I need Rule

TheBlue22@lemmy.blahaj.zone to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 607 points –

Hot take: none. Let information flow free. Take it with the good and the bad. Don't lock yourself in an echo chamber.

i never understood this take. echo chambers aren't inherently bad; forced debates are never good. communities are supposed to be places you go to feel comfortable not where you'd forced to debate or turn anything into an argument.

Exposure to other viewpoints is good. No need to debate. And if you’re on a large instance, you’ll see that. Not everyone thinks alike, there are shades of gray. Discussion is allowed to happen but intolerance isn’t tolerated.

The tankie instances ban anyone for even asking questions politely that they don’t agree with. It’s a total monoculture and I assume they’re mostly still kids, because everything is black and white and can be solved without any nuance at all.

Exposure to other viewpoints is good yes, but is it good when that exposure only ever gets you insults hurled your way from the people you’re trying to have a discussion with?

exactly. everywhere irl all i see is people debating my existence. i just want one place where i don't have to think about that. x.x

Nope, definitely not - which is why I’m not a free speech absolutist. Let those instances sit on an island by themselves.

Is exposure to other viewpoints good when those viewpoints are half-baked straw man hot-takes that the users are just parroting because they heard their favorite YouTuber say it?

I don’t need to be exposed to yet another dipshit who insists the holodomor never happened. That’s not me avoiding other viewpoints, that’s me avoiding fucking morons.

This is very close to the Nazi point of "just asking questions" or when they say it's just free speech. Not saying you're arguing it, but it is a very thin line.

What's the line then? Why do people ban Nazis and not tankies? Tankies are authoritarian, they defend the massacre of Ukrainians, the Uyghur genocide, and other historic "socialist" atrocities. Why do we give them leeway? Are they skirting the line just enough? Are they intentionally using the optics of socialism to do so? Etc.

Keep in mind, just because someone blocks someone or an instance it doesn't necessarily make the space an echo chamber. We don't know if they live in a state or work in a place that is blasting Fox News 24/7. They may be very active on Twitter exposed to that sewage. Heck, the liberal point of view is quite a lot as is with the way they are defending Israel.

I think I’m arguing the exact opposite. We should ban/defederate nazis and tankies. But we shouldn’t ban people with different views that aren’t beyond the pale.

You can have a nuanced opinion of Israel/Palestine without being labeled as a genocide denier since it’s still in the fog of war.

It’s much harder to have a nuanced opinion about Rohingya, the Holocaust, Uyghur, Darfur.

I assume they’re mostly still kids, because everything is black and white and can be solved without any nuance at all.

This is SO important. Remember that the "Dirtbag Left" a la Chapo et al. was created when the Alt Right was running rampant in high schools. Their goal was to attract young people to the left. Which is great! There's a place for cringe edgy teens to feel like they can fight for a better world. But I'm really not looking to hang out with arrogant teenagers right now, and definitely not with their emotionally immature adult chaperones.

The fact that they are mostly kids is a big part of the reason why I feel the need to add context to their bad political science.

Sometimes questions have answers.

Exposure over and over won't be novel, or helpful, just grating. We do not need to endlessly rehash every possible argument, over and over and over and over and over.

Even if the other viewpoint is that trans people should get shot or locked up and are members of a secret child sex ring? I don't think I want that on my feed. I don't want people that want to kill me on my screen while I shit

Nope, not at all. All that falls into the intolerant and intolerable category.

Defending capitalism or Israel - or even suggesting that both sides might have agendas - will get you banned in quite a lot of subs here.

Nope, not at all. All that falls into the intolerant and intolerable category.

Defending capitalism or Israel - or even suggesting that both sides might have agendas - will get you banned in quite a lot of subs here.

Okay, but this is more about blocking instances that are very extreme. Those can most of the time not be discussed with

90% of the time it's bigots who are upset that they're getting deplatformed. The other 10% of the time it's the incredibly idealistic or naive. Either way it's a crap argument. You are under no obligation to endure verbal diarrhea, nor is it your responsibility to change the minds of the people spewing it. They shit the bed, they can lie in it.

Normal interactions with normal communities will be plenty of diversity, there's absolutely no reason to engage with or listen to nazis. Right wing politics has mastered brainwashing, it's dangerous to read that shit too often.

They've mastered brainwashing to conservative religious nutjobs and incels. Maybe young and naive teenage boys, on top of that. If you aren't an idiot or a teen, you should be immune for the most part.

Not that I'm saying you should go out of your way to interact with Nazis. Unless the interaction involves punching.

If you aren’t an idiot or a teen you should be immune for the most part.

Yes but the problem is between idiots and teens you’ve covered about 70% of the population.

Hot take indeed.

If the dog shits on the floor you don't just start walking around it, you clean the floor.

Not a good analogy because then blocking the instance is like killing the dog.

What? No it's not. If I block an instance it's still up and running, I just don't see any of it. It's like if I put on a selective blindfold.

yes I need to see the fascists masquerading as leftists otherwise I would be living in an echo chamber....

They'll certainly bring up an actual good point from time to time, unlike actual fascists.

Mostly though you can negate the majority of their most obnoxious shit takes by blocking users.

But my instance isn't federated with Lemmygrad and Hexbear as is so I can get away with that, and I don't see "Genocide is okay if" takes in my feed.

They'll certainly bring up an actual good point from time to time, unlike actual fascists.

and a broken clock shows the correct time twice a day doesn't mean it's useful to have it taking up space on the wall.

also they are actual fascists. in the chapo trap house community I literally got the reply "ukraine should be destroyed at all costs"

Thanks for the nuance. While I agree that tankies can be annoying, I think it's stupid to compare them to fascists with the whole "red fash" thing. Just because they have some terrible takes of their own, it doesn't make them fascist.

The worst of them do deny genocides, which is terrible, but they do it out of a habit of denying anything western powers claim actually happened. I imagine many of their members are trolls and contrarians, as well. Despite this, like you said, some of them have decent takes and not all of them are off the deep end, yet

People who say this are generally fine being a part of every other instance that is full of liberals who repeat fascist propaganda verbatim. Seen rather clearly in response to the recent escalations in Gaza.

Not so hot take: My time is finite, why force myself to see shitty facebook memes, dog pictures, crusty "battlestations", etc.?

Hexbear kind of pissed me off for a week. But I kind of like how nakedly transparent they are. Now, whenever I come across one of those threads, I see where its coming from and I relax. They're just pro-russia regardless of if it makes sense. I don't know what the Murica equivalent of Russia is, but they're that

What fucking kills me is they're like 80% American teenagers who have never even been to Europe or Asia, but simp hard for Russia and China

They're anti US, not necessarily pro Russia. They support Russia in the Russia-Ukraine war because they think Ukraine is a US puppet state because the country wants to align with Western nations, and of course no nation on earth has its own agency and everything is the US's fault. They're pro anything that challenges the US and other liberal countries.

They remind me of a bunch of teenagers trying to be edgy.

They are campists. It's been the bane of leftist parties forever. That's why socialism really got a foothold in Europe via third-way social democracy, because it doesn't feel the need to make tyrants into folk heroes in order to relitigate the cold war


Do they support Russia or Putin? If they support one, they hate another.

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Would you say the same when someone is harassing you? Or how about if they were Nazis? Because keep in mind OP is just blocking them and not removing them from all of lemmy.

OP is asking which ones to block because he currently is not being harassed. If he was being harassed, he would know which ones to block.

I can't read German or french

Same here, but every now and then an English source comes through so I keep them available.

Oh mein Gott er kann kein Deutsch lesen grundgütiger wie kann man das nicht können c'est incroyable, non c'est impossible je voudrait penser mais non

I like getting exposed to languages that I'm not fluent in. Sometimes I pick something up or get curious and learn something new from translation. A multilingual internet is a colorful and beautiful place.

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That'd be fine if the tankie takes had any value to them. The only value they've added to me is showing me why real world communism has always ended up the way it has. And now I've learned that lesson, so theres no further value

I have no need for those weird anime fan clubs. Like that chainsaw shit. Or holo-whatever

My hot take is: Depending on the individual, this may be a healthy and responsible thing to do. The outrage cycle that was established in commercial social media to "drive engagement" is very bad for our meat computers (shown in multiple studies). It is much healthier and more productive, at times, to block users, communities, and potentially instances (removing this ability, and forcing me to use their algorithm for sorting, is why I left Reddit, in addition to the harm caused to disabled communities).

I disagree, I would love to block NSFW instances, and I'm grateful to the users that voluntarily post in there. For me Lemmy is too searchable for me to get into those luxuries.

This was the attitude I admired on reddit, until it got overrun by Nazis.

I was wrong.

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Fuckin' hilarious how quick tankies become obsessed with avoiding echo chambers when on their own communities they have a ban policy of "anything to the right of unironically calling Stalin Daddy."

To actually answer the question, lemmygrad.ml and hexbear will remove most of the redfash content, but you'll still need to be vigilant for individual users to block. Also, blocking users doesn't prevent them from posting on your shit, just stops you from being notified or being able to see it, AFAIK Boost doesn't have defederation for individual users so you'd need to do that over browser.

This comment brought to you by the absolute right to curate who is in your social orbit, same as in real life ya platform obsessed whingers.

Also, blocking users doesn't prevent them from posting on your shit,

Good... On a forum based platform it's better to not restrict people's ability to respond to things, as it can help combat people's ability to block those arguing with them right after making easily counterable points to prevent decent comebacks

It's a nightmare for harassment though, treating all blocking as a sissy snowflake shield renders it essentially useless for circumstances where the other user is really malicious.

In that case having a system like Mastodon's that locks them out of Replying is better than simply covering them up. We can't really rely on Instance admins to block all malicious users or defederate from all malicious platforms so there needs to be a certain level of protection from the user's side.

I do think that Blocking and Restricting (preventing a user from interacting) should be different functions, you block communities and users because you don't want to see them, but you restrict users because they are hostile, malicious, or make bad-faith arguments.

Nah, your right to keep debating ends when someone else decide's they're not a platform for further discussion.

No longer being able to reply to the blocker, and ideally not even being able to see the blocker is the ideal, and both the blocker and the blockee should need to agree to reopen contact for the block to go down.

Like a restraining order, stops the original blocker from raising and lowering it at will as a harassment tactic.

Remember blocking on Reddit? It made it so you couldn't reply to anything in the chain. So if someone different replied to you you wouldn't be able to reply to them even though they aren't who blocked you.

That was a recent change, and one for the worse. Part of the reason I'm using lemmy as well now that boost is functioning for it

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I don't block instances. I block communities and users. An instance is too large a group of people. They're not a monolith. Some people on hexbear are garbage and some are not. Some topics encourage jerks, some do not.

At a point the garbage to quality ratio gets too high to do that. Yeah, I'm sure some decent folks get blocked when you block a whole instance, but there's plenty of other people in non shithole instances to more than make up for it. I just use whichever method is most efficient at cleaning up my feed at the time.

True. The good/bad ratio matters and is very subjective. I guess I have a larger tolerance than most.

Hexbear say what?

unpopular opinion time: hexbear isn't that bad. I've had to block a few communities, but I do that with any instance. I've had to block more on hexbear, but it's not a ton. I've had to block more people on hexbear than other instances, but it's not that bad. I appreciate their different viewpoints. I don't like echo chambers and I learn a lot.

I have a similar experience. However, I feel that they have been getting a bit more argumentative in the last months (or maybe the argumentative voices are getting louder). I really appreciate how aggressively they defend our trans brothers, sisters, and enbies but, there seems to be a lot more focus on "dunking" than community building or discussions. Also, they're at times quick to pull out the torches, rather than clarify and not always successful at preventing leftist sectarianism.

That said, by blocking problematic or unhealthily rage-inducing communities and users, I tend to get on alright in about 90% of interactions and learn a bit, from time to time, even if it's not what's intentionally taught (the commonality of historical revisionist takes in sectarian topics, for example).

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The most correct answer possible.
I might switch front ends just for this feature.

I'll never block hexbear tho <3 luv my spicey leftie friendos

(Even though they more often than not seem to hate my guts XD)

Why do you block lemmygrad but not hexbear??

hexbear users aren't as repugnant. simple as.

lemmygrad is proudly ignorant and not even interested in honest discourse.

Hexbear, meanwhile, will actually engage in a discussion, make concessions, provide actual evidence for their claims.

I can actually learn shit, useful shit, from Hexbear. Lemmygrad is a vacuous hole where information goes to die.

Hexbear users are also, generally, more fun to talk to, have a better sense of humor.

Lemmygrad users, meanwhile, have demonstrated to me a pattern of being joyless hate-geysers.

If you have to ask which ones, it's obviously not enough of an issue for you to notice.

Say NO to echochambers.

All the tankies came out of the woodwork butthurt about this.

Fuck fascists, including tankies.

Isreal Palestine threads are also great for finding users to block. Reeeaaallly petty and vain way to use a decades long humanitarian tragedy, but I personally dont want to listen to the opinions of anyone who'd celebrate violence and horror of that level

You should block FauxBait@lemmynsfw.com among other child fetish communities.

Curiosity took me so I checked it out. I just see petite adult women? Literally every single post has 18 USC 2257 compliant age verification in the main body and it's listed as a rule on the sidebar that it must be included.

I'm all for a fuck literally any child fetishization. But they seem to be very clearly ensuring that there's no children. you can't seriously be saying that any adult female with a petite body should be seen as shameful and equated to a child?

I believe their problem is the fact the entire concept of the community is adults-who-could-be-mistaken-as-teens. That's the idea I'm getting from the name. It's fair for that to cross a line. I think its a super gross concept, and people are allowed to agree or disagree with that viewpoint.

Said women have every right to do whatever, including doing SW. This is not an individual problem.

The problematic part is people actively searching out and forming communities around pron with women looking as close to a kid as possible. Condemning those guys has absolutely nothing to do with the people in the content and in no way shames them.

It ain't the women at fault, nor the content inherently, it's the context and people fetishizing them in a way they prolly would't be comfortable with in the first place.

Browsing through the comments a bit, I don't really see them fetishizing it as even close to children. They just happened to be into petite women, the smaller the better. On the opposite extreme is stuff like the BBW fetish people who want the woman to be as large as possible.

There are definitely people out there who are probably looking at them just because it's as close as they can legally get to teen, but I'm not really seeing much of that in that particular community at least not out in the open. It's definitely possible to be interested in extremely petite bodies without it having literally anything whatsoever to do with any potential similarities to underage women.

If I had to guess it's probably mostly just people who like being in control, the idea of an adult partner who is so small that you can literally pick them up with ease and use them like a toy. I found a decent number of comments that seems to be on that sort of track.

From what I can see of the age verification almost all of these women have been involved in some form of pornography even just magazine or video so I doubt that they are particularly uncomfortable about being looked at it's actually. There's always going to be creeps who think about you and weird ways in that industry it's not something you go into not knowing that.

Now I'm not trying to be too overly defensive of this particular community, just trying to remind people to not get overly banhammer happy. That's how Echo Chambers start to form

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News to me, when I took up a stance over there in the form of a comment the other day people barraged my inbox for two days and never mentioned any sort of age verification measures, now I'm blocked. I hope they get audited regularly.

196 has always been fascinating to me, I've gotten barraged on the old subreddit before for being anti lolicon and a lot of dubious comments borderline defending creepy stuff get a lot of tracktion sometimes - only served to make me more aggressive on the topic which is prolly a good thing for me.

I get we're a bunch of kinky queers and people are thus quick to get defensive about any percieved policing of sexuality, but there are some things that make me feel like some people here have alterior motives and there's people who haven't really thought about ethics in relation to pornographic content that buy into the former group's narrative a little too quickly.

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Shout-out to my instance for defederating with them, makes that job a lot easier

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I tend to avoid blocking communities and people on social media as I don't want to create myself an echo chamber. On other social media, such as x/twitter, I only block folk who are directly abusive to myself.

There is nothing wrong with protecting your sanity. Why would you want to be exposed to vile nonsense, you're not going to read breitbart forums in your spare time are you? Like... You're the only one looking out for you online. The platforms are just trying to turn your participation into profit.

Because otherwise I'll be under the illusion that they don't exist.

Nonsense, if you have to block them, you confirm they exist.

It is not like they get automatically blocked by some form of algorithm.

That is not a good approach. The info shit is flowing and never ending, it's designed to to fuck with you.

While I generally STRONGLY agree with this sentiment there are some things that I either find too repulsive or offensive to want to see on my feed. People calling for the death of politicians, or insisting that everyone other than them is intellectually inferior, or just the general usage of derogatory terms... yeah I don't need to be angry :D

ETA: it also felt like there was way too much Russian and Chinese propaganda on a lot of those. As an American that gave me the ick

Wow, the comments are really turning into a dumpster fire.

My hot take is not to block instances because you can't report what you can't see

Holy duck! Lemmy has become r/conservative.

I'm a leftie and can't stand tankies, but lemmy is becoming a really intolerant place. On reddit we were all united against u/spez no matter our other disagreements. Here, after only a few months we're talking about blocking instances and communities instead of just joining and viewing the ones that Interest us...

Perhaps it's time to let this experiment run its course.

Or maybe, just maybe, I grew tired of seeing genocide apologia and the defence of authoritarian governments in my feed.

Mate I've only been here like a week and I can promise you that most people here are left-wing

Edit: reddit was united with everyone hating each other lmao

I just want a news feed that doesnt constantly anger me and convince me to argue. I'd wanted to block TwoXChromosomes on reddit forever because I wasnt its target audience and got nothing out of it. So I'm personally enjoying actually getting some control over my echo chamber for once

Edit: Also, nuanced takes I disagree with? I dont block those. Its the batshit/extremist ones that I block, I dont feel they are really adding much to my life anyways

Guess what. I never saw two chromosomes unless I browsed by r/all. You have an ability to curate what you see, both here and on reddit. Blocking and defederating achieve nothing. Unless of course it's an echo chamber you want to live in.

Lmao, I like how you started off your counterpoint talking about what blocking and defederating achieve, and then end your point with "it achieves nothing" as if that erases what you just said. I'm using blocking and defederating to curate my feed. While people are entitled to their opinion, it doesnt mean their opinion is correct, nor are they entitled to have me listen to them.

The mods of a certain pair of tankie instances a few months ago were talking about taking over all other instances of Lemmy while the userbases became increasingly hostile towards users who disagreed with the idea that Stalin/Lenin did nothing wrong and that China is a perfect country who can do no wrong and has never done anything bad.

People have the right to not be harassed and take action to prevent said harassment.

Local Lemmer Upset Israel-Palestine Conflict More Divisive Than Social Media CEO

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Honestly, on .world I never see any except for users on the actual posts, so block whatever they're blocking.

Via browser, add '/instances' to the URL of your instance. It will tell you what you can reach and what is already blocked

You as a user cant block instances on lemmy itself right now

I know that, I am just saying its mostly not necessary as most of the work has been done for you

Not on instances that just don't block anything.

Of course, but since OP has sent it from blahaj.zone it on its own blocks some common ones.

Yesterday I blocked politics, worldnews, and similar. Feed was becoming nasty, depressing, everyone arguing, complaining, criticizing, trolls, strawmen. Literally people saying it all sucks, nothing matters, everybody's a liar, there is no point, why bother...

Since blocking, way better experience on lemmy.

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I would suggest some, but I'm pretty controversial and no one likes that

.ml is federated with hexbear, so I'd suggest blocking them. I find them pretty infuriating.

lemmy ml is the omni-instance, it's federated with everything except NSFW and a few outright nazi instances which have no right to exist. That's the main reason I set up here, I don't want proto-fascist admins deciding what instances I'm allowed to interact with coughworldcough

At first I was against ml not federating with NSFW instances until I signed up for one, and WOW it's just non stop commercial spam.

Lemmy.world, Hexbear...

Also possible on Connect

By removing lemmy.world you remove half of Lemmy's content. Bad idea

And by removing hexbear you remove the other half

Hexbear activity seems to have dropped significantly since no one wants to be federated with them. Most of the users now lurk in other instances.

Huh? I haven't seen that at all. They existed for years before there were all these instances, they weren't even federated. They'd survive just as well on their own even if every instance blocked them.

The point I was making was less about activity within hexbear, more about their activity in other instances. In the instances they're still federated with, I see fewer hexbear comments but instead comments from lemmy.ml and some others that sound like hexbear users.

lol the instance that went unfederated for three years needs federation to be active okay

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Hexbear is nowhere close to half of Lemmy. Even the trio of Hexbear, Lemmygrad, and Lemmy.ml are a small, angry chunk.

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How to block instances (and not communities)?

Depends on what you are using. On the phone in boost there is an option for it in the settings