Donald Trump may "turn off the internet" if elected, former staffer says to – 349 points –
Donald Trump may "turn off the internet" if elected, former staffer says

All of the companies that would instantly start losing a billion dollars per second would never allow this to happen. This isn’t some 3rd world country where Google and Apple and Facebook aren’t headquartered. The internet will always be happening here. They’re completely dependent on it and their customer’s constant access to it.

Our econnomy is heavily tied to the Internet at this point. Billions in commerce are conducted directly and many billions more in enabled ("what's the closest pizza place?"). Not to mention stock trading, banking, government services, healthcare, etc. You're very much on track here and I don't think it's hyperbole.

While it could technically happen that our government could legally shut down the internet, it wouldn't last long or it means we are under attack (perhaps internally) and need to control damage/messaging.

How much of the infrastructure is government owned? Any if it? I do not think he could do this even if he ordered it.

The alphabet agencies are fully capable of doing whatever is needed, they’re the ones that patch peoples systems for them or hack PCs through the power grid and other crazy shit.

If the American government wants the internet to be cut off they’re capable of doing it without the assistance of the ISPs

Aren't all 3 of those actually headquartered in Ireland (for tax reasons)?

I’m seeing a lot of Newsweek posted here and that is disheartening, to say the least. Newsweek is half a step from the dailymail’s level of bombastic misrepresentation. Continued use of Newsweek as a source is not ideal as a result.

I'm surprised how many users upvotes click bait headlines.

Classic coup move

Hands you a hollowed out hard copy of 1984 with a Sig 320 inside

We are going to need a lot more people trained in Gun Kata soon, Cleric.

But for now, its dangerous to go alone, take this!

I don’t know where Equilibrium came from but i approve.

I was replying to a user named Grammaton Cleric.

Oooooh, I missed that too. I love that film.

It's not a big truck

It's not something you can just dump something off of

It's a series of tubes

I know that qoute is a meme and all, but honestly I think the old dude had an idea of how the internet works and comparing it to a series of tubes aint completely wrong. I think he was just kinda bad at explaining it.

It's possible that he saw the episode and thought it was real.

Miles Taylor, Trump's former chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security, was asked on MSNBC about what potential damage the former president, who is the frontrunner in the GOP primaries, could do in government without breaking the law.

"The possibilities are almost limitless," Taylor said. "The biggest concerns for me are on the national security side. I think Americans still don't understand the full extent of the president's powers and things Donald Trump could do, bubble-wrapped in legalese, that would be damaging to the republic."

"He could invoke powers we've never heard a President of the United States invoke—potentially to shut down companies or turn off the internet or deploy the U.S. military on U.S. soil," he added. "We don't know because the things that are in there, the emergency powers of the president, aren't widely known to the American people.

I doubt the president who lives on the internet & relies on it to connect with his superfans would disable it.

So no one said that he would or even may turn off the internet, but that he may use legalize and his emergency presidential powers, if elected, to do something crazy. The person talking about it was spitballing and included turning the internet off as a example of something crazy that he might do.

Edit: He indeed talked about geoblocking countries with groups like ISIS operating within them. At least that is what I assume he meant with his word salad. This is from post below mine. Still not turning off internet.

Oh Trump has blubbered about it enough that I would take it seriously.
It wouldn't be a legal mechanism if there was something stopping him from doing it.

(from the article)

"We're losing a lot of people because of the internet," Trump said. "We have to go see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what's happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some way. Somebody will say, 'Oh freedom of speech, freedom of speech.' These are foolish people. We have a lot of foolish people."

"ISIS is recruiting through the Internet. ISIS is using the internet better than we are using the nternet and it was our idea," Trump said. "I want to get the brilliant people from Silicon Valley and other places and figure out a way that ISIS can't do what they're doing. I would certainly be open to closing areas where we are at war with somebody. I sure as hell don't want to let people that want to kill us and kill our nation use our Internet."

When challenged, he added: "I'm not talking about closing the internet. I'm talking about closing parts of the internet where ISIS is."

Fair enough. I can be incorrect. Still doesn't say he planning on shutting down the internet, but I wouldn't put it past him if it would serve his best interest. It doesn't seem he even really understands what the internet is and how it works.

Quick, hide that internet button so that grandpa can't switch it off!

"Go ahead and pull the internet plug, gramps! I'll be pulling your plug soon enough anyways"

All i can say good luck. If you turn off the internet nothing will work and shit will hit the fan for the gov too fast.

Well, he’d pretty much turn off the government if he turned off the internet anyway

You say that as if Republicans don't want exactly that.

Republicans don't want government, but they do want their corporate masters to make money. Which whey won't do if there is no internet.

Are you suggesting that the Republicans might lack a sense of foresight and awareness of the consequences of their actions? Well I never.

I agree and this is exactly my point. It will be chaos worse than anything we ever seen. People just don’t realize how dependent everything is on internet now.

Stores and banks aren't stocked or staffed for turning off e-commerce. Banks hate when customers walk in the door instead of doing everything online. And the stores woods have to find a drastically different equilibrium without internet advertising or orders. It would be absolute chaos.

deleted by creator

He shuts down major backbones, effectively turning off the U.S. Internet. At the same time, he releases a story to the media and telcos about a major attack on the backbones - a virus, whatever. There's panic and chaos, as the country grinds to a halt.

He uses that to declare martial law.

After a sufficient time (a small number of days, or even hours), he turns the backbones back on, claiming experts have fixed the problem. Citing martial law, he puts restrictions in place on the U.S, Internet, as dictators do.

We now have severely limited access to real news and information, martial law, and a dictator in place. American Democracy is dead.

Vote Democrat. No matter how much you think they're the same, they aren't.

Will he personally pull the plug off the wall so that ISIS stops being a meanie?

he learned that idea when he visited his buddy Kim in North Korea

To be clear this is unlikely to be a long term nation wide internet blackout. Rather, e.g., turn off the Internet in a section of a city and send in troops to deal with a protest.

Phew for a minute I was worried

I would have accepted this take in 2016 but not anymore. He's running again to avoid the consequences of his shitty stupid choices. If he wins he's gonna feel completely unshackled.

Oh and his allies have already been stacking the bureaucracy with loyalists. There won't be any voices of reason in second administration because they already chased those people off.

Title of the article is misleading. Should say "Pundit guesses blindly at damage Trump could do as President"

It's not necessarily a bad guess, but it's not based on anything Trump or any of his team actually said.

Lol every country on the brink that has tried this has incited their own revolution. When people loose their distraction machines they tend to aim anger in the right direction. I say turn it off.

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If anything would get people fired up for a coup, it's that.

How would you communicate about it? Lol

I imagine the same way all meetings, coups, revolutions, and the like has happened since the beginning of humanity:

You meet and talk in person.

You really think us young adults who have grown up in a world never knowing a time without internet would be able to actually pull that off? I know I couldn't, even if I tried.

You really think if everyone lost access to their porn machines they wouldn't immediately call up their friends and say wtf?

That call likely uses the Internet as well.

People generally use apps and such, but as far as I'm aware most phones still come with a phone number these days

What's your point?

As soon as your calls makes it to a cell tower it gets encapsulated and routed over a telco's network. Any call you make from one call provider to another will traverse the internet. And depending on the extent of the thought experiment for disabling the internet, you could include disabling individual telco's networks as well, meaning you won't be calling anyone... except for maybe someone on the same tower as you.

That's kinda sad ngl

Yeah. I fumble my words on the phone whenever I speak on the phone. I know it's sad, but that's me.

That used to be me. I know it's cliche but if you just push yourself a little bit to get some experience it really does help :)


Building meshnets

We never actually needed corporations to maintain the internet. The people have just been too lazy and selfish to bother searching out alternatives.

I'm pretty sure the only way to turn off the internet is remove humans from the ultimate equation. We have a stubborn little habit of maintaining the status quo or ignoring the rules, especially when porn and/or money is on the line.

sounds like what he wants to do is block certain countries by ASN or something but doesn't know how to say it properly

Trump was thinking about how he’s going to edit the nation’s .htaccess file in vim. He’s got a few new rules to add in

Hmm, covfefe was just him trying to remember how to quit out of VIM. it tracks.

Trump breaks things because those things cost tax money. Given his other choices and reasons for those choices, it's likely that some people on the internet has attacked him, and he wants to retaliate. Having control of the internet would be immense power. That would definitely appeal to him, too.

He's going to call Bill Gates to do it.

You kid but he literally names Bill Gates in the article.

What about Bill Microsoft or Bill Windows?

I am half convinced if Gates hadn’t transferred in people’s minds from the head of Microsoft to that billionaire philanthropist, he might have gotten Bill Microsoft.”

He can sit alongside Tim Apple and Commander Cisco.

This is literally just “the president has a lot of emergency powers, these are some of them”


Finally a candidate who bases policy around the objectively correct take away from Ready Player One, the most culturally significant sci fi statement on society of our generation.

(/s if that is somehow needed)

I see a lot of dismissal of this idea here. I think a lot of people think the statement means just arbitrarily turning it off. Maybe it does, he is an incompetent moron. However, if we look at real life historical precident on how countries have disabled internet access in their countries, it usually immediately precedes a coup. So I could see him (or another R in the near future) attempting such a strategy at the end of term in order to seize control and stay in power.

That's a good way to get the entire country in Washington DC at the exact same time. I work from home (ironically for the government), and I can't do that without an internet connection.

Would anyone even know how to schedule a flight or buy plane tickets without the Internet at this point?

Never mind scheduling a mass protest.

We could all just drive, and use paper maps if necessary. Even the old people would be pissed if they could get on Facebook suddenly.

Honestly, the situation isn't all that likely since the internet in the U.S. is fairly distributed. I read an article at one point that there isn't just a single switch you could flip to do an internet blackout in the U.S. (at least I hope that's true)

Can we please stop multiplying every fart this guy is letting out? That stinks. Stop giving reach to this bullshit, that's exactly what is intended by this provocative garbage.

Wasn't this some aspect of the qanon stuff? I swear I've heard this shit in those fringes

I don't think he means it in the way we think. It's more likely he means "turn off" like the sleazy guy at the bar in sweatpants and a stained shirt who hits on all the women. I'd say "mission accomplished" Mr. Trump.

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