Ted Cruz slammed for ‘join me in Cancun’ joke as Texas braces for deep freeze

robocall@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 789 points –
Ted Cruz slammed for ‘join me in Cancun’ joke as Texas braces for deep freeze

Ted Cruz has been slammed for joking that Texans should “join me in Cancun” as the state braces for a deep freeze.

“Texans, with the freeze coming, wrap your pipes, cover your plants, stay off icy roads & keep your family safe. And, if it gets too damn cold, join me in Cancun!” he wrote on X.


It’s funny because people are going to die and he’s making fun of them before they do.

They will vote for him on the way to the graveyard

If you're sick as a dog, you say: 'God I gotta make it.' Even if you vote and then pass away, it's worth it.

Donald Trump, ordering his cultists to sacrifice themselves for his primary race, just yesterday

ordering his cultists to sacrifice themselves

And take down a few others in the process!

Comedy is all about timing after all.

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And they keep voting this asshole back into office. Texas, go figure.

Look, sure, Ted Cruz might be a miserable, pathetic, cowardly, repulsive excuse for a human being who licks boots at every opportunity and is more than willing to sell out his constituents and his country for the smallest of kickbacks. But have you considered - Democrats think LGBT folk are human beings???

Clearly, Texas has no choice but to vote for Ted Cruz.

I mean, he may hate his constituents, is despised by his colleagues, and actively makes both his home state and the entire country worse... but he has the 'R' next to his name, what do you expect boomers to do!?

they like big things in Texas. doesn't really matter what it is, just that it's big.

And this guy is pretty much the biggest asshole they've got.

"I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz."

  • Al Franken

I'm voting for Collin Allred, I'm just one vote though.

i'm joining you...so that's 2 of us...oh and my husband...3! 3! people who don't want that POS in the Senate.

My husband and I are votes 4 and 5 for Allred too!

Fuck Fled Cruz!

I refuse to give any clicks to any headlines that use the word slammed or any derivative or synonym thereof

Unless it's a wrestling news website

Maybe wrestling news sites should steal political news sites headlines.

"Wrestler A CRITICISED for using unsportsmanlike move on Wrestler B"

You don't like your headlines reading like a bop-it toy?



SH**T TED CRUZ! (in the face)

Why is that?

Have you personally slammed someone?

Have you met anyone who has?

What did it look like?

That's between me and my only fans.

I have actually met a couple pro wrestlers

Pretty fricken gnarly dude

You know what "slammed" metaphorically means, here.

But it carries no weight when everyone's "slamming" everything in every headline. Maybe be less clickbait and more informative.

I look forward to the day someone uses this headline and I open the article to see somebody actually get chokeslammed

That's a fair take. I don't really agree, as to me, it is just a popular idiom meaning that people reacted negatively to something and either criticized it or mocked it harshly - I don't think it has to carry a lot of weight - but I do think it's perfectly valid that you think it does. That's not, however, what I get from the comment I was responding to, at all.

Greg Gianfirte has. Can we use that in headlines when we talk about him? It's accurate in that case.

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Who keeps voting for this professional gimp? Do you guys get off on making your own lives worse? Has he done anything to help you or people you know? It's not a sports team, you don't have to be loyal, it's just a bad politician.

They get off on making others' lives worse, even when it brings theirs down. Remember Cruz was part of the Tea Party, the super crazies that threw the republican party even further right and helped pave the way for Maga.

Wait. Texas hasn't lynched his ass yet? Damn. I just assumed those cowboys'd getterdun already. Hunh. Must be more talk than walk, I guess.

Texas deserves what it voted for at this point

Yes, the children who aren't even old enough to vote and the people who vote blue clearly deserve to freeze to death while the politicians other people put in power make callous jokes about it.

I mean, I'm a Blue voter here who will leave the moment my work contract is up.

At this point, I've also thrown up my hands and been like "Fuck it. Those of us who tried, tried. Texas deserves what it gets."

I'll keep voting Blue until I bounce somewhere else, but idk how else you want us to feel. It's like screaming into a void here. Abbott had already pushed the 6 week "heartbeat bill", before he got re elected in 2022. That didn't scare Texans then.

It feels like people want oppression here.

So what should we do? Storm Texas and remove their elected official cause they're not good for the people who didn't vote for him?

Read the room, asshole.

Enjoy taxpayer-funded trips to Cancun while you can, because you're on the ticket in November, and you won't have the benefit of being in an off-year election or Conservative Californians this time.

Unfortunately he’ll still win. Remember Uvalde voted for Abbot after the school shooting. After it exposed the absolute incompetence of their leadership they said “yep that’s who we want”. Cruz is sadly safely in his seat.

He's not. His polling numbers in the off-years coupled with the guaranteed higher voter turnout and Millennials and Gen Z showing up to vote should worry him.

I’d be very very happily surprised - I hope you’re right!

I get your original sentiment, though, and I agree that it's not a guarantee that he'll lose. But it's going to be an uphill battle for him, because even if he doesn't lose to a Democrat, he might lose to a less-worse Republican.

Keep in mind that this is the same state that overwhelmingly voted for Abbot AFTER hundreds died in the cold snap and he went on fox news and blamed the green new deal for texas' power failures...even though it was due to natural gas lines freezing up and renewables overperformed.

Texas still voted that idiot back in.

This Texas: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Days_of_Prayer_for_Rain_in_the_State_of_Texas

Yes, and also, Ted Cruz isn't Abbott. Abbott ran against Beto, who made that gaffe about taking people's guns away. Additionally, the turnout for the gubernatorial election was abysmal. Something like 24-30%, iirc.

Since Nov 2024 is the presidential election, which typically sees at least 60% turnout, and Trump and Republicans have been leaning hard into Fascism and these culture war issues, I expect Ted to have to actually fight for his seat.

I'm not saying he'll definitely lose, but I don't think this is going to be a cakewalk for him.

There are so many unserious people in power right now it is crazy.

$1,000 dollars to anyone who has video evidence of him getting it on with a rent-a-boy. Completely serious. I will give a grand to anyone who can out him to his conservative family values base. Send me the video and how to pay you. Spend the money however you like.

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Ok, ok.... Ted "Zodiac Killer" Cruz is a total POS.

However, I'm going to Cancun for first time in a couple weeks.

Anyone have suggestions?

Have fun. Watch out for vendors trying to sell you stuff before you even leave the airport. Only go on tours through your hotel. Mostly to avoid getting ripped off.

It's pretty safe down there. Last trip my spouse and I wandered around Tulum no problem. It's a ways down the coast from Cancun hotel zone. But it was fun seeing some less touristy areas.

The Mayan ruins at Coba, Tulum, and Chichén Itzá are pretty neat if you're into that. Tulum is the smallest but not too difficult to get to. The other two are inland and will be a bit of a trip.

If you drink alcohol and have never had one before try a paloma. Bonus points for going with tajin on the glass rim. I'm a huge fan. Been drinking those for years after a friend who grew up in Mexico taught me. But I enjoy grapefruit and spicy food which I realize isn't common.

They have some great zipline trips in the rainforests! I'm not the biggest fan of heights but I had an absolute blast doing it and it's really scenic.

Jumping into/swimming in a cinote (as another commenter pointed out) is incredible.

Snorkeling is super fun just to explore stuff.

If you find a few janky lawn chairs you should definitely take them off the beach and into the ocean to enjoy the water in relaxation mode 😎

I had a blast going to a cenote. Just because someone is on the resort property doesn't mean they are legit - don't buy cigars, especially Cubans, from the hotel grounds. The water near the hotels sucks, but the snorkeling trips are legit. I was up the road a bit at Playa del Carmine, which is a bit quieter than Cancun, so grain of salt and all.

Ty. No worries about cigars 🤢

That's how I feel about every other form of tobacco but I like cigars and that's a super common problem down there. Especially to get them even as gifts and they are just terrible, made all the more tragic by spending Cuban-level money on floor sweepings.

If it says it's going to rain, be aware that "rain" there can mean actual buckets of water being dropped from the sky on your head. Like, you get caught in the rain and you feel like you're standing under a waterfall.

Don't order pizza. We ordered pizza from Pizza Hut while we were down there because it was too windy for grilling at our place and it was the worst pizza I've ever had.

Look for ”talking crosses". They are big crucifixes wearing mayan petticoats. They are a symbol of the Caste War and People of the Cross. They still receive offerings to this day.

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Holy shit, lol, talk about tone deaf. Though I think there's also a serious note of disdain for the stupid, racist hicks who keep him in power; and how amused he is that he can shit on them and still get their vote.

Not surprising. Many Texans thought it was not funny.

Wow yeah he really got slammed… sure…

I'm confused because this seems to be clearly from a fake account? Like, fuck that piece of shit, but this doesn't even seem to be real? Is that the joke and I'm just being dense?

This is the best summary I could come up with:

“Texans, with the freeze coming, wrap your pipes, cover your plants, stay off icy roads & keep your family safe.

Amid warnings of severe weather conditions, which will affect more than 200 million Americans this week, Cruz seized the opportunity to make yet another joke about the time in February 2021 when he left his fellow Texans suffering record-cold temperatures and power outages to stay in sunny and warm Cancun, Mexico.

Cruz was widely criticized for his actions, leading him to fly back to Texas from Mexico almost immediately after saying he went on the trip because he wanted to “be a good dad.”

“Feels a bit odd to joke about getting caught going to Mexico while your constituents froze for a week and at least 246 people died but here we are,” another person said.

Texas deserves a leader who will step up for our state, not abandon us in a crisis,” former NFL linebacker and Congressman Colin Allred wrote on X.

For Cruz, who abandoned suffering Texans for the Ritz in Cancun, it’s all one big joke,” former NSNBC host Mehdi Hasan wrote.

The original article contains 558 words, the summary contains 185 words. Saved 67%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Make the lowest person feel like trey are slightly better than another target group and they will latch on to you for dear life until they die. Just for the chance at finishing the game with at least a couple of points on the board (as they score or at least).

The people that vote for this know they have wasted their selfish, empty lives. They know are shells of humanity without any worth, and republican politics are always the last shelter welcoming them in from that cold reality. The Republican party is the detective dollar store pooper scooped placed lovingly in the filthy, disgusting gutter to catch the shit that made it that far and that low.

Lol next headline

Ted Cruz CRUCIFIED for Cancun joke

Hear me out: this was tactless and in poor taste, but it is funny and I even think this might be a real Ted Cruz joke. You don’t often see self awareness in a politician at that level, and I almost respect it?

I felt really bad for Texans last winter when it got cold and their third world electrical grid shit out. This year, all I can think is “so why the fuck are you still living in Texas?”

Considering a lot of people are struggling just to keep up with rent/food/bills; you think they had the opprotunity to move out of Texas and start a whole new life in another state? New job, new apartment, new social supports. In a state that likely has a higher cost of living if you're trying to flee the GOP death cult. Easy right?

Your privileged take is almost as tone deaf as Cruz's joke tbh.

Self awareness would be an apology, not "Huck Huck I don't care who dies as long as they aren't rich like me, lol". We see real self awareness from more leftist Congress critters all the time, although the capitalist media tends to paint it as bad, somehow. I'm glad you only "almost respect" this tone deaf statement.

Agreed, that joke is funny as shit.

If it had been your grandparents that died in Texas last winter would you still be laughing? Or are callous jokes about people freezing to death while politicians hide in the tropics only funny when it's someone else's family?

I have a hard time thinking the physical location of Cruz would have saved somebody from freezing to death. As tragic as it is, the man is a politician not a space heater.

I don’t have to defend my appreciation for dark self-deprecating humor.

Exactly. This is like the pope making a dead baby joke, and all everyone in this thread can do is be a bummer about it.