What are you looking forward to in 2024?

ᙖᖇƐ>ᜊᙃ ッ@lemmy.world to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 95 points –

Being able to use “I’m 60” to complain about everything and use it as an excuse to get out of things I don’t want to do

You know what, I’m gonna say this too even though I’m not that age yet.

“Why is your rizz so bad?” “Shit sorry I’m 60”

I have a test to become an air traffic controller coming up in December. If I pass I'll have the interview and school to look forward to next year.

That's awesome, good luck!

Thanks! right now I'm so nervous I'm nauseous some times...

Looks like you picked the wrong day to stop sniffin glue

lol .... make sure to take a tube of glue with you to work every day ... just so you can use this joke from time to time ... but don't actually sniff the glue tho (especially if you are managing my flight)

  • At work - recruiting another team member, so we are not all constantly plate spinning and I might actually have chance to spend time planning.
  • At home - finally getting the pictures etc up on the walls.
  • Nationally - voting the Tories out.

Finding employment

The job market has been unbelievably brutal this last year

Same. Lucky enough to find something part time but there’s so many people applying for everything it’s crazy. Best of luck!

Hopefully putting myself out there more. I have a spinning and weaving guild that I've joined, but I've been too burnt out to go to any of the meetings. 😓

I hope that orange bastard Trump goes to prison or dies in 2024. I prefer prison because he needs to pay for his crimes, but dead is good too. The only thing is it would have to be a really dumb accident out in public so there wouldn’t be any conspiracy theories. Maybe he could fall off the stairs while getting off his plane and crack his skull on the tarmac.

People debate whether we landed on the moon - one of the wisest watched televised events ever. I would be surprised if a Livestream of him doing just that would be enough to avoid dozens of conspiracy theories.

Paying off the last of my credit card debt.

Same here. Had a car unexpectedly die and the new car lease messed up our financial plans. Should have our CC debt paid off by the end of next year.

Being able to say "oh that was x+1 years ago" instead of "x years ago" when reflecting on all my past traumas.

The new Dune film.

Do we know who's playing the emperor yet? I'm hoping for either Sting or Christopher Walken.

Christopher Walker confirmed to be playing the Emperor, while Sting will have a surprise cameo role playing himself.

Wow ... you scared me .. for some reason this made me wonder if Sting was still alive or not ... I never worry about Walken, he'll out last us all

Finally buying a decent ARM laptop that isn't a macbook.

What laptop will that be?

Pretty much all the major brands are reportedly going to make laptop models with the Snapdragon X Elite chip, so any one of those really. I'm probably going to buy a Lenovo one since they have a good track record.

I’m curious to see how this pans out when they start to ship. The hardware looks really promising, but I’m curious about the rollout for software support.

I’m excited to see real benchmarks from shipping laptops with off-the-shelf software.

The hardware isn’t the issue (well, it won’t be much longer) it’s the software that doesn’t exist that is.

But nobody on the software side will take porting to arm seriously if the hardware doesn't exist. Some essentials like browsers and the adobe suite got ported to arm already but as soon as there's an actual audience lots more people will bother putting out arm builds.

A miracle keeping the orange fuhrer out of politics and news, perhaps a conviction with actual time to be served. I know, I’m calling for a miracle as I said.

I’m really excited to start working with the engineers at work to learn how to rework the broken boards that go in the products we produce. I don’t know much about electronics and I’ve certainly never been to college, but I’ve apparently displayed an aptitude for understanding stuff so they wanna work with me to get the ball rolling. They’ve been able to convince management that my bench in the RMA department needs all the equipment a rework station should have. It’s all super exciting and I can’t wait to start.

Finishing my bathroom remodel then starting on my kitchen

Trading in my Kia for a new (non Hyundai/Kia) car so I can stop being stressed of coming out to an empty parking spot in the morning.

The new ones (post like ‘18 or ‘19) don’t have that issue I thought? You don’t see reports of Tellurides being stolen, it’s all 2010 forte shitboxes

Some of the 2020 and 2021 base models (key ignition) are still affected. It's only on the 2022+ models where all trims have immobilizers as standard. Really dumb move by Hyundai/Kia to save a couple of bucks per vehicle. I otherwise love my car, but this issue and the "solution" they put out made sure I will never buy from them again.

2 more...

Honestly, nothing really. It feels like each year more fucked up things are happening, so I lost the positivity I had for the upcoming years.

Don't get me wrong I am in a good place personally, but with all the stuff going on in the world it sometimes feel hard to believe it's gonna get better any time soon.

Same - I’m a natural optimist and live a good life. But I can’t see any solutions for the horrors of the world. I only see new disasters brewing up, and being backed by more and more people.

But I’m finally starting in my new position at work next year and that good for me.

Same. I only have the ability to directly control a few things in my life and the rest is just constantly getting worse thanks to the actions of other people. Optimistic for me is just being able to tread water at this point and I'm not optimistic.

I’ll be getting my PhD in the Spring! Hopefully I’ll have a job lined up before graduating.

Congrats. What in?

Computer Science! My work is on applied machine learning for software analytics.

My first daughter is due in March, so pretty much just that!

I definitely read this as your first daughter being pregnant and you becoming a grandparent.

I didn't even think about that! Yet another thing for me to mull over as I mentally prepare myself for parenthood.

The obvious impending economic collapse.

Because boy, if it doesn't come, we're all pretty fucked.

One-Punch Man Season 3

If he was really "One-Punch Man" he'd have wrapped it up in the first episode.

Just kidding! I'm also looking forward to it.

Getting back surgery (and fixing the problem, instead of, like, not ever being able to walk again). Then getting the green light at work so I can start work on a project I've proposed. And lastly, getting one of my side projects past the finish line.

I got tired of jumping around between streaming services to get deals and save money. I noticed that a couple major music streamers seemed to collude to raise rates at the same time, and I'm tired of that. I'm setting up my Plex server with some Black Friday deals and am looking forward to enjoying having that at my disposal.

  1. Perhaps 2024 will be the year of the girlfriend

  2. Making money over the summer and upgrading to a faster motorcycle

I'm starting a new job in January, which will give me financial stability and job security for the first time in years. It means I can go back to University and pursue my dream of becoming a zoologist, heck I'll even be able to take a holiday with my girlfriend without worrying about rent!

Going skiing and visiting hot springs in Japan

Starting to restore a 1964 corvette

Maybe learning to paint pottery

I'm going to 36 weeks of military training that will also be a substantial pay cut from my civilian career, but worth it in the long run as it'll be the necessary experience to switch my civilian career to my field of interest. Not looking forward to the training, but I'll be in such a better spot once I'm finished. Looking forward to that!

Nothing huge yet.

  • Got a milestone birthday coming up but not sure what to do for it, once I have plans that'll be something exciting.

  • I've been working on learning gamedev as a hobby for a couple years and hope to release my first proper actual commercial game next year too which is pretty cool.

  • No holidays planned as of yet but we normally do that over the Christmas hols.

  • Also we may or may not get a dog.

I need more things for this list lol

Season 4 of The Boys

Release of KDE Plasma 6

Finding a way to deal with my ADHD so I don't drown in clusterness at home & eating healthier food, on a regular basis

Those two would help me a lot and improve my QoL as a whole!

Here's one little thing that's helped me a tad. I make my bed every day, first thing in the morning. It feels good to start the day out with at least one thing just done and in its place.


You may be joking but if not, there's always people willing to help. You're not alone.

Just feel like the world is doomed is all

Well, it was probably always doomed one way or another. All you can do most of the time is try and enjoy the ride.

Remodeling my bathroom, getting my hip fixed so I can go back to not skipping leg day, and possibly a trip to the Tetons.

traveling abroad for the first time. pretty much my number 1 bucket list item

The big difference with Europe. I live in Belgium and I can visit 4 countries that are less then a 2 hour drive.

I've never been outside of Europe though.. So I guess I have to compare it with that.

Hopefully my garage/addition will be built next year and I can finally start working on cars indoors again. I'm turning 40 next year, not looking forward to that so I may not even have a party. Hopefully going to find different employment again, I have an interview on Monday for something I'm far from qualified for but I'm giving it a shot anyway, if it doesn't pan out I'm trying to take the test for an emergency dispatcher position that starts in January and if I have the fortitude I might try to get in to nursing school but I'm on the fence about that.

I have a newborn niece by my brother-in-law. His fiancee also has two young boys from a previous marriage. I am looking forward to opportunities to build my relationship as an uncle with the boys. My brother and husband both don't want kids, so it sounds like this will be the only real chance to have a close family relationship with Generation Alpha.

Have you stockpiled skibidi videos? I hear that’s like currency on schoolyards.

Interestingly, they are into a lot of the card games that were popular when I was a kid like Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, and D & D. We are thinking about giving them a trip to a game shop for Christmas and some money for games.

I'm gonna play a new campaign in D&D. And I DM a different one, where I am going to play with some homebrew stuff I made up myself, so I'm really hyped for that!

Hopefully staying fit, making some new memories with friends, making music, appreciating the time I've got here as much as I can.

The start of the 99% being broken enough to start fighting back and eating the rich and over throwing government and basic utilities.

Then the slow and inevitable collapse of society in general.

I initially misread this as 2014 and I am actually surprised I was a bit excited. Like if the past decade was a coma dream or something, wow that would have been ideal. Ah. Anyway.

I’m looking forward to physical therapy rehab in the spring, maybe feeling good and healthy again. And then seeing Taylor Swift in Vienna in late summer. Hopefully by then, Trump is either dead or in prison. Hopefully prison first.

For people on the Internet to grow a pair and stop being such pussies and then advocate for censorship because their fee fees got hurt.

I realize that's asking way too much.