Choose wisely to Lemmy – 182 points –

Either every single person who eats almond joys is in the comments or we're all being gaslit.

The correct answer is Twix btw.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. They aren't my favorite, but they're popular. Nobody else will eat the Almond Joy, so I can wait on those and just eat them when they're left over.

The bowl

I'll grab the bowl from that guy

I'll grab it from this guy.

im not a guy, checkmate

Great, I was thinking of critising you for calling the previous user in the chain a guy but decided just to go with it and look where that got me. I'll have the bowl anyway though.

It's refreshing to see other people like Almond Joy. There's dozens of us!

The problem I see though. Is that sometimes I feel like a nut and sometimes I don't. Yet I see no Mounds.

Be on the lookout for Bounty! It's like a better almond joy or mounds. World Market often carries them. International grocers too

I'll take all the Almond Joy thank you. I know everyone else is going to leave them behind anyway.

Definitely the Reese's. Chocolate and peanut butter are the two best flavor combos known.

Where the FUCK is the coffee crisp‽

Coffee crisps and ketchup chips are the two things I always buy when I’m in Canada. I wish we had them in the States.

The fuck is a coffee crisp?

Kind of like a KitKat, but the filling between the wafers is a bit thicker and sweet coffee flavoured.

there's only Left Twixes and as I have been conditioned by marketing I will get angry as a joke

You can have everything else, but you'll have to take the almond joys out of my cold dead hands if you want them!

No Bounty?

That was my first thought too. I guess I would pick Almond Joy, but I never had it so o don't know how similar to Bounty it is.

Half of these I've never heard of, so I'd try one of those out of curiosity. American candy?

Yeah! What is unrecognizable here, jw

"100 grand", "milky way" (heard of but never tried), "almond joy" (vaguely familiar but never tried), and .. "York"? "Yonk"?

York! Those are York Peppermint Patties. Chocolate shell with a creamy inside that's peppermint flavored. I personally adore them, but they're not very popular. At least compared to snickers and the like.

Milkyway has a jetpuffed chocolate marshmallow center with a thin chocolate coating

100 Grand, maybe a York if I'm in a real specific mood. The other options are for suckers.

Whichever one has the drugs in it.

On a serious note, I'll have any candy corn if you're looking to get rid of it

Throw the whole bowl on the ground and scream about the clear superiority of Three Musketeers.

The York Peppermint Patties. It doesn't belong with the rest of that swill.

Is there a Mars? If yes that one for me.

Weird looking MilkyWay.

Are they edibles?

My favorite has always been crunch bars. So good.

green M&M

Found Tucker Carlson's account!

If I had frozen dinner money I probably wouldn't be on the internet. I'd probably be high off my ass on a pile of asses (all painted green like the m&m but that stays between me and my therapist, who's on the bottom of the pile)

I can get the almond joy and the 100 grand in one motion

Nothing. Candy makes my teeth hurt

See a dentist.

Any other prescriptions for me, Internet MD?

Lol. Suggesting visiting a dentist makes me an "Internet MD" now, defensive much?

A quick google suggests that chocolate shouldn't make your teeth hurt unless they are decaying 🤢, but getting defensive is easier I suppose; Enjoy the pain each time you bite into something sweet.

You’ve got no clue what you’re talking about, but go ahead and keep googling random shit and telling strangers what to do 😂

I post my problems online for strangers to read, but get defensive when I'm given suggestions on how to fix it. I swear I'm not a troll.

Enjoy the tooth pain 😁.