What do you do with all the free time you got once you stopped using reddit?

PsychrolutesMarcidus@lemmy.blahaj.zone to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 161 points –


Not enought content here to replace all that time saved IMO. At my worst I was browsing Reddit 6+ hours a day. Here, I can't even go 2 hours without seeing the same content..

None of this is a criticism against Lemmy btw

I get what you mean. But I just spread my net wider. Give more communities a chance, and unsubscribe from the ones that aren't what I'm looking for. It's frustrating, but it will improve. And it's better than dealing with reddit.

Oh I agree 100% but there are definitely aspects of Reddit that just aren't replaceable with Lemmy. Lemmy has almost no car communities (besides FuckCars), which is a hobby that takes up a lot of my time. I've replaced the time I spent on Reddit car subs with /o/ and other forums.

As for my other interests, though, I think Lemmy is definitely better for my mental health. Nobody needs a constant stream of new memes to access whenever they want. I was developing a serious case of brainrot mindlessly scrolling when I still used Reddit.

Yeah definitely. That's what I was saying about spreading my net wider here. I try communities of topics that I'm not necessarily interested in, but could be. Being a bit more open minded giving new things a chance.

For me it's actually a good thing to not have the almost infinite stream of content that reddit had because it stops me from doomscrolling for hours on end and leads me to actually doing something

I get that way a month ago. And yeah, I quickly run into duplicate content, but over the last couple weeks the duplicate content has been strongly peppered with new content that is highly engaging. With less churn, I find that I spend more time commenting as well.

For me, I struggle to find communities to post some types of content in, and I don't really want to create a brand new comm just for a single post.

So I end up not posting those things 🫣

I admin a lemmy instance, so I have less time now than I did when I used Reddit

Ditto, though the maintenance has really gone down since the early days of the migration. Now I basically just restart the docker container twice a week to bandaid Lemmy's memory leak and that's it.

I don't have a large enough userbase to really worry about super active moderation so it's really not bad now.

Reading more books during breaks at work! It's easier to focus on reading books when I don't have reddit on my phone. I like Lemmy, but I mostly use it for 15min at a time. Since I joined Lemmy/stopped using reddit mobile, I've read 5 books! :)

For real? Taking care of my mental health. I was in a very bad spot of my life earlier this year. I lost my best friend who also happened to be my business partner, he died in March.

It was a shock, we both founded a small NPO together, he was behind all the strategy, I was more into communication. We thought he would recover from his cancer, but he caught covid while his immune system was at its weakest. He lost that battle.

I immediately tried to find my next professional step, insisting that I had to find a way to promote social economy locally, as that's what we wanted to do together.

All this pressure on myself by myself, plus the state of the world, neverending flow of bad news, me losing faith in mostly everything and becoming extra cynical, I ended up flirting with a major burnout.

Fortunately, I asked for help when it was still time to act, and the reddit api scandal happened at about the same time. Leaving reddit was one of the first step towards recovery. All the subreddits were basically optimized for doomscrolling, which was super toxic for the state of mind I was in.

I just started to use lemmy last week since I found that Sync for Lemmy was available. And I only subscribed to things that aren't too toxic. I'm now on medication to avoid depression. It's been 3 weeks and it's already much better.

I don't think I'll be browsing Lemmy as much as I was browsing reddit.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a close friend is awful, especially when it's stacked on top of other things.

I'm sorry about your friend, and I'm glad you're finding a way to deal with the grief and the shock. It never goes away, but you learn to manage it, and you learn how to live with it, and that makes it easier eventually. You'll navigate your way through this, I'm sure.


I wonder how many new dnd players will there be because of baldur's gate. it's a shame that you can't really track that

I've wanted to try DnD for a while so this is a nice way to test it out. Now I need to try and find a group and align schedules uggghh.

as if the first part wasn't hard enough getting a time where everyone can play is next to impossible, good luck on your mission o7

Lemmy was a 1 to 1 time sink replacement for Reddit for me so not a lot has changed!

I went all out and sold my PS5, bought a guitar and have been teaching myself how to play. I feel awkward because I didn’t just move to Lenny but now I can play dope ass riffs.

Lemmy, and occasionally getting actual work done.

I went back to going to my news instead of having news fed to me.

Reading books

Same here, I've not been reading much for a long time, but I recently just started devouring books again. It's great :-)

Lemmy. I'm actually using it more than I used to use Reddit. But I'm also reading more now, so I think I have more free time in general

Browse tumblr. Haven't found my niche yet on lemmy. I'm also learning a new language on Duolingo and am halfway through Ulysses!

been drawing more. End up reading up on things more like I use to be someone who did a lot of wikipedia rabbit holing and now I'm doing that again.

I use lemmy obviously. But I've started reading books again rather than doomscrolling until I fall asleep at night, and also more gaming and socialising in general.

I think it was a crutch for my depression.

Post comments on Lemmy!

Just kidding.

More reading: books, magazines, newspapers. Also trying to get more exercise.

Same. I finally got into reading which I've been regretting not doing for years. I've read 5 scifi novels in the last few months and just dipped my toes into the Discworld series with Mort. I've gotten a lot of use out of my kid's library card lately.

Whenever i find myself doom scrolling lemmy like i would reddit, I've gotten in the habit of putting my phone down and reading a chapter of whatever is nearby.

I’ve been borrowing ebooks from the library, and having one checked out on my phone helps with the doomscrolling.

Lemmy and Firefish, and I just started reading a lot more. Books are excellent, the Libby app on my phone is always full of them.

I'm not sure, I think reading more traditional news feeds and being lonely I guess.

I spend more time posting now. I read more news to find interesting articles and then post them.

either wasting more time on another worthless thing or casually browsing the internet

I've been working out 2 hours a day and started playing daily sudoku and lichess puzzles

Played more video games, painted a bit more, started watching Babylon 5. It was worth it.

I've been reading the news through some RSS feeds I have setup. Other than that I've been looking for a decent offline game to play. I have a few that I've player in the past but none of them are particularly great for those awkward periods of time at home when I have 15 to 30 minutes to spare.

All my former doomscrolling time now goes into working out, practicing French on Duolingo and going to events to meet people. So far so great!

Playing and practicing golf again. And watching YouTube.

Are there any good Lemmy golf communities? I kinda miss r/golf

Playing games, watching movies, working on some projects...

Learning UE5. I have no idea what I'm doing but it still feels productive.

Language learning, reading, catching up on my fav TTRPG stream