‘Do You Know Who I Am?’: Lauren Boebert Thrown Out of Beetlejuice Musical For Allegedly Vaping, Causing a ‘Disturbance’

ZeroCool@feddit.ch to politics @lemmy.world – 604 points –
‘Do You Know Who I Am?’: Lauren Boebert Thrown Out of Beetlejuice Musical For Allegedly Vaping, Causing a ‘Disturbance’

Vaping in public is already trash, but being Lauren Boebert at the same time takes it to a new level.

Am vaper. I agree.Wouldn't dream to obscure someone's viewing of a show -- much less while inside of a venue.

I prefer it to stoges, but even the 'analogue' of the habit was relegated to keeping us away from others. As it should be.

There are some really inconsiderate vapers and they do things that smokers generally don't do, like blow vapor in your face when you're walking by and, like Boebert, do it indoors. I don't get it. They were likely former smokers and they didn't used to do this shit.

Because "It's harmless!" (It's not...)

That was always the justification I'd hear. Even if it was harmless, it's still rude as hell.

Water is harmless but I don't want you spitting it in my face, asshole..

Was at an amusement park and watched a family of wt vaping large obnoxious clouds.... You couldn't see their baby or 2 year olds in the vap fog.

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Dumbass: do you know who I am?

Theatre person: yes and that's why you must go.

It is so cringe when someone asks that. It usually means they don't and you saying that shows your ego is bigger than your brain.

I read somewhere a couple years ago, that in her teens, Boebert used to turn tricks outside the local bars for cigarettes and beer.

Perhaps it’s unfair to highlight that as it’s probably common practice for most of her peer group.

She married a pedophile. She knew he was a pedophile, because she was one of the children he exposed himself to at a bowling alley and thought "he's gonna be my husband one day".

Sexual deviancy is her MO.

Here's an actual link to the video of her being escorted out.. https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1701803040624271545

I used to run movie theaters. I used to love kicking obnoxious people out, and it made it even better when they'd make a scene like that. The little smile the one usher gives the other after she walks away... I felt that.

It's annoying that evil can still look hot if you put it in the right dress.

She might look great in that dress but she walks like a dude who just hopped out of his truck after a 6-hour drive and needs to stretch his legs.

What is wrong with you. Don't dump your horny here

Her dress is just cleavage. It isn't even a cute dress.

Here's to hoping she switches to OnlyFans after losing the next election

That's like your opinion dude.

Or maybe you just like grandmas.

Where's that hot/crazy pic when you need it? Except put Evil instead of Crazy. Knowing her though, she's probably all three...

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It'd be hilarious if she was told "yes, and all the more reason to throw you out".

We already asked you to leave, you don't need to convince us!

Literally don't know who that is.

White trash, hard right politician.

Oh, so I've probably heard about them multiple times but my brain marks the info for deletion and it's replaced and gone in moments.

Let me draw you a picture.

( . Y . ) - "white power!"

What rock have you been living under?

I'll take "Unsurprising But Disappointing Headlines" for $2k...

I don’t know, I can’t say I’m too disappointed about a bit of public Boebert shaming.

She causes a “disturbance” at a venue she is on the board of?

Seems like a Trumpian playbook move to use your celebrity and political office to influence your personal investments.

She's just a bitch. You don't need to call her anyone else's name.

Actually. That could be hilarious.

*visits capital hill
*ambushes boebert
“Hi! I’m like your biggest fan! I love the work your doing…. Can I have your autograph?! Maybe a selfie?”
*startes recording “Thanks Marjorie!”

Nah call her Nancy

I mean, I'd say 'call her whatever would get her to screech the loudest.'... I'm not sure which that is, to be honest. Either works, though.

I get the sense you don't like Trump. So then why are you bending over and giving him the glory he craves by slapping his name on something that politicians have been doing for generations?

Yeah, and Elbridge Gerry is no longer the governor of Massachusetts, but we still slap his name on 'gerrymandering.' Sometimes something sticks because the person it sticks to is so sticky.

All politicians incite riots to prevent losing power, amirite?

Randy Marsh energy.

Please do not insult Randy Marsh like that.

At least that man has 'Tegrity.

I don't know if Randy Marsh could actually get drunk enough to match Lauren Boebert's level of incoherence.

Interesting that she went to this show. I'm guessing it was just to make the headlines like this.

The opening monologue is quite anti-Republican.

She claims she's a big fan of the musical. She said she was singing along too loudly as if singing along was at all appropriate in live theater.

Well what do you know, a shitty cunt acts like a shitty cunt? Crazy. It's a shame that being a shitty cunt doesn't disqualify you from being in public office like it should.

"Do you know who I am?"

Yes, Karen, we know who you are. Yet despite this, we still let you into our concert. Now you're behaving like a twat, so GTFO.

This woman is a complete fruit, but I will admit that saying "and let me know how it ends!" is mildly amusing, and shows a level of self-awareness that's usually missing from her and her ilk.

She pays good money for a PR team. Should at least get her money's worth.

I'm a good Christian woman. I only show 50% boobage at a time. That's the sluttiest Christian in open public eye I've ever seen.

Can we skip to the point where she's just cracked out and depressed already? I can't stand any sign of happiness from her with that "lol I'm so much better than the people that have to follow rules look at me daaaance"

Hate seeing evil people happy for even 10 seconds at a time. Pure sadness and wretched depression from them is all they deserve.

Yeah, she's a jerk. But can we not just slut shame people. Is that too much to ask?

To be fair, other sluts would be ashamed just being grouped with this seditious traitor. Hoebert is much worse than a slut. She's a cheap politician.

I love Hoebert. That's gonna be what I call her when she appears like this now. If you're gonna pretend to be religious, I'm gonna pretend to be shocked by your actual behavior.

I wasn't in the general sense. But since she professes to believe in a religion specifically that has certain standards, it's a bad look for her.

I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy in it. These people all like to pretend they belong to the good people club while enjoying living like us regular people. It's just so pathetic. Just own up to what you believe, and actually believe it. Don't do the politician thing and double dip.

Fuck that noise, if you're proud of being a slut then that's great but that's your issue. She's dressed like a slut and there's nothing wrong stating that fact.

So yes, that's too much to ask when it comes to this piece of trash.

I’m a good Christian woman. I only show 50% boobage at a time.

Who's she dancing with outside the theater? Boyfriend? Husband?