What are you playing this week?

The_Hunted_One@beehaw.orgmod to Gaming@beehaw.org – 135 points –

What have you been playing this week? Do you think others might like it?


Tears of the kingdom - little late to the party but it’s a fun game.

remember to not update the software and lock it to whatever version you initially have. It's gonna be very hard to amass resources if you aren't planning to use dup exploits or play it for a very long time. (preferably pre 1.1.2)

I don't know about all that, I've put maybe about 50 hours into it with no dupes and I find that I almost always have pretty good amounts of most things. Sure, you CAN cheat yourself a gorillion zonaite and get max batteries right at the beginning of the game, or infinite of the best weapon fuse materials, but.... why? They're not really that hard to come across and you're robbing yourself of one of the key reasons to even explore the world in the first place.

I don't know how far you did in terms of BotW, but the way it works burn me out(upgrading gears and inventory slots) so this time around I just decide to dupe stuff. It make the work feel a lot more like a good play ground for exploration compare to really constraint weird grind fest. Let's use your zonite example as material source.

  • can you play without farming zonaite and not even upgrade your base battery? Yes, in my early hours without dupe knowledge I managed to unlock all skytower and defeat some harder area mob that defends tower without using anything duped.(I basically started looking for duping because of the reason coming up next.)
  • can you finish the game wihtout zonaite gathering? I believe so, it's not even used if you are not using auto build in the over world.
  • max battery requires 4500 charges, while realistically without too complex builds that use energy draining components too much, just 4~5 batteries upgraded should cover a lot of usage. BUT, even that lowers the freedom when you are on a quest to explore "fast". 4~5 batteries just requires about 1/3 of total amount so about 200~300ish large zonaite. And they give you 1 for quest reward or from chests.
  • zonaite charges(the one that fill battery and gives you a bit of red charge even mid using your thing) and auto builds are the supposed zonaite burner. In terms of game design, they want this resource to dump into things that enable you do do something fun or interesting. charges and construct parts are the main thing to exchange capsules. And this is what breaks it for me once I realized how much work I need to do to start feeling freedom building shits and put them to work. If you play it like BotW, it just feels like a side thing that's fun when you have it. But I don't want to play it like BotW, I want to have the freedom to build stuff and use them as I like. Which needs a lot of capsules and a lot of zonaites for autobuilds(when the parts are from memory instead of capsules. )
  • since you can't use auto build or capsules in shrines, so getting lots of these dups doesn't break the puzzle. Can you like ride fan-attached machines all the way to destination temples/area without exploring? I guess you can, I don't know since I didn't do that. For my first 2 temples, I still follow quest lines etc.

But it made my korok shipping SO MUCH FUN compare to without duping those charges/autobuild parts. Like it literally changes the boring and repetitive quests(like holding the sign in place ones) into a fun experiment platforms. Duping the parts also make fusing a lot less "punishing" as some of the better parts are required to upgrade as well. I don't have to "conserve" just go whacking and don't get too annoyed like BotW when weapons break. (as most of the damage comes from fusing, not the weapon states.)

Note, I haven't even build homes etc to dup weapons/bows/shields, and it just unlocks the game so much without the gathering grind. (so the old blood moon weapon/material gather runs is no longer needed.) Like, yeah, I really don't have that much free time to dedicate to one game, so if I have the option to by pass any grind mechanics that also doesn't "break" the game, I am gonna just do it.

I told myself I'm not buying Final Fantasy until I'm done with Tears of the Kingdom and now I'm sweating nervously at the release date next week.

After a few years of mostly playing strategy & tactical games, I fired up Minecraft this weekend. I'd never really given it a proper try before, but it's been refreshing and relaxing. I started on survivor mode but found the enemies kind of annoying, so I switched to peaceful survivor mode and that's been fun so far. Just enjoying the "wander around and build stuff" atmosphere. Honestly makes me want to play more sandbox-y games after a while of mostly playing more intense stuff.

You might like Satisfactory. They added a peaceful mode recently and the game is heckin' beautiful after the last update. Sometimes I'll just stop playing the game and look at things now.

I'm playing Grim Dawn because i'm not a big fan of always-on in Diablo 4. So i've decided to give Grim Dawn a try and damn, i'm really loving it.

It's a great game, I've been recommending people spend their money on it over D4, for the same price they could get all the Grim Dawn dlcs and have a stack more content in my mind (-:

I just fired up a GD game with a friend last weekend. I forgot how to play since it's been so long.

Necro/Occultist all day long. BoneZone and the boys causing havoc all around.

Finally getting into Outer Wilds, and it's fantastic. Truly one of the better single player experiences I've ever played.

Probably my favorite game of the last 10 years or so. Enjoy!

The new Season of Deep Rock Galactic. I don't really like this seasons weapon frameworks, but there's still some cool cosmetics to unlock. Like a plague doctor mask with a fancy hat. :3


A factory game called shapez.

Shapez rocks! Excited for the sequel too, dev updates have been looking great.

Shapez is great! I love the minimalistic approach to a factory game. I finished the main levels a while ago, but I still want to get around to ::: spoiler minor late game spoiler using all the circuits to build a factory to automatically make just about anything for the later levels :::

I am finally playing Hades. I don't like rogue-likes, which is why I put it off for so long, but I'm deeply enjoying playing on God Mode.

I'm always poking around in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and I'm playing Sons of the Forest with some friends every week.

I'm playing the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV. Have you heard of it? With an expanded free trial which you can play through the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 for free with no restrictions on playtime.

I played it about two years ago, and I think I made it almost to the very end of ARR, before I stopped. I've been thinking about going back to it recently, since I'm in the mood for a MMO again.

ARR’s story really is a slog for the most part, it has its moments but they are far and between. You probably already heard this, but the story does pick up a lot from the start of Heavensward. The end of Shadowbringer remains one of my most cherished RPG memories to this day.

I didn't mind the story, I mainly stopped because I thought the different classes all just have too many different buttons, for seemingly no reason. This is from someone whose only other MMO is WoW which has a lot less buttons for all the classes (that I played).

Also, I had to do those bigger raids, where you couldn't use the automatic group finder, and I just get a bit too anxious in those situations, especially when I play without friends and have no prior experience with the content.

However, I want to give the game another shot, because I generally liked it.

I'm biased, because I love FF14! If you are in the mood, go play it :) ARR got reworked a lot, and the story gets so much better starting in Heavensward! (I really liked ARR, but many people say they felt it was slow.)

  • Diablo 4 until I finish the campaign
  • Coffeetalk 2 when I'm too tired to concentrate on fighting.

Currently have Cult of the Lamb on hold, and I also need to get back into No Man's Sky and check out the new content.

Also salivating over Starfield videos 😁

I've been surprisingly happy with the diablo 4 campaign. The amount of food voice acting, grittiness, solid side quests, it's been nice. Though I am missing that bit of d2 and d3 where you can just plow through hordes of enemies

I played Cult of the Lamb when it first came out, but found the cult system itself to be a bit too easy to be satisfying. The combat roguelike bit was alright tho. I also need to hit that NMS expedition before it vanishes.

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I’m trying really hard not to get too hyped for Starfield, what with the way games seem to release these days…but damn it looks like the SciFi game I’ve always wished I could play!

Cult of the Lamb is great too.

Same. Normally I go into huge games with lots of player agency with a walkthrough sitting next to me because I want the 'perfect ending'. I think with this one I'm just going to get lost in it and whatever happens happens. It looks so good.

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Factorio. The simplistic art style and easy to grasp gameplay lures you in. But then after a while you get sucked in and end up learning way more about conveyor belts and liquid fuel processing than you ever wanted to learn.

If you are interested in similar games you should check out Satisfactory, I've heard it's similar but 3D with bounce pads and trains. Also a little lizard doggy.

Can confirm. It is very similar, but with some differences apart from just 3D graphics:

  • More focus on immersion - gorgeous maps, emotes, tons of style, cool animations
  • Enjoyable movement - bounce bads, sliding, jumping, paragliding, jetpack, vacuum tube rides, cars
  • Verticality - hills, cliffs, and mountains to take into account when building, as well as able to organize production lines on top of each other
  • Smaller scope of production - the amount of machines and produced items in a Factorio Megafactory are unattainable. Some due to it being infeasible to optimize the way a 2D game can, and some because the immersive 3D view constrains what you can see and build at one time.
  • Hand-crafted world that encourages and rewards exploration - as opposed to Factorio's procedurally generated world
  • Slower pace - no enemy waves, and infinite resource nodes means you can expand at your own pace without being pushed by a need to get more coal, or suppress enemy bases
  • Smaller mods - Factorio has some insane total conversion mods that are not feasible to make without the excellent mod portal and the fact that 2D graphics lessen the work needed for modders.

I think both games are amazingly fun masterpieces, though Factorio is the game I've spent the most time in by far.

Final Fantasy XIV. As a decade+ WoW player, its really nice to find such a nice player base. I'm just hitting level 54 ( so between the base game A Realm Reborn and on my way into the first expansion ) and I've experience absolutely 0 toxicity.

Some Control, some Left 4 Dead 2 and some bass guitar

Control doesn't have the most engaging gameplay, but damn isn't that whole SCP-Xfiles story and atmosphere cool and fun to unravel

Absolutely loved Control, how far through are you? You start getting lots of really OP superpowers as you go through the game and it makes combat super fun. The expansions are excellent also.

Just finished the main story, going through The Foundation right now

Love that expansion for all the lore, some cool weapon/character mods to pick up too if you poke around for long enough.

Control is one of my favorite games for atmosphere. Plus I feel more superpowered than most super hero games once I'm far enough along in the story. The vibe will keep you going long after you've gotten used to the combat.

I LOVED control and the vibe in it, I read every dossier and listened to every audiolog and projection and I just wanted more by the end 😁. I really hope a sequel is being made.

Deep Rock Galactic, solid game for a solid time;

X3:FL, I regret it and I'm going to continue (Halo 2 on legendary difficulty is less frustrating than X3:FL with exploits).

I love DRG. It's such a simple premise, and it's just so much fun. Doesn't take itself too seriously and the devs seem like a cracking bunch of lads.

It's the only game where I feel that playing with randos is better than playing with friends I can talk to, for some reason.

I mostly use CTRL, V and X to communicate at all times, but recently I admitted to someone in-game that I always throw a C4 and immediately detonate it if someone pings me and uses the "Easy on the C4, eh?" line - they kept pinging me at all times and I've even had to preemptively apologize to an unaware scout.

Besides, there's just something special about hearing 8 engineers with Fat Boys yelling "I CAN'T FEEL MY BEARD, HEEEELP" at the same time

Haven't been playing much but will get some Deep Rock Galactic action later today for the new season content, if that counts. It's my one evergreen game I keep coming back to whenever there's an update lol

Yes the new season is only ok compared to the others in my book... obviously i still play a ton tho and its an awesome coop game regardless!

Rock! And! Stone!

Yeah, new season looks like last season part 2 which is fine honestly considering their business model but I hope the next one mixes things up a little harder

P.S.: To the bone!

Just finished up the System Shock remake. Been struggling to find a game to captivate me, but this one surely did the trick. Pretty week ending though.... just like the original, hah.

Would love to see Ultima Underworld 1/2 get the same treatment.

Going to jump on the Battlebit bandwagon for $15.

A friend messaged me on Steam at like midnight last night telling me to pick it up. I don’t love the aesthetic but everyone is saying it’s pretty incredible. From what I have seen, movement looks really good, which is a big deal for me in FPS games. Figured I’ll jump on the bandwagon as well while the player count is still high

I've been playing Prey. It runs great on Steam Deck and is a lot of fun overall. That and No Man's Sky are my games of the summer so far

I'll be continuing to grind a little bit in Diablo 4 (and maybe hitting up D3 to finish some season challenges). The Division 2 also looks to have a new update, so I'll give that a go as well.

Then finally maybe just some relaxing time in American Truck Simulator as a way to wind down!

I'm loving Diablo 4 so I've been grinding that out, currently on World Tier 3 with my sorcerer and having a blast. Also playing Destiny 2 at the weekly reset for the new story updates.

Nice! I was going to do something else tonight, but you reminded me I need to give Diablo 4 a try.

Dota 2. But I swear I'm not toxic, just addicted. No others would hate it like I do.

Yakuza! I finished Yakuza 0 after years of trying to get through it, and started Kiwami. It's been a lot of fun.

Just finished Kiwami and enjoyed it. The random encounters got to be a bit much, and the side quests were pretty basic, but I was really impressed with the fighting and how much there was to do.

Yakuza 0 really is the king of sidequests, imo.

Need to rush to the bridge and stop someone getting shaken down?

Sure, but mahjong and crane games first.

My girlfriend got me to start Yakuza 0 last year and (after a long hiatus before picking up again) I've had a lot of fun with it! Even though I've heard it's one of the best in the series, I'm excited to play through more of it

Farming Simulator 22. I've been hopelessly addicted for weeks. Also the other farming simulator, Diablo, in the down time.

Have you been playing with any mods? I've played 17 and 22, both with mods that let me set up tractors to do general hauling and harvesting. I basically turned them into factory production games.

PC, 22 with Coursedrive, autodrive, universal autoload, etc.

That's the plan, but starting from scratch. Still a ways to go before it's automated. I need to learn more about autodrive and how to actually configure it properly.

Its been over a year for me, but I'd be happy to help if you have questions. Just might need screenshots to jog my memory, haha

It's been a few patches since last, and Update 8 is live on the Experimental Branch, so I started a new save of Satisfactory.

Never managed to get far in previous runs, because I tended to think complicated instead of thinking big, so have a new strategy this time. When I need modular frames, I find a fresh set of iron nodes and dedicate the entire output of those to modular frames. Things are more spread out, but collecting resources is an uncomplicated problem to solve.

So far I'm optimistic - feeling less overwhelmed.

I've been waiting on Satisfactory until it's out of early access. Should I continue to wait or is it good now?

What is there is fun and stable. It's easy to spend hundreds of hours as it is, so I'd give it a go. :)

Loving the new update - starting a new update 8 run with some friends, been a while! Getting horrendous frame stutter trying to play multiplayer at the moment, but I guess that's the price to pay for running the experimental release.

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Life is strange 2 and Ace combat have been top of my list on steam deck. I have been replaying Death Stranding also!

How is Death Stranding to replay? I recently got the directors edition from Humble (was a super strange redemption method, since I owned the first one), and was debating trying to pick it back up, as I quite enjoyed the standard edition

if you enjoyed the original release and it's been a while; you will LOVE the Director's Cut!

Resident Evil 2 Remake.

I think if like me you are a total scardey-cat then it'll be an effort!

I adore the visuals, the world, how well it runs on my Steam Deck. I have a slight girl-crush on Claire (after a full-blown crush on Jill after playing RE:3 before this!), and a disctinct realisation that if a zombie apocalypse comes? I am toast.

The issue is I am terrible with scary games! But I am really quite taken with the world in the game!

5/7 so far

Big fan of the atmosphere and fidelity the RE team puts into their games lately (though I've only played 7 and RE2: Remake).

But RE2 left a sour taste with their a/b scenario thing. I thought it was going to be an actual parallel timeline of events instead of just basically the same game. If I'd known that I probably would have skipped it.

Moonligther, I saw it in the gamepass and it looked like a chill game. Right now it's super cheap on steam so I decided to buy it.

I've been playing The Division 2 and I'm really enjoying it. I stopped playing for a few years, and now I've managed to stop the game crashing every 5 minutes, it's really good fun.

If I may ask, how did you stop the crashes? I have more than 800 hours on TD1 but I couldn't play more than 100 in TD2 due to constant crashes. Man I love those games.

There's so many different fixes. In the end I tried them all, but I think the tipping point for me was disabling all in-game overlays like Shadow play, Steam, Ubisoft Connect. In fact for Steam and the EA app, I closed them completely. I've played for about a week with no crashes so far.

I saw that a new season / "year" just started for TD2, I'll have to download the update and give it a go!

I'm playing with a friend currently, and it's a lot of fun.

We are close to finishing the base game and only just now gotten to content, that isn't mind-numbingly easy though (around World Tier 3+ did we have to start paying attention), so it just takes a bit too long for my tastes.

Splatoon 3 - Getting ready for a LAN tournament in Philly tomorrow. Excited.

Persona 5 Royal - Finished the third palace.

Them's Fightin' Herds - Casual practice session, by which I mean terrorizing a lobby for a little while.

Slay the Spire - After over 800 hours of vanilla, I've just started fooling around with different mod characters, while watching Youtube in the background. Currently playing The Shaman, has some really cool mechanics.

I played the Final Fantasy 16 demo. I'm not sold on it, but I tend to favour older games with turn based combat. Still, I did mostly enjoy the gameplay, it seems like it could be a fun game.

I gave Dragon's Dogma another try, and I'm 20+ hours in now. I never made it this far. It's a pretty fun game, though I'm having difficulty figuring out some quests without resorting to searching wikis. My current quest, I need to find a gargoyle, kill it and get back something from it, but it didn't drop anything. I'm wondering if it glitched.

For relaxing, I'm playing Etrian Odyssey 3.

Dragon's Dogma is so good! I loved the game. The story is pretty much nothing until the latter fourth of the game, but I find it pretty compelling and interesting. Stick with it if you enjoy the gameplay enough (not sure about that bug though); the payoff for playing through to the end and then scouring Bitterblack Isle is well worth pushing through the nearly non-existant story in the middle.

That's good to know. I'm having fun playing a magical archer at the moment.

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I've started a new playthrough of cyberpunk after putting about 50 hours into Street fighter this week.

Figured with the new Cyberpunk DLC coming out it was time to return to it. I played about 3-4 different endings on release so looking forward to going back to it.

I have been really into Stellaris lately, The new patch did breathe some fresh air into the game for me.

I'm right there with you, to a borderline unhealthy degree. I heard the advisor for my current empire in a dream the other day.

I'm playing Pokémon Yellow on my SteamDeck (via RetroArch). The childhood nostalgia I'm experiencing is heart-warming. :)

I ended up finishing my run of Necesse this week. It's like a Terraria and Rimworld crossover. Has some crafting and base building, and some colony management aspects. Overall was pretty good, especially for the relatively low price.

Now I've switched over to Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. I'm about 12 hours in, have a party of level 4 characters, and am overall enjoying it. this is my first CRPG, and also my first foray into PF1e. Coming from PF2e, its a little archaic so far, but not insurmountable.

Been playing some FFXIV, Baldurs Gate 3, Solasta, Divinity Original Sin 1 Enhanced Edition and Cyberpunk in that rotation

Little bit of Darktide. If you haven’t tried it since the rocky start, it’s not a bad time to get into it again. A lot of the content feels a lot more tight and there is more forgiving mechanics to get good gear. Other than that, more Warframe as the new update gets closer. Also a good time to hop in as well

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FF Pixel Remaster marathon by day, Amnesia: The Bunker by night. The latter is a must play for survival horror fans, Frictional nailed it.

I'm waiting for those FF Remasters to go on a decent sale. I played one of the 3D remakes on DS (FF3 I think) and the old FF6 release on Steam, but I want to give the others a shot as well and prefer the pixel look massively.

I’ve been playing Victoria 3 and I just can’t wait to have fun

Witcher 2 babyyyy. First time playthrough and it's just... Like I'm a kid again and I can't stop thinking about playing it again when I'm at work.

Did you play through witcher 1 first? Lucky duck...

Battlebit remastered. Definitely got curious from their ads, but it is a battlefield experience like no other. Puts 2042 to shame. It looks silly but its challenging in all the right ways.

I've mostly been playing A Tale Of Two Wastelands, which is a mod for Fallout New Vegas that takes all of Fallout 3 and adds it to NV. It merges the engine upgrades and gameplay improvements from NV into 3, plus custom content to make it all work. It's a HELL of a lot of fun.

I am a big fan of crpg: usually I play Baldur's Gate, Solasta, Pathfinder... but I will play DIV because I want to try a new class (done the campaign with a Sorc, next one will be a druid or a necro).

Solasta - Crown of the Magister cRPG trying to replicate the feel of tabletop RPG as well as possible IMO they did it really well ! Not everything is perfect of course, and it's more combat-centered than my tabletop experience, but I'm really enjoying this first playthrough (playing in coop with a friend).

Divinity - Original Sin 2 RPG with a turn-based combat system, a somewhat open world and interesting storylines I stopped playing on normal and started again on tactician, I was getting bored by the fights becoming too easy during act 2.

Timberborn! Update 4 stuff really added a lot.

It's on my wish list to try, my backlog is too long though.

Finished Midnight Suns on monday iirc. Pretty decent overall, really liked the combat and the relation between characters but god the writers didnt really know when to shut up and even cool dialogues are dragged into the mud because the dialogues get awkardly long, like none of the two characters talking know how to end the conversation. That and the game forcing you throw side content makes a game that was close to a 9 to barely a 7.
Playing Ghostwire Tokyo too and i think im close to finishing it too. It has been a fun ride but i dont know if the enemy variety and core gameplay stands on its own for 10+ hours. The setting is amazing and enjoyed most of the side missions i did. Loved learning a lot of japanese culture with the game, its been done with a lot of respect for Japanese folklore.

I loved Midnight Suns, but the replayability does suffer because of all the dialogue scenes without easy ways to skip past them. I'm playing a second game now on higher difficulty and still enjoying the combat but it's a bit annoying to have to skip past all those conversations. If they patch in a New Game+ option that lets you just skip to the combat it'll really improve the game. Still I'll probably do one more campaign with the DLC characters added, I hear some of them are a lot of fun.

Tears of the Kingdom Diablo IV Dark Souls 3 Final Fantasy XVI demo

Going through World Tour mode in Street Fighter 6 plus a little local play, and Tears of the Kingdom. It's a good time to be a g4m3r

Gloomhaven! Just started another two minis mercenary, they are my favorite

Diablo IV. I'm still somewhere around Act 2, and the game is really well done in its genre.

For when I'm tired of slaying demons, I got Back 4 Blood. Haven't been playing this one since its first release, and this time I really got hooked. Pretty good HDR implementation, and overall it's a worthwhile Left 4 Dead successor. I also got all the DLCs, so plenty of content before I run out.

Diablo for me as well. I just finished the campaign on necromancer and am playing around with a barb now.

I've been wandering around the map with my skeleton army and messing with my builds and am having a lot of fun. The 'just one more dungeon I found/quest' problem is real

I usually play a lot of new indie and old AAA games but rn the biggest time sink is Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. As anti-consumer as Nintendo is, they know how to make quality halo games.

Battlebit Remastered

Like 3-4 people put together a better Battlefield game than DICE ever did, with up to 127v127 fights, community servers on top of official quickplay, and a $15 pricetag. It's insanely good and this shit doesn't even feel like it's in early access.

I played the Final Fantasy 16 demo yesterday and I'm hooked. Can't wait for thursday, when the game releases!

While I'm waiting, I'm playing Horizon Forbidden West (the world is so big!), Diablo 4 and as always Final Fantasy 14. ^^

Pokémon Violet. I have the dex. I’ve finished the storyline. I just find raiding fun and relaxing.

I’ve started playing Deep Rock Galactic, and I’ve been loving it, even just playing a few solo missions to get a feel for it. I’m going to try to get my wife into it, since we’ve been looking for some more games to play together.

Outside of that, I’ve been playing Tears of The Kingdom and that’s been fantastic. Great follow up to one of my favorite games. And then mixing in some Overwatch as well which, despite its problems, is still pretty fun to play with some friends.

Deep Rock Galactic is such a gem that I can always come back to! I hope you two have a lotta fun with it. There's a lot of cool stuff going on right now, with the lithophage outbreak, and a couple really tough enemies.

Same thing I play every week. Coral Island and RCT3.

Coral Island is in Steam Early Access and is as yet unfinished, but is making steady progress and the devs are doing great at keeping everyone up to date on progress. Coral Island is frequently compared to Stardew Valley. Frankly, I don't enjoy SDV. I've tried and tried and it just doesn't do it for me. Coral Island is everything I was hoping SDV would be. It's game play is similar, but I find the whole thing much more enjoyable.

I've been playing RCT3 off and on since I first bought it on CD a million years ago.

What does RCT3 stand for?

Roller coaster tycoon I'm assuming.

It wouldn't surprise me if it's Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, at least. It definitely fits the naming convention I'm used to.

If so, yeah—that scratches a kind of itch real nice. I used to be really into RCT3. RCT2 was my introduction to tycoons and sim kinda games when I was in like kindergarten, and it probably played a big part in my video game tastes since. I've shifted over to Parkitect these days: it's got a nice balance between the logistics/business end, building up a theme park, and the detailing. I try to get into Planet Coaster every once in a while, but I end up feeling like it gets tantalizingly close with letting me do stuff I want, but something would somehow feel lacking. Planet Coaster's path building mechanic comes to mind.

Sometimes I'll still boot up RCT3. Its mechanics aren't quite as robust as modern games in the genre, but the rides and attractions set and the aesthetic somehow manages to feel evergreen to me.

I was nearly 40 when RCT2 came out. :-)

My biggest wish for RCT3 has always been that you could store modified shops like you can store coasters. That's the one thing about it that drives me further bonkers.

I really really really want to like Planet Coaster but dang, trying to put paths down and the like is a nightmare for me. I have bad arthritis in my hands and having to do minute and detailed movements can be incredibly difficult. So I wind up with things where they don't belong and lose money and ARGH.

I've heard Parkitect is better but I'm gun shy after PC and afraid I'll waste even more money on a game I can't play.

I still play Dungeon Keeper (the original) sometimes, too. It's such a classic, and every "new reboot" of the game seems to just fail in all the wrong ways for me.

Sorry. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3.

I know most people love 2 the most, but 3 is the one I like best. I like the 3D way you can move around and I like the whole way the mechanisms work.

Mechabellum. Nothing else.

Autobattler with mechs. Very lively atm and you get a game in a minute easily. Super well executed game, but it is in early access and definitely has jank when it comes to user experience.

Would 100% recommend.

Picked up Deep Rock Galactic based on recommendations in another thread, not very good at it yet but it's a lot of fun!

Been replaying Into The Breach. One of the best turn based tactic games there is out there.

I played Into the Breach to death on release. I even got all the mechs and achievements. Just looked at it again and it got a free Advanced Edition update?! Holy shit, brb playing the game a 3rd time!

You mean the big expansion pack they released a while back? It was incredible, the devs just dropped it one day out of the blue, all for free, nobody had asked for it but everyone was amazed by it.

I've been jumping back and forth between The Finals Closed Beta and Battlebit Remastered when I'm not leveling my sorcerer on Diablo IV.

Outside of that, for demos I played the FF16 demo which blew my wig back. Lusant is another one coming from Don't Nod that I played a small chunk of and quit because I knew it was right up my alley and didn't need to see more, have a feeling it'll be a shorter experience. Then I tried Lies of P, which has busted HDR support on PC, so gonna give it a shot on PS5 today. Overall dug the vibe and combat, the influence from Bloodborne is all over the damn game.

Been playing some RE: revelations 2 on switch, lately been on a Resident evil mood just finches RE2R so going with the franchise a little bit.

I'm mostly finished with The Cult of the Lamb - just doing boss rushes and minor cult duties for fun and I have also been playing McPixel 3. I fired up The Binding of Isaac for a quick run, too.

Forgive Me Father. I rarely play shooters these days but this one is a quite pleasant for short sessions so far with just a tad of old doom-like tactics, but more streamlined, and has nice aesthetics too

I played this recently, but I wasn't a fan of the style at all. It still played well, and I finished it, but I could have done with a shorter game.

I've been stuck on Rocket League and Fortnite for years.. 😭

Horizon Forbidden West. Got the expansion and wanted to go through the main story again before jumping into it.

Have fun with the expansion, wrapped it up a few weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Makes me excited for their third game. Expansion area is packed with amazing detail. Don't forget to fly around in the clouds 🌨️

Mostly relaxing games like Unpacking to kill time while I wait for FFXVI. I'm afraid of committing to other games at this point. Though I think I might get back into Vampire Survivors to help kill time too though.

If you like vampire survivors, check out soulstone survivors. I've spent a bunch of time playing both and they're both great side games to jump into!

Will also tack on Boneraiser Minions to that list. It's a great survivors-like but your minions deal damage instead of the player. Great art and music.

Currently playing the Ace Attorney Trilogy! I'm also eagerly waiting for Next Fest to start tomorrow to try out various demos.

This week, a little Citizen Sleeper, a little of a Doom wad called Lost Civilization and No Man's Sky on Switch.

I've been cleaning though some games that I had only partially completed in anticipation that I will need more hard drive space come september. Finished the dlcs for both Spiderman and Horizon zero dawn which I quite enjoyed, and now I'm playing far cry 6 which is okay but definitely not living up to it's own potential.

Satisfactory Update 8 (Lumen makes it very pretty) and Beyond All Reason mainly!

How's the blueprint system in Satisfactory these days? Last time I played was before they were added, and I got burnt out somewhere in tier 8. I can only connect belts to splitters and smelters for so long before my eyes start to bleed

BAR is a great game

It really is! I used to love TA back in the day but never got into the online scene. BAR is definitely my type of game, had some epic battles!

Cyberpunk - I like it but it's still buggy to the point of having to reload at times. The main story is absurdly predictable and short, barely got into it and I'm at the point of no return. Maybe the conclusion will save it. Replayability is low due to all the unskippable pseudo cutscenes. Combat is meh. So far a 7/10 game

F1 23 - finally a good F1 game

Personally I think Cyberpunk was a flawed masterpiece, the whole world, characters, art and story (both main and sidequests) create something so beautiful and unique to me, and there were quite a few heart wrenching moments.

I also think it's great from a gameplay perspective, I'm a huge RPG fan and this was insanely fun to me, I'm definitely going to do at least one more playthrough once the expansion is out and I have time

I'm playing Vampyr again! I had already played it up to a certain point but never finished it. Recently I finished Tchia and felt like coming back to Vampyr, because I really like most of it (some details irritate me, like most of the regular patients in the hospital and all of the freshly spilled enemy-blood not showing up in your "blood detection" vision).

Oh and in addition, I started dabbling in this super eerie and janky MMO called Animyst.

Just started it myself. For the first time, so I haven't read anything after your first sentence 😄 Never heard of the game before, but A Plague Tale was so impressive I kept tabs on the developer team and Vampyr got discounted shortly after. So far so good, after 40 minutes of play.

I just restarted Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. I started it almost 10 years ago but didn't get very far. It's dated, but I'm really enjoying it so far!

I've been enjoying the Evercade Piko Collection 3 cart recently. When new carts come out I like to try out every game and go in-depth on a least a couple games so I have a reason to come back to it later after there's a new shiny out.

So I've been playing and streaming 40 Winks (I'm about halfway through now), enjoying some Radikal Bikers, and loving to hate the hilariously bad Sword of Sodan.

Diablo 4 until FFXVI comes then its good bye social life until all trophies have been acquired.

Age of Empires 2 DE. That is my go to game and I currently play through all the campaigns. There are so many, it is great!

:o I've always played these games in multiplayer. Maybe I ought to give the singleplayer a go some time too!

Totally worth it imo. Not joking, there are hundreds of hours single player campaigns to be played and they tell interesting stories.

Bannerlord! Been sitting in my library for a while now, finally got the time to play it.

Great time to play it too. The beta and post launch was rough but a lot of improvements have been made since. Check out mods if you can, some are really helpful!

Have you played Warband? If so, how does it compare? I've been thinking about picking up Bannerlord but most of my enjoyment of Warband came from features mods added (mostly diplomacy stuff) so I've been a little reluctant to pick it up.

I have played Warband as well. At the moment Bannerlord is basically as feature complete as Warband I think. If there's one thing still lacking, it's probably the amount of mods for Bannerlord, though a lot of mods are in development. A diplomacy mod exists for Bannerlord called Diplomacy, though not sure how different it is from Warband diplomacy mods.

I've been playing Ace Combat 7. It has been exhilarating!

Yo ace fan! One thing I love about the ace combat series are the soundtracks. Daredevil from 7 is just mwah phenomenal.

poly bridge 3! very chill but still stimulating game where you get a variety of maps and scenarios to build bridges in. i did have to watch two hours of bridge building tutorials because my knowledge of physics is abysmal but if you passed a physics course in high school i doubt it’s nearly as challenging.

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Dragon Age: Origins

I remember playing a little bit of Inquisition years ago, but I never got very far. I felt like playing a somewhat old school RPG and I know this game is held in high regard so I'm giving it a shot. So far it seems pretty good but I've only put a couple of hours in.

Also playing Enlisted.

I love this game! One of my favorites. Enjoy.

Carrying on with Warframe but picked up Monster Train again last night and had a ton of fun with it.

Monster train is such a hidden gem. Got it off a humble bundle and figured it was some generic asset flip, tried it one night and didn't put it down for nearly five hours. Soooo good.

I could not stand the new Warframe game shell. I wanted to like it, but I just found it so weird and annoying that I uninstalled and went back to Destiny 2. Maybe I missed something.

I started Grindstone on Apple Arcade and it’s amazing! Definitely recommend if you have an iPhone or Nintendo Switch.

Eventually I’ll get around to actually doing the main quests in Tears of the Kingdom…but for now it’s just shrines and caves and aimless wandering.

I've been playing CDDA for a few days now, and you know what? This game is amazing in all aspects (except for UI and graphics). It's hard enough, sometimes scary, and very interesting in general. Highly recommended! (And it's free)

Just finished playing the Lies of P demo. Almost rage quit on the last boss but finally beat it this morning. Really enjoyed the demo, very Bloodborne-esque and now looking forward to the full game release.

Diablo, overwatch, RimWorld depending on if friends are available or how much free time I have

Guild Wars 2, evidently others do like it as the maps are usually not empty.

I would like to play a more engaging game, but I'm working too much and my brain need some chill time.

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Same thing as last week and the week before that. TOTK

Amnesia: The Bunker.

Excellent game. Minimally annoying sometimes, but it's worth it. I play it differently than other games to improve the experience: I have a printed map of the bunker (with markings, coloring to mark where I was and where it's safe and a legend), a small music stand lamp (to see the map, the room is otherwise dark) and a piece of paper to write down to-do's and general things to remember. That makes it even more fun, while further making this game a bit more playable for cowardly-me. :D

If anyone plays this game, you need to try that out! It really feels different than "just playing" a game or this game in particular. Try to mix things up so you can have as much fun too!

I've only been able to get a few hours into TOTK due to being a "responsible" adult with no free time, but I'll keep churning away at it half an hour here and there.

Took me over a year to finish BOTW to a reasonable degree, I imagine TOTK will keep be going for the foreseeable future.

Been playing Stardew valley and Slay the spire while watching tv/movies on a second monitor. It's a pretty engrossing way to spend your free time.

I've broken my winning streak, and found my way back into Eve Online again. This time I'm in Faction Warfare, which actually seems like fun, and not an eternal blobfest all over the place.

I've played a variety of games this past week;

  • American Truck Simulator with friends
  • Borderlands 3 for mindless gunplay
  • Plate up with the wife!

I always tell my friends to completely turn off the dialoge if they ever play BL3... other than the annoying story and driving missions its a fantastic game

Exactly! I am about 50 hours in on my first playthrough and I have no clue what is going on story wise.

A bit of 'Death Road to Canada' lately--basically the oregon trail but in a zombie apocalypse and everything is randomized/procedurally generated. High replay-value up there with The Binding of Isaac (not quite that good, but it's close). Supports split screen co-op. Banger retro soundtrack. Witty. Do recommend.

  • Diablo IV
  • Starsiege: Tribes (1998)
  • Half-Life: Deathmatch GoldSrc (1998)
  • Stasis: Bone Totem

Love seeing what people are into this week!

Kena Bridge of Spirits. I'm so glad I tried this game. It's quite good. The gameplay is similar to Horizon Zero Dawn and the story line touches the heart. I grabbed it free using PS plus premium.

Such a cool game, I love the environments and dressing up my little Rot buddies.

Vintage Story! It started as a type of Minecraft mod, but was remade as a standalone game. It has a big emphasis on crafting and working your way up the tech tree manually by increasing the tools available to you. Food can be hard to come by in the beginning. The overall story also has a sort-of post-apocalyptic, lovecraftian vibe. Only available on their website, but it's a ton of fun!

Great game. I love that they added the option to just play hardcore survival.

I held off on Cyberpunk since even after the performance and bug issues were mostly fixed, I kept hearing complaints about stats and upgrade systems. I heard the next update is going to make a ton of changes and fix the gameplay, but I decided to buy the game now and play a bit so I can see the before/after.

According to steam I have 4 hours in-game, but really that was 2 hours of tweaking settings to try and fix a stuttering issue that made the game unplayable. Turns out my mouse being set to 1000hz polling was the problem; lowered my mouse to 500hz and the game runs smoothly. That has never been a problem for me in any Unity or Unreal game, if RedEngine can't support 1000hz the least they could do is add a popup to tell me that's what the issue is so I don't waste time toggling every setting and reinstalling drivers for no reason. After that I spent like an hour customizing my character, and in the hour in which I was actually playing the game I made my way through some of the intro/tutorial missions.

Not a good experience starting out, but I'm hoping to have enough time this week to finish the intro stuff and finally be able to run around the city.

I've been playing it since the beginning :P It runs surprisingly well on the Steam Deck (no stutters, crashing, etc.), although it's best left plugged in. Unfortunately, the most recent update introduced a number of glitches again, but nothing game breaking. The story is very good, although not on the level of The Witcher series, and there are a number of interesting easter eggs and hidden quests you can find. If you can look past some of the (sometimes hilarious) bugs, it's a very cool game. :)

Just achieved 240% in Arkham Knight. Was it worth all the time and hassle just to receive a different colored version of the main batsuit? Kind of.

Now I’ve got the Arkham itch and decided to start replaying City for the first time in years.

On the weekend I was playing Cross Code but I put that aside for my vacation.
I don't have much time after work at the moment, so I found a really strange game called Sally can't sleep. Digging the atmosphere. Gameplay is a bit wonky and frustrating but I love just to roam around. But I can imagine that it's too strange for most people.

I'm extremely hype about Phantom Liberty so I reinstalled Cyberpunk and have had a bit of a poke around. Don't want to get too involved in a new playthough until the DLC drops so just loaded up an old save for now.

I just bought the bundle with the DLC on sale, but I'm probably going to wait for it to drop before actually starting my first playthrough.

I had been interested, was glad it got some major fixes after the launch, but felt like I was still waiting on something bigger to happen to finally try it. Guess this is it!

I've played bursts of Hades throughout the day, and that'll probably continue during the week. I'd been neglecting it for a while but it feels like it's suddenly clicked and I've now made it to the final area/boss. So close! It's also a great one to play during work breaks on the Steam Deck.

Besides that, TOTK has been a fun one to dip into a little bit each day. I love going in with an objective in mind, then getting distracted for an hour on something completely unrelated (mostly blowing myself up by mistake or accidentally sending koroks to their deaths).

I have rediscovered Titanfall 2 and am playing using Northstar. very fun


I've been hearing a lot about "extraction shooters" in the last month, and DMZ was the most suggested one to try. So I gave it a try this week.

I'm no stranger to FPS games, I watched a few hours of DMZ beginner videos so I understand the systems. But jumping into MW2 as a newbie... the MW2 client is overwhelming with battle passes, account level, rank ups, perk unlocks, missions, etc. etc.

That's the good part about CoD once you get a handle on it, you're always unlocking something or making progress and time never feels "wasted" even if you're doing poorly.

Unfortunately, the UI this time around is really bad and makes it unnecessarily hard to understand.

Hunt showdown w my mates, rimworld for myself. Looking for a tactical mp fps to tide me over for Fallujah but Sandstorm didn't really click for me. Might wait for Squad to hit a deep sale.

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Your Only Move Is Hustle! YOMI Hustle for short. Turn based fighting game. If you've got a decent understanding of fighting games (Smash Bros specifically helps), you can play chess with a whole mess of moves. You can predict exactly what each move will do, as well as predict what happens for the opponents moves as well. No more failing inputs, since ever move is one click away. You get to learn high level concepts like frame advantage, oki, spacing, it's all there with as little barrier of entry possible.

Almost done with Dungeons 3. Really fun little game that was free on Epic the other week.

Also, I finally managed to get War Thunder working with HOTAS and Quest 2. That is pretty amazing. For the first time the climb phase a the beginning of a realistic battle is really enjoyable and not just an extension of the loading screen.

In addition to the new Zelda, I’ve been playing a lot of Super Mario Bros 3. That game holds up so much better than the original.

Started playing OpenTTD again after many years, forgot how engaging the game can be!

Is it already that time of the week? Well, I'm still playing BOTW, Dead Cells on my Switch, Dawn of War Unification mod on the PC, and some Omega Strikers on the side, slowly climbing the ranked ladder. I'm thinking I can make Gold rank before the end of the season.
Also taking a moment to get back into shmups, I popped onto Mushihimesama and Dodonpachi yesterday and I wiped before even the third bosses, I'm super rusty.

I feel boring after scrolling through all the other replies and just saying Diablo 4. :p

I died against the final boss earlier this week after getting them down to a couple hits left, so I spent all week grinding renown and paragon points and just completely face rolled them this morning. Feels good, man. I can't wait to start on the endgame content.

Other than that, I played that Grimace game on my GBC style emulation handheld. It's... a game. I also played Microsoft's Bejeweled clone in the mobile Xbox app to get rewards points.

It is weird that diablo feel like you haven't really started the game until you've completed the story once. Like that whole well written story and beautiful cut scenes are in fact the prologue to the real game.

I haven't actually completed the story yet, but that's what it feels like at the moment. To be clear though - I'm really enjoying it!

Disco Elysium Final Cut. Went into it almost completely blind and I'm really into it so far.

Remember to not buy it, the main creators are not affiliated with the selling atudio anymore afaik and apecifically asked their game to be pirated

An absolute masterpiece I also went into it mostly blind on my first play through and it was a great time. Planning to play through again soon and pick all the most out-there dialogue options I can.

I’ve been on a bit of an Alan Wake replay marathon this week in preparation for the sequel. Played Alan Wake and American Nightmare back to back and then threw in Control with the AWE DLC.

Just started Mass Effect Andromeda after finishing 2 runs of the original trilogy (loved them). Sadly my internet is out and EA won’t let me play which is a massive bummer.

Would love to hear how Andromeda actually is. There's been a bit of an anti-hype cycle with everyone criticising it, but I've always wondered if there's a decent game in there (but kne that's not quite as good as the original trilogy).

IMO you nailed it. It's not a bad game per se, especially after they fixed some things, but it's no where near the quality of the original ME trilogy.

I don't know if you consider this a spoiler or not, so maybe stop reading here if you're concerned about that... But the thing that bothered me the most was the lack of alien diversity. They went to a whole other GALAXY and both of the new sentient alien species they encounter are bipedal carbon-based lifeforms. To add to the disappointment every race that came to Andromeda is also bipedal and mostly carbon based, so it's actively less alien than the original games even though we're in a whole new galaxy. No hanar. No Volus. No elcor.

And every Asari face is literally the same model except for the crew member you have with you. They all have literally the same face. Idk. It really bothered me.

Another thing that's annoying is you have less control over your squad mates in combat. I really enjoyed the way combat sometimes felt like a puzzle in the OT, bringing certain people for certain enemies and combining powers so each of you are stronger together. It felt like teamwork even though it's really all you. In Andromeda they basically just made the main character OP instead and that's the only one you control.

With that said, it's still fun! And I think it's worth a playthrough or even two. Just don't expect it to be Mass Effect.

The new Aliens game looks interesting. I've had this xcom itch for a long time, hopefully this will be able to scratch it

:O for some reason I thought this was going to be just another generic shooter. Looks great! Let me know what you thought.

Loving it so far! Playing on nightmare with ironman, and the urgency/fear of the situation is insane. Having to extract as tier 2 aliens start rushing at me is just exhilarating

I am playing Oxygen Not Included again. I have played and died of heat death many times before, but someone tipped me off to guidesnotincluded.com, so I am working my way through that and trying to learn how to do things properly this time.

played through the Lies of P demo for the second time, feels like a mix of Bloodborne with a dash of Sekiro in the posture system. super generous demo as well, lots to chew on.

I am nearly finishing Breath of The Wild, using CEMU instead of using my Switch (which my gf is using to play BOTW and Pokemon Violet), and I am playing Football Manager 2007 for a bit of nostalgia.

I will then finish Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night which is a great metroidvania, for those who loved Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (because it's the same producer, Koji Igarashi).

Whoa! I didn’t even know about this game and Sony is one of my all time favs. I’ll have to look it up.

I'm going through the Street Figher 6 World Tour Mode and am near the end I think. No idea how much I'll play it afterward. Maybe I'll try out some stuff in the Battle Hub, like the Arcade Mode or the different training modes, to actually learn some stuff.

Definitely check out some matches against real humans. The Drive system takes out a lot of the memorization that SFV required, because you have so many more defensive options in this one, and you should be able to tell immediately which ones are good in which situations.

Spider-Man Remastered on Steam. I haven't played a Spider-Man game since the original. It was/is on sale. It's really fun, but it does have performance problems.

I just started both Diablo IV and Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. I haven't spent a ton of time in either of them yet, but I am really liking them so far

Lost Ark

I've enjoyed it thus far.

I played it with some friends and was having a really good time for a while (we started when the game launched), but it didn't take long until we got tired of the same game loop over and over again without much else to do, I don't know if things have improved since then on that aspect

The Elder Scrolls Online. I dig the new Arcanist class, and I also have a Nightblade that has a jackal as his pet. Both are fun.

I've been playing Battlebits Remastered. It's a battlefield style shooter with basic graphics huge player counts and pretty decent fps mechanics!

Mainly Trackmania and Rocket League as of recent, but also diving deep into Snowrunner again as of this week, planning to actually get far into a save this time.

I've been meaning to pick snowrunner back up, but there's just so many other games. Have some fun memories of trying to sort out the massive mess I had made sorting out a previous mess.

Age of empires 2. Still the best competitive game i ever played.

My friend group has been enjoying the new update to Dead by Daylight. It's a pretty big game on a lot of consoles and pc platforms, but for anyone who hasn't seen it: it's a horror-movie inspired game, even featuring famous licensed movie and video game characters, that plays out as an asymmetric 4v1 type of tag/hide and seek. The new update adds a rogue AI killer and a space colonist survivor, but many different themes and tropes all come together in DbD. it's a fun casual experience, but unlocking things can take a long time and mastery comes very slowly

Im actually into Rainbow Six again and i love it. Its been years but this is my favourite shooter.

I'm trying out Kartrider: Drift. So far it seems fun, but not as easy as one may think.

Still trucking away at Tears of the Kingdom. Looking forward to Final Fantasy XVI in a few days! The demo was amazing.

I began Life is Strange. Partway through episode 3 now, what a ride! I feel good with my decisions so far. And Max x Chloe is so cute ahhh~

Still playing Tears of the Kingdom. Diablo IV or FFVI next.

'Master of Orion' and 'Warframe' mainly. I like to balance the slow-paced tactical with some mindless, grindy action.

V Rising, it felt like Diablo, but new and fresh, and not as complicated as PoE. A new patch dropped last month, so my friends and I have dusted it off for a new play through.

I binged Tunic over the past couple days. I found it extremely rewarding

Beyond All Reason (free and oss RTS)

I've never heard of that one. It looks really cool though! Kind of inspired by planetary annihilation?

Like a lot of people, I'm balancing my time between Diablo 4 and Tears of the Kingdom. I just downloaded Disney Speedstorm so I'll give that a spin some time this week as well.

Since I'm limited to one hand (I fractured my elbow), I've been going back to my strategy game catalogue. At first I started with Endless Legend, which I've got over 100 hours in, but I wasn't vibing with it. The backlog game I had on the side, Age of Wonders Planetfall, became my main game. I'm still trying to get into it, but it just feels too cluttered for it's own good. I don't think I want to give up on it but alongside that I began playing Endless Space 2 which is really cool! Even with experience in the Endless series it still feels a bit complicated, it's not as insane as Stellaris, but I have a good feeling about it now.

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I'm currently playing Soul nomad and the world eaters.

It's pretty good so far, although i might have overleveled a bit, but i feel like that's normal with games from NIS.

Halo, BOTW, eventually TOTK.

Gotta enjoy my life before university starts again...

Playing cyberpunk at last since i got my 4070. My old 1070 just didnt get enough fps

I've been playing Dishonored 2 on my Steam Deck. Played the original for the first time and went through in a pretty non-stealthy high chaos way, so I'm trying to go for a low chaos playthrough here.

I also grabbed Cassette Beasts on sale, so I've put a few minutes into that and I'm enjoying the 3D with 2D sprites aesthetic that I loved so much in the NDS Pokemon game

Nothing really, unfortunately. Life has been busy lately and, with kids, gaming is almost nonexistent.

This weekend my wife and kids will be out of town for five days and I’m honestly contemplating buying either Tears of the Kingdom or Diablo IV and just going to town on one of those all weekend…

DayZ, same as I've been playing for the last two and a half year or so. In fact, I'm such a big fan I've even set up two DayZ community servers.

Squad for the new combat overhaul and battlebit remastered

Currently playing simcity 4 rush hour and Fantasian. Waiting for the upcoming release of cities: skyline II

Playing a bit of DUSK while my computer encodes some video. I find that even while all threads are busy at x265, I can still squeeze it in.

Otherwise: Overwatch 2 and trying to finish Ragnarok on PS5

A friend and I had an absolute blast playing this last year. Loved the music so much!

The hunt continues in MH:World! I am going for the high ranked armor, and I will be probably going into some of iceborne. I can't believe I have already got 150 hours out of this game without doing iceborne yet.

I'm loving caocom right now. SFVI is amazing, there is a private server revival for Dragons dogma Online, and they are about to release ghost tricks for pc. Its awesome! I will probably play these until Armored Core VI and Starfield come out.

I started playing Shovel Knight a couple days ago and I have really enjoyed my time with it so far! I'm not much of a 2D side-scroller/platformer kind of gamer, but this has been a lot of fun. I'm really looking forward to the other playable characters.

Other than that, I still hop onto Death Stranding occasionally. Being in the end game makes it really easy to hop in and make a few deliveries and then hop out.

After much fun with World of Tanks, I discovered World of Warships for me this week. In which I have quite a bit more luck than with the tanks I must say. Not once have I been blind-spotted and then fired upon by 5 enemies I couldn't even see yet

Also I tried MotoGP 23 but for the life of me, I can't get that bike to stay within the track limits. Most laps are relatively fine otherwise but these track limits keep invalidating my time.

There's an early German battleship that has so many secondary guns that it just closed and annihilates anything it hits. Slow and inaccurate tho.

Just finished Hi-Fi Rush. that was a fun ride. will probably wait until FFXVI comes out

SmokePatch Football Life 23, a modded standalone PES 21 with updated squads, kits and a lot of things, it also has custom things like the gameplay. I guess it's nothing interesting in general.

I'm trying Red Faction Guerrilla again cause I couldn't get into it before cause I remember the start being fine but somewhere later on i just dropped off cause i wasn't sure if was very hard or just me not playing the game right

  • Dungeon Traveler 2(Glad this game finally got a PC port and was freed from its Vita prison)
  • Street Fighter VI
  • Armored Core

Star Trek Online and no, only grind-loving masochists.

Since yesterday, I have been playing Deep Rock Galactic. The new season is started and this time I want to make it to the end (during the last one, I stopped playing for a couple of months and I managed to get to level 85).

For rock and stone!

Killing Floor 2. If anyone is looking for a chill game to genuinely shut your brain off, it couldn't be more perfect imo.

System Shock. I'm really enjoying it so far even though the difficulty can be punishing. Kinda reminds me of Bioshock mixed with Metroid Prime. The Bioshock connection is obvious, but I never figured Metroid Prime to be influenced by System Shock.

AFK killing time . Waiting for ZZZ and Wuthering Waves coming out this month.

Not sure I will play anything in the coming week, as I haven't the previous one.

I have been meaning to get Minecraft setup on my M1 MPB... have also started a few games on PS5 - but I just haven't the time or energy lately - we normally end up just watching a movie before bed which is a bit less engagement.

If I find some time, then probably Horizon Zero Dawn solo, or playing It Takes Two with my partner 😊