California workers will get five sick days instead of three under law signed by Gov. Newsom to – 688 points –
California workers will get five sick days instead of three under law signed by Gov. Newsom

Workers in California will soon receive a minimum of five days of paid sick leave annually, instead of three, under a new law Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Wednesday.

The law, which takes effect in January, also increases the amount of sick leave workers can carry over into the following year. Newsom said it demonstrates that prioritizing the health and well-being of workers “is of the utmost importance for California’s future.”

“Too many folks are still having to choose between skipping a day’s pay and taking care of themselves or their family members when they get sick,” Newsom said in a statement announcing his action.


A good start, but five days is still a laughable amount. That's literally one illness, one time being sick.

laughs in german 🤣

Infinite sick days

Not true - you do not get infinite sick days

You get your regular salary for up to 6 weeks, after that there is a steep drop in pay - since you receive „sick pay“ then. After 72 weeks sick pay ends. Then you might be eligible for social security.

"Steep drop" means 80% of your normal pay.

I mean depending on what that's 80% of it could be the difference between affordability and lack thereof

No - not that easy. it is 70% of your pre tax income with a maximum of 90% your net income. How deep the cut actually is depends on several factors. One factor: There is a maximum amount you can receive - no matter how high your income was. If you earn well and cross that threshold, you will receive way less than the official percentages. To compensate for that you have to get a private insurance.

Thanks, compared to 5 days, 6 weeks subjectively feels infinite (for an average healthy employee)

It's important to point out, this is not people deciding not to come to work for 6 weeks and all is good, government picks up the tab. You actually have to be sick, that is to say doctor opens this leave, confirms there's a need for one, etc.

The Employer pays the first 6 weeks, not the government.

That is also not completely correct.

You can get infinite sick days. It just has to be a different illness every 6 weeks. (not repeating the same year)

If you stay in the first 6 weeks threshold you are technically correct - but good luck finding an employer that will keep employing you. You will get sent to an doctor appointed by your employer and if you are „simulating“ you will get fired easily.

A year in Norway. 26 weeks after the last sick leave, the quota starts again.

Cries in a different US state where our company busted us from 40 hours of sick time to 24 to make every plant in the country equal to California's minimum because it's the only state with one of our facilities that has a minimum. I'm curious to see if this ends up bringing all our plants up to 40 hours or they hope none of us lowly factory workers pays attention to this sort of thing. I'll be asking at the next communication meeting.

Laughs in English, but the real English not American English.

English is descriptive not prescriptive, nobody owns the English language nor has a more correct version, and that's coming from Oxford University.

Sick leave in the UK is still pretty shit unless your company covers it or you get a generous amount of paid sick days. SSP is a pittance and needs rethinking and employers attitudes towards illness needs sorting out (pay rises being related to illness being one thing).

Meanwhile in Germany...

You're legally entitled to six weeks of continuous sick leave paid by your employer, after which your health insurer will take over the costs. If you've had sick leave for the same illness multiple times in the same year, these days will be accumulated. After six weeks of regular paid sick leave, you’ll receive Krankengeld (lit. 'sick money') for a maximum of 90 percent of your wage after taxes for up to 72 weeks.

Yes, true, but i will take this win.

Newsom increased the minimum wage for fast food workers and now this? I will take these little victories

Tiny victories, really..

Yes. I want full blown socialism in America but that isn't going to happen over night. The unions fought for our 40 hour work week, weekends, and more and those were small victories.

This was a small victory and I will take it. It makes the living conditions od California better and this may get the ball going.

I don't see it as a good thing that the most progressive state in the country can barely shit out 5 days of sick leave for people, and it took decades to pull off.

That just shows how entrenched neoliberal economics is in the US.

This type of thinking is how and why socialism is never coming to America. It won't happen over one night. Take the small victories. Don't expect perfection because that will be your downfall.

Bullshit. The fact it took this long to get two extra days of sick leave is why we won't have socialism in America. It's not because people don't want it enough. It's because rich bastards get in the way, every step of the way.

You go ahead and celebrate over getting tossed a crumb. I'm staying angry until we get what we deserve.

Continuous sick leave is different from sick days. Many states require sick leave, and the US guarantees 12 weeks leave through FMLA, though it's unpaid, with the government picking up payments after that (iirc). Regardless, a metric ton of companies offer paid long-term sick leave by just carrying insurance policies that pay out your salary if you have a doctor's note.

I have unlimited vacation time which also applies to sick days, and the company pushes people to use it. I'm looking to have taken around six weeks this year.

I'm aware this is not a common occurrence, but it's not as though there's absolutely no laws around this and nobody has paid sick days at all.

Even my shitty little country has universal healthcare and paid sick leave. Employees can call in sick for couple of days, after which they have to open up a sick leave with the doctor. At this point government picks up paying them good chunk of their salary. After two months there's a mandatory panel of doctors meeting which decides if leave needs to be extended further.

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The US Federal Government offers 13 paid sick days a year (that rollover indefinitely)...and between 13 and 26 vacation days (depending on service time)...and all federal holidays off paid. It's not quite on the level of Europe, but it's a damn sight better than most of the rest of the country.

It's more than that...

6 hrs a pay period for 26 pay periods, divide that by 8 to get days...

19.5 sick days a year.

(I was wrong about that, but still)

Federal employees have one of the strongest unions in the country. But it's not like they can help people outside their own union.

The voters need to elect politicians will to make this stuff legislation for every American worker.

Federal employees are immediately terminated if they strike, so the unions are basically just workplace clubs.

Government agencies simply pay more and have good benefits because they don't want to deal with turnover.

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Even by Australian standards that is still pretty good, except it's generally 20-30 days annual leave here in any permanent FT job and 10-15 sick days, some of which is already accrued at beginning of employment.

Just to be clear they're talking about jobs working for the federal government.

Yeah nah I got that. I understand they describe a deal that most likely at the upper end for most working Americans, but still below the minimum guarantees in EU and ANZ.

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What kind of success is that? Asking this coming from a country where we have 6 weeks of sick days before the income is covered by the health care system.

If you tell someone who is starving that you won't give them any food, they might decide there's nothing left to lose and try to fight you for their survival.

If instead you give that person just a bit of food - not enough to actually feed them, just enough to give them hope of satiation - rather than getting a knife in the ribs you might just get a grateful handshake and thanks.

They'll still starve, but with far less struggle.

It's that kind of success.

Small. It's one state and anywhere run by Republicans is stuck at the federal minimum of 0. This number will never go higher because Republican legislators won't vote for it because they hate workers, and Democratic legislators are from states that already implemented higher wages and sick days so it's a red state problem.

It's the same way with cannabis legalization and I expect they'll do the same with abortion.

I have no idea. Answering this coming from a country where social security will cover income after 3 days of sickness.

five fucking sick days is still COMICALLY AND DISGUSTINGLY low. FUCK this out of control capitalism bs

Wait. You guys don't get more than 5 days a year??

If its true I made the right decision to move in UK rather than US.

Most states don't even get 5, or 3.

The states that have mandates are (usual suspects incoming):

Arizona - 40 hours

California - 40 hours

Colorado - 48 hours

Connecticut - 40 hours

D.C. - 7 days

Maryland - 64 hours hrs

Massachusetts - 40 hrs

Michigan - 40 hrs

Nevada - 0.01923 hours per hour worked (works out to approximately 40 hours if you work a standard 40hrs/week, 52 weeks/yr

New Jersey - 40 hrs

New Mexico - 64 hrs

New York - 56 hrs

Oregon - 40 hrs

Rhode Island - 40 hrs

Vermont - 40 hrs

Washington - 40 hrs

Some cities/counties have their own requirements but I'm not going to list those. I wish the US did better on Healthcare, but, as with everything, it's the blue states dragging the country forward kicking and screaming.

Wait until you hear that 5 is more than most and most states aren't required to give you any. Federal level has no law for sick leave and it's up to states to make one.

Some companies are better than others, like my father has 5 days but each day counts up to 5 consecutive days off under 1 time being sick which to me is way more reasonable.

Oh thank goodness! a whole extra TWO DAYS! Can ya spare it?

the fact that we have a system in place where you can run out of sick days at all is disgusting.

In Denmark theres no set amount of sick days per year.

I was at a job that had sick "periods", like being sick once could stretch several days, right? Thats still just being sick 1 time.

Yea same in Germany. I think you can be sick for six weeks and still receive your full wage. After that health insurance pays you at least 70% and at most 90% of your income. Buuuut the money you receive from your insurance is tax free (it may increase the taxes you will have to pay in the future though)

Surprised CA is behind the curve so much on this. Washington gives an hour for every 40 worked which amounts to 5.5 days per year if you are working a 40 hour work week. I think that was passed like a decade ago.

I don't think you know what the curve actually looks like if you think this is "behind the curve". The majority of states have 0 paid sick leave by law, CA already had 3 days and is increasing it to 5.

I guess I should have rephrased it up at that Washington is so far ahead of the curve (in the US). The whole country is easy behind the curve compared to everywhere else.

CA has 1 hour for every 30 hours, though yeah you can only earn 48 per year. It's bullshit

Just made me check mine. I'm in a good union and earn 2.46 hours of sick per 40 hours of work and 3.28 hours of leave per 40 hours of work. A year of work is 2498 hours for us for reference.

I also get 48 hours of other leave, 16 hours of leave per each of 13 holidays, and I can take my overtime as 1.5 hours of leave per hour worked instead of pay. We also get 240 hours parental leave for a new child.

Leave accrues whenever we are in a paid status on straight time.

That’s better than most of the country but behind newer companies that are attracting talent by giving them unlimited vacation/sick in writing.

Either way the US seriously needs to regulate this and require much more. It’s pathetic how behind it is compared a lot of the world.

From what kind of sickness they expect to recover in 5 days? Cut finger?

i guess you could get the flu (if it's not too bad - once had it for about two weeks several years ago).

but then you better NOT need anything else, all year. hopefully you don't have kids either.

These are state-mandated days off, which are in addition to any provided by the workplace.

In NY state for instance, our employees have an entire extra week off work they can take than elsewhere in the company. If they don't use these days, they are paid out for them at their normal pay rate.

Usually those other days though are just vacation days.

Most other countries have those days on top of unlimited sick time.

Those are specifically sick days in NY State.

Can employers say you can use your pto for sick time or does it have to be in addition to pto?

I think it's in addition. I say that because I worked for my company in two different states and they have a special PTO category in their time tracking / HR software for CA sick time.

The company I work for just merged PTO and sick time into one. Every 40h you gain an additional hour of PTO, so every two months you get 1 more sick/PTO day.

Since there's no minimum PTO requirement, yes but it has to be marked as sick time. Most employers in a state like California though know that they're going to be the bottom of the barrel if they don't offer more so they do.

Five days? Even a lot of smaller, unregulated businesses here in the Phillipines offer way more than that.

LoL that's still so few... it's a step in the right direction but also I would argue a huge amount of employees over there are likely contractor tech workers who if my contract is anything to go off of.... literally don't get any sick days just infinite unpaid days off that they don't actually want you to take any of unless the company needs to save a few dollars. I haven't seen a doctor in years and pretty sure I have a cancer spot on my leg.... but oh well don't have insurance that is any good so I'll just die I guess and my dad and incubator can be upset their one good kid failed to make it rich and support either of them.

This country fuckin sucks lets gooo

Be grateful for less than 1% of the year off, peasant. Now hold on while I throat this boot

When this happened several years back and they gave us two sick days, our company just went ahead and shifted two of our PTO days to sick days.

What happens if you are sick more than that?

Unpaid time off if you're lucky.

Fired if you're not.

Uhh... how is there not a guillotine in front of every state capitol building?

I burned out and have been sick for half a year. I've begun working a bit again (aiming for 9 hours / week).

Full pay throughout.

Do Americans not realize just how badly they're getting shafted?

Too many boomers think it's a necessary evil, because they used to be able buy a house with minimum wage.

"If I had to do it, so should you..."

I get that they screwed over every subsequent generation, but they're all 60+ at this point. You can just beat them up. What are they gonna do? Be old at you?

More seriously, enough people are impacted by this that if you organized you could have activists hounding the elected representatives every hour of every day. E.g. drown them in lobby visit requests. Also just show up and knock on doors. Be disruptive. Your state is trying to squeeze every last drop of blood out of you. It's not acceptable.

They vote.

I can't tell if you're being genuine or sarcastic


  1. No one ever got civil rights just by voting.
  2. If you want people to be engaged you need to get them to do stuff that feels meaningful, and voting evidently doesn't.

Americans can't even be bothered to vote. You think they'll build a guillotine? 🤣

The US political system is a Kafkaesque nightmare of despair and loathing. I'm not sure I'd vote either. That's why I'm advocating direct action. Any politician who votes for people to be miserable and die, should not be allowed a moment of peace.

I've been fortunate enough not to have any major illnesses in my life to date, but the other year I had a bit of a breakdown in the office that turned out to be anxiety disorder manifesting itself, I took two weeks off to get myself straight and start medication, all paid. I can't imagine trying to deal with anxiety, while also being worried I'm losing pay while doing so.

No, because there is way more to life than just emergency medical leave.

For most people they're not going to be using that leave, they'd much rather have the money instead of it being taxed from them. Additionally it is much easier to get a job in the US and it generally pays better.

I don't know what country you live in, but ones that have extensive labor protections often have very high youth unemployment (people with little experience can't get hired), because businesses are unwilling to take risks on potentially bad employees if they can't terminate them or have to pay out a lot of money to do so.

It's popular to demonise America, but there are also a lot of problems the US doesn't have.

I live in Denmark.

Overall unemployment is at about 2.6%

Youth unemployment is about 7-8%, which is lower than, or about on level with, USA from the numbers I can find.

There's also way more to life than work.
We're entitled to 5 weeks paid vacation, 3 of which must be consecutive if requested. Most people have an additional week from union contracts. Parents have a collective 48 weeks paid maternity leave.

Don't have to worry about homelessness. Don't have to worry about healthcare costs.

You're getting a raw deal, even if you don't realize it.

Literally proving my point, Denmark had all these problems and then they privatised it, and created incentives for employment.

"Don't have to worry about homelessness"

Neither do Americans. The vast majority of Americans will never be homeless, the vast majority of people who complain about it are rich kids on social media trying to get sympathy.

"There's also way more to life than work"- The biggest factor in quality of life (in a wealthy country) is your job ( or less commonly your parents money). Also if you make more (and pay less in taxes), all those benefits can be provided from your savings. And your savings account is far more flexible than earmarked money from the government.

There is a reason why people want to work and live in America and not .... Denmark. The ease to make money and the flexibility to spend it to maximise your quality of life is far greater than most countries.

I don't think you realize just how close to homelessness a majority of the people in the US are. Most people here live paycheck to paycheck, not able to save any wealth whatsoever.

Nope, not "not able to". They just want there nice cars and homes. You can easily save money in the US, it's all just rich kids who want to live the same lifestyle there parents raised them in after they (the parents) worked for 20 years.

I personally know many homeless people and have been homeless myself. We are in the far minority, even most poor communities aren't in danger of being homeless. Homeless people tend to be drug addicts or violent people that others don't want to help (for obvious reasons).

There is a reason why people want to work and live in America and not .... Denmark.

Fucking Americans, man. 😂

Well you keep making all these claims about how America is a hell scape, when it's actually a more desirable country than the one you are promoting.

More desirable to psychopath billionaires maybe 😆

Even though am not an USA citizen I can easily see how this situation can happen anywhere. Unless you have knee jerk reaction, a la France, to any law change and end up with protests on the street with cars burning and fighting with cops all of this can creep up slowly. Slight reductions over long periods of time and people will just ignore it.

Just to really drive the point home:

About half my salary is covered by the state. The rest is insurance.

That's about $2800 I'm legally entitled to. If we assume 35% tax that gets me ~$1820 every month for 6 months while being sick that I'm guaranteed. Rent is ~700, so I'd have about $1000 for food and necessities.

I'm not sure you could get a closet to sleep in for $700 in California at this point

It's social housing in the capital city. 60m2

Tenant democracy. No rent hikes unless it's necessary or we want to take a loan out for renovations and such.

Sadly in the US many of the companies that control large amounts of housing are all using the same software to calculate how to all raise prices as much as possible every year without having people move out. Around 2010 I moved from a studio with a shared kitchen that was $650 to a one bedroom for $900. Those studios (20m2) now start at $1,000, and the one bedrooms (50m2) start at $2,240.

I've been fortunate enough not to have any major illnesses in my life to date, but the other year I had a bit of a breakdown in the office that turned out to be anxiety disorder manifesting itself, I took two weeks off to get myself straight and start medication, all paid. I can't imagine trying to deal with anxiety, while also being worried I'm losing pay while doing so.

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you get fired & end up among the millions of homeless Americans, along with hospital bills. such is life in capitalist America


Frito Lay originally gave us 7 days sick + 7 days as mandated. Something changed (legalese, idk), this dropped to 7 days total for the calendar year which was the CA days + company days (they were being generous). Which, when played out, ended up with people getting strikes against them after the CA mandated days were used up, as it was seen as repetitive behavior. If they really didn't like you, good fucking luck. They would basically use it as an easy way to get people fired over repeat "offenses".

This was a while ago, so my memory might be a bit fuzzy, but it was overall, a huge fucking joke.

For me, personal time comes next then PTO. Personal time is meant for a variety of things but we get 16 hours a year and can be taken in one hour increments. PTO is basically just vacation time and is taken in half day increments.

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There we go! First he implemented a higher minimum wage and now adding sick time. Solid progress with the state legislators!

Yeah, I love this man (as much as one can love a politician). He gets shit done, or at least does his damndest to try. The homeless issue still needs to be fixed, but the housing issue has to be fixed first. (And he's trying to do that by doing things like raise the min wage for fast food workers and giving poeple more sick days). He'll be president one day, as long as he doesn't fuck up like... what was his name. Cuomo.

Baby steps I suppose. Currently I have 11 guaranteed and further based on company discretion. Not something i lose sleep over.

I get sweet fuck all for being sick. Unpaid time off.

That is outrageous. I'm from the Netherlands and just looked up how it is here. You get paid 100% for the first year you're sick, 70% for the second year. Then in most cases you can get financial aid from the government.

Well that would be some kind of long term medical leave at that point. We can get pay for that but it's far less than 100% and I don't think it would last that long.

Yeah well that's the max. Any sick leave shorter than that is also paid.

Holy fuckin moly I'm in favor of more sick leave, but a year before the government takes over is a little fuckin crazy

I think basically all companies have insurance for this. So unless you're very incompetent as a business owner, no company will go bankrupt because of it and it protects workers a lot because when you're that sick you can't work for two years there's no way you'll find another job.

Not sure how it works in NL but in most countries your health insurance takes over at some point

Ok, I understand how sick days work in USA, and while I dislike the idea, I get it from that point of view.

However... carrying over sick days?! That's where it fails to make any sense. Rewarding people who are not sick.. by allowing them to be more sick? Thanks for nothing I guess. Wouldn't it make more sense to give extra sick days to the people who are more sick than others? Accruing sick days will obviously result in people wanting to use their sick days.

So this system really encourages people to advantage of the system, and the whole thing is soo far away from actually wanting to minimize sick days.

The proper way to minimize sick days is to let sick people stay the fuck away. Even if you have to pay them to stay away, that cost will be recouped by all the other people who don't get sick due to some jackass creeping into the office while being sick, because he can't afford to stay at home.

By having a fixed no. of 5 sick days and encouraging people to use 5 sick days, you'll obviously have 5 sick days for every employee. And then some for when they're actually sick.

I am allowed unlimited paid sick days, but yet I have less than 5 sick days annually. Probably closer to zero. Except for covid two years ago which took 3 (working) days and a weekend and was fully reimbursed by the government to my employer anyway.

The way this is done generally is that when someone has been sick for more than a few days, the government will refund up to the unemployment rate to the employer, so they can maintain the employment relationship without having to worry about massive costs. This is a thousand times better for employers and the state and the employees than having to terminate and employ staff constantly due to some artificial "no. of sick days".

The idea of carrying over sick days is bizarre. Sorry Dave, we know you're fighting cancer, but you shouldn't have had time off for the flu in the last few years and carried the days over, get back to your desk.

You have it backwards, are you under the impression that you are allocated X amount of days until retirement?

Sick days are accrued each year, if you can carry them over then every sick day you didn't use gets added to your current year.

"Dave" could have saved up sick days, from the past years to get more full-time pay. However the fact that he didn't, does not mean that he gets less sick time accrued this year.

This criticism is dumb.

Carrying over sick days is fine because the employer already alloted pay for that. Sick days are no different than vacation days from a fiscal perspective, the only difference is you don't need to schedule them and/or there may be specific laws about them.

You then claim "accruing sick days will make people want to use them"-

  1. No. In fact the converse is true, sick days that don't carry over pressures employees to take them. Because you are basically losing a vacation day, you would be an idiot to not use all 5 days each year. (In case you are confused, no you don't actually have to be sick to use sick days, many companies have a "don't ask" policy.)
  2. This doesn't really matter since in the US virtually every employer will cash out the sick time at the end of employment so it costs the same anyway, because as already mentioned the money has already been allocated.

I just think it's silly to allow employers to quantify bodily functions.

"To all employees: You can use the restroom 3 times weekly. We acknowledge that this isn't enough, so If you do not use the restroom 3 times weekly, you can carry over the unused restroom visits to next week."

It is just a small amount of PTO and fine if that's how it's used, but it doesn't make any sense in helping people cope wih or prevent sickness.

I understand the reason to minimize the liability for the employers, but having a rigid system like this only creates needless frustration and conflicts when people are actually sick.

You literally claimed yourself that 5 days a year is plenty for yourself (via stating that you don't use that many days). So this supposed acknowledgement "that this isn't enough", doesn't appear to be true. You apparently think that it is enough and would even be able to save up days just from your normal behaviour.

"I understand the reason to minimize the liability for the employers"- the liability? Do you mean the expenses of paying for indefinite leave? Where does liability come anywhere into this? Do you know what that word means?

You seem to be arguing for indefinite sick time (which is actually paid by taxpayers because businesses can't pay people who produce nothing), but doing it by attacking a more beneficial system for employees (apparently because you have no idea what you are talking about).

I think you're missing the point. A fixed quantity of sick days will ensure that people show up sick for work when they run out of sick days. It will also create needless conflicts and mistrust. It will also cause a higher cost for the companies.

And... It does not stop sickness.

All of this because someone is dead set on quantifying something that should not be quantified.

Call it paid time off or add it to paid holidays, but don't pretend that this is better system to address sickness for anyone.

  • edit: And yes I use the word" liability" correctly. By having a fixed count of potential sick days, employers do accrue a balance of potential cost to paying employees being sick. Otherwise you're not keeping account of the potential future finalcial liabilities and screwing your own tax return at the same time. It's obviously deductable before tax.

"I think you are missing the point"

Nope, you specifically complained about having more flexible days by allowing people to carry over sick time. Now presumably you think that it's better to have unlimited sick time, but at no point have you ever actually said that. All you have done is whine about carrying over sick time.

"A fixed quantity of sick days will ensure that people show up sick for work when they run out"

Of course sick time is necessarily equal to or less than total employment time (eventually you will have to work at some point, so clearly any set number of sick time can theoretically be insufficient). Now having 40 hrs of sick time each year is by your own admission plenty for you and plenty for most people. If companies were actually losing appreciable amounts of money on their sick time policy (like you claim ) they would change it. It's easy to see that "Flu costs 12 billion $/pa" and forget that the US economy is larger by a factor of 1000 ( so less than .1 percent economic loss), as well as workplace transmission only comprising a fraction of that.

"And it doesn't stop sickness"

Of course it doesn't. Much of sick time isn't used for communicable health issues and people tend to contract communicable diseases elsewhere anyway.

"Call it paid time off or holiday"

You literally have no idea what this discussion is about. You whined about carrying over sick days and how it "doesn't make sense" (because you're an idiot), and I pointed out that fiscally sick time is identical to vacation time, so if it's okay to carry over vacation time then why is it not permissible for sick time?

"Don't pretend that this is a better system"

A better system than what? Fixed amount of sick time each year? Because that's the point of comparison. I can't compare it to whatever you are advocating for because you flat out refuse to say it. (Again I strongly suspect you want indefinite sick time, but despite having multiple opportunities to elaborate you have failed to do so).

"By having a fixed account ... {bunch of irrelevant nonsense}"

You realise the distinction you need to make is not in fixed days, compared to zero days. But fixed days compared to carried over days. If you are going to try to make a fiscal argument (again) actually try to understand what you are talking about.

Edit: You did misuse "liability", or are at least fiscally inept. You claimed that carrying over sick time was somehow reducing liability, so either you have no idea what that word means or you don't know how basic finance works. (It actually increases financial costs because you often have to pay out sick time at a higher rate if the employee pay increases.)

So what if employees take advantage of the system if they still get their work done? If they don't get their work done, that's when a manager can step in.

Also 5 sick days a year is abysmal. I'd expect the sick days to get carried over where your sick leave is that low.

Meanwhile my colleague managed to get 40 days paid leave + 30 days paid vacation last year. We're in Germany. Now you say: nice for him. But not really. Someone had to do all the work he couldn't do in those 40 sick days.

Edit: to make myself clearer. He was sick on mondays or fridays usually/conveniently.

Edit2: seems I must've missed that im on /c/antiwork here. Excuse me for careing about my job and getting mad about people making my life difficult.

That's not his problem. The company shouldn't be running on a skeleton crew. I imagine he didn't choose to be sick for those 40 days?

Well said. People don’t seem to understand that running at 100% capacity and workload is not the natural state of things. Humans aren’t machines (and even mining rigs and other machining equipment don’t chug at 100%, more like 70% as to not reduce lifespan)

Just because you can work with multiple employees being absent does not mean you should be keeping that status quo and not hire more people to alleviate the burden on the team.

"More like 70 percent as to not reduce lifespan"

Lifespan doesn't matter, it's total output from the input. Machines generally are run at 100 percent (whatever that is), because it is the most efficient.

It was always on a Friday or Monday coincidentally.

The problem is that you've bought in that the company's problems are yours. They want you to feel like it's your problem, your responsibility so you take on the extra work for free instead of hiring someone else.

Do you get a bonus based on the company's profits? For what reason might you have to care that 'the work gets done'?

I've worked in places that try to nurture that "we're all in this together" mentality but it's never time for them to pitch in for you. They only foster this to get you to do free labor.

so remember: your fellow's work habits are none of your business, eh?

Eh it really depends on the company. I'm in the US and once took an entire month (only went in each Friday) off just because I had the time saved up, and my boss at the time was wicked cool.

Things like this law are not aimed at people like me and your friend that are able to accumulate that much time off.

30 days Vacation is the general rule at my company. 40 days of being sick on mondays or fridays however is not.

Meinst du Elternzeit oder was?

Ne, tageweise krankmelden.. Immer wieder Montags und Freitags

Ist legal. Was ist dein Problem? Personenbedingte Kündigung ist bei Missbrauch möglich

Was mein Problem ist? Die Respektlosigkeit dieses Menschen, der sich die 3,5 Tage Woche schnorrt und andere seine Scheiße abarbeiten müssen, weil er unzuverlässig und ständig krank ist.

If working hard because someone takes off work because they are sick maybe you should take off Tuesday Wednesday so you don't feel over worked or maybe see if the company can hire enough people so that if one person doesn't show up it doesn't put an unreasonable amount of work onto you. This is a you and the company problem not this coworker using their sick time problem.