Where, and when, did you start using Linux? Where are you now?

Daniel@lemmy.ml to Linux@lemmy.ml – 140 points –

I started fairly recently (probably somewhere between nine and seven years ago; time isn’t my strong suit, cut me some slack) on Debian. Now I’m on Arch Linux.


In 1993, a guy I knew had a Linux server running in his dorm room. I think it was a 0.9x kernel. He dialed into the University network and I was able to telnet in through my own dial up connection to the University. He was running Slackware.

Within a couple months, I downloaded all 30+ 1.44 diskette images and built my own Slackware server. In that time I used Slackware and Red Hat (which then became Fedora before RHEL became a thing). Now I've pretty much settled on Debian for servers and Arch for desktop/laptop systems.

Yep. Came across it in college in 94. Early slack as well. Went through the rite of passage of installing over the pre existing OS accidentally. Bye bye windows 3.11 lol. But got it all figured out and learned a lot in the process. Distro hopped a lot over the years but eventually settled on Debian on my servers and arch distros for my workstations.

I started working for a video game company in 2000. It was dominated by Linux nerds (including the CEO) and they indoctrinated me into their cult. My first distro was SuSe, then Redhat for a while, then Gentoo for about a decade, then Arch, which is where I am now.

My last Windows "daily driver" was Windows 98se.

Lucky bastard. You didn't have to struggle with the allure of the somewhat decent Windows NT based OSes following the shit show that was Windows Me.

Back in 1996 I was studying computer science, and one of my courses required me to write programs in Prolog. Rather than go to the school to work on the computers there, I bought an enormous book (I think it was a printout of all the man pages) that had Yggdrasil Linux CD-ROM, and ran it on my home desktop.

I dabbled in Linux for a while (since 2009, college). I did some distro hopping for a while ( Ubuntu, opensuse, mint, Debian). I finally mained Linux after windows 8 came out, ugh.

I mained Manjaro and then switched over to Endeavour. I couldn't be happier. My opinion of Linux keeps getting better and better, but that's probably because I have to fix my parents computers once in a while. They run windows 10 now. I hate it. Ads in the start menu?! Kill me now.

Valve with Proton also helped a lot. Playing games on Linux is easy as pushing play. If I have any problems, I just wait for a glorious egg roll to drop.

In university in 2000. Now I am a Linux DevOps Engineer.

Currently writing some python so we can get a report out of our shiny new harbor docker registry.

That job sounds awesome. You nerd out about Linux and get paid for it?

For sure! Most DevOps jobs are like that. Honestly, my company cannot hire competent Linux admins fast enough. If you have zero experience but a sweet portfolio you'll probably get hired. The intern I just got up to speed has zero work experience at all.

Well, I'm still in Uni now, so internships sound like something that I should prioritize?

If I was still in uni I'd put all my time into software engineering and go straight to making software. DevOps is fun but you'll make way more money being a software engineer. My code is shit compared to a legit developer.

[e] actually I think embedded linux systems are going to continue to become more and more the rage. Low power, super efficient. Think huge advancements in robots in a very short while when absolutely every sensor can run a ghz SOC a quarter the size of a fingernail.

Get, good, at, C.

I haven't touched it in decades but I'm coming back to it so I can make Adruino/ESP32 projects.

If I did it again I would go into mycology and run around forests to collect samples, while some forests still exist.
@aniki @Cwilliams

You do that after you sell your startup to google and cash out for the rest of your life.

There is much more to life than being a screw in the machine that is killing all of us.

I didn't ask and I don't care what you think

I wasn't talking to you either, I was speaking in general, to the public about all of us. Who cares what you do?

The fucking bloke asking about my job, pillock.

Slackware in 93 or 94, on a 386DX40 with 4MiB ram and a 40MiB HDD. A friend and I split downloading the disk sets 1/2 disks a day on our limited ISP time.

When Netscape came out, I ran it on that machine. It took literally 30 minutes to start (with much swapping), but was actually usable thereafter.

During the pandemic in early 2021, I was bored and browsed Reddit too much. Some people talked about Linux as a way to avoid the problems of Windows (which I was planning to switch to from MacOS). I got curious and wanted to learn more, and discovered Linux was lightweight and could run on old hardware.

After much research, I settled on putting Linux Lite onto my family's old laptop from around 2010. I used it for a while and it worked great, although it was still somewhat unresponsive, so I switched to Lubuntu. That worked even better and brought that laptop to speeds resembling my gaming laptop with Windows 11 on various categories of apps (file manager, basic text editor, moving around the desktop, etc.)

I was satisfied for a while, but recently I installed Linux on two other computers:

  1. KDE Neon on the desktop purchased from my friend because I knew I didn't need Windows for what I was doing, and I dislike Windows 11 enough for me to use Linux full time. I also wanted to try out KDE and avoid Snaps while being in the Ubuntu ecosystem.
  2. Dual booting Ubuntu on my gaming laptop (on 2nd SSD), because one of my classes requires me to run Linux software. They had directions to run a VM or use WSL. I tried the latter but ran into a weird error and figured it was easier to just dual boot. Let's see how this goes, as I installed Ubuntu yesterday.

2001, I was 19 in USAF tech school in Biloxi, Mississippi, just bought a second hand computer from someone else in the dorm and needed a budget OS, and the local BX/PX had a copy of Corel Linux for $30. I had no idea WTF it was at the time, I thought it was just some kinda cheap bootleg Windows or something, something with half-ass compatibility like OS/2. I had no clue how to use it and I couldn't get any familiar programs to work, so I just paid another dude like $20 to burn me his copy of Windows 2000 for me.

Didn't even realize its potential until later, 2004 when I got a civilian IT job. Now Debian has been my daily driver for ten years.

Edit: oh yeah, the box came with an inflatable penguin, which I gave to the dorm guard on duty when I got back because he recognized it and I didn't think anything of it. If you ever see this post I want my penguin back now, dude.

I am also fairly new to the game. I had an iMac from around 2010 that was starting to show its age. Newer macOS versions were glacial on it. I eventually realized they were meant to boot off SSDs, but my options in that regard weren't great. I would either have to take the whole thing apart to replace the internal drive or live with USB2 speeds on an external SSD. Then it dawned on me I could just put Ubuntu on there and call it a day. This worked great and bought me a few more years out of that machine.

More recently, we started buying threadripper workstations at the office for scientific modelling. These have since migrated into a server room where they are currently acting as a small compute cluster.

And most recently, I've been tinkering around a bit on my Steam Deck. It's a little walled-garden-ish but it let me put VSCode and a few tools on there so I'm playing around.

It was at home on my first PC. The year was 1993, and it was a Slackware distro with a kernel 0.99.12.

Next to it I had an old Atari ST with MiNT, and it had the bigger harddisk and the nicer GUI, but the PC had more RAM and horsepower.

Hello fellow graybeard! I, too, started back in the 90s. Internet felt like a video game, always something new, hacker culture, bleeding in from phone phreaking and with Linux hitting the market we had the FreeBSD vs GNU/Linux debates, TLDP.org and forums and BBs and so much more.

Fun times.

1 more...
1 more...

Well I'd been on and off for years, but never made the switch due to games. Then windows 8 came out with a terrible privacy policy.

I'm an open book and wouldn't mind sharing most of my data but I just think it's improper behavior to make assumptions and to forgo consent. Privacy must be the default. I wouldn't mind donating most of my data to progress say AI research, but it should be clear to everyone that it is my data and I decide what happens to it. And when it comes to security I believe that proper investigations and warrants are still a thing.

So ya I made the switch and sacrificed the ability to play certain games. Plenty of stuff to play any way. And this issue has been mostly rectified by now as there's maybe only 5% of games that don't run properly. Recently I had to refund baldur's gate 3 due to some visual glitches. At this point I also feel that the developers are responsible for fixing these minor issues.

As a programmer I think it's a more fitting OS all around for me regardless.

January 2023, started effectively with Fedora and I'm still on Fedora, before that I used Ubuntu in 2013/2015 but was not on my machine.

Mid 90s at work as a project support technician in Sony Broadcast R&D in the UK. Slackware, then red hat mostly. Installed Linux boxes in various digital TV stations in London in 1999/2000, used to insert interactive games into the broadcast stream.

I was a sysadmin from 99 to about 2018, from then onwards I'm more DevOps. Done a bunch of stuff with CentOS too, including migrating 500k email accounts to our hosted solution. Other cool stuff included a VMware based development environment using Foreman + FreeIPA to auto provision dev VMs with all sorts of puppet code.

Now at home I run Fedora and work on macOS, writing Terraform and Python. And some nodejs too.

Been at it a long ass time now lol

I started around 2018, using crouton to run Ubuntu on a Chromebook so I could have better functionality. I went back to Windows for a while, then I started using Pop!OS as my daily driver last year. I still don’t know if I love it, but I’m sticking with Linux of some flavor going forward.

I started in the mid to late 90s when my dad brought home old redhat CDs. I don't really use Linux consistently unless you count my Android phone or my Steam Deck, but the last OS I used was Linux Mint on a Thinkpad W520 maybe

Around 25 years ago I had read about this Linux thingy in a computer magazine somewhere in the middle east. We had a Windows 95/98 PC. I got my hands on some Red Hat CDs (or floppies) and managed to install it on the PC. It booted into a prompt, but I had zero knowledge of Linux or any Unix-like OSes and had absolutely no idea of man pages. Didn't manage to start the graphical environment. I took my case and rode my motorcycle to some computer engineering student (the most knowledgeable person I had access too, we had no Internet) and asked him for help. He told me it's my graphics card (some old ISA VGA card), but couldn't help more. In the computer market no one knew about Linux either. So my first try to switch to Linux failed.

Fast forward 25 years... I'm surrounded with Linux and computers in general. Desktops, laptops, single board computers, virtual machines, local or remote. I started with Ubuntu (free CDs posted to my poor country...) with Gnome and later gnome shell, tried Debian, Mint, Parsix, and finally Arch Linux. Moved from graphical to command line and started absorbing the Unix philosophy of simplicity and robustness. Nowadays I use sway and KDE on Arch Linux for work and pleasure, and follow very old Unix mailing lists looking for hidden internet gems.

P.S.: forgot to mention Libreelec (kodi) as my media server and OpenSUSE Leap on laptop which I chose to enjoy some automated install with encryption and btrfs which worked surprisingly well. If I live long enough, I might start thinkering with BSDs (openbsd probably, because of the picture at the bottom of their homepage). I already use pfsense which is based on FreeBSD.

I want to know more about this picture.

  • Is it on display in an Haunted House exhibition to frighten children?
  • Does the owner of these racks sleeps next to it, and is that under his mum's house?
  • Can it run doom?

Canada, 2005, fresh off the boat immigrant, just graduated high school in Europe. I had already bought the open source idea years prior and used mostly open source software on Windows. Having recently switched to NVIDIA from ATi, I tested DotA 5.x (Warcraft 3 TFT) on Ubuntu via Wine. It worked great and that was the final hurdle to a full migration. Wiped Windows and installed Ubuntu. I've been using Ubuntu as the primary OS on all my computers ever since. I went through university with a Dell laptop, intentionally purchased to be compatible with Ubuntu. No NDISwrapper shit. The knowledge acquired over this period naturally flowed into my professional career where I've primarily used Ubuntu and RHEL for various use cases. From software development to software deployment and cloud operation in production. These skills keep helping my day to day work in automotive these days.

RealMedia once made a program called RealJukebox. It let me rip CDs and play music with minimal nonsense. One day I got online and RealJukebox forcibly converted itself to RealOne, which was useless garbage. No amount of restoring from backups or fighting registry settings would bring back the program I relied on.

This was where I learned to care about software freedom. Or rather, when I first demanded it, but could scarcely express the concept. I knew I was betrayed.

All of this went down on an eMachines 566i2 that shipped with Windows ME. It was my first computer. The prior family computer ran Windows 95, which despite being five years older, was plainly a better experience. So while I was never the guy calling Bill Gates the devil, I was already well aware that Microsoft was a lumbering giant that could easily fumble that big picture.

So it's kind of bizarre my first Linux experience was through someone selling their SuSE 7 CDs at a boot sale on another continent. We'd moved to Germany (military brat) and I think I was running a Windows XP developer build that one ultranerd friend had burned for me. (I paid this back by making like seven copies of everything I pirated. CD-Rs were so beautifully cheap back then, and my entire hard drive fit on a dozen.) Some guy with a pile of ISA and PCI cards atop plastic milk-crates on a chilly sports field had a folding paper sleeve labeled "Linux," which I'd vaguely heard of, and I figured yeah sure that's worth a couple bucks to try. He tried gamely to explain that it wasn't selling or buying, because it was "free software," but even looking back now I think he was more confused than I was. Dude still took money for a professionally-made ordeal. I still have the stickers within arm's reach. I ran that for a few months, I guess? Lots of nights on non-numeric roleplaying over IRC. Went back to some Windows after that, until the next move and my first laptop, a proper IBM T42 running XP.

In college I was enamored with Ubuntu's initial promises (and any form of 'e-mail us to get free discs') and handed out a bunch of earth-tone paper sleeves for an OS I guess I was dual-booting. I still used XP throughout school, on that laptop and on a tiny little desktop my long-distance boyfriend sent me so we could play City Of Villains together. I'm a little fuzzy now - but I was using Ubuntu for a while after school (and after that boyfriend), until Mark Shuttleworth declared all windows would be left-handed, and I felt that familiar sense of betrayal. I switched to Mint for a while and then decided I cared too much about video games to bother dual-booting all the time.

I was on Windows 7 from about 2010, and exclusively from about 2013, until about the end of 2020. When I built my new machine - the one I'm typing this on - I knew I was going all-in on Mint. It still has problems, believe you me. But they're all my problems, and potentially fixable. They're not locked into a decade-old OS that was honestly the pinnacle of Microsoft's oeuvre. They're not ever-shifting betrayals of a product where you are not the customer. They're plain ridiculous technical goofs, plus the occasional conflict between user demand and common sense.

I wholeheartedly recommend Linux Mint with Cinnamon to anyone who gives a shit about their computer's operating system. It is good software. It runs with negligible bullshit on my at-one-point higher-end desktop with a dozen cores, and my thirdhand beater laptop with Windows Vista stickers. I'm still using Foobar from my late Windows days and IrfanView from my early Windows days. It is the least bullshit solution, for someone who is prone to call bullshit on just about anything.

First experience was trying to dual boot Slackware and Windows ME on the family computer in 2003 after getting a magazine with the install disc on. Nuked the Windows install and got banned from the family PC for a while.

Then I got my own laptop with Windows 98 on it at 18. I'd just found dyne:bolic which was one of the first Linux live CDs if I recall correctly and was designed to work on older hardware (this was mid 00s). That machine served me well for 2 or 3 years.

A few years of bouncing between various distros and Windows followed. Eventually I made the full switch in about 2012 first to Ubuntu then Debian which I've been using for the last 5 years or so.

I used Unix for the first time 1989 in university. Windows was hardly even a thing then and Linux certainly wasn't. Then I used both Windows and various Unix flavors throughout my working life. In the late nineties we first started using SUSE Linux in a project so that was my first direct hand-on experience with it. I wasn't terribly impressed. In my last job before my current one we had AIX so I had to use that. Then I exclusively used Windows for a couple of years after changing jobs. But I've been growing increasingly frustrated with the enshittification so about two years ago I finally made the jump and all my private systems are on Linux Mint now. I'm never going back, unless they open source the whole thing or something.

Started in college with Mandrake Linux. Used it off and on over the years, though I kept switching back. I recently settled on Pop_OS. Part of what kept me switching back was not having the time to tinker with it. Now that it mostly works, it's become my daily driver.

I start with Ubuntu 3 years ago and now I am Emacs. That's all I want and all you can get. For me it's better to have an easy linux. But I think Ubuntu, now I have Kubuntu, is too slow on my laptop. So next time I am planing to do mint linux xfce. I only need a fast booting linux to start Emacs. And few programs more. Arch Linux is too elite for me. 🤓

@LemonLord @hai

Linux *is* easy. If you want a lean Ubuntu distro try Ubuntu Mate (or Ubuntu XFCE).

I abandoned KDE many years ago and moved to gnome, and then when gnome started mimicking cellphones I stayed with Gnome-old-school MATE.

Half a year ago I tried it but I have destroyed the system so bad, that even live usb wouldn't boot. Few months ago I have tried again, seems in time what was broken before got fixed by itself also I stuck with it this time and love using it.

live usb not booting is a seperate problem

Most likely... Unless the "destruction" was switching your MOBO between Legacy BIOS and UEFI, in which case you could break booting into both in one swoop ;D

This time last year I decided I wanted to selfhost services in an effort to take control of my data. Now I run Pop!_OS as my primary OS, host 13 services across 4 different servers, and am having a blast learning.

Prior to selfhostint in earnest I had a Pi-hole instance running on a Pi 3, but those are pretty hands off once it's setup.

Around late 2017 I think. I was a first year university student. I bought a new laptop with Windows 10 when I started uni, but Windows would break with just about every other update. Eventually I was fed up with it and I wanted to try an alternative OS, so I installed Linux Mint next to my Windows installation.

I quickly found myself using it more than Windows, especially since a lot of software I had to use for university was significantly easier to install on Linux (think LaTeX). Quickly, it got to the point where I only used Windows as a gaming OS.

About half a year into this "experiment", my Windows 10 decided to nuke itself, again. This time the network driver wasn't working, which is annoying af to fix, so I didn't for a long time. Also in 2018 gaming on Linux got a lot better, with Proton becoming a thing around that time. Even when I eventually got around to fixing my Windows installation, I found myself not really using it.

Eventually got into a distrohopping phase, used Fedora for quite a while, but right now I settled on Debian with Gnome as my DE. It's not the most "exciting" setup, but I found that to be a good thing actually, because it allows me to get the most work done.

About 3 years. I wasn't good with computers because I mostly just didn't want to mess with them, due to Microsoft being who they are. I started with Ubuntu, went to Arch, Nixos, and now Gentoo is my standard. I got into it because my brother who's a security programmer recommended it to me. I use much, much more linux than my brother does now. I don't have any proprietary systems in my home now. All is FOSS.

I had a friend in elementary school around early 2000s who was a huge computer nerd and with him I discovered the world of programming and computers in general - he was also the one who introduced me to Linux, Slax/Slackware, Blackpanther OS, UHU and later Ubuntu.

Then I installed my first Linux system for myself, which was Ubuntu then later changed to openSUSE. I loved it, up until the point KDE 4 came out and after 3.5, I hated it with passion so I dropped Linux for a while.

I had and have lots of Raspberry Pis, so I haven't abandoned Linux completely, also in University, I needed Linux so I had a Kubuntu as well, but didn't use it too intensively.

Also I used to bork all my Linux installations sooner or later to the point I was unable to recover them.

Now I built a new PC and I deceided I will use Linux, because I have no intentions to use Windows 11 for a while at least, so now my daily driver is Debian with KDE Plasma.

Tho I had no idea the louder part of the community/fandom is so toxic, cringe and childish, and I was and am in a few fandoms before, I've seen some shit, but not this much of a shit some Linux extremists have.

KDE 4 was such a disappointment. Made me switch to Gnome too. The only bigger disappointment for me was Amarok's change.

Broke my dual boot iBook (Mac 9.1.2 and OSX) in about ‘06 and was too poor to replace it; and my still to this day used Psion 5mx was… limited to say the least. I bought a super cheap net book that didn’t have Windows installed. After a week I discovered I could remove the (acer?) oem os and replace it with something I could burn onto a thumb drive. It was called “Ubuntu”, and could apparently do more. Seemed interesting and worth a shot. Stuck with that until the desktop went all weird (unity?) and then migrated to Mint. I only use laptops as a tool, so as long as I had a word processor, browser and media player alongside a traditional file system I was quite happy.

Around 1998, bought 2 old servers from my university with dual 486dx50 cpu, eisa bus and scsi. They had flashable bios which was a security risk at the time if you used Windows so i was told i could try something called suse Linux on it - and i got hooked. I fanatically read thru all the man pages and soaked in all the knowledge, i don't think i enjoyed learning anything else this much in my life, like finding a new galaxy. Then this new thing called Debian Potato came out and i've been a debian fan ever since.

Sometime in the late 2000s. Bought a used netbook and didn't know it was running on Ubuntu. Over the years I went through PeppermintOS, Crunchbang, BunsenLabs, Antergos, Arch, and many others. Now I'm on Mint because I don't have the time to maintain my OS and just need something that works. The graph meme where long time users end up with a "basic" distro in the end is somewhat true.

Back around 2001ish my das brought an old laptop home and we put Knoppix on it. I think that was when I fell in love with Linux lol

Now I am using Arch btw.

  1. College. Kernel 1.2.10 I think.

  2. Ran out of money before a degree. Haven't stopped working since.

Over the summer, and these days I’m somewhat comfortable typing in terminal. Got foundry and steam and my vpn all running using Garuda

Actually no wait I tried ubuntu in college but I couldn’t figure it out while doing my senior year of engineering school

My first Linux distro was Mandrake. I'm not exactly sure when it was, but FiveStar sounds about right, so 2003 or so. I've since used Gentoo, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora and possibly some others. I did use Windows 8.1 for a good few years, but came back to Linux when I saw where Windows was headed. Right now I'm on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, which is pretty darn good, and thinking of maybe hopping on to OpenMandriva, though not out of any real necessity. I have a PinePhone and have used Mobian and PosmarketOS on it. There's also my first generation Raspberry Pi running Raspbian.

The way modern commercial OSs are developing, I'm extremely glad something like Linux exists. Libre software is the future.

Started: ~2008 because I saw compiz had the virtual desktop cube & wobbly windows animations. Now I'm on Debian.

2005-ish I took an intro to UNIX course at my college (which was just Linux obv). Around 2007 I made the switch full time to Ubuntu.

Freshman year of college, about 11 years ago.

Been using Manjaro exclusively for about 3 years.

Slackware on floppy disks back in 19-dickity-three. A friend at university introduced me to it and I installed it on my 386sx. Was a hell of a chore, but once I got it all all working it felt amazing. Been using it off and on both personally and professionally ever since. Sadly most of my professional work in recent times is MS based but c'est la vie.


I got bored during the summer holiday and installed Ubuntu for the first time. Now I'm a CS major.

4-5 years ago. Started because my one machine won't get security updates from Microsoft and my main machine isn't eligible for the Windows 11 update.

Started on Ubuntu and then did some heavy distro hopping. I've ended up preferring only 2 distros; Debian and Arch. There's plenty of others that I like but those are my top 2.

2009 computer class in school. Buddy of mine was showing off these computers you could put together yourself, then showing me this cool operating system that has desktops with a 3d cube to change the workspace.

2024 laptop has Linux on it for the last 2 years, and I am waiting for the right excuse to migrate my desktop too.

Some time before Ubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04), so somewhere around 2006-2007. Had a spare laptop I had installed (unsuccessfully) Gentoo on, then played around with stuff like Mandriva and Debian, and early versions of Fedora and OpenSuse. I’m a developer now, using Pop right now. Honestly I don’t really care which one as long as my tools and hardware work, and it works well enough on Pop.

I was about 13, parents were getting divorced, house was being shortsaled, mom had moved out already and took the main computer with her, dad got a really old Windows XP Dell laptop (had a red nubbin) from a friend to use, it ran so extremely slow on XP already (literally would take minutes to load a video and it was choppy doing just that) I knew Vista or 7 couldn't run on it so I looked online for other OSes that might work.

Landed on Linux mint, got that bad boy set up in my little sisters (now empty) room as it was in the corner where I could reach my neighbor friend's wifi. I watched so much Bleach/Naruto that summer lol

Luckily I had setup that neighbor friends wifi with DDWRT so I knew the pw :P

I started with RedHat 6.1, codenamed Cartman, on an i386. My god, the pain, the failed boots, the fail testing and source building by way of multi CD's provided through magazines. It was great

Now, many years later, after many, many different distros, after several immutable distros, I've ended up with NixOS, because I still like getting punished by my software.

Suck it, nix users. You know it to be true.

I've ended up with NixOS, because I still like getting punished by my software.

Suck it, nix users. You know it to be true.

.... true.

I started with Gentoo in college back in 2004. I recently got rid of my windows partition and am rocking tumbleweed

Dabbled in Linux Mint in 2013-14. Recently started using Linux more frequently. Started out on Pop OS this past June/July but moved to Opensuse Tumbleweed as my main OS. I do still have my Windows drive but havent ran into any issues where I needed to boot it up.

About in 2008-2009. I was about 15 years old. One of my teachers installed ubuntu on school computers. Remember playing around with wobbly windows and desktop cube and having a blast.

I didn't use much linux at home though until college about 2013 when I put it on my laptops. Took until like 2018 to fully switch. I ditched the last windows VM with GPU passthrough when its boot drive died.

I started dualbooting W10 and openSUSE Tumbleweed in October of 2022, I got tired of Windows 10 and having to enter regedit to change basic things (they solved some things with winget tbh), using inconsistent UIs and submenus to change other ones. Also, I had constant performance issues, then driver issues that most people told me I'd have in Linux, but have been barely existent.

Since then I barely use Windows, I mostly start it for uni projects and to play Minecraft Bedrock because I get dizzy if I play in bigger screens. I also have less issues with my printer/scanner and the performance has been better. I also love customization and having the option to write small scripts to solve small issues nobody else cares about makes me so happy. There was some software I wanted to try too and couldn't because it was not available on Windows or it was unusable, like Docker (and WSL was uncomfortable to use; inconsistent file names if you don't use W10 in english don't help either).

It's been a great journey, I love troubleshooting and I've been able to solve all issues I found in Linux, while Microsoft Support only said to me: "Have you tried reinstalling Windows?". I'd say that using Linux daily has helped me to learn more about FOSS, containerization and operating systems, while also helping me develop more skills to solve problems by finding solutions or creating them :)

4 months now, Debian Gnome. Its on a laptop from work. Knowing what I want and how to secure things they gave me local admin rigths on Win11 to convert the device to dual boot. Slowly getting to know my way around.

Just started getting into it with the Win11 bullshit. I come to find that I can customize KDE to pretty much replicate every single thing I like (or just used to) about the Windows experience and toss everything else out. Fedora KDE has me hooked. No plans on going back.

Must have been 2001 or 2002, and I started with the Red Hat CD that came in the back of my friend’s Linux For Dummies book.

I tried a long time ago on Mandrake or Mandriva, cannot remember. Didn't stick and eventually after trying to use Windows 10 on a HDD, Linux Mint welcomed me with open arms. Now duel booting on OpenSuse but haven't started Windows in 6 months. I just don't need it anymore. Thanks to the Wine and proton teams!

Started more than 2 years ago with Ubuntu, now I'm on EndeavourOS.

I started using linux as my mac got unusable with macOS First touch with Linux I had in Work, i test our products which run on an embedded Linux yocto build.

Now, my phone and my buisness windows are now the only proprietary OSs I use (have a pinePhone, bit it is not daily drivable for me)

Now I have the old macbookpro5,2 running Arch and my iMac running openSuse TW. For my smart home, I have a pi Zero 2W running hombridge via hoobs. Ah yea and a router on a board that I got from a friend running on OpnSense. With him I have a proxmox server running.

2004 (Ubuntu) - 2024 (Arch)

2009 i started studying computer science. Having windows on my Laptop wasnt helpful when compiling c, that was my first encounter with Linux (especially Ubuntu). Was running Xubuntu most of the time because i didnt like Unity.

Stopped using Linux after finishing my degree, since Linux wasnt useful for gaming or my work.

Skip forward to 2020. Hadnt really used Linux for anything for years, then windows 11 was announced. Didnt like where this was going and tested out Manjaro, since gaming on linux was supposed to be "okay".

Didnt like Manjaro and tried out EndeavourOS. All games that mattered at the time ran good. Switched to AMD graphics, deleted windows completly from my drive and use Linux exclusivly for private usage.

Also installed EndeavourOS on my work laptop and use a Windows VM if needed.

I dont want to go back to using windows for daily stuff ever

overall - only a few years constantly - just a few months on mint now. I find I get frustrated at some things that I believe should be easy, but seem super convoluted. I'm sure its the years of windows BS beat into me thats making me show my bias, but im learning. I want it on my main PC but figured I would learn on a junker hp dual core pc first. I'm shocked at the amount of things I can now do on it where as with windows, it was useless. Only thing stopping me from putting it on my main pc is gaming. Once I learn more and figure out a good destro for gaming, i plan to switch everything over.

Startet using Linux in 1999. Then I did a lot of distro hopping:

  • Redhat
  • Suse Linux
  • Gentoo
  • Sabayon Linux
  • Debian
  • Kdenlive
  • Arch
  • Ubuntu Studio
  • Fedora
  • Fedora Silverblue
  • since 2017 NixOS

NixOS feels very contemporary and will stay a while. It is very advanced and usable in many diverse environments. In the past I did learn a lot installing and maintaining Debian and Arch – which has a great community.

When I was 14 and got my second PC. That must have been around 2005 or so?

Installed Red Hat, printed a book about C and gave up rather quickly.

Ubuntu 6.04 or so (Dapper Drake?) Was the first one that I actually used for real.

For a while in middle school I would spin up Ubuntu or something similar in a VM just to look at it, but never really used it. The first time I really used Linux was Raspbian on my Raspberry Pi 2 that I got in 8th grade. As I went on tinkering with Linux, I eventually replaced Windows with Ubuntu on my HP Stream since it ran better, and by my Junior year of high school I was daily driving it. Now I'm using Parrot OS Home on my laptop and GhostBSD (I know its not Linux, but Linux led to me trying it) on my desktop

Just wiped my HP Stream and installed Fedora. Much faster then Windows

About 2 years ago but I can't believe it's been that long tbh. I started with Ubuntu but switched to arch after about a year mainly because I enjoyed the challenge and learning involved in installing it through a command line. I understand my computer a little more because of it.

I chose Linux mainly for privacy reasons; I didn't enjoy having a spyware as my OS but my friends call me crazy for going as far as I have to avoid being tracked. Idk it just bothers me.

I first installed Ubuntu on a laptop in 2016. I started using linux full-time in 2017 with Ubuntu MATE and I'm now on EndeavourOS after trying these:

  • Ubuntu
  • Lubuntu
  • KDE Neon
  • Antergos
  • Manjaro
  • Arch

I use Debian and Arch on home servers, and I want to install OpenSUSE Slowroll to replace my Arch server (it hasn't broken yet)

As far as I'm concerned it's still 2018 and the year of the linux desktop....

In highschool, back in 2007, I got my first taste of Linux in my highschool electronics class. The class was mostly focused on electrical engineering, however we had a computer in the room for research and for whatever reason, my teacher was a hardcore Linux guy. We talked about it for hours and eventually, I ordered a CD from Ubuntu by mail and installed it on my home PC, a computer that originally ran Windows ME. I've primarily used Windows since I do a fair bit of gaming, but I've always maintained a linux partition of some kind. On my laptop, I'm currently testing out the latest Ubuntu release, but before that, I was running Linux Mint DE in the Mate flavor with BSPWM as the window manager. On my main PC, I have a Windows 10 partition, and a Garuda Linux partition. Garuda is running Mate with BSPWM as well. The funny thing is, I'm not really a tech guy. I just like it and use it mostly just as a consumer. I can work my way around and fix most things when they break, but I'm more likely to just nuke my installation and spin up a new one when things get really bad. I'm planning a full PC upgrade soon and plan to go AMD instead of Nvidia so I can enjoy Wayland. The latest Gnome release feels really good and matches my rose tinted memories of Unity from way back when. Hoping to run that, but may still mess with a tiling window manager set up as well.

First install was Fedora core 6 it came with like 5 or 6 cds. This would have been mid 2000s I was mostly using it offline and then reinstalled windows so I could game on the lan with AoE and cossacks. (I had 2 PCs beside each other)

The in 08 I installed Ubuntu , 4 years later was Debian and ive been at home with Debian since.

Its been great to see the improvements over this time particularly in gaming.

I still use Ubuntu in work.

Almost two decades ago, as a teenager, I decided to give Linux a try as a bit of fun and as a learning activity. I put Ubuntu 6.06 on an old Windows 95 desktop which was languishing in a cupboard having been long replaced. The install disc was, I'm fairly sure, a freebie that came with a magazine. I was amazed at how easy it was to install and how smoothly it ran, and had lots of fun playing around with it and learning the ropes.

Have had a Linux machine or two on the go ever since. At some point in the last decade I made the switch from using Windows as my main OS to using Linux as my main, and these days I only use Windows on my corporate-provisioned work laptops.

I'm still an Ubuntu user. I've distro hopped occasionally, and Debian has a place in my heart, but I always came back to Ubuntu. There's a lot of meming about Ubuntu being terrible, but the reality is that it remains an incredibly polished, high-quality, "just works" OS which largely keeps out of my way.

Over the last two decades I moved into software engineering as a career, although I've since moved out of the industry onto non-techy things. Linux continues to scratch my techy itch in my spare time.

Around 1998 I'd guess. Some loadlin based setup on my friends Windows machine. Don't recall the name. I remember running Mandrake shortly after that.

I've hopped back and fourth between many distros, and gone back to Windows a few times over those years. But I've been using Linux as my daily driver for about a decade now. Currently using and enjoying NixOS.

  1. I liked fooling with computers and installed it just to see what it was. I went through several distros over the next few years, Mandrake, Suse, Red Hat, compiled Gentoo from scratch, and finally settled on Slackware. It was my only OS for 14-15 years until I started a business in 2016 and needed software that's only available in Windows. I only use Windows on my PC now because my computer does weird boot stuff that screws up dual boots and I don't really use the PC that much anyway. I still use Linux on small servers for media and home automation

Started out with Mandrake in 1998 and got into Debian shortly after. I moved to Gentoo in 2002. In the later 2000s I only used my desktop for gaming and stopped dual booting for many years. My home server runs BSD and I was using a 2010 MacBook as my laptop. The only Linux box in my home was my HTPC, running Ubuntu.

When I heard of Proton I started dual booting again. In 2020 I got rid of Windows and the aging MacBook. Since then my desktop, laptop and HTPC run on Arch. The server is still FreeBSD.

Dabbled in it since 2006. About 2012 i had problems with my network card on windows, flipped out and just installed Linux on my main home computer and have not used windows at home since.

Started with Ubuntu and it's flavors, recently had problems with snap packages, flipped out and installed the first non Ubuntuoid distro that promised an easy install so I could get back to whatever I was doing at the time. I currently have Manjaro at home.

bout 20 years ago, i was using knoppix and dyne:bolic... then backtrack, then kali...
linux mint, kubuntu, lubuntu... ubuntu...
probably because i like programming and thought hacking was kool...
I think im gonna try Void Linux next... i've heard great things...
i've still kept my dual boot all this time, because of a couple programs... and a backup for when i brick my linux partition...

I’ve dabbled with Linux here annd there since 1999 when I installed Caldera Open Linux 2.2 on a pos desktop I had at the time.

Caldera ran pretty well on that machine for about six months, until the machine up and died. IIRC, the motherboard fried.

My next foray was around 2007ish when I had a dell laptop that was struggling to run windows. I was also interested in tinkering, so I installed Ubuntu for the first time. I think it was Hardy Heron (8.04).

I ran that for a good year or so, until the charging port on the laptop took a shit, but I didn’t really get deep into Linux. I just used it for general computing.

My next computer was a MacBook Pro 2009 13”. This began a long relationship with Macs and macOS that continues to this day, though I am far less enamored of Apple and macOS now than I was in the past.

What was great about Macs and osx/macos over that period was that by and large it did what Apple promised. It just worked. The hardware was powerful and reliable, and the software let me get my work done (photo and video production), and so I had no desire to use anything else.

During this time period I also built a windows pc dedicated to live streaming as part of my production work, which is relevant, because about four years ago, right before the pandemic hit, I quit photo and video production.

So I had this pc sitting around, and I once again decided it was time to give Linux a spin, and now I’m all in. For three years running, that pc has been my home server running Ubuntu (just updated it to 22.04). With that server I’ve really been learning about Linux, and it’s been a lot of fun.

I’d love to put Asahi on the m1 Mac mini that is our main household computer, but my wife wouldn’t be too happy with me if I did that, so I’m still using macOS. I spend a lot of time at the terminal, often working on the server over ssh, but also just working with my files locally.

Since macOS is bsd based I’ve run across a number of cli tools that work just different enough from their Linux counterparts. I found that frustrating and confusing, and decided I wanted consistency in my cli tools. Since I can’t install Asahi, I found Multipass and installed that on the Mac mini. So now I have an Ubuntu vm with my pertinent local drives mounted to give me a consistent experience with shell whether I’m working on the server or working on the Mac.

Early 2000s, I was a young pc repair guy and Linux offered a free solution to “what to do with these computers people abandon”. Started out with Redhat when it was free but switched to Ubuntu when it came out. Since then I always ran Linux on a secondary computer or laptop because I needed windows to play games. Back in 2008 I ran Linux exclusively for a while because I couldn’t afford a windows license and I played some games using WINE. As of last year I have again switched to using Linux exclusively due to privacy concerns and Valve making Proton work for most games I play.

Oh boy. I definitely started with Ubuntu 17.04 in 2017 when I started uni, then soon downgraded to 16.04 because Unity was soooo much better than Gnome. But afterwards it's a blur, I was distrohopping basically every few months, sometimes even more often. I used Antergos (RIP), Manjaro, all flavors of Ubuntu except Gnome, Mint, then I was into the whole minimalistic tiling wm suckless no-systemd rabbit hole with Void, I also did KDE Neon at some point, I definitely did pure Arch as well, and Artix too. Sometimes I even hopped at work when I had a bit more time. God I miss those days...

Right now I've settled on Mint for work and Endeavor for personal use and haven't hopped for over a year which is as long as I've ever gone. I miss hopping but I'm so comfy right now. I've been thinking about finally giving Gentoo a go full time as I've been flirting with the idea forever. And there's also Nix. And I've been meaning to try a system where I fully embrace flatpak (right now I never use it). I'd also like to try something like Qubes eventually. So yeah, plenty to see still after all these years.

Kernel 0.99pl13, Slackware, 386-SX 16. Started as an obsessive hobby, became a career.

Circa 1993, at the age of 13. Took me weeks to download Slackware from BBSs and get it installed. Played around with Mandrake (got an installer CD on an event). Eventually settled on Debian (which took me another few weeks to download, then burn the CDs and install it).

Used Debian on all my computers for many many years. Eventually got a MacBook (around 2005 IIRC) and have been on Mac laptops since. My gaming desktop runs Debian (wrote a blog post about my setup recently: https://blog.c10l.cc/09122023-debian-gaming). My servers, VMs and containers are usually Debian or something directly based on it (Devuan on some containers, Proxmox on my homelab’s bare metal).

I’ve used many other distros along the way, either for work or to experiment. I have huge respect for Fedora on a technical level but still prefer Debian’s philosophy and the apt ecosystem.

I started because of ProxMox on my Server. I started about a Year ago with Linux Desktops because of Privacy. I wanted to only use it for Office and have a Windows Dual Boot for Gaming. Then i tried a few Games on Linux and realized that Proton is great. Then i only used Linux. Then i deleted Windows. Now i love Linux and Hate Windows

i started with mandrake linux in 2002, and now i use linux mint. i've tried and used a dozen distros in between.

In the early 90s I was running a BBS on DesqView over DOS and was annoyed by the limitations. My older hardware didn't have grunt or RAM (SIPP at $50/MB) to run OS/2 like the big dogs. I also had nearly no money (grad student).

I started experimenting with MINIX, and from there to linux. IIRC I started with Slackware, flirted with Red Hat, then found Debian and it was true lurve. Since that time I've generally run servers on Debian stable and workstations on Debian testing.

At the time I tried (2009), I was too young and afraid of messing up my Windows (I didn't even know if I was able to remove Windows and not loose the warranty), so I was finally did thanks to the marvelous Wubi installer. It let you try Ubuntu without messing around with partitions. Thanks to that, I was able to start learning Linux until I gained confidence and did a proper dual boot.

Now I only use Arch, even for work.

I started around the time when Windows 95 came out. Slackware was my jam. I now run Arch on one box and Debian 12 on another. It helped my career as a sysadmin.

I think it was 1998 or so? I put Mandrake on my Sony Vaio Pentium II MMX.

I'm trying out Fedora again on an AMD Ryzen 5 system I built last year. Was running Nobara for several months prior. And Mint for about 10 years before that. Prior to that I was on MacOS and/or Windows. I don't think I had a Linux system at that time.

I really started with Pop!_OS in early April of last year after watching a dual boot setup guide from LTT. I'm currently on Gentoo, tho I prefer Arch.

When cfw for ps3 came out you needed either a ti-84 calculator or an iphone to put the firmware on the console. I had an iphone so installed ubuntu on my pc so i could dual boot ios and android on the phone then replace android with the cfw. I never even knew there was anything but windows back then.

I was in college looking to avoid writing papers, and I installed Ubuntu Feisty Fawn (2007). Still run Linux PC s and servers. Work with Windows all day :p

15 years now. First few years part time messing around with ubuntu and mint. I've been full time 100% debian on all my servers and desktop/laptop for at least 10 years now.

Debian is the best

I started messing around with Linux when I was ~15. I was trying to install it on an old laptop so I could actually use it. I started with Debian before moving to Linux mint. Eventually I bought a raspberry pi and started to tinker with that and made my own website for shits and giggles. Eventually, I kinda stopped tinkering with Linux for a while

Flash forward a few years and my job has a piece of software that boots into a live gentoo environment in order to perform hard drive wiping, and I got a lot more familiar with the Linux command line (bash in this case) as I had to do a lot of troubleshooting as well as testing as I was in technical support and then later QA. This was also my first experience with VI, as I had to edit configuration files while inside of the live environment.

At that point, I started to experiment with Linux again, and even managed to install arch on my laptop. I did end up switching to Manjaro as my daily driver, as I couldn't be assed to spend enough time to get arch working how I needed. I also now have an Ubuntu server (I know) that I use as a media and game server, and continue to daily drive manjaro though I'm planning on switching to EndeavorOS soon.

I first experienced Linux around 2020 when Windows was getting super slow on my gaming pc at the time but couldn’t make the jump because I was still heavy into games like League of Legends. I started off hopping around with Mint, Elementary and Fedora.

Once I started moving towards playing retro games on emulator and gaming on Switch I made the switch. I did A LOT of distro hopping and was never satisfied. Now I’ve finally settled on Fedora and built it from the ground up with the Everything iso and running Qtile. Using Linux has made me realize I love tinkering with computers, electronics and it has made me interested in programming. It’s been a ride (though a short one), but it has helped me find new interests I didn’t know I had and learn there’s a lot more than just Windows.

Went full Linux in the early 2000s. Never went back. Started with Debian and Ubuntu. Tried many distros for varying amounts of time. I always come back to Debian.

I'm just a regular desktop Linux user. It's great.

I broke the ever living hell out of I think hink it was Ubuntu 8 back in the day. I ended up giving up because I was constantly causing issues that I just didn't have time for while going to college. Started using again when Windows 10 wouldn't stop breaking itself and started using Ubuntu 20.04.

It was Red Hat Linux 8.0 (not to be confused with RHEL 8), I think, that I first dabbled in Linux, that was around early 2003, and then I moved on to Fedora Core 1. But I went exclusively-Linux with Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) in 2006.

I've moved around since then but for the last 5 years I've ended up back on Fedora, where I've been since version 28, now version 39.

1993 or so, before kernel 1.0. Slackware on floppies, then Debian, then Ubuntu, then Mint, now Pop!_OS.

I got a rather profitable career out of it: went into IT during/after college, then got hired into a big Silicon Valley company, stayed in that area for several years, then quit during COVID.

1998 - was working for a company using RedHat as a dev environment for AIX mini computer based software.

Started to dual boot my own pc of the time with Win95/8 and RedHat, then Mandrake Linux. Since then I've dual booted every PC I've owned with various distros.

Ages ago, perhaps over 10 years ago (not keeping track because then I'll have to admit I'm getting older). I think it was because of the surprisingly common issue where wifi would just... Stop working in Windows. Installed Ubuntu and basically had fun tweaking it and learning Linux.

Then Windows 8 happened and everyone decided that they needed to change how everything worked to copy their example. Hopped between Unity, Gnome 3 and Gnome 2 for a while, looking for something that suited my tastes before eventually settling on Mint and Cinnamon.

I was in college. I was talking with a classmate how I tried to burn this OS called Linux that I heard of on TechTV, bit the stupid disc never worked. I leaned how to properly burn iso after that. Pretty sure he showed me some copy of Fedora or Mandrake, maybe SuSe. Didn't care for Fedora, bit found this other one that seemed real interesting everyone was talking about, Ubuntu.

I installed Linux on my personal computer about 3 months ago. I have been running EndeavourOS and recommend it.

It all started when every browser dropped support on my old MacBook. I installed arch Linux and was completely blown away by the increase in performance. It's insane how much MacOS was holding me back. Insane. Decided to buy a new drive for my desktop computer and installed Manjaro on a trial basis, leaving windows as a fallback option if needed. A week later I installed EndeavourOS and got rid of windows altogether.

It has been a bumpy road, lots of small little problems. Nvidia GPU certainly doesn't help.

Started with Ubuntu back in 2016 when it still had the reddish brown mud theme. I still have some.of the installation discs you could order back then.

I started using because I started Computer Science university and I thought I should finally learn Linux. Fell in love with it and have been using ever since. I now use Fedora.

@hai@lemmy.ml I started in about 2006 when my work was going to fully convert to Ubuntu. At the last minutes the CIO left and our project champion also left, and Windows continued, but I'd been bitten by the bug and continued to use Ubuntu at work and at home since then. Now on Manjaro KDE.

I started a decade ago on Ubuntu for an after-school cybersecurity club. From there, I eventually tried Mint and then Lubuntu and Kinoite. I'm now using Debian in WSL.