Secret Service Probes Elon Musk’s Prez Biden and VP Harris Killing ‘Joke’ to – 653 points –
Secret Service Probes Elon Musk’s Prez Biden and VP Harris Killing ‘Joke’

The Secret Service has launched a probe into an X post by Elon Musk in which he tweeted that “no one is even trying” to kill Kamala Harris or Joe Biden.

The tech billionaire deleted the post on his X platform and passed it off as a “joke.” However, the White House did not find it funny and instead called it “irresponsible.”

“Violence should only be condemned, never encouraged or joked about,” the White House said in a statement. Now the Secret Service is involved.


Tech billionaire realises that saying things on the internet can be taken differently than expected... in 2024. Is this guy a complete moron?

Is this guy a complete moron?

I hope it's a rhetorical question and you didn't just now realize it.

Haha nice of you to ask. I knew in some areas for sure but to think someone could stumble into success so effectively with actually nothing to contribute is too depressing to accept.

Step one, inherit daddy's South African emerald mine and child slaves.

Step two, use that blood emerald money to fund lots of insane projects.

Step three, wait until the engineers make some of them work. Be very vocal about successful projects, and silent about failures.

Alternative: infest a promising independent project (something cool and futuristic like electric cars), buy yourself the title of "founder", and act like it was your idea all along.

Step four, offer a completely insane idea to rescue children inside rocket fuel tanks, then accuse your largest critic of pedophilia.

I don’t know if he’s had any good ideas, but he was an effective hype man before going off the deep end around 2019.

He also was willing to bet on some things at thought were hard to do (start a new car company, start a new aerospace company that focused on rocket science).

But yeah, his main deal is being both into wealth he could use with very little discrimination. (That irony is not lost on me, I mean he could bet and lose plenty and still be a racist tycoon).

Ah, right, the thing that would get normal people put on a list and held in custody if the president traveled through their region just gets the Muskrat "probed"

People make comments like this all the time. Nobody is held in custody for it.

Every normal person is on several lists now regardless of guilt. We just consider that a reasonable search and treat Snowden like a traitor.

I'd assume in his case the government already has enough eyes over him that if he were to actually try something they would know it before he even considered sending any threats.

It's not so much about him personally trying anything though. The problem is that he's potentially inciting one of the thousands of unhinged people who follow him into doing something.

He also controls the satellites used for communication on battlefields and has already turned them off unilaterally during an important Ukrainian operation in the Black Sea.

He can run Twitter and Tesla into the ground, but SpaceX needs to be nationalized. Its compromise is a national security threat.

Is he e getting Russian money? Did he just promote the assassination of the American president? I'm just asking questions.

Doubt it. There are no hard indications that he's a russian asset. He's just an asshat.

Yes, but according to Russian asset, serial killer and couch fucker JD Vance, you can make up any lie about anyone you want as long as you are making a point.

True. There are reports that Elon himself agreed with this in a weekly address to xitter staff, after he thoroughly explained how he takes care to use the right type of lube when rectally inserting cucumbers on himself.

This is exactly the type of tweet he'd make lol

How so? It's based on real evidence and isn't racist.

Well some of Putin's friends helped pay for Twitter so there is some level of connection in there.

I still don't understand how anyone here (or on the internet in general, for that matter) is still asking "Is Elon stupid? Is he a moron?" in response to stuff like this.

Elon's a jackass, but he clearly knows what he's doing with this. He's inciting political violence and then acting like it was an edgy joke as a way to give himself probable deniability. Dude's an asshole, but he's not literally brain dead.

You're so nice about it. Let's be real. He's a Narcissistic predator with too many means to destroy humanity itself and his motivation to do exactly that is transparent, claimed even.

On one hand, sure, I have eyes and a mostly functional memory. It seems clear cut. Incredibly lucky shitbag.

But on the other hand, as a proper American I know that the more money and fame you have, the more of a smart person and good human you are. It’s just a rule of nature. And if you’re a terrible parent estranged from your own children, that just shows how dedicated you are to the mission! How else are we going to get teslas and iPhones?

Hopefully I don’t need the /s, but Poe’s law exists for a reason.

Idk why we need to say we are certain about someones intention. It could just be a mental stability thing, like many people have problems with. His tweets are just far more consequential than a regular persons. He might not be as strongly shaped by social norms due to his fortunate circumstance.

(Im not defending anything. I just want truth and theres no point in extrapolating the situation further than what we see on the surface... just punish him according to what he did, or become a journalist and get relevant details to judge him further)

Hey Grok, what's a good recipe for cooking rich people?

It's best to start with fresh materials so you're going to want to dress them shortly before preparation.

a marinade or a dry brine not only adds flavor, it helps reduce the characteristic bitterness found in the rich

That should go well, since the Secret Service are renowned for having a good sense of humour about this sort of thing.

OTOH they did delete all those Jan 06 text messages so I no longer regard them as objective in the performance of their duties.

Now it’s funny— or, at least, I’m laughing

I REALLY hope Taylor Swift finds some legal way to sue him for threatening to forcibly impregnate her against her will.

I think the guy is terrible but threatening to forcibly impregnate is not how I read that tweet. Didn't he say "okay I will give you a child" or some shit. That doesn't imply non consent, it sounded to me as an offer, which was gross. Could maybeee be considered harassment, but 1 tweet would be hard to classify as that as well. It would be like trying to make catcalling illegal. It's gross, but by no means would it ever make a law that wouldn't be abused.

Well, yes…

But I also hope she finds some diabolically genius way to foil him a la Real Genius. I wanna see lasers make a house explode full of popcorn!


It's funny/scary how quickly people abandon the first amendment the minute somebody says something gross.

Full text of the 1st amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Disapproving of what Musk says, or desiring for Musk to face consequences for what he says, is not in conflict with the 1st amendment.

Legal consequences.

Swift can violate Musk's "free speech" because she is not the government.

Clearly you don't know what the 1st amendment means.

Guess you haven't seen this one?

Guess you missed the part where the person was talking about seeking a legal result not just shitting on Elon?

Guess you missed the part where two private citizens involved in a lawsuit is not the government.

Aside from the fact that we’re talking about a civil matter between private citizens, you can legitimately get serious government intervention and punishment for certain types of speech. Let’s say you yell fire in a theater, or threaten the president, or publish classified national security secrets.

People who claim to be free speech absolutists (like one of the private parties in this discussion!) usually just mean for them or for stuff they disagree with.

Let’s say you yell fire in a theater,

Legal. This is no longer the standard for speech limitations.

or threaten the president,

So long as it's a "true threat" and not hyperbole.

or publish classified national security secrets.

This is legal, so long as you didn't steal them.

What part of Leon Musk and Taylor Swift are the government in this violation of First Amendment rights?

Where’s all that left wing rhetoric inciting violence?

What a giant pussy Trump and Vance are.

Talk about leopards eating your face. This is the leopard eating its own face. This is the violent rhetoric you dumbass motherfuckers.


I hope they don't miss next time.

Same. People who say "you can never condone assassination attempts" are idiots. We make movies about people who tried to kill future dictators.

Imagine looking at Dollar Tree Hitler and not thinking that the world would be better without him. I’m not “condoning” violence, but I fucking get it.

“We tried to kill Hitler” is basically it’s own genre; let’s not act like those actions don’t have merit on the eyes of a larger population than many people think.

I mean I can say some things, problem is I didn't buy a 44 billion dollar megaphone.

Where’s all that left wing rhetoric inciting violence?

I think we can all agree that not enthusiastically agreeing with every stupid thing Trump says is exactly the same as calling for violence. In fact, not rolling over and letting Trump have whatever he wants is the greatest sin and makes the (insert bad descriptor) Left the REAL fascists!

I sort of feel like the CIA should already have a file on him filed to the brim with juicy nuggets they haven't really been able to act on until now.

No doubt various TLAs have compiled dossiers on various very important people. It would be irresponsible of them not to. People who have so much power and access are intrinsic security threats, and that's no secret to the spy agencies.

Of course they might frame it differently. They might say that they compile information so that they can make sure that the powerful person doesn't get blackmailed, for example. It's easy to try to phrase things in a way that suggests you're protecting them, when the actual theoretical goal is protecting us from what they could do if things went sideways.

I wish I too could know if I've ever been probed by the secret service or some other government agency. I've made some risky jokes on reddit before.

I know how you can tell if you've been probed by aliens: you wake up butthurt. Trump gets abducted pretty much every night.

There's no way a killing joke could ever involve tragedy.

Musk is a proven weirdo nutcase. What a collection of weird crazies - Elon, RFK Jr, JD Vance and the orange felon, along with little "Moses", Johnson and the entire House "freedom" caucus.

Maybe he will start to get a damn clue.

I’m sure he’ll just lobby that the secret service should only be allowed to investigate threats against republicans.

What a nothing story. Pretty much reads as, "we asked, they said we can't talk about it but if anything happened we're looking into it."

Lonnie sucks. It's too bad I'm not an incredibly rich asshole who can break laws regarding financial stuff, slander, and stochastic terrorism while getting away with it.

“Violence should only be condemned, never encouraged or joked about,” the White House said

The irony is thick.

Make sure to forget the lube when probing him. And make him bleed.

Edit> Found the Musk fanboys :)

It’s not that you “found the Musk fanboys,” it’s that sexual assault jokes are neither funny nor acceptable.

Oh, my mistake. I didn’t mean to offend anyone’s sensibilities where Musk would get exactly what he deserves. But thanks for making me a better person.