The word "slyly" looks very aesthetically pleasing. What are other handsome words (any language)? to Ask – 147 points –

Boob just because it shows how boobs look from the three main perspectives: top, straight on, and profile.

That's very immature but very accurate

There’s nothing immature about boobs, my friend. Quite the opposite in fact.

What I mean is that I laughed about this when I was twelve. I still do, but I also did when I was twelve.

Speaking of which:

When you articulate the word "poop", your mouth makes the same sequence of shapes your anus does when you poop.

When in all lowercase letters the word


Looks like a bed.


Yeah, love it. very similar vibe, with all the y's.

Also Gypsy, Myth, Glyph

Words where Y is the only vowel are satisfying.

Always dug the word "queue" you only pronounce the first letter and the rest of them are just waiting in line all tidy.

I also find deque satisfying. Pronounced deck. It is a term in computing referring to a double ended queue.

The word queue is made up of a queue of vowels. It's pronounced exactly the same as its first letter. It's beautiful.

Pretty much any Arabic calligraphy.

I went to a museum in Morocco that was specifically showing Arabic calligraphy in the shape of trees or people or other common objects and was absolutely blown away.

Indelibly printed on my mind.

I saw saw Arabic calligraphy and I was like oh s*** they got the written word correct.

I tried learning Arabic once, because it's such a beatiful language. I wasn't very good at it, but i understand a bit of how it can be such an artistic language.

I really liked listening to the call to prayers they play through the cities, although the first time they played aloud, I was very worried at what sounded like Divine Revelation ridinog through the alleyways while I was walking around, like some Gabriel trumpet s*** breaking the city apart until I realized it was just the call to prayer.

It was this loud rumbling "aaaaaaaaaaaaAaAaAaAAaAAAAAAAA" to begin saying "Allah" and I was very confused and worried for the drawn out 20 seconds or so it took to complete the first syllable.

"Minimum" is quite nice, particularly in calligraphy where it's just a bunch of vertical lines

This is what I came here to say. A couple of years ago there was a trend on the fountain pen subreddit of videos of people writing minimum. It is quite fun and satisfying to write.

German always looks great.

My favourite?


For any non-Germans:


The most german thing is to read that no problem at the first try. But our language is cheating with the combining words thing.

In Romanian, the word "lalelele" is perfectly correct.

Ever since I saw it written down I've been trying to decide if I love it or hate it.

What does it mean?

It actually means "the tulips", with the determinate article, like this:

  • Tulip = Lalea
  • Tulips = Lalele
  • The tulips = Lalelele
1 more...
1 more...


  • Obelisk
  • Aptitude
  • Hamfisted
  • Obstreperous
  • Peace


  • Zapata
  • Dos veces


  • Pamplemousse

I like the sound of anything in Spanish with a trilled r.

Like perro 🐶.

Mañana is nice sounding too.

I love the eñe (Ñ) in my mother tongue. And I hate when it gets written and pronounced as N. It's Zoë Saldaña, people!

I love the word acquiesce. It just looks classy and elegant (even though the word doesn't mean anything like it)

"Slyly" actually kind of bothers me a little due to how it looks.

One of my kids is named Ivy and she was the first to learn how to write it because it's one stick, two sticks, three sticks. Her under 2 year old sister was at the library once and pointed to a book and said "Ivy" and yep, that was on the spine of the book. So I love that word because it made two of my kids understand written language.

I don't think there's any words that "look handsome" though what I was a kid, the first time I read the word "gobbledygook" I could not stop laughing for at least 5 minutes. Then I had to go look it up in a dictionary (because that was the style at the time).

Chinese and Japanese would have so many. My favorite is probably 緑 which means green. I also like the simplified Chinese horse: 马. Special shoutout to 凸 meaning convex, 凹 meaning concave, and 凸凹 meaning bumpy (not sure if this is true in Chinese). There's thousands to choose from so of course there are a lot of other handsome one-character words, but those are the first few I thought of.

I like how 看 (kan, to look) is composed of the radical for "hand" over the radical for "eye". It's basically representing someone doing this 🫡 to look at something

Preposterous. Sounds hilarious, and looks/sounds very sophisticated in a good way.

Grawlix - the use of punctuation to convey swearing in comics or cartoons. @#!&

Malapropism - incorrectly using a word that sounds similar to the intended word. Like Mike Tyson famously saying that he'd "fade into Bolivian"

Malaphor - combining one or more metaphors incorrectly like "we'll burn that bridge then we come to it"

I've loved "we'll burn that bridge when we come to it" ever since a character in Robert Asprin's Mythadventures series used it. Fun books.

The word


is almost perfectly symmetrical, at least d and b are, and i really like it. Depends on the typeface of course.

You can have a perfectly symmetrical set of letters by writing "dunb" but that's not a word

Wouldn't it need to be "dunp"?

No, p is like a d that was rotated 180°, whereas b is like a d that was flipped horizontally.

Though i do now realize that the same is true for u and n, my mistake, still looks neat

A place in California called Zzyzx.

On the way to Vegas! Yes. The desolate exit where a guy can pee when there are no exits for miles.

That's actually hilarious. I never knew about this until now.

*Please don't do that. The peeing in public thing. It was a terrible suggestion.

Please respect Zzyzx!

Of course I won't. I don't even pee in the streets anyways.

I will respect Zzyzx.

I've been told my username looks pleasing.

hallelujah is a cool looking word. A lame word, but a cool looking one.


The French really like it for some reason. It means shoelaces in Hungarian.

I don’t know about handsome, but I heard somewhere that “barn Cellar door” is the most pleasant sounds two words in the English language.

Kinda sounds like a foreign language, perhaps that’s why it sounds pleasing.