Tech CEOs Fleeing to Non-Extradition Countries to Lemmy – 636 points –

This had me checking, fortunately SBF is currently in jail and almost certainly headed for prison. Also want to drop a reminder that McAfee publicly announced shortly before his death that he had no intention of suicide and expected assassination attempts after his incarceration.

How wacky would it be for him to announce that, and then commit suicide just to mess with everyone.

I have an inkling that he faked his own death. Or they killed him.

But him faking his own death would be 100% something he would do.

tfw there is literally nothing you can say that can stop the media from faking your suicide

McAfee was brilliant to stupor, saw through the plandemic gimmicks .the "Joker" character was modelled to imitate his speech patterns . He was wacked

Bruh the joker has been around longer than McAfee. The first comic book with the joker was published 5 years before McAfee was born.

Side story here.

I've been in one of McAfee's houses after he died. A friend texted me one morning asking if I'd like to go to McAfee's house. He had a friend that recently acquired a prior house of McAfee. Of course, I said yes, and drove 2hours to get there.

Decent sized house, probably 6k square feet. There was definitely money put into this place. In-ground pool, hot-tub, the works.

It was just recently acquired. All the furniture in the house was original, left by McAfee! My friend and I were given permission to search the house as far as we wanted, without destroying anything of course. We searched high and low for flash drives, anything really. Searched the dirt "crawlspace" for a bit, you could stand up in there and it looked like someone had been digging around quite a bit.

The only thing we found was a maybe 6x6inch hole cut out of the drywall behind a dresser, like someone knew were something was and took it out the wall.

We played pool on a pool table that had dried splattered blood on it. Found tombstone still tied to a pallet out back that had something along the lines of "RIP BTC", it also had a qr code, I think it linked to LTC, I can't remember and the picture was lost due to me leaving my sd card in a phone and selling said phone..

His room was weird, had a pull down like garage door that looked bullet proof and two big doors with wood 6in thick. Probably 50 cameras all over the property.

Weird tid bit, shortly after the family moved in, they had an influx of people coming by and insisting they owned a piece of furniture that was in the house and they want it back. Some of the people insisted to come in and make sure the furniture isn't there anymore. They were all declined.

And that's my story of the random text I got from a friend to party and search McAfee's house.

"Decent sized house, probably 6k square feet" Damn though

Is that John McAfee?

Naked? Check. Holding a gun? Check. It is most definitely John McAfee. Lol.

If there's one thing consistent about John McAfee, its that he doesn't like to wear a shirt.

John McAfee the man that paid women to take a dump on him from a hammock above him?

That John McAfee?

That guy also is just about everything Trump pretends.

Was. He took his life when caught.

Nah, I believe he was assasinated.

Well... who knows. He was held for 8 months in somewhat of a quantum flux prison.

According to the same DailyMirror article:

  • Jun 23, 2021 (Google link) - Spanish prison where John McAfee was found dead 'is like the Hilton'
  • 24 Jun 2021 (In-article title) - Prison in Spain where John McAfee was found dead in apparent suicide serves 'stale bread and cold hot dogs', has two bunk beds per cell and two inmates killed themselves in May who knows. Maybe he even committed suicide and was assassinated at the same time! /s

Is that John McAfee?

Sure as hell ain't Peter Norton.

Yep, dude seriously went off the deepend after he sold McAfee

He was definitely odd, but even a broken clock is right twice a day; He hated what his old company has become, and at least owned up to the fact that he had a lady shit on his chest. When asked about it in interviews, he basically said something along the lines of “when you’re richer than God and have had sex with gorgeous women every day, things start to get stale and you look for more and more extreme things to get you going.”

He also 100% predicted that he was going to be Epstein’ed in a prison cell. He was very outspoken about the fact that he wasn’t suicidal and if he was ever found to have committed suicide, that it was a hit job. He specifically tweeted something along the lines of “if I’m ever found to have hanged myself, it wasn’t a suicide. It was a whack job.” He was found dead in a prison cell, with the death ruled a suicide by hanging. Which is either prophetic (he believed the US had a bounty on him, so he was very paranoid about getting murdered with the government covering it up,) or the best troll ever.

I think it really was just an epic troll. The man had run out his cash reserves, was at an age where he must've started feeling old. Spent decades experimenting wildly with drugs. He was by every outward metric a broken person. And also a person that valued his freedom to do whatever above everything else. Prison, forced clean and facing the very real possibility of never tasting freedom again. I just can't imagine that he wouldn't snap, which is a failure of the state to not keep him safe while in their ward. He was also extremely action oriented, he wasn't the type to contemplate suicide, it's either do it or don't.

Getting sober for the first time in decades, without proper medical support, is enough to become suicidal for sure. Hell, even with proper support, the psychological adjustment can be overwhelming.

And we're not talking sober of mild drugs either. I fully believe this man did pretty much all drugs at least once.

He was very outspoken about the fact that he wasn’t suicidal and if he was ever found to have committed suicide, that it was a hit job

The dude was also just fucking insane from 50 years of drug use lol. Wouldn't be surprised if committed suicide to troll the world or for his own crazy meth head paranoia reasons, but he was probably just crashing hard.

Who wanted him dead and why?

If your conspiracy depends on John McAfee not telling people things you've already failed

He also 100% predicted that he was going to be [killed]

And if you can't trust him, who can you trust?

Yeah, tough I don't think it looks that hot nowadays, last I checked the body was still being kept in the prision he died near me as nobody claimed the body EDIT: Wrong, news article in comments below.

If I was rich and crazy, I'd want to be John McAfee, not some failed, pasty crypto-nerd.

To be fair, John was a crypto nerd too

But cool one with blackjack, hookers, cocaine and guns.

I'm a big fan of his how to uninstall McAfee antivirus before he ran for president while hiding in another country.


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I mean if we believe the stories about FTX there was no shortage of cocaine and and fucking in their Bermuda HQ.

And rape, murder, and white colonialism.

Honestly, I think people just appreciate the sheer energy he brought to being a crazy and rich white guy.

Most of them are just happy exploiting workers.

Weirdo psycho failed League of Legends bullshit crypto CEO or being a raving mad millionaire but with my name attached to McAffee anti-virus... difficult choice.

Lay down under the hammock and say "aaaaaaaah"

Ugh, that image is burned into my brain. I just don't get it.

You mean Sam Bankman-Fried? The guy who fled to the Bahamas and then was arrested and extradited?

I’m not sure so much as fled as that’s where FTX was HQd and he owned a ton of shit there that he bought with customer money.

He didn’t even have the balls to flee.

He didn't flee to the Bahamas. FTX was based out of the Bahamas because it made for good tax dodging.

Before he was accused of more serious crimes like fraud, he was regularly committing the much more common crimes that companies like Facebook and Google do all the time, pretending that their profits all happen to accrue in some country with friendly corporate tax laws.

Sam Bankman-Incarcerated is kinda screwed now thanks to his Sam Bankman-witness-intimidation.

The judge is pissed would be the understatement of the Sam Bankman-Century.

dude was far cry villain or protagonist not clear on that

I mean, trea them like the Russian oligarchs and seize their money then. No such thing as a completely ethical billionaire and better to return the money to the original economy.

What did I miss? Where did he flee to now?

He didn't flee, he was based out of the Bahamas to try to evade taxes and regulation, not extradition, this meme isn't accurate.

Is it just me or does McAfee kind of look like Frank Woods here

That crypto-scammer was on some kind of super hard-core drug that gets administered through a patch on his skin...I don't remember what it's called, but it's super expensive shit.

And the creator of McAffee isn't a real tech-CEO, because the software he created doesn't work.

Oh no, dude forgot to perform the masculinitiddies with a MacGyver stage prop rifle. All is lost, dicks are falling off because of him.

What do you mean by "MacGyver stage prop rifle"? I get the impression you've never watched any of the versions of MacGyver.

And you'd be right, I've no interest in ever watching the show. But I meant MacGyver as a stand-in adjective for improvised from whatever he found lying around. Funny enough, someone said it's probably real, so this IRL MacGyver dude here was killing it (and his neighbor too, quite literally).

Ok, then let me explain how off that is. MacGyver's famous for improvising things that work out of whatever's lying around. Not for creating realistic looking props that don't do anything. Another key aspect of the character is that he really hates guns.