BBC Says It Was Shut Down By Paramount PRs When Questioning Kelsey Grammer On His Support For Donald Trump to – 610 points –
BBC Says It Was Shut Down By Paramount PRs When Questioning Kelsey Grammer On His Support For Donald Trump

Kelsey Grammer sounded curt this morning when he brusquely told a BBC Today program interviewer that he still supports Donald Trump but, according to his interviewer, this curtness doesn’t tell the full story.

Grammer’s interviewer Justin Webb said the Frasier star was “perfectly happy” to go on talking about his support for the former POTUS, “the Paramount+ PR team, less so.”

Grammer has previously expressed support for Trump – a relatively rare position for a TV and movie star to take – and he also used his BBC interview to back Roseanne Barr, another self-confessed Trump supporter.


Frasier was on my backlog of stuff to watch. It's nice when my backlog clears itself like this.

Original Frasier is still one of the all time amazing shows. And that is almost entirely because of the "supporting cast" of David Hyde Pearce, John Mahoney, Jane Leeves, and Peri Gilpin. It is 100% still worth watching and it is even clear what episodes/seasons they were working around Grammer being coked out of his mind or otherwise problematic.

Its not quite Person of Interest's (paraphrasing only because I can't look up the specific wording right now) "he is like a dog that pissed everywhere and wouldn't stop talking about hitler" mess, but Grammer also generally seems more like a dumbass Bush-era Republican as opposed to a full alt-right lunatic. He is a piece of shit who has condoned a LOT of hate, but is also "a product of his time" as it were.

As for new Frasier? I am a lot less interested in watching that. Mostly because, as so many of us point out, "They did a Frasier spinoff starring the worst character"*

But OG Frasier? The show increasingly became focused around Niles (which makes sense since Niles was a lot closer to what Cheers-era Frasier actually was) and David Hyde Pearce put on multiple master classes as he and the writers somehow managed to perfectly capture "the adult millennial" years before we even existed. And so many of the interactions with Martin (Mahoney) hit so much harder as you have lived a lot longer and had to acknowledge the failings of others. Daphne and Roz were often stuck in comic relief mode, but Leeves and Gilpin still kick ass when they are given a chance to shine. And, piece of shit that he is, Grammer can pull off an epic monologue to close out an emotional arc and leave you on the verge of tears, right before you burst into laughter at the punchline.

*: Also, it very much bothers me that Freddy became Martin. Maybe they go into it more, but his childhood very much established him as the offspring of Frasier and Lilith. And while it makes sense that he would rebel against his overbearing parents to be like his fun and "man of the people" Grandfather, it is completely unearned. Maybe the back half of the season does that but... I still think that having one of Niles's children (maybe a daughter) as the Martin role would be a lot more fitting. Niles dealing with a Firefighter child is comedic gold and Niles and Daphne are much more likely to "let their kids be who they are". And it would play on The Moon Genes fears of the last few episodes.

I would have given the benefit of the doubt until the Roseanne part. My condolences to the good people whose creative work will go unseen.

flushing sounds

He is a piece of shit who has condoned a LOT of hate, but is also “a product of his time” as it were.

We're still in his time. I don't think we should excuse people by saying they're a product of their time until they've been dead for a while.

Its not excusing so much as acknowledging the different tiers of asshattery.

If you want to go full zero tolerance: more power to you. But you also are going to more or less have nothing to watch

“They did a Frasier spinoff starring the worst character”

This is amazing, gonna use it

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I don’t know that I’d list Frazier as one of the all time amazing shows. That’s something I’d reserve for shows like Schitt’s Creek, Good Place, and The Wire. A show like MASH. All in the Family, which surfaced so much of what was happening in society at the time. The Jeffersons.

I’d rank Frasier closer to something like Friends or Dharma and Greg. Definitely below Seinfeld or 30 Rock. It was funny. It had good writers and the characters exhibited a chemistry that made the show work as a show, but beyond that it was pretty ephemeral. That’s just my opinion.

A lot of it is the idea of "seinfeld isn't funny". Seinfeld was fairly revolutionary at the time because of how it approached humor, pacing, and even character "design". It is just that it also influenced almost every single show that came after season 3 or 4 so a lot of people who didn't "grow up with it" won't really "appreciate it". But that also manifests it as being the kind of show that "ages well". Its why TBS still shows Seinfled reruns to this day and people still go for a re-watch.

And Frasier is very much in that same category. Character arcs were very much ahead of their time and the nuance that Niles, Martin, and even Frasier were allowed to have still stands up today (and puts the reboot to shame). Its "cheating", but there is a reason that Cheers, which was arguably the most popular sitcom on television during its run, is now mostly viewed as the show Frasier spun out of. Its the kind of writing and pacing that largely could be on TV today... because it was so influential.

Friends is the odd one out. And I think, ignoring all of the "Wow everyone was horrible" and "Ross is a psychopath" memes: It very much defined what shows like How I Met Your Mother would become. I don't think it holds up anywhere near as well as Frasier, but that is also because Frasier largely ended a year after their shit season and had the payoff of Niles and Daphne's child. Friends... continued for another five or six with the main thread being "Oh, I guess we are doing a will they or won't they with Ross and Rachel again?"

Like, you reference The Good Place which I also put as one of the all time greats. And that, as well as Parks and Rec before it, very much benefited from shows like Frasier that show you can truly do the multi-season emotional arcs in a sitcom where you alternatingly laugh and cry. And Chidi has a LOT of Crane DNA in him as he is simultaneously mocked for being a "hoity toity, barely functioning, intellectual" while also having so much of the show's emotional and narrative weight put on his shoulders. We laugh as he has a nervous breakdown over having the future of everything put on him but we are also right there with him and rooting for him to find The Answer. He is a goober but, bah gawd, he is OUR goober and if he needs to make a big vat of chili to function then let's go to the mother fucking store.

Sometimes you have shows like Veronica Mars. It was SPECTACULAR for what it was but... not a lot of people are going to be arguing for newbies to really watch it. But it also laid a lot of the groundwork for shows like iZombie which... look, I love that show but I am also not going to really be encouraging people to watch it at this point. Whereas Jessica Jones has a LOT of the same DNA and... Season 1 of that is spectacular and holds up.

Whereas something like MASH is arguably the genesis of a lot of "very special episodes" that everyone hates. But it very much popularized the idea of "the sad clown" dealing with horrible stress and strain (which would be the basis of shows like ER and even House) as well as a willingness to "poke fun at" some truly important contemporary issues even while giving them the respect they deserve. Which was obviously important in the 70s (hmmm) but is also a direct ancestor of shows like Boston Legal and Brooklyn 99 (and even The Good Place) that aren't afraid to acknowledge things like systemic racism while also making us laugh because... the alternative is to just shut down. And while I don't hear as many people say "you should watch MASH in 2023", its best episodes are still held up as masterpieces.

And while I think All in the Family needs a lot more credit than it deserves, it was very much more of "a very special episode" rather than blending. And The Jeffersons (and the first season or so of Family Matters) is similarly incredibly influential but suffers from being "a black show". Whereas something like Fresh Prince of Bel-Air found a way to get that to a wider audience who won't clutch their pearls if they see Tyler Perry on screen.

Schitts Creek?? Surprised to see it next to those other names. I mean it was great, but The Good Place and The Wire were on a whole different level IMO

I'd rank it above Seinfeld and way above Dharma and Greg, but I'm curious what made it stand out so much for you

Schitt’s Creek was a pretty big deal in the LGBT community. It was among the first shows that portrayed LGBT people and relationships in a purely positive light.

The Levy’s main concept for the show was to show a town that was without prejudice - an aspirational perspective to make more palpable what it could be like if there wasn’t strong undercurrents of ideologies like racism and homophobia.

A frequent criticism of the portrayal of black Americans in American media is that there’s frequently a negative narrative that shares the storyline. While it’s important to surface those uncomfortable aspects of our culture, it doesn’t have to be everywhere. It’s the same with the LGBT community.

As a queer person who has been politically involved since the days of ACT UP, I’m very aware of how our community is portrayed in media. Homophobia was very much a part of mainstream American entertainment throughout most of my life. It was played up for laughs with either straight characters being scandalized that they were perceived as gay, or gay characters who played to uniformly campy stereotypes, or making homophobic politics and violence an integral part of the storyline. That’s not to say that shows like Queer as Folk weren’t also landmarks, but that was more of a for us by us kind of thing. Schitt’s Creek is a sitcom that’s intended to be enjoyed by everyone.

I mean, I grew up in a time when people like Elton John and Boy George felt like they couldn’t be fully out, and Rock Hudson was completely closeted. I think that shows like Schitt’s Creek help with the perception and normalization of the LGBT community and relationships.

The Levy’s main concept for the show was to show a town that was without prejudice - an aspirational perspective to make more palpable what it could be like if there wasn’t strong undercurrents of ideologies like racism and homophobia.

The Levys were following an uniquely Canadian comedy tradition about not punching down people in small towns. If Schitt's Creek had been American there would be a strong chance that there would have been homophobic character who becomes the butt of the joke, who's there to make the audience go "Haha, stupid hick."

Dan Levy said in an interview with Vulture:

“I have no patience for homophobia,” he explained. “As a result, it’s been amazing to take that into the show. We show love and tolerance. If you put something like that out of the equation, you’re saying that doesn’t exist and shouldn’t exist.” As a sign of validation, Levy, who created the sitcom with his father, Eugene Levy, received many letters from viewers who specifically mentioned how the lack of prejudice against the couple made them do some self-reflection. “The letters we’ve been receiving are from people who realized their beliefs were biased or homophobic or bigoted, and we created a space where love and acceptance is paramount,” he said. “We’ve watched the growth and comfort of people who outwardly live their lives and aren’t being feared of being targeted. And it has a ripple effect into people’s homes.”

If the Levys had gone the way of punching down onto small town people, I don't think Schitts Creek would have been as effective in getting people to re-evaluate the beliefs.

Isaac Cabe's article As 'Schitt's Creek' Ends, Let's Appreciate Some Canadian Comedy, Eh? really highlights this uniquely Canadian comedy tradition.

LMAO, I say it all the time when shitting on Disney virtue signaling, stopping a show to get up on a soapbox just makes the show worse and convinces no one of anything they don't already believe, and making them a trope doesn't really help either

If you want to actually reduce bigotry, you normalize it... And apparently they succeeded, since the only time I remember thinking about it was going "oh wait, is he bi?" When they introduced that (I remember it being slightly ambiguous for a couple scenes)

Ok, the show deserves some credit when you put it in this context... Looking back at what I remember from the show, they did it very well.

Like at first, he's stereotypical and super flamboyant, but they're all caricatures anyways. Playing into the tropes probably made his orientation less threatening for someone a bit homophobic. They just let that sit for a while without any romance on his part

Then I think brought up he had an ex gf after a season or two? Which is a nice curve ball to make people question their assumptions, and then they eased into it and made the plotline with the ridiculous sitcom love triangle, and they made it about that while having very little actual pda on screen...I remember a kiss or two, but it was pretty overshadowed by the awkward situation... An amazing way to desensitize someone (it feels weird because it's awkward sitcom nonsense, so a good person a little weirded out by seeing guys kiss doesn't feel called out, and the emotions get triggered and directed to an appropriate target)

I binge sitcoms over a few days while I work or game, so I remember less as the seasons go on... It was good on the surface, I'm going to give it a rewatch looking deeper

Thanks for sharing. My biggest passion is the way technology could shape us for the better, so I find this very cool

Hey, you like what you like. Nothing wrong with that. But Frasier set the record for most Emmys won (excluding SNL) for a TV show- it won 37 over its run. That record was only beat in 2016 by Game of Thrones. There's nothing wrong with not liking Frasier, but being the current third-most-awarded show in television history says a lot about its quality.

I get that and I agree. I’m just differentiating between shows that were transformative for their viewers and ones that were “just” popular shows. Sometimes you get a crossover, like MASH, which was a very strong voice for post-Vietnam era America in which the idea of war and military service had begun to transform. We’ve lost ground on that one, of course, post-Reagan and especially after 9/11.

Like I said in another response, I see Schitt’s Creek as transformative in how it portrays LGBT persons and relationships by deliberately crafting a world in which prejudices (like racism and homophobia) do not exist. There are a number of shows that have over time led to the greater acceptance and normalization of the LGBT community, such as Queer Eye, but even a lot of those play to high camp tropes, and shows like Drag Race target the queer-and-ally communities more than being just a straight forward (sorry, couldn’t resist) sitcom.

In just my lifetime, we went from a world where Rock Hudson was closeted, Elton John and Boy George were flamboyant but not officially out, and where Nathan Lane worried that his epic role in The Birdcage would make people realize that he’s gay. There’s a great story behind that one. Before that you had the gay-coded villains like Vincent Price and comedians like Rip Taylor. Taylor never came out. Neither did Liberace.

I cite the Jeffersons similarly because the show came out as black Americans were moving from a civil rights struggle to a feeling of acceptance for and from the white American communities. The theme song Moving On Up embodied that social dynamic, while All in the Family lampooned the alternative vision of the white blue collar racist whose excuse was that he was just an “ordinary guy.”

I’d feel differently if Fraiser were to take a similar approach to mental health issues - normalizing and humanizing them, instead of playing them for gags. In my opinion, it was mostly about class dynamics with most of the humor involving the disconnect between the egotistical educated elite versus the real world. Contrast Fraiser’s relationship with his patients with that of the psychologist Sidney Friedman on MASH. By our standards today we could look at MASH and see homophobia and rampant sexism, but for its time it was humanizing, and Arbus’ character played into that narrative in most of his appearances.

Awards are awards, and at the end of the day they represent the opinions of the industry. I’m absolutely not saying they don’t matter. But people who watch a show like The Good Place (which explores absolutely fundamental issues of ethics and philosophy while still being a brilliant sitcom) have the power to change the way people think.

Wait, what was that about Person of Interest?

deleted by creator

Yeah. Caviezel is one of the very few people in hollywood who makes mel gibson look "not that bad"

It is truly amazing how the POI production crew managed to get such a good show out of him. And it makes it even funnier every time they put Reese in a mask so that they could have a fight scene where stuntment wouldn't be at risk of being murdered.

A bunch of anal retentive closet homosexuals eating cheese in a cramped apartment, yeah top comedy right there.

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One must seperate the art from the artist. Do u also avoid listening to michael jackson?

One doesn't have to, if one doesn't want to. I don't listen much to Michael Jackson (though I have a soft spot for Thriller), but I'm also not 100% sold on the allegations made against him.

Sure u dont have to do anything. But if are to hold urself to ur own standards u set for urself you have cut urself off from a majority of art throughout history. For example by ur own standards then u cant look at anything by Caravaggio, Paul Gauguin, Richard Wagner, Jackson Pollock, etc etc. Whats the purpose of artwork if not to express something. Can you express anything if an artwork is to be judge by ur charecter and not by itself?

I draw the line at the artist's life. I think there's a world of difference between appreciating a Van Gogh, and buying a book by J. K. Rowling. Van Gogh terrorized a woman and sent her his ear, but he's dead, so any "support" I give him doesn't help him. Whereas J. K. Rowling and Kelsey Grammer are alive and supported by their art. And I refuse to be part of that support.

So pirating it would solve ur issues? U can enjoy the art seperated from author without having to support them.

Sure, if I was that motivated. Though there is the question of how much his world view is expressed in his work, and how much I want to expose myself to it. But at the end of the day, I've gone, what, 30 years without watching Frasier? I don't need to see it. There are plenty of other TV shows I can watch.

U said it was in ur backlog all ur issues have been solved other than potentialy exposing urself to an ideology u disagree with. Why dont u wanna expose urself to an idealogy u disgree with? Are you scared that it might change your mind?

Ohh and for the record idk what a fraser is and have absolutly no idea what sort of beliefs are in it.

Toxic ideologies have a way of coloring your thinking. When I listen to far right nut jobs, racists, sexists and other lunatics I feel stressed and anxious. So, why should I listen to them?

I'm all for discourse and discussion when there are two legitimate competing viewpoints, but not when one of the two viewpoints espouses hate and vitriol. I'm too old to waste my time on that.

Also, if you don't know what Frasier is, why are you invested in convincing me to watch it? Or were you trying to make fun of my spelling while using "u" and "ur"?

Real question: is looking illiterate worth the two letter savings?

Right wingers and remembering death of the author whenever it turns out the author is a shithead, name a more iconic duo

So ur saying an artwork should not be judged on the merit of its content but the merit of it creator?

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if you support Trump, you're a traitor

And a gullible fucking moron. But mainly a traitor.

Personally I voted Osama bin Laden in the primaries. At least the fucker never lied to me about his agenda.

He seems to have calmed down lately as well.

Even better, he's a moderate centrist! What's not to like, or dislike!

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Kelsey Grammar has always been a bible bashing whack job.

Just go look up his late night interview where he talks about how he randomly opens the bible to answer the question ‘how long will I live for?’ And is satisfied that god answers him by saying he will live to 160 (or some other ridiculous figure I can’t remember).

Seriously he thinks the bible is a magic eight ball and god is guiding what page it turns to.

"God, what awaits me today?"

There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. --Ezekiel 23:20


Don't you mean "bible thumping"? Bible bashing is what I do when I call it horse shit.

Not OP, but where I'm from (NZ), bible bashers are what we call overly religious nuts who have to shoehorn god/bible into everything.

I mean it can be

I seem to remember that you're fairly explicitly not supposed to use it like that. Because it's akin to fortune telling or something which is supposed to be bad under the Bible, a broken clock and all that.

No it is totally valid, people use fortune cookies the same way, if you look for these synchronicities you can have some weird predictions of the future or get a general Vibe for the way things are going. You aren't supposed to take it too literally though.

Well I mean it's all somewhat arbitrary but technically, according to the Bible itself, no you're not supposed to use it like that.

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"Kelsey! Stop telling people the truth about yourself! Paramount+ is hemorrhaging money!"

When wasn't it?

Paramount Plus is so desperate to keep me as a customer that they keep giving me free months of service, without advertising. I just threaten to end my subscription and they're all like, "Augh! Please come back! Look, you can have two more months on us... just don't go!"

There's nothing quite as pathetic as a massive corporation in tears begging you for your money.

Have some fucking decency, you tried to rip me off every way from here to Saturn for decades, now you come begging for handouts? Maybe cut down on avocado toast and get a second job.

I knew a guy who kept getting bribed with free DVDs by AOL

I don't know, but they're worried about it now and they were okay with it when they started.

All the media companies wanted to be Netflix and so they invested heavily at the same time and flooded the market. Then wanted make more money so they added advertising. Now they ask why everyone left.

Paramount+ invested in Star Trek but hasn't really seen a return on investment. The draw of Netflix was a variety of content and no commercials.

I know that. They're desperate for hits beyond Star Trek. The original plan was new Star Trek every week all year long. Now it's no Star Trek for months at a time with one show ending (Discovery) and one animated show shuffled off to Netflix. That leaves Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks, and while they seem to be popular, it doesn't seem to be translating into subscriptions and they don't seem to have any other Trek shows in the pipeline.

What else do they have? Reboots. A new Spongebob, a new Frasier, a new Beavis and Butthead. No one is drawn to those. And their one attempt at a big budget sci-fi epic that wasn't Star Trek, Halo, was a complete flop.

I subscribed to it for Star Trek but I couldn't justify that any longer because I really wasn't watching anything else.

To be fair the Beavis and Butthead reboot is excellent if you liked the original. I went in with low expectations and was very pleasantly surprised.

That said, it will definitely not save Paramount.

CBS would make more money selling those streaming rights.

Yeah I don't understand why they don't just sell the rights to Netflix or something I'm sure Netflix would buy the right if it was an option. They have had interest with Star Trek in the past but then there was a big falling out because CBS did it badly.

They seem to have got a grip now.

I seriously have no idea why everyone was stupid enough to make their own version of netflix, and not expect the market to be flooded. The second Disney announced Disney plus, I knew that was the end of streaming and the return of piracy.

The only streaming surface I use is Tubi because they have the most ethical business model, I watch their ads, they show me free movies and shows. They don't double dip, and as long as they don't, it will be the only site I don't use Adblock on

Right but what will happen is the platforms without ads will now fall before the ones with ads and reinforce the idea that more ads = good for business

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Clearly, the writers just followed him around and wrote down what he said whenever they had a Sideshow Bob episode.

Probably yes.

The real mystery is how did they get Kevin Sorbo to play Hercules, I mean surely a religious fanatic like him is horrified knowing that he played a pagan God

Because christians never really stopped worshipping that golden calf. They all went along with Moses because he got super pissed, but behind his back they were all "that golden calf though..."

Indeed, I'm not a Christian but I have a close Catholic friend of mine, and although I no longer believe in supernatural, I wish I did but can only Chase rainbows so long until you realize there's no gold, but one thing we definitely see eye to eye on is that we want to kick anyone who preaches Prosperity Gospel in the goddamn teeth, and then the dick, and then the teeth again, and then kick their ass until their head falls off then kick the head and then kick the ass again because I don't think it's learned it's lesson

I could hardly stand Kelsey Grammer before I found out that he was a magat, now I want to throw stuff at him

I respected him as a performer and enjoyed his work. That's now in the past.

I never liked Cheers or Frasier, but he seemed like an okay actor overall. I mean you wouldn't have Sideshow Bob without him.

That doesn't make him less of a shithead though.

He only mostly supports the insurrection and attempted overthrow of our democracy, so it's cool.

Fuck Kelsey Grammer. I hope his reboot fails miserably.

I've not heard good things. I did like the original, so I checked out the reviews on the reboot to see if I needed to put it in the queue. The reviews left me thinking it was better off missed and this information just seals it.

They basically turned Freddy into Martin so they could rehash all the jokes from the original and throw all Frasier's character development coming to terms with his dad's flair out the window.

And it feels like they became very self aware of that because the episodes I saw most recently are trying to reframe it as Frasier just having firefighter family's anxiety and also resenting the popification of his psych show, but specifically in a way that mocks women who watch daytime television for being a demographic TV producers would cater a show to if it aired during the daytime television time slots.

It’s not very good and I say that as someone who likes the original series a lot.

And I just lost all respect for him, along with any desire to ever see him on screen ever again.

Grammer never went full "Kirk Cameron" with his professional career, but he's always been super right-wing, and the guy has some notable bible thumper and anti-abortion flicks on his IMDB page. He's done a decent job of keeping his fringy beliefs out of the press.

I disagree with his stand but think it doesn't make sense to cut him off. Let him explain it, let him dig his own hole, let the ideas be questioned. It's the BBC not Fox.

They're not calling for him to be "cancelled". They're just not going to view his stuff anymore. Any individual doesn't need a reason to stop doing something they've engaged in willingly. Unless you didn't mean to reply to the comment you did.

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Guy who was in multiple pro-us army movies is pro Trump. Shocker of the year here.

Nobody that is pro-US army should support Trump, cause Trump is obviously anti-US army.

Nobody that is pro-US should support Trump, cause Trump is obviously anti-US.

Nobody should support Trump.

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His sister was murdered in the most conservative town in Colorado. Maybe conservativism doesn't work Mr. Grammer?

To them conservatism can never fail. It can only be failed, because you didn't conservative hard enough. There is no introspection, no critical thinking. Only doubling down. Because otherwise all the suffering would have been for naught.

I know you're joking, but at the same time I know you're really not.

Republicans do not believe that they do not make mistakes, they merely believe that admitting a mistake would in itself be a mistake

But they never take it to the next logical step I've noticed. They do dumb things all the time, but then what they don't seem to do is preemptively work out if the thing that they're going to do is dumb or not, and then if it is dumb not do it. It's like they don't have a strategist.

I think it's a problem with the right wing groups in general. They're so completely blinded by self-belief that reality doesn't get a look in.

Look at Trump right now, he cannot possibly think things are going well for him, but there he goes carrying on.

I'm just baffled that his defense team seems to have the strategy of directly antagonizing law enforcement. In no world does,

" go ahead, take me to jail, you're too much of a pussy, I bet you won't do it."

Ever actually play out, it's either amazing 7D chess, or the more realistic option. He legitimately thinks he is invincible and nothing he ever does will have any consequences

I had no idea he was such an asshat. I was so excited about him reprising Beast in the MCU's X-Men. Maybe they can get David Hyde Pierce instead.

Anyone can support anyone they like, but it speaks to your character at the very least.

Dude literally led an insurrection to overthrow democracy, wake the fuck up with this nonsense?

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Boycott Paramount, they suck anyway

Are enough people even subscribed to it to even call for a boycott?

Their entire existence is summed up by "um, we've got Star Trek, I guess..."

Tuesday that's, it I've looked at the other shows and I have no interest in anything else.

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Loved the OG Frasier show. The new one is cringe as hell. Without Niles the show lost like 90% of its charm.

The show might've been named Frasier but Niles and Martin (dad) were absolutely crucial to the dynamic and success the show found. Without them it's missing 2/3rd of the team and is just another sequel churned out by Execs with no idea how to make a good show and only interested in making another dollar.

His son in the show is fucking awful too. The character is written and acted totally unlikeable. And Niles’ son is cringey like Sheldon from BBT and I just cannot get into it. Doubt it will last.

Oh look, how fucking original, another waitress upcoming failing actress in a sitcom. Sure, this is not something every other sitcom already do. The only character I enjoyed on the new series is the other professor, that have an honest humble snobbism that works well as a Niles replacement instead if Niles son.

Yeah very much agree the professor is the bright spot in the ensemble.

It’s ok. Frazier reboot is unlikely to get renewed. People didn’t watch the original for Kelsey. They watched it for the talented ensemble and skillful writing.

The season where Kelsey Grammar was in rehab and Niles was effectively the main character was the best season of the original show by fucking miles. He should always have been the secondary character.

The two bits that I loved the most were Niles attempting to Iron pants and Niles having a shaving cream can explode on him when everyone thought he was suicidal.

Wow, I've never changed my opinion on someone so fast before, that's insane.

Me too and going cancel my Paramount plus account over it and boycott all his shows and movies.

🎶 "hey baby I hear this tool's a fascist, a ghoul and a washed up joke... Mercy!" 🎶

Ok some actor has an opinion, why do I care exactly?

I care.

I love Frasier. Hes always been a Republican but knows how to laugh at himself. He plays smart characters who do incredibly stupid things. He used to go on late night shows and talk about how stupid his choices are. He plays Sideshow Bob on the Simpsons.

His show also recently got a revival, so there's a brand new season of Frasier.

But the support of psychopath Roseanne...? Kelsey Grammer, wtf.

yeah, but the new frasier doesnt have David Hyde Pierce.. Who was a bigger star and draw on Fraiser than Kelsey "I heart Trumps Pumpkinspiced Cock" Grammer ever could hope to be.

You mentioned one psychopath but omitted the other obvious one. Just curious if there is another specific reason you don't support trump?

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Guys fucking chill. Why give a shit

Why give a shit

You ask this like you've just time traveled from 15 years ago and missed everything that's happened since then.

I think its the other way around. What got trump elected was that they could rightly spin this quasi hate hysteria to their advantage. Articles witch hunting celebrities simply based on their political opinion/views helped fuel and grow the trump base.

Maybe. Although I kind of think that the media's obsession with ranting about every silly thing Trump did was the best advertisement for him out of all. When his name is all you see in the paper, it's going to energize the people who are easily swayed by that kind of thing.

I can't stand the guy myself but I also see articles like this and can't stand the circle jerking and it alienates someone like me. And I'm fairly left politically. But the behaviour that I think this article is generating makes me consider that its also as cult like as trumps horde.

I don't think its a good trait to start avoiding things that don't agree with us politically. To say "I'm not watching his show anymore" seems like a bad idea because it's likely applied in other parts of life.

Big picture here for me is at the end of the day, opinions spread like memes. If the left is sheltering away from things they don't agree with then their fucking dumb assholes. Imagine a Jon Stewart show where he or his writers never once took the time to watch and evaluate things they disagreed with politically. Where would the content come from? So left is doomed if they start sheltering more and more because they won't spread any ideas worth listening to.

I find myself just unable to agree with what you say.

I mean, let's take the idea that we should be able to shut off someone's political opinions and view them purely in a vacuum to the extreme. Imagine a cooking show hosted by Hitler. Could you watch "Cooking With Hitler" and truly divorce yourself from everything he did and said and believed and just enjoy his cupcakes? I know that I could not, and I don't expect there are many people on the planet that honestly could.

So if we tone down the extremity of that example a bit, we can apply the same thing to what we're looking at here. Kelsey Grammer's political opinions are terrible. I don't know how you can come to any conclusion other than that unless you are a die-hard MAGA. His politics are just abhorrent. I can only separate a person's politics from their self and their work so much.

Back when he was in Frasier, I knew he was a pretty hardcore right wing conservative, but at the time that meant a different thing than it does today. It wasn't so extreme that I couldn't enjoy Frasier. But now, seeing what the GOP has become, and what they stand for, and what they've done over the past 15+ years, it's too much for me. Anyone who chooses to stand in the same camp as Trump, the 1/6 insurrectionists, the Christian fascists... they're too far gone for me to connect on any level. I have no idea if the Frasier reboot is any good (or the Roseanne one for that matter), because I am too aware of who these people are. They have shown not only a total lack of compassion and empathy, but also it's extreme inverse. It's Cooking With Hitler for me now.

It's not at all about sheltering. I am not sheltered from these concepts. Quite far from that, in fact. It's keen awareness of them that makes me so repulsed.

Imagine a cooking show hosted by Hitler

I think its good to let that argument sit and allow people to see that. This is an absurd take that Kelsey grammar saying he supports trump is in some way akin to watching a cooking show about Hitler. I know you didn't say that directly. But the logic is there to associate it. I assume you are trying to use an extreme to show that there is a situation where it would be crazy to say "who cares their politics" but in this case presenting that case shows how absurd a lot of you are in your thinking on this issue. You have been driven to the fringes just as the right were years ago and still are. You're all being bent like a reed.

The absurdity of that statement was the point of it. That seems to have gone way over your head. Oh well...

Trump and maga republicans are on an entirely different spectrum than differing opinions. They are actively destructive anti democratic lunatics. I’m all for negotiating and broadly navigating politics and policies in effort to give and take across a diverse populace. I would soon alienate anyone and everyone that supports trump and his maga lunatics full of hate than give a single fuck about anything they have to say. Theirs plenty wrong with the democrats and I hope the Republican Party is able to pull its head out of its ass but until that happens anyone supporting their regressive hate filled bullshit is a pile of human shit as far as I’m concerned. It’s past the point of being able to claim willful ignorance, even Fox News has had to pull away from trump and correct his blatant lies that he tries to incite his goons with its so bad.

No dissenting views allowed here, Frasier must be cancelled!

You're perfectly welcome to dissent, and also reap the consequences of that dissent.

Is anyone here calling for it to be canceled outright? If it's canceled because people don't want to watch it because they think an actor sucks as a human, that's just the free market, right? If it was a better show/actor, they'll still do alright (look at Tom Cruise or any number of problematic actors).

It's the free market when someone conservatives don't like gets pulled, and cancel culture when it's someone they do like. Simple as that. 🙂

You know you've lost the argument when you stop defending your views and instead pivot to strawman defending your right to have them in spite of them beint indefensible.