Once again, I am calling on manufacturers to improve their sealing glues

fiat_lux@kbin.social to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 714 points –

Somebody had to do it.

I appreciate you.

whenever someone says "I appreciate you," it triggers my delusional love and hormonal responses because the man I was in love with always responded "I appreciate you" whenever I told him "I love you. " 😭

That is a sweet moment. Thank you for sharing something so personal with us

2 more...

And I appreciate you. You are awesome! Just in case no one told you today.

2 more...

Funnily enough, his hairline resembles many of the product seals I've unsuccessfully tried to remove.

They'll make the glue even stronger..

2 more...

the secret is they should be using wax instead of glues, but that requires a warm squeeze and they are trying to save a thousandth of a penny and hope nobody notices. i email the CEOs about it.

The fucking texture of that cottony shit left behind, like nails on a chalkboard trying to rip it all off.

The glues work fine, it's the paper/cardboard that failed because the glue was stronger.

It's the worst when it happens to boxes because instead of collapsing a box proper you have to tear it to fucking pieces, THANKS OBAMA.

the worst is how my migraine medication comes in the most hard to open package

This one gives me a migraine when dealing with the packaging.

Try getting arthritis meds in a child proof container! Almost impossible to open even if your hands do work properly. Repeatedly ask to put in normal screw cap bottles but they never listen.

How about the ones that get fused to the opening like someone was welding fucking steel girders together on the Golden Gate Bridge?

The irony of that being true for my ADHD medication bottle is not at all lost on me. It's like a tiny extra "fuck you".

β€œOh I’m sorry did you need some medication?”

Industrial SMAW welder whirring in background

Ugh, this is my migraine medication. I have to open the little blister packs in advance because they're so hard to open that I often just can't do it if I have a migraine...when I need the medication.

You may be interested to know that these kinds of paper adhesives are usually intentionally designed so that the substrate (paper) tears before the adhesive does. This is meant to ensure robust packing and to give proof that the package has not been tampered with. Couple this with ever thinner and shittier substrates, and, well...

Ugh. I believe them already. It's sealed for my protection. I get it. It says so nearly 100 times. I don't check the seals for syringe marks first either, or the factory's latest cleanroom maintenance logs. Just let me in, I already paid the extortionate entry fee.

Seriously though, I wouldn't mind so much if they always were just paper I could poke a finger through at the end. Sometimes there's another super stretchy thick plastic layer under that which resists everything but blades. I don't want to keep a knife in my bathroom, but I'm getting to the point where I've thought about it.

I know what you mean. I wish more stuff could just be packed in glass jars with the little popping seal. If it's popped, it has been opened. I don't know if everything can handle the pressure difference... But it seems ideal. Plus then the glass jars and aluminum lids can be recycled.

This makes too much sense to ever be implemented.

Cost primarily. I'm okay with paying a little extra for glass bottles personally, I can reuse them.

I don't want to keep a knife in my bathroom, but I'm getting to the point where I've thought about

Have you considered just not eating peanut butter in the bathroom?

Or open it in the kitchen first.

It needs to be the opposite of improved. If they improved it, you'd never get it open.

Only if you define "improve" as "make stronger."

If you define "improve" as making it more user-friendly, then they definitely need to be improved.

Do you want good adhesive properties or to not taste the adhesive in your food?

Does the adhesive taste as good as the ones in grade school?

I would be fine with mediocre or even shitty adhesive properties here. It's protected and pressure is maintained using a solid HDPE capped jar with perforations, which is already a tamper-evident seal. I don't need a padlock on it either. Or even a disability-proof cap (the manufacturers prefer the name "child-proof" though). And there are multiple adhesives which don't impart odor or flavor. Even superglue wouldn't do it, given you need less than a tiny smear. What an odd false dichotomy you have given me.

Behold, could this be the best of both worlds? (image description: glass bottle with half-peeled seal. The separation is clean and easy and lacks flavor.)

They need to talk to the people who make flour bags. Those paper bags glued shut with the strongest glue known to man, so that they are impossible to open without tearing a big hole in the bag, rendering it impossible to store the flour in.

You shouldn't store flour in the paper bag it comes in anyways, flour should be stored in an airtight container.

I do move it into glass jars, but those bags drive me crazy. Always spill flour opening them.


No, it's rolled up in a way that prevents it being opened neatly. I do use scissors on the Red Hot Blues tortilla chips, those have a similar problem but the shape of the bag allows it to be cut cleanly.

You need a container written flour on it. Ideally one with a cover that barely holds, dont ask me why it's like that.

But that costs money and how are we gonna make even more money if we reinvest any of the earnings? 😩

Literally me today with a small soap container, but it was a trifecta: the lid separated from a plastic seal under it as with the picture, with the tiniest of rim you can barely get with your fingernails to pry it off to begin with, and a seal so strong you can't just puncture it with you fingers.

As with another suggestion I just used thermite.

They keep a record of complaints as part of their CAPA. Any food related issues should always be reported, helps quality dept.s push for more funding.

And then the quality department uses those complaint printouts to level their wobbly tables in the cafeteria.

Quality hasn't printed out complaint reports since the 90s in most places. But, yeah about the same impact by the end of the day..or quarter.

Because the reports go unheeded by management until it costs them money, at which point the quality department get their arses kicked for not fixing the problem that management ignored.

So what exactly is their phone number and address to direct complaints and feedback to?

Look at back of product. Often it'll have someoney like, "If you have any questions or weren't fully satisfied call this number. ". Or it might be on their site now.

Should be pretty easy to find on their packaging or website, as it looks like someone else here pointed out :) Also, we can't tell what the hell it is so not sure how you could think we could tell ya.. :)

Oh I thought you meant there was one point of contact for such things, like we have the "better business bureau" or the FCC federal communications commission, or the FDA etc.

The better business bureau isn't a government agency.

BBB is mostly just Yelp for boomers.

The BBB is a non-profit company that only has as much power and influence as given them by the public. Tell me, do you check the BBB often to decide on how you spend your money? No one else does either! The BBB is about as toothless as they come. FCC like you said..nothing to do with this. FDA would be who you would contact if the product required recall such as was 'adulterated' and made you sick. Or I guess if you could prove the company didn't follow FDA GMP's. I guess if you want to try to tattle you could find out what quality and food safety schemes they follow. This is 'sometimes' proudly displayed on their website. You are looking for SQF, AIB, BRC as those are the big 3 GFSI schemes right now. Lol I am giving you waaay too much info probably. Anyway..there isn't a manager you can ask to speak to on this one. It's report it to them, or possibly their certifying GFSI body (which will probably get you nowhere).

okay well one time a company was being scammy on me so I told them I would report them to the better Business bureau and they backed off.

I remember the days before most things had seals over the opening.

Other than slight annoyance when things are hard to open, it's better. You can be sure no one stuck their dick in it, smeared a booger, or put anything harmful or anything else on or in it. Stuff also keeps longer, as long as you don't break the seal most stuff stays good for a long time.

Other than slight annoyance when things are hard to open, it’s better.

Sure, if you are not experiencing the symptoms of medical conditions. Especially the conditions that led you to be opening the bottle in the first place, that's when it's especially insulting on top of the additional pain/fatigue the situation generates.

It's not even that I don't like seals. I love the caps and covers on the tins and bottles and jars of food in my kitchen. I even love recyclable ziplock bags, and there are flimsy takeaway containers out there that are literally watertight. I just don't like seals that are poorly made. There are products with usable seals out there, I know this first-hand. I've used them. I use them everyday.

Even then, not everything we consume has to be Fort Knox just because someone tainted a product intentionally or accidentally in the past. There are product recalls for various problems everyday and yet I've avoided getting ill from my groceries my entire life. I'm fine with buying my bread in a paper bag, I don't need them to start using hermetically sealed boxes with padlocks.

And honestly, there are so many points in the production lines of most things where someone has the opportunity to stick their dick in something, that I just can't dedicate the energy to entertaining that possibility on a daily basis. I also can no more verify that the last burger I ate was made by someone who washed their hands, any more than I can verify that the tomatoes I'm buying to make ketchup for homemade burgers weren't grown using human faeces and picked by slaves. And I say this as someone who has some immunity issues: There are just too many vectors for various kinds of contamination than you can imagine, let alone reasonably safeguard against - you have to pick and choose to battle the most likely to occur or kill you. I do not battle the possibility of penis in my products. I just don't have that kind of time.

We have the technology. This situation literally doesn't need to exist for anyone ever. And yet it's clearly common as fuck.

Drill through the bottom!

You think you can drill through the bottom? πŸ™„ Clearly thermite is the best way in.

I haven't tried to open this way forever. Puncture the top and pull to the outside.

am I looking at glue that didn't come off, or something that spoiled because the glue didn't hold?

The bond between the seal and the jar is stronger than the bond between the layers of the seal. So peeling it separates the layers and leaves behind the thin papery final seal layers instead of removing the whole seal.

Admittedly this is better than the seal on one of my medications. It removes in one pull... if you can find and pull the tiniest sliver of edge of the seal, because they leave zero overhang.

The glue around the rim of the cup is too sticky, so it left behind a layer of cottony paper when the label was ripped off

Also, this usually only happens when people are in a hurry and pull from the top instead of the bottom where it’s curled around.

Never mind, my fat ass thought it was a weird angle on a can of Pringles or something food related.

You can just see the two shredded sections on the edge where I was deliberately and carefully trying to include all layers and they just tore off instead. I don't know if this is a technique thing, but if it is, I would love to know what I am doing wrong, because it happens to me all the damn time.

It’s not you, it’s the design. The only means of getting a clean top that I’ve found is to split the seal at the middle with a knife and rip outward.

Before dinner I thought it was food, boy do I feel silly.

Lol, no worries. Food ones always seem to work better too, but as soon as it's medications or supplements, they use the shitty ones or the over-secure ones. We should get the peanut butter and Pringle's manufacturers in the room with the pharmaceutical industry and make them talk.

the worst are the pills in blister packages where the foil is stronger than the pill itself, so you just end up crushing the pill inside. like I get blister packages are supposed to make it harder to get a ton of pills out at once, but if it forces me to grab scissors anyways that kinda defeats the purpose

Huh, I've never experienced that. And I take a lot of pills. They might have really bad binders or compression at the factory where they're making yours? But that does sound very irritating, I'm annoyed enough when I cut pills in half and it breaks into not-halves.

I have, however, cut myself on the foil a few times. And that stuff is sharp. Not sharp enough to get through the shitty seal in my first pic, but enough to really slice fingers if you're not looking.

the pills feel about as solid as any others, it's just the foil backing on the blister pack they're meant to pierce through is damn near bulletproof.

oof, I forgot about cutting pills. those cheap pill cutters are absolutely useless. one trick I found for the pills too small to break by hand is to press them over a small wire, something like a small paperclip straightened out. then set the notch of the pill on there and press down on either side with each thumb. finnicky getting them lined up right, but far cleaner breaks than anything else I've ever found. worked better to do them in batches for future use than every time I needed one


They mispelled



What we need to talk about are the built-in ziplock style closers on plastic bags that are everywhere now. Even makers of premium foods can't seem to get this right. I can only think of one product where the closer is an improvement on having nothing.

Boar's Head Deli meat. I guess the guys who sell spam for the price of a good steak can spare the expense.

I've got a couple of things that I buy which have the best ziploc seals I've ever seen, and I wish I could reuse the bags for other things, except they're opaque and printed. But I have definitely met my fair share of terrible ziplocs too. Nothing like spending 10mins struggling with a shitty ziploc seal when you were just trying to put some food in the freezer.

This! I just bought a water bottle, and it took the following measures just to get the residue from the label off:

  • Soaking in warm, soapy water
  • Scrubbing with an abrasive sponge
  • Soaking in vinegar
  • Scrubbing with Flash floor cleaner
  • Immersion in boiling water for 30 mins
  • Scrubbing with a Brillo pad
  • WD-40
  • 91% concentration laboratory-grade isopropanol

You need d-limonene (orange peel extract) for adhesive removals. It works wonders by comparison to the things you tried, but even then I can still spend a good 10 mins on the same problem!

Isn't that just goo gone or am I mistaken?

It looks like Goo Gone has some in it, but it's mostly petroleum based. D-limonene is a nifty (refined) by-product of citrus agriculture, it's essentially just the oil from the peels. I use a product that's basically half D-Limonene, half anionic and non-ionic surfactants (which is somewhat the equivalent of shampoo and sugar alcohol).

I would have tried that if I had any. Somehow, I have laboratory grade chemicals in my room, but not a drop of orange oil in the entire house!

I hear you. I definitely recommend picking up a tiny bottle of it, a little goes a long way! I'm still using the same 6oz bottle I bought maybe 7 years ago!

I have a cutter exclusively for the kitchen. But i rarely get to use my can opener.

I'm not sure how peanut butter is sealed but usually foil lids are sealed with an induction sealer. Cap it's tightened down (if not potential for a bad deal) and the foil in the cap is pushed tight to the bottle/jar. The metal heats up, melts the plastic and seals.

This one looks like a pressure seal, which as the name suggests seals by tightening the cap. In my experience from a packing QC standpoint the potential problems with a pressure seal are either the seal not sealing fully because the cap isn't tightened enough, or the seal getting damaged by the cap being over tightened. This looks like a cheaply made seal wad to me. I dare say the QC department complained about it but management wanted to save a few cents.

This looks like a cheaply made seal wad to me

The seal looked to be perfectly vacuumed when I opened it, and the lid wasn't a tight one, so I suspect you're right. But someone else in the thread indicated that this may also be a "feature"? I'm not sure if it's a post hoc rationalisation of shit supply purchase choice or a deliberate design decision or a manufacturing error, but it doesn't matter. I hate it all the same.

Also, thanks for providing me with a proper specific name for these things, and the gift of your experience in all things sealed.

Just stop buying it.

Ok yeah sure I'll stop buying everything that has a minor inconvenience to it.

This is a widespread problem, manufacturers need to improve their seals so they don't delaminate, i.e. the glue should be weaker than the laminate.

If this were a problem limited to one product or brand, I would. Unfortunately this one was a first time purchase too.