this point.

It can be surprisingly difficult to get good crust in the US. But I can understand not always wanting to eat the crust in America because some pizzarias just don't care enough to make a good dough.

Spoiled kids, mostly. I grew up broke and we had to eat everything we were given, or go hungry. But a lot of the kids I grew up around were much better off financially and could afford to not eat the parts they disliked.

You clearly forgot to order your pizza with cheese-filled crust

I tried that once. Didn't even taste much better. And now I'm vegan so unless its mock cheese I'll never have a chance to try it again.

Papa John's in the UK does a vegan stuffed crust. Pretty good.

That's sad. It's the best thing that has ever been invented

My dude, you just gave me a great food idea. I just need to learn how to do a stuffed crust pizza. I am going to change the filling and test it, maybe Sunday if the wife is amenable.

Ah yes, I'm a grown-ass adult and I take orders from a meme.

The US political system in a nutshell 😂😅🥲😭

Solution: 🌬 💨 😶‍🌫️ 😵‍💫 🥴 😬 🤫 😅 🥱 😴

But my dog expects the crust. I'd never let him down

Lucky, my dog is gluten intolerant. It's not fun cleaning out his fur.

You aren't supposed to knead the pizza dough on your dog bro. Imagine all the hair in your pizza.



Born and raised in us never understood it I eat the crust unless the it has the consistency of charcoal

But my dog loves the crust and I don't so when I get pizza he gets really happy

Why should I take that away from him lol

You eat the base of the pizza there? That's crazy. It's like eating a paper plate. You are supposed to eat only the topping. Next you're gonna say you eat the bread that wraps your sandwiches.

The crust is(most of the tine) the best part of the pizza. I sometimes only eat the crust

No its not. Why would i want to eat a piece of boring bread, when there is a combination of thats same bread, cheese, tomato, and what ever toppings i choose.

Saying "Crust is the beat part" is just dumb and blatantly non-sensical when you look at pizza as a whole.

Some places/people are really good at making a good crust. Then you're not eating boring bread, but really good bread. And who doesn't love good bread.

I disagree and you are wrong. Plus you're lacking in intellectual prowess.

But what if my favorite part is the boring bread? The combination doesnt add to the taste, it just changes the taste so if i prefer the bread over the tomato, cheese and toppings, the combination will just make the taste worse

Also, for context, i often eat an entire loaf of bread without anything else

Also, for context, i often eat an entire loaf of bread without anything else

What kind of bread are we talking about here

It depends on the quality of the crust, and just how much pizza i've already eaten, a man's gotta have a code.

Protip: leave some cheese near the crust and eat the crust lengthwise. Tada! You got cheesy bread.

How to eat crust

  • Method 1: Finish main portion of slice, then raw dog crust

  • Method 2: Finish main portion of slice, then dip in preferred sauce or orifice.

  • Method 3: Puree entire slice and insert into mouth hole via straw or funnel.

  • Method 4: Roll pizza slice around crust, creating a Swiss Pizza Roll. slice into wheels 1/4-1/2" thick width. Use 4 Pizza Wheels, several toothpicks, and one additional slice of pizza to create a PizzaMobile. Race your friends or pet or imaginary friend to see who can make the fastest PizzaMobile!

  • Method 5: Throw crust in the trash can and stare at it for 5-10 minutes. Glare loathingly at it; make it understand exactly how disgusted you are by its lack of sauce, cheese, and toppings. What a piece of shit.......................

  • Method 6: Get a good New York style slice and you won't even think about it being crust.

And wash the tablet down with water. You don’t need chewy ones.

I make my own pizza, and I always put stuff on the crust to make it interesting to eat in its own right. Usually I alternate little chunks of himalayan sea salt, roasted garlic, and black garlic every inch or so around the outside. Makes it into a sort of weird but tasty pretzel.

I have tried making stuffed crust pizza by folding the outside edge back over some cheese, but it always opens up while cooking in the oven. I don't know what the secret is to that shit. Maybe I should use staples?

Keep the seal clear of toppings and sauce, and use water to stick the crust to the base. Wet flour is a great glue, tomato sauce and cheese are not.

When I make my own pizza I use the spare sauce as a dip. Bit of olive oil and fresh basil over the whole thing makes the crust pretty much as nice as the rest.

Also for the stuffed I think you have to do more of a burrito roll type thing so that the edge is trapped by the weight of the stuffing.

I like to do new Haven style pies. With those there isn't much crust in the first place, so I try to spread the sauce as close to the edge as I can

My method is to eat the crust first save for a tiny handle, making it an appetizer. It tastes best when I'm hungriest, before proceeding with the cheesy, greasy main course.

and you're a selectively bred dog subject to the whims of the human subjectiveness of cuteness. Jokes on you stupid talking dog.

I always thought, the crust is why they give a dipping sauce with pizza. At least that's the reason I make garlic sauce when I make pizza.

I used to eat the crust but now as an older human the bread shreds my insides and I've noticed that not eating it helps.

"Crust" makes it sound like superfluous detritus. It's cornicione! Pizza is mostly bread, so if the bread is bad then it's not worth eating.

Neapolitan pizza has a high hydration dough cooked at very high temp, resulting in a delightfully light cornicione filled with large air pockets. The bread is delicious enough to enjoy on its own, which is why it only needs simple toppings like uncooked San Marzano tomato and a few shreds of mozarella. IMO Italian cuisine excels at allowing high quality produce speak for themselves through its simplicity and elegance. What they're shitting out at Papa Johns and whatever is an abomination.

Picky people, i will never get them and thats my luck.

Look man, if I'm eating pizza I'm already cheating, I don't need to shove even more carbs down my gullet.

Then eat a smaller pizza instead of being wasteful.

The smaller the pizza, the more crust there is relative to non-crust.

just get a pizza without crust? i'm sure most places can do that for you if you ask nicely, and if you get a pizza kit it's literally just a matter of putting topping all the way to the edge.

I will die before I eat that crust!

EDIT: Wow, y'all are opinionated about a joke response to a meme post. Sorry, I guess...

A real adult knows not to eat empty carbs.

If you're already eating pizza then you're not really worried about carb intake.

What is portion control anyway?

True, the best way to portion control any meal is to put 120% of your portion on a plate and eat the middle out of it until you get to 100%.

Pizza is cut by the slice. That's the portion

Unless there is an option to cut a slice into a smaller slice, eating less than one serving size by discarding a portion of the food is still portion control.

Of course there is.

But the slice goes from tip to crust. No one else is going to eat your tip or crust, thus if someone discards it, it becomes waste.

No one else is going to eat your tip or crust

Nobody got good friends? Siblings? I'll eat a random stranger's unwanted pizza parts if I'm hungry.

Just like the food that was thrown out due to not being served.

Pizza crust is the cheapest waste. Like a few pennies per slice at most. Calling it wasteful is the most ridiculous stance to take.

This is a thread about pizza and portion size, not comparing pizza to other foods.

Eat less pizza then instead of wasting food.

Not eating the crust is eating less pizza!

Do you stop eating when you are full, or do you polish off everything on your plate every time? Do you throw out food that has spoiled and feel bad because you didn't eat it soon enough?

Based on your logic someone shouldn't ever eat pizza if they don't enjoy the entirety of every slice. Do you judge people who pick off toppings they don't like from a compromise pizza? What if they don't eat every side that comes with a meal in a restaurant?

What if they don't drink their entire glass of water? WHY ARE THEY WASTING WATER?

Well, basically yes to every question. Those all amount to waste and that is always a bad thing.

Toss the crust

  • Pro: No additional negative effect on your enjoyment of the food or your body
  • Pro: compost and let the plants eat it
  • Con: You cease to be a grown ass man

Eat the crust

  • Con: Negative enjoyment
  • Con: Extra Calorie consumed. More strain on the medical system.

If anything, eating the crust would be the "wasteful" decision. I'm sure if it were possible to get the same pizza without crust, all of these people would jump on that chance.

Yeah. There's nothing wrong with the crust, but if you're going to blow your carb budget on a pizza at least keep the pleasure:carb ratio as high as possible.

As mentioned above: if the crust is not delicious you’re eating a bad pizza

Empty carbs in moderation are fine, it's not like they're poisonous or anything.

It sure is!

I'm just disagreeing with the idea that eating every part of prepared food is some kind of obligation.

Fair. It does seem a bit inefficient to make the crust and then not eat it though

I used to think like the OP/image, but now I'm in your camp. You should absolutely eat things you don't enjoy if they are good for you. But bad pizza crust is just punishing your mouth while gaining weight.

I understand the food waste argument, but it's wasted whether you eat it or not. You're wasting just as much if you don't eat the peel of the banana.

No. I will not eat the handles. Why waste my appetite on dry bread?