So, how many communities have you blocked? to – 188 points –

I just reached 112 myself.

I'm very much awaiting a time when users can block specific instances. I still don't want to check the option to hide NSFW content, because I do want to see NSFW content that may show up on non-porn communities. Just not really interested in seeing so much porn in All.

You can check on your settings page, btw, in the Blocks tab - count quickly with Ctrl+F.


None. But I also never browse All. Never have, on any form of social media.

I use it as a way to discover new communities. Any recommendations on how you manage your subscription without looking at all from time to time?

I look them up at

I go there about once a week to see if there are new communities I might be interested in. I'm on a selfhosted single-user instance, so my "all" is identical to my "subscribed" and this is how I populate my feed.

I'm a little curious: If you unsubscribe from something, does it disappear from your All? Or is it enough that a user in an instance was at some point or another subscribed?

It's tedious, but I found just looking at lists of communities to be more helpful. If something looks interesting, open it up, check it out, and subscribe. Browsing your subscribed communities is an infinitely better experience. Plus, if you're willing to take the time blocking communities, I feel like that takes just as much time as scrolling through a list of ones for potential matches for your interests.

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Will genuinely never understand people that treat home as their personal feed. WTF is subscribed for? ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

How else will people find a reason to complain about, I CLICKED ALL, AND I SEE A BUNCH OF STUFF I DON'T WANT TO SEE. HOW TO I BAN THE STUFF I DON'T LIKE, INSTEAD OF using the subscribe feature, like a normal person.

Subscribed is for the communities that I want to actively engage with every or close to every post that shows up. All/Home are for browsing popular content that I donโ€™t want in my sub feed (memes, news, other smaller communities, etc)

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Why block them? I like a little spice with my scrolling. Plus it's a fun mystery box to see what's under the blur. Straight/gay? Cis/trans? That one guy that literally just posts 100 fully clothed celebs every hour to disappoint you? Who knows.

Tell me you don't have an office job without saying you don't have an office job.

Boss: "And here I see you've accessed something called 'Lemmy' 315 times today, what the hell is that?"

@ttmrichter: "Oh, no worries, I blocked all the porn."

Hi. Friendly reminder to keep personal activity out of work devices.

Until we meet again!

My boss is on Lemmy too. I won't exactly be surprising him with it.

does gay non-ass/dildo/dick pics porn exist anywhere on the fediverse?!

None? I just stick to stuff I'm subscribed to so it's not really an issue.

Same. I'm not going to judge anyone for scrolling All, but that's definitely not a level of chaos I've ever wanted to deal with.

That has always been allowed. As long as you don't want others to censor nsfw, all is good. I like porn. I want more high quality porn on Lemmy. That takes time.

This isn't about controlling what others see - I'd just like for users to be able to block entire instances, because blocking 3 more porn communities every time I reload All gets tiring.

I like porn when I'm in the mood for it. I've got an alt on lemmynsfw for that. Though I feel your point about high quality content: The specific stuff I'm interested in hasn't had a new post in a month. The only thing I still use reddit for, really...

Yea they should have wildcard blocks. โ€˜*@lemmynsfw.comโ€™

I would prefer regex blocking, as there are categories of communities that I am not interested in seeing regardless of which instance they are on. It is annoying to have to continually block them because someone setup a new instance and created the same community again.

I might actually submit a feature request for this. Maybe default to simple wildcard blocks with an โ€œadvancedโ€ mode that enables regex matching.

I guess it's my app but I can block entire instances or just a single community

Use a lemmynsfw login for porn and block nsfw on your main account.

I am still interested in non-pornographic NSFW content, so that's too overkill for me.

I have never seen a non nsfw post that wasn't porn on Lemmy.

I follow cannabis communities and they sometimes mark nsfw. Also, sometimes cat pics get marked nsfw for funny.

so your argument is that sometimes its funny to mis-tag posts? guess we should untag porn posts as a joke then.

They didn't make that argument. They just pointed out that it DOES happen

They're definitely rare but they do exist. It's the principle anyways - because they'll likely become a lot more common as the site grows.

Also I think you worded that backwards.

0, zero, none, nada, niente...

PS: I like boobs

I just have nsfw as a whole blocked. I have other ways to see porn if I want to and I want to use Lemmy in places where my daughter or my boss won't walk by and think I'm looking at porn.

If that's your thing, go for it, but it is too much of a risk for me with little reward.

Married people watch porn?

Of course I watch porn. Do you think my wife has to drop her panties on command? There are times I'm feeling the need but she isn't in the mood. Or isn't around.

I was just surprised because jerking off to other women having sex while committed to one seems wrong. I didnt consider you two might have agreed on it. But I don't agree its either porn or not having sex if your partner isnt around. You can just jerk off without.

Why is it wrong? You're not cheating. It's just fantasy. I haven't stopped noticing other women who I think are really attractive either. I just don't try to fuck them. Doesn't mean I can't imagine what it might be like.

Coincidentally, tomorrow will be our 23rd anniversary. You don't stay married 23 years and never fantasize about what it might be like if your life had been different and you had been with a different woman.

It's wrong because most of the time that isn't something your SO will be ok with. If your wife is ok with it, thats that.

You've had some weird, prudish SO's then, thats perfectly normal and if a woman i was dating was that controlling, I would be out the door.

I'm surprised you see it as prudish not wanting your SO lusting for and jerking off to other women having sex. Why not attend strip clubs too. Watching some women dance is tamer than watching them have sex.

And I've never had a SO who would be against me going to strip clubs either. That seems prudish as well.

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So much yiff stuff blocked. Being unable to block the entire instance is annoying.

Same with language specific instances I canโ€™t understand.

Connect app lets you block instances

Which I've used to block languages I don't speak from being on my all feed

Oddly enough, none. Kind of like seeing the sheer variety the Internet had to offer (plus those folks have so much confidence it's almost admirable). And at least it's not gore-- I've seen accidently seen way too many dead bodies mindlessly unblurring pictures on Reddit or foolishly clicking troll links.

Probably going to change to block nsfw when my little ones are old enough to steal my phone and browse my account, though.

We need an option to block pornographic communities, but still see non-porn NSFW content. Blocking all NSFW is too broad and will block other content.

I agree. But Iโ€™d also like the opposite. The ability to block all nonporn nsfw posts.

Seems like an โ€œeasyโ€ solution is to add more granular nsfw tags. I never want to see blood and gore, but I donโ€™t mind porn.

I haven't seen anything from lemmynsfw, so - zero. Though I don't spend a lot of time beyond my subscriptions and local feed.

I think is defederated from lemmynsfw

Oh no! Anyway, I created a separate account there, because I don't want porn in my regular feed.

Almost none. I browse all almost exclusively and have nsfw enabled, but none of the communities really bother me enough to block them. I just scroll past the stuff that I don't have any interest in, same as sfw content.

A bunch of fetish communities I don't like, that's about it.

None, since hast blocked. I wouldn't mind porn I think, but it's fine without as well. If I ever want to check out porn lemmy I'll make another account for that.

Similar amount + even more users.

I miss "by type" filters. With politics, news, sport and cats/dogs gone, I'd probably have to block only few communities irrelevant to my interests.

A disclaimer: I love both cats and dogs, but the communities dedicated to either are damn depressing + the photos are usually of shit quality.

I've only blocked a single user: The amount of posts from them on my All page was stupid.

I've considered blocking a few people who cross-post, since it's annoying to have the same exact post from the same exact user in 2-4 different communities being on my All page at the same time, but haven't yet.

Do tell me...

I'm not sure what motivates people who come here to practice "gorilla marketing" and do everything in their power to gain popularity and virtual points. It's like they don't realize it's not Facebook or Reddit...

I miss "by type" filters. With politics, news, sport and cats/dogs gone, I'd probably have to block only few communities irrelevant to my interests.

Post tags is probably the one feature I'm wishing for the most at the moment, tied with Multireddit style grouping for different frontpages for different topics.

I just blocked the entire instance. Does that not work in lemmy?

Not yet. Hopefully soon!

Honestly, hearing from you that kbin already lets you do that is kind of tempting me to swap over.

Weirdly I have seen 0 NSFW stuff at all. I use Kbin, browse All/Hot and donโ€™t have Hide NSFW checked.

Instead, my experience has been blocking the endless number of Meme communities.

Interesting...I wonder if since you're coming from kbin rather than another Lemmy instance it treats you as "not logged in" and hides the NSFW content automatically, like if you were to just go to lemmynsfw and browse without logging in.

i WISH i had this problem; it's so difficult to find the porn i used to get from reddit and ALL of porn instances i found were either straight or dildo/ass/dick pics.

Remindme 1week :-)

PLEASE let this be true!!! i'd be happy with a just a lemmy version of pg-13 subreddits like r/pecsandpecbouncing and/or r/topsandbottoms

I only browse on my subscribed list, so I don't really see it much

Maybe 12? Just the celebrity ones that kept popping up, really. Not only because I do not give a single fuck about any celebrity enough to have a desire to see them naked, but also because those subs don't actually have porn which is the content I expect from that instance.

I mean, I had to find and make an account on the instance just to see most of it in the first place when I was looking for hentai and furry porn communities.

I've found it much more effective to ban the spam posters / bot posters in general, instead of communities. That catches the worst of it and mostly eliminates all of the cross posting.

None.... because I don't see any of them. Ever.

If I were subscribed to them, I might see them.

But, I do not see them. EVER.

I exclusively browse "All" and block communities I don't want to see. I haven't found enough I want to sub to, and those I have subbed to don't have enough content.

Disabled nsfw for now, before that I tried blocking all the creepy celebrity-communities. There's one for every third rate female celeb under the sun and the guys posting there are spamming every picture with a hint of cleavage or leg.

Connect for Lemmy has a block instances feature. No idea how well it works though

Connect for Lemmy has a block instances feature. No idea how well it works though

Instantly, completely, and perfectly. I know because I accidentally blocked my home instance (.world), and I had NOTHING on my local page. Took a few moments to figure out how to unblock it lol

I think my home instance blocks porn-only instances, which is fine with me. I can open an account on the porn instance if I want, it's not the same kind of browsing.

Same with my instance and i also have an extra porn Account.

My home lemmy instance doesn't federate with NSFW instances to reduce legal risks which I totally support for their protection. In addition to the things which are outright illegal just about everywhere there is content that may or may not be legal in some places and an individual running a small instance doesn't have the legal funds or the protection from liability enjoyed by huge corporations. It is nice not having to worry about it when using the app in public or around family.

I hear people talk about porn in All but I never see it despite not filtering for NSFW. Not sure why that is. Something to do with the particular instance I'm connected to? I believe that is

I'm too, and I've got porn in my All feed a few times a day even with how many I've blocked - and all of my blocked ones have come directly from All. So who knows? Maybe you're only browsing Local? here too and I haven't seen any porn in my feed yet (local or all). Although, I've only been browsing for at most 10 minutes a few times a week.

I never get these, is it because I don't browse all?

Yup, that's why - if you're on Subscribed you'll only ever see posts from communities you subscribed to. Or even if you're on local, you won't see any content from other instances like

I've been able to ban whole instances with Connect for Lemmy and hide nsfw. Made the browsing a lot more enjoyable

Way too many. I'd like to see occasional non-sexual NSFW content in my All feed, hence not turning on NSFW filtering, but lemmynsfw is too prolific in my All feed.

Yeah man, same boat. I actually do have NSFW disabled, but I've still blocked at least a dozen or two lemmynsfw communities for actresses, celebs, gentlemenboners, ladyboners, ladyladyboners, just a metric ton of SFW porn communities.

Would make things so much easier if I could outright block the instance, and heck, maybe I'd even turn on NSFW in that case.

I have 238 blocked communities. ~3/4 porn, 1/4 sports, gaming, and non-English. I don't really want to block the instance as i kind of like to see the community titles. It's like a weird name competition. Winners are currently hentaibdsm and dangleandjiggle.

So, instead of subscribing to communities you want to see, you block communities you don't want to see. Interesting approach. You have more communities in your blocklist than communities I subscribed to.

First i read my subscribed by new, then i read all by new to learn about other communities. If a community I'm not interested in posts occasionally, i just scroll past. If there are 13 posts in a row about a football team, i block it.

Probably a similar amount, itโ€™ll just take time I guess before all the stuff I want to see is getting posted enough. I have a separate acct specifically for lemmynsfw, on this acct I actually donโ€™t see any nsfw stuff. The problem is that my Subscribed list feels too barren, thereโ€™s not enough stuff getting posted or maybe I havenโ€™t found all the communities I might be interested in. So I sort by All, which has quite a bit of stuff Iโ€™m not interested in at all, so I block that stuff. Eventually Iโ€™m assuming the two lines will cross paths and I can just switch over to my Subscribed list full-time. Until then Iโ€™ll just have to fight through waves of concerning porn until I can find my totally vanilla deviancies.

My preferred way to browse (even when I was on reddit) is to ignore subscriptions entirely, always browse All, and just block communities that regularly post content I'm not interested in. Once enough things are blocked it starts being pretty much all stuff I want to see.

I am subscribed to a lot of communities on Lemmy, but I might as well not be for how often I swap from All to Subscribed. For all the years I used reddit I only ever subscribed to like 3 subreddits.

On Reddit, I found myself swapping back and forth all the time. Sometimes I want hyper-specific content just related to the things Iโ€™m interested in, just because some of that stuff is so niche itโ€™d never show up in r/all. But then other times Iโ€™d want to see what was going on with the broader Reddit โ€œsocietyโ€, what new drama was afoot or what new weird-ass trend had people started latching onto. I liked having a clear division between the two and specifically didnโ€™t subscribe to subreddits that regularly showed up in r/all. I rarely blocked anything except for users whom I specifically hated their stuff.

On lemmy I pretty much have to do All by default, thatโ€™s the only way to do it if I want to see new stuff at all.

Until somebody on the instance subscribes to a community it doesn't get federated to an instance. Browsing by all is in effect saying let the others on my same host do the work of finding my communities and then trying to cull out the parts you don't like.

I do understand that's how it works, but considering I'm on the largest instance I'm not really sure that matters for me. Definitely worth keeping in mind for people on smaller instances though, or people interested in very small communities.

For what it's worth, I am subscribed to 55 communities, from back when I was giving the Subscribed page a shot.

An option to search only communities that aren't yet federated to your instance may be an interesting feature to add in the future.

I've been working on all the 'yiff' shit myself. Just the word, I fucking hate it, and seeing the art is even worse.

I've seen a lot of people complaining about that too, but it hasn't really showed up on my All page: Only one of my blocked communities has "yiff" anywhere in its name and I assume others are federated with an entire instance focused on that. Seem like nice people, sure, I'm just not interested at all in the content. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way to block instances from the web interface... only communities, so I've done that one at a time.

I'm on - maybe I've just gotten lucky. I have seen some furry content but it's closer to a post a week, compared to blocking like 8 regular porn communities a day.

I browse All>New since the other options seem to have too little variety.

I swapped from Active to Hot for this reason, but every so often I'll try New too.

You know they are under click wall, yeah?

I've blocked all the dicks but there are quite a few really tasteless pussy upclose ones that I blocked as well. The ai porn is absolute s tier quality though. I guess I'm more into artistic nudity than hardcore porn. I. Do. Not. Want. To. See. Upclose shots of genitals or buttholes.

I've only blocked all the trans ones that pop up cause I just am not interested in that frankly.

Other than that, I scroll past the odd post but they're blurred so it's really not an issue to me. I can click it if I want and I'm not in a place I shouldn't be

I blocked the whole instance. I'll admit that I do want to see nude females (who are obviously adults) but I was seeing lots of other stuff that I don't find sexy, and blocking specific communities was like playing whack-a-mole.

How did you block an instance?

Connect app on Android lets you block communities from the post without opening the post or navigating to the community

None, like the porn posts need to be clicked on to show the picture so it's not really an issue and even if it was visible by default I wouldn't mind, it's just porn. I would block gore but I haven't come across that yet.

No idea, since it seems Jerboa doesn't show the list anywhere, but it's probably a couple dozen, all non-English communitues.

I'm blocking some bots and a bunch of porn. I didn't block porn on Reddit, just scrolled past the few posts but with less content there is more porn in my way. I'm not worried about it being there in general I guess.

None. When you make a profile it asks if you are interested in nsfw and I just left it unchecked. I'm not sure if that's the difference but I remembered getting flooded early on with porn until I unchecked that box in my profile.

The content is always properly marked as nsfw, so that's definitely the difference. Only downside is you may be missing out on non-pornographic nsfw content, which is honestly not that common yet.

That's fair. I did leave it checked in case there was nsfw content that I would be missing but then I thought maybe it just meant instances that were nsfw? So I checked it off. I can try checking a post marked nsfw and see if I can still see it I suppose.

How often those non-porn nsfw posts appear on Lemmy? Is it often enough to justify enabling nsfw on your account while blocking lemmynsfw?

You can just also move to other instances that block Lemmynsfw.

Theyโ€™re used for spoiler tags in sports subreddits a lot

I don't really block unless it just becomes overwhelming on the TL with spam or weird comments; but my instance isn't federated anymore, anyway (though I'm not entirely sure how the whole concept works because I can still see the two I'm subscribed to fine - maybe it just won't actively show up on the timeline but you can still enter the community by typing it in??)

As far as my understanding goes, you can still see all content from lemmynsfw that predates the defederation, but you won't see any new content posted to it.

All of them. I'm browsing /all simply to block more, so that they won't accidentally show in my feed.

I never noticed any because isn't federated with it, took me a while to realise this, just thought there wasn't any porn here yet

Dont know but most of them are either unknown languages, politics circlejerking and virtuesignaling, or porn

The first few days I blocked them when I saw them. Now I never see them. So simple. Guess maybe 40-60 of them. Two clicks on the app I use.

None. When viewing all I might see a few posts but they're hidden with my settings on Liftoff. Not an issue.

I use a different app and account for NSFW things

I never even see anything nsfw myself both on kbin and lemmy. How far do people scroll when browsing?

It consistently shows up on my front page, which is only 20 posts. If you're not seeing it you may not be on All, or you may have the option to hide NSFW content checked.

I know the connect app allows instance level blocking, but i don't think thunder or jerboa do yet. I've also heard that there is a request for the lemmy devs to add that as a feature, so it nay happen in the near future.

I block basically all of the cartoon porn. Just not my cup of tea.

Weird thing though: I subscribe to a very few communities there because I like the occasional nudity in my news feed. Browsing by Subscribed I almost never get posts from there even though they are active. Only every now and then something comes through. I wouod expect a slightly higher frequency.

Could you please share your list so I too can block these disgusting instances?

Blocked a few dozen, subscribed to maybe half a dozen. It got a lot easier once I figured out the app lets me block communities without having to open the community page.

I block all the IRL porn I see, but the hentai and the like can stay

I think we need some sort of whitelist instead of a blacklist, it would probably be easier to mantain

That's the joy of connect on android lol. Instance blocking isn't perfect, it can miss posts here and there, but it isn't often.

I use kbin so I just have NSFW switched to off (by default and I haven't changed that) and I haven't seen a single one

Why would I block anything? I'm not a prude, and I'm capable of accepting my mistakes when they're pointed out to me.

Replying to my own thread: This is becoming even more annoying now that is gaining popularity too.

I use kbin so I just have NSFW switched to off (by default and I haven't changed that) and I haven't seen a single one


What an oddly specific number that's been mentioned now in multiple threads regarding a study that's being spammed.......

Why do I so oft get the impression many of you are just using ChatGPT to make posts? Are you using the fediverse as your new LLM?


What a bizarre accusation.

It's not a bizarre accusation because anyone not a bot would just click "hide NSFW content" and not complain because they would never see NSFW content again.

Every single instance you blocked in the screenshot wouldn't show up if you just went into your settings and blocked it all, it's all labeled "NSFW" accurately. There is no issue here

Also I guess you like Indian chicks eh?

It is a bizarre accusation because anyone who's ever interacted with ChatGPT could plainly see neither this post nor my comments were generated by it.

Hiding NSFW content all together is also overkill - I still want to see non-pornographic NSFW content. This is a very commonly requested feature.

And the Indian Girls community showed up in the status bar because it was the first blocked community containing "lemmynsfw" from my Ctrl+F search, smartass.

Hiding NSFW also hides all the not NSFW communities that use the tag as a spoiler or is something not porn related. Iโ€™d like to be able to see all that content, but not porn.