Secret Service notified as Alex Jones hosts show with 'assassinate Biden' in title

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 704 points –
Secret Service notified as Alex Jones hosts show with 'assassinate Biden' in title

Just arrest his ass. Clearly conspiracy as he's encouraging others to attempt it.

The idiot is begging to get raided, it didn't happen when he was saying he might get locked out of his studio and that was one of his most pathetic moments And as a side note, I don't think he really appreciates what would happen if biden was a martyr.

Did he? The full title of the stream was, "Will the Deep State Assassinate Biden If He Refuses To Leave?" Seems like it was just clickbait because the article says nothing about Alex encouraging it.

Yeah. It doesn't really get any less ambiguous without adding "I really mean it in a legally actionable way!" or some such nonsense.

I hate Alex Jones but I don't follow your logic. Can you be less ambiguous to help me out? What did Alex say? I can't find a single article supporting what these commenters claim, not even this post's article. It seems like everyone is making stuff up after reading the headline and not even clicking the link to read it.

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I ask because the article says nothing about him encouraging others to do it. I was hoping someone would link or explain more.

Putting it in the title is pretty suggestive, no?

Did you read the article? The full title of the livestream was, "Will the Deep State Assassinate Biden If He Refuses To Leave?"

As far as I can tell, the title was clickbait and he did not encourage violence, but I would love to be corrected. Look, I hate defending this guy, I'm just doing this because I hate sensational headlines.

I get it. But he knows his audience. Its seed planting

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It’s Illegal to say something like, “I want to kill the president.” Like crazy illegal. It’s ok that I just said it because I was just telling you it’s illegal.

I miss when people on TV were having fun

Shame everyone got on a hardcore vindictive streak against every perceived 'microagression' a decade or so ago.

There's thousands upon thousands of famous people. Why waste your time following or supporting someone that you feel is not a good person? Turns out a lot of people feel that same way, hence someone being "cancelled". No one went on a "hardcore vindictive streak" to get these people cancelled.

Oh please. People were swinging that stick around blindly. Sure there were some legitimately bad actors hurt, but the damage it did to society as a whole has been incalculable, as every random idiot with a grudge felt empowered to wield it as a weapon against everyone around them.

the damage it did to society as a whole has been incalculable

Ok, that's hilarious 😂. A few edgy comedians had a rough patch and now Rome is burning!

I think society will survive any misapplications of cancelling. There is no need to worry.

Like who are you even talking about? Can you give an example?

I totally have a great example but the Cancel Police deleted their name from my brain with their flouride lasers or something

How about the random people harassed/shamed for the great sin of... spreading their legs on the bus? People were absolutely psychotic in their zeal to attack anyone they could for any reason they could conceive.

the damage it did to society as a whole has been incalculable

Yes. Turning regular people against each other for such tiny perceived sleights has done incredible damage to the cohesion of our society.

This guy is a bad example. Can we have this debate when it's someone worth the effort? This guy is a huge asshole and I'm willing to 'no contest' his cancelling.

Fight the next one. I beg you.

I'm responding to the person saying they miss when people had fun on TV. That doesn't happen anymore because too many vindictive assholes feel empowered to ruin people's lives without a second thought in our current culture.

You literally made me laugh out loud. Well done.

No. No. It did not. The problem you are describing isn’t totally imaginary, but for the most part, it’s a good thing that you can’t be an avowed racist or misogynist or general all-around ass and everyone will still love you as long as you are good at your job.

Nobody is going to go on Twitter and said they were triggered because WKUK did this skit, and then George Soros would get the show cancelled. In fact, the lions’s share of the time, the people cancelling shows or freaking out and boycotting products, because someone said the wrong thing, are on your side of the ideological divide.

It is just public shaming in an age where it is almost impossible to control information getting, and/or being spread, around at a scale that wasn't thought possible until my lifetime.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I think what happened was that mean dickheads with money started running everything.

I think John Oliver is still having fun. Maybe some sports panel shows, too. Offhand I can’t think of anyone else, although I don’t watch much TV.

🎶🎶 It's time for guillotines 🎶🎶

Look, fuck Alex Jones, but the title of the Twitter Space was "Will the Deep State Assassinate Biden If He Refuses To Leave?"

Which is some crazy conspiratorial nonsense, but it is pretty far from a call to assassinate Biden. It does technically have the words "assassinate Biden" in it, so the headline is correct on a literal level, but this is some serious click bait...

You could just as easily say "Rawstory posts article with 'Assassinate Biden' in the title", and be just as correct.

More hack journalism, they don't even mention the actual title until the very end of the article. I'm pissed I even clicked on that garbage.

You make a good point, but I still think that this is more stochastic terrorism from the right. They’re putting the notion of assassinating the president out there into the weak minds of their listeners, who will take that information and do with it what they will. It’s so indirect that Jones and co have plausible deniability.

Note how they don’t ask if the derp state will assassinate Trump, even though he’s supposed to be its enemy.

He's implying that Biden's assassination would be good for the left, so it doesn't seem like that would motivate his base.

They’re putting the notion of assassinating the president out there into the weak minds of their listeners

While I don't think you're wrong, AJ has been talking about the president being assassinated for more than a decade. He was sure Trump was going to be assassinated almost constantly during his administration (poisoned cokes and hamberders were popular options).

People should stop giving that coked out drunkard any publicity, that's literally all he wants. Well, that and to sell you all kinds of InfoWars Dr Jones Naturals supplements THAT ARE IN NO WAY ASSOCIATED WITH INFOWARS, even though his dad owns it and sells all the same products and his mom is talking to him about his dad retiring.

People should stop giving that coked out drunkard any publicity, that's literally all he wants.

Well, someone was apparently awake during wonk class. Spot on comrade.

They’re putting the notion of assassinating the president out there into the weak minds of their listeners, who will take that information and do with it what they will.

I do understand they can do multiple things at once even if they can barely walk and chew gum, and I would like if they were wiped from the face of the earth, but I would much rather that they turn their attention towards the president, instead of putting their attention on trans people or whatever racial minority comes up week by week to rile up the base. The president has a large amount of protection on him at all times, the chances that any right wing nutjob can target him effectively strike me as shockingly low, and if they did target him, then probably you'd see something actually happen to prosecute them. Basically nobody else has that same level of protection.

Hey, this is Alex Jones, nuance and honestly aren't allowed /s

If you're always giving people who don't play fair, the benefits of the doubt, you're going to end up with fascism.

Never help vipers survive, they'll only end up stinging you.

If I don't give people the benefit of a doubt, then I am the one playing unfairly.

Alex Jones may be a liar, but I'm not.

Yes you are, you're pretending the title doesn't contain the words "assassinate Biden", when it clearly does. Now you're pretending this was ever about truth and lies, when it never was.

It's about perception, conveying the quite accurate perception that Alex Jones aids a politically unhinged and destabilizing political atmosphere.

He should be painted as such, instead you're out here pretending like he's a good honest man, that is being lied about.

You're lending your honesty and labour, to a side of politics unworthy of the honour.

You have fallen into the trap of telling the Nazis there are Jews in the basement, thinking it will prove that you're a good person, when it in fact just makes you culpable for the success of fascists.

Ironically, Biden assassinating him would be cool and legal according to SCOTUS.

Only if the SCOTUS decides it's official presidential business tho

Yeah, and the current traitor majority would make up whatever bullshit to not do that, regardless of how tight a corner they've tried to paint themselves into with the decision.

But Biden could just assassinate them, too. And then there'd be nobody left to object.

Not really, controlling the military is very explicitly an "official act" as stated in the verdict. Biden could literally seal team 6 him with no legal consequences

The other recent catastrophic decision, the one overturning Chevron deference, flushed stare decisis right down the shitter.

When I say they "make up whatever bullshit," I mean they really make up whatever bullshit!

At this point they might as well just say, "Any Republican president who toes the party line is immune from prosecution because we say so. Yeah, we're blatantly partisan, what are you gonna do about it? We're appointed for life, and you'll never have enough Democrats in Congress to impeach us. LOL!"

I'd still hate them, but I'd also appreciate the honesty.

That can be easily solved by first assassinating any members of SCOTUS who would rule the assassinations to not be official business

No, it just has to be within the duties of the president -- official business -- How could POTUS doing a military order not be official business ? Whose business would that be other than the leader of the military?

Yeah, but if he does it and gets charged for this abuse of power, it will probably be tried before the Supreme Court, meaning they'll get to ratify whether it actually was official business.

Except no it wouldn’t because he wielded power exclusive to the office of president therefore it is considered an official act and his motives cannot even be investigated to find out if it was an abuse of power.

The degree to which the Supreme Court has fucked the US with this ruling is hard to understate.

🤓umm, excuse me, the SCOTUS rule doesn't make things legal; they stay illegal, but the POTUS will not be held accountable for them.

isn't that SO MUCH better‽

The full title of the livestream was, "Will the Deep State Assassinate Biden If He Refuses To Leave?"

Fuck this badly written article for making me want to defend Alex Jones

Yeah no kidding. He's an absolute fuckstick but this is a bit ridiculous

This will feed into his narrative that people take his words out of context. It's playing his game. He constantly claims to be attacked and plays up the victim/martyr card to gain sympathy just so he can sell more supplements.

Secret Service notified as Raw Story publishes a headline with the same message in title investigated for popular post with "assassinate Biden" in the title.

I investigated your mom. She seems like a person who had a life and then had you and loved you and then had a life with you and I hope you call her soon.

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I guess Biden should just have him assassinated since he is clearly a threat to his ability to perform his presidential duties. Surely this is what the SCOTUS was referring to when they made that ruling.

We joke about this stuff. But when you stack up how Palestinian protesters on college campuses or BLM organizers in Ferguson and Baltimore or Quakers protesting the Iraq War were treated relative to a real live active guy with deep ties to domestic terrorist groups, its mind-boggling how little actually happens to the shock jock crowd.

Its not like Presidents are shy about straight up assassinating political dissidents, whether they are American Islamists and their families living abroad or Civil Rights leaders in Chicago and Philly. So how do these far-right types get to run nationally syndicated Radio Rwanda uninterrupted for decades across multiple administrations with no more than a polite knock at the door?

"[...] or Civil Rights leaders in Chicago and Philly."

Just a reminder that the Philadelphia police bombed a home and killed 11 American citizens. The resulting fire burnt most of the houses on that block.

"Philadelphia police dropped two explosive devices from a helicopter onto the roof of a house occupied by MOVE. The Philadelphia Police Department allowed the resulting fire to burn out of control, destroying 61 previously evacuated neighboring homes over two city blocks and leaving 250 people homeless. Six adults and five children were killed in the attack, with one adult and one child surviving."

POTUS got the thumbs-up emoji from SCOTUS

Still amazed that SCOTUS gave an opinion that literally permits POTUS to have them executed.

They only have the gall to do that because they believe Biden won't abuse it and Trump will win.

"news articles" that just showcase tweets should be banned from this community

Also anything Alex Jones. This right here, is EXACTLY why he does what he does. No PR is bad PR for him. The dumbest move is trying to tell people about how dumb this guy is. It's only feeding him. This is how Trump won. Keep your name in the Zeitgeist. Keep gaslighting your victimization and the victimization of your constituency. Gish. motherfucking. Gallop.

Not only is that illegal, the dumbfuck doesn't even realize that there couldn't possibly be a better way for Democrats to sweep the election than on a wave of sympathy if Biden were assassinated.

That’s what the show posits. The title is something like “they’re gonna assassinate Biden”

I don't even want to know who Alex Jones thinks "they" are this time.

Could be the donors, could be the party, could be a true believer.

I don’t listen to his show so idk the reasoning but this is probably one of those stopped clock situations.

They lose with Biden, if it goes instead to a brokered convention they lose. If Biden dies then there’s a good chance they win.

Your question of who is the sticking point though. The party doesn’t care about winning, the donors are all giving to both sides anyway, only a true believer would do such a thing.

There’s not a lot of precedent for that though. There was the congressional baseball watcher, but even then it was an ill conceived haphazard attack with little preparation.

Pardon the pun, but democrats just don’t got any shooters.

I completely disagree. You have Trump and his people calling Biden the most evil president in history. That could absolutely turn into an assassination from a Trump devotee.

nah, the american conservative movement is just trying to stay in their lane and let the democrats fuck this one up themselves. there's no benefit for their party, donors or true believers to a biden death.

that's not to say they can't screw it up, just that they won't allow or condone something as damaging to their chances as bidens death.

Since when have lone nuts stayed in their lane?

That depends on if you’re including people “known to law enforcement” as lone nuts.

If so then yeah, if not then no.

Your typical real deal lone nut doesn’t target political figures, instead opting for the uhh propaganda of the deed.

The ruby style lone nut isn’t really acting by themselves, and always seems to have a bunch of people around them influencing their decisions.

That and most likely running a candidate that isn't geriatric.

Biden could be literally so ridden with dementia that he couldn't recognize his own name and a wave of sympathy would still create a huge blue wave if he were assassinated.

I genuinely think Jones has a yet to be defined metal disorder.

He makes his money this way. Sometimes things don't have to be complicated.

Exactly. It doesn't make sense because it's a grift. These "pundits" are getting rich by scaring ignorant people.

We are all so distracted with our own problems we allow the wolves to run rampant. It’s quite sad.

Exactly, it's akin to a dog pushing a button to get a treat, he'll push it more and more often if it works. Except in this case the button is what gets his fans engaged and the treat is money.

Making money by worsening the world around you is a mental disorder

I'm of the opinion that we defined it several thousand years ago, in some form at least.

Belangia helpfully adds: “A-gnoia means literally ‘not-knowing’; a-mathia means literally ‘not-learning.’ In addition to the type of amathia that is an inability to learn, there is another form that is an unwillingness to learn. … Robert Musii in an essay called On Stupidity, distinguished between two forms of stupidity, one he called ‘an honorable kind’ due to a lack of natural ability and another, much more sinister kind, that he called ‘intelligent stupidity.'”

Belangia also quotes Glenn Hughes, from an essay entitled “Voegelin’s Use of Musil’s Concept of Intelligent Stupidity in Hitler and the Germans,” providing a further elucidation of the concept of amathia (italics in the original):

“The higher, pretentious form of stupidity stands only too often in crass opposition to [its] honorable form. It is not so much lack of intelligence as failure of intelligence, for the reason that it presumes to accomplishments to which it has no right … The stupidity this addresses is no mental illness, yet it is most lethal; a dangerous disease of the mind that endangers life itself. … [S]ince the ‘higher stupidity’ consists not in an inability to understand but in a refusal to understand, any healing or reversal of it will not occur through rational argumentation, through a greater accumulation of data and knowledge, or through experiencing new and different feelings … We may say that the reversal of a spiritual sickness must entail a spiritual cure.”

Willful ignorance is the greatest sin. I've been saying that for a while now, not that I believe in sin.

COVID was a real eye opener for me. Seeing how far people would go to remain ignorant.

Stupid can't be helped and there is nothing wrong with it. Ignorance is different and not necessarily bad, if you see that you're ignorant about something, you can choose to educate yourself.

However, willful ignorance is a different thing. I believe that most of society's ills are rooted in willful ignorance and its exploitation by the evil.

However, willful ignorance is a different thing. I believe that most of society's ills are rooted in willful ignorance and its exploitation by the evil.

“Wisdom alone, is the good for man, ignorance the only evil” (Euthydemus 281d)

“There is, he said, only one good, that is, knowledge, and only one evil, that is, ignorance” (in Diogenes Laertius, II.31)

Personally I believe in the statement about "a spiritual disease needing a spiritual cure", but I'm not going for some spiritual mumbojumbo. If we take the spiritual disease to be some sort of block in your empathic abilities, however conscious or unconscious, and then we look at some of the most recent studies on empathogens (MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, etc), it wouldn't be unreasonable to suggest that the "spiritual cure" might be something as simple as MDMA/psychedelic-assisted therapy.

Maybe we could call looking into this something like "Project Pretty-obvious-when-you-think-about-it "

not that I believe in sin

It’s perfectly legitimate to have the concept of sin, even if you don’t believe in a deity. There’s a moral code, whether defined by religious precepts, societal convention, personal preference,or objective logic, and evil is a sin against that regardless.

“It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it.”

Heavy metal disorder?

I'm of the opinion that the car-based society in the States throughout the 50s to the 90s is the reason they're all fucked in the head due to lead poisoning from gas fumes

So yes, heavy metal poisoning

That might explain some of the boomer problems. Jones is a gen-xer though, we had phased lead based fuel out of almost everything by the time he was growing up.

He very well could have eaten lead paint chips as a kid though. His supplements have also been tested and shown to contain unhealthy amounts of lead.

Leaded gasoline calculation to have stolen over 800 million cumulative IQ points since 1940s

A new study calculates that exposure to car exhaust from leaded gas during childhood stole a collective 824 million IQ points from more than 170 million Americans alive today, about half the population of the United States.

about half the population of the United States.

Hey, about half voted for Trump, weird coincidence.

Possibly. I think he really lacks an ability to see how his attention seeking habits negatively affect others, and I don't think he's quite capable of having it explained to him.

I feel like something broke in his brain when he got fuck you money for doing good investigative journalism in the early 90s.

Like his brain went "oh okay. Just tell people how they're being manipulated and you get a free ride." and he's been stuck there ever since. And his tales of how we're being manipulated grew taller and taller.

It's like some attention seeking shit mixed with a super low IQ. Idk.

His inability to stop speaks to me of self-destructive desires.

He has a "freakishly large neck" (his words) that prevents him from getting enough oxygen when he sleeps. When he was young he spent hours under a house with insecticide spray in the air. I'm sure there are other tidbits in forgetting, but suffice it to say that you're underselling him by saying he has "a" yet to be defined mental disorder.

Biden needs to…. Presidential Immunity that clown as soon as possible.

This guy really likes to dig himself into the stupid hole any chance he gets, huh?

Ya know he may be working angle here. His whole life is over and he knows it. I'll bet he figures if he goes crazy all in on Trump that maybe he could land some political support in getting his conviction overturned if Trump wins the election. Considering his current situation its probably the only chance he has.

A Biden donor event, where Biden and Alex Jones fight to the death. All on a livestream and tv. It being offical presidental business it would be legal according to SCOTUS for Biden to kill Jones. Whatever the outcome the Democrats presidential candiate will be seen as fit as well. If Biden looses, Jones is being thrown into prison.

And people say Trump is a showman....

Jones has been saying for 30 years the government wants to stop him for speaking the truth. While I think the dupes that believe him will see him as a martyr, making an example of a couple media dorks like jones who are engaging in rhetorical escalation for clicks would be an improvement, probably

Nothing makes me happier than hearing these losers are so threatened and cornered.

How does this guy still have an audience?

I think he’s saner than Trump. Because Alex Jones doesn’t really believe the shit he says. But Trump is narcissistic to a level where he would take down the world him if he has no more options to “win”.

"Will the Deep State assassinate Biden if he refuses to leave?"

This is the full title of the podcast episode. It doesn't tell us until the very, very bottom of that article.

Also, Alex Jones can eat shit. That is all.