who's tried it? what does it taste like?

cinabongo@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 406 points –

I mean it probably tastes like eating out an unwashed diabetic gamer girl, but I've probably also had worse. I'll give it a shot and report back in a couple of days.

That's a very specific descriptive, tell me more.

Minge tastes vaguely of copper. Guinness also tastes quite metallic.

Gamers drink a lot of energy drinks

Diabetics secrete sugars in fluids that wouldn't normally contain sugar.

Unwashed because beer is fermented, just like my true loves lady bits.

Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?

I'm a humble biologist by trade. It ain't much, but it's honest work.

I'm not confident the expressed carnal knowledge is common to normal biologists.

I'm a biologist and can confirm I get like, so much sex. I do sex so often I make bacteria jealous! Yeah, biologists definitely fuck. Yeah.

Minge tastes vaguely of copper.

Do you only eat out chicks that keep loose change in their front pocket?

Michael Scott No Meme!

I consider this to be a hate crime against my people.

I consider this a hate crime no matter the people.

Imagine what the Guinness people are thinking about this...

How is monster denser than Guiness...

Guinness isn't that heavy for a stout. Monster will have a ton of sugar as well.

Nitrogen gas

Pretty sure CO2 is more dense than nitorogen.

Nitrogen also doesn't like to dissolve in water so as to why they add it make no sense to me

Source, I brew beer

Guinness is charged with nitrogen and CO2

I'm not sure about cans but I doubt it as I stated before, nitrogen basically can't dissolve into water. I know guinness is typically forced through restrictor plate which uses beer gas (25% Nitrogen 75% CO2) for the extra pressure needed. That massive head is all the nitrogen leaving solution

Nitrogen dissolves poorly, but enough of it remains to cause the different density that allows a black and tan to float, or this abomination. You say you homebrew, but aren't even willing to look up this information and argue with internet strangers about it.

There is so little nitrogen that you can basically rule it out. The biggest factor would be HFCS (fructose)

And who said home brew?

Also isn't that particular monster nitrogenated too?

Co2 has a density of 1.98g/L vs nitrogen 1.25g/L

It tastes like blood because you're going to get punched in your potty mouth for ordering it.

Just guessing, but looks like it tastes like GUINESS -> briefly ass -> MONSTER WRECKING MY BUZZ.

stuff like this is done in Czechia, which is the country with by far the most consumption of beer per capita.

Diesel is Coke and Beer.

then there is Sprite and Beer.

I am pretty sure Fanta and Beer is a thing too.

plus there are various syrups that can be added to beer, Cherry, Strawberry and Elderberry are the most popular of those

Diesel is equal parts cider and beer with a dash of blackcurrant. Turbo diesel also contains a shot of vodka.

That just sounds like Snakebite and Black, a drink most places in the UK won't serve.

Mostly because cleaning bright purple vomit out of your pub carpet is a fucking nightmare.

It was always referred to as diesel by the hive. Couldn't say no at Β£1 a pint. Heavy shit.

Why do your pubs have carpet? Over on the other side of the ocean I’ve never been to a carpeted bar

Because we're civilised.

I mean, not civilised enough to avoid attempting to drink a dozen snakebite and blacks and then launching it The Exorcist style all over the floor, but just civilised enough to be able to go to the hospital for free when the three lads who've stuffed their noses with magic dickhead powder decided you were looking at them funny.

Fun fact - the original lesser known Snakebite is a shooter of Yukon Jack and Rosie's Sweetened Lime. The name was assumably stolen for the Guinness/cider combo

Beer and Sprite is called Radler in Germany, meaning cyclist because it's often drunken during weekend cycling tours when you don't want a full beer

Radler has recently made its way to Korea. I bought some once not knowing what it was. While drinking, I couldn't figure out why I wasn't getting a buzz. I thoroughly checked the can and found out it's got 2-3% alcohol. Needless to say, I haven't bought it since.

7up and beer is a Snowwhite in the Netherlands, but nobody's ordered one since the 80s

What a terrible thing to do to a Guinness

Is Guinness supposed to be good? Or just everyday average you can count on to get a decent buzz on.

It's known more for being smooth, not really a beer to just get trashed on, but you definitely can.

I'll have to give it another go with fresh intent. Thanks

Keep in mind, there's different kinds. It's best on tap, but they make cans that simulate a fresh pour.

There's also Guinness stout, which is more bitter. Personally, I like stouts but they're not for everyone. I'd call their stout decent but it's not my favorite as stouts go.

I enjoy it. Good texture and slightly above average taste for the price in my opinion.

Tastes buds: Hell YEAH!!!

Heart: Da fuq!?!?! ..----.....-----...-.... X_x

Ever tried shandy? It's basically that, but Guinness.

The sweetness of the Monster is countered by the stoutness of...the stout, basically making a shandy.

Wash your mouth out with radioactive waste you dirty Philistine.

Shandy is fine on a hot summer day if you have to drive. Pleasant, even.

That drink is the greatest assault on the Irish nation since bloody Sunday.

Okay That's seriously looks like a radioactive diarrhea.

I didn't try it, but I can confidently answer your question anyway:


IFF (if and only if) I were drunk enough already, only had Guinness in the fridge (don't like the stuff anyways), and also had monster on hand (yeah I drink it instead of burnt bean juice), I would try this.

If it ever happens I'll try and remember to post my thoughts.

If your bean juice is burnt, you made it wrong. Turn off the hot plate as soon as it's done brewing in traditional drip style. Primary cause of burnt coffee.

That's a good tip, but I assume he meant he drinks juice of burned beans, rather than burned juice of beans. After all, coffee beans do need to be roasted (burned) before you use them!

This is a very good explanation. Yes, I dislike the taste of the juice of burned beans.

Although technically coffee beans might fall under the literal definition of "burnt", most use it to mean overcooked, which coffee beans aren't, they're cooked just enough. Unless you're Starbucks, then yes they're burnt

I've tried many different kinds of coffee that people have sworn by.

If they weren't 90% sugar, the burnt taste/smell overpowered everything else.

Not exactly the same but on New Year's I created this monstrosity. Green food coloring, vodka, and Beast Monster with a Takis garnish, served with a side of Tums. It was absolutely noxious.


I don't drink alcohol and I am not irish. I am somehow offended ntl.

I notice the Monster says "super dry" at the top. I assume that's NOT in reference to its sugar content.

That Nitro Monster uses nitrogen gas instead of carbon dioxide for the fizzies, and it's rather dense.

Why they call it 'super dry', I don't quite know, but if you ever tried one, it sorta makes sense.

In alcoholic drinks, it refers to a low sugar content. I figured even if this was not in America, it probably would still say "low sugar" or "sugar free" like it does here, but the other reply makes me think that isn't that case, and this DOES refer to it having a low sugar content in other parts of the world.

Wait is dry actually related to sugar content? I mean it makes obvious sense now that you said it but I'm so used to using dry/sweet for wine based on the taste and never really made that connection that it was sweeter because it actually had more sugar, I guess I thought it was pixie dust making it sweeter.

Dry is used both for the sugar content and the mouth feel from tannins in wine, but yeah, it's usually referring to the residual grape sugars left after fermentation. Dry = low sugar,

The ones that are sugar free specify that in big letters, so yeha it's probably the standard 9-12% sugar that most energy drinks are

Bartender, a round of Glyphid Slammers please! It's slammin' time!

i tried a similar concoction and it isnt that bad