Lauren Boebert rails about “Biden Crime Family” just before her son is arrested for crime spree to Not The – 1133 points –
Lauren Boebert rails about “Biden Crime Family” just before her son is arrested for crime spree

Every accusation is a confession, as per standard procedure.

It's such fucking childish bullshit... Every goddamn time someone on the right is called out on something they just pull a "I know what you are but what am I?"

Everything is just flipped: Trump is the fucking crime family... Now apparently Boebert is too.

They pull this shit with everything so that they level the playing field, when BoTh SiDeS are the same you can stick with voting for your asshole of choice because "the other one is just as bad so my dude says I'll get free cookies, I'll go with him."

Now? You know both boebert and her ex-husband have criminal records, right? You know how they met? She was a minor, hanging out at a bowling alley and he, an adult, was walking around flashing his dick at children. I can't remember exactly what hers was, but I'm pretty sure it was an assault related charge or something

From the article:

Her ex-husband – and Tyler’s father – Jayson Boebert was famously arrested in 2004 for exposing his genitals in a bowling alley where minors were present. Rep. Boebert, who was 17 and not married to him at the time, was one of the witnesses in that case. He got four days in jail and two years probation for lewd exposure and public indecency.

The worst part, following your colloquialism to "level the playing field," is that while the Republicans are pointing to distract their constituents, they're stomping down tons of mounds of shit and trying to use some of the shit to fill in divots. When people look back at the Republicans' field after just scrutinizing the Dems', they're craning their necks to see the Republican side of the field because it's dozens of feet higher and filled with compacted poopie.

Then, they have the audacity to look down on the people from their hill of shit and start crowing all indignantly "but is my field not as level as theirs???"

Seriously, the conservatives are like the epitome of projection at this point.

It's funny until one recalls how many times they've accused the left of being pedophiles.


There's gotta be one like this for her lewd behavior in the theater too!

Boebert rails against Beetlejuice, then beats her date til he juices

Wait was she the one giving the man she was committing adultery with a hand job in public?

Didn’t that Sarah Palin do this same thing? Like 20 years ago? Its like I keep seeing this movie over and over again.

Yeah she did! Conservative Christianity was a deranged cult long before Trump worship made everything much worse lol

Yeah, but unlike with Biden it is unfair to judge her by the crimes of her children! /s

Its not about just the kids crimes, its a question of how Joe was involved.

You realize there has not been one single piece of credible evidence provided suggesting that he was at all involved, right? If there was, don't you think it would be on Fox nonstop?

Sure there is, but you guys dont hear about it because you listen to the lefts corporate media. People that listen to Fox dont do this kind of social media, if you want to insult them use Ben Shapiro, or Larry Elder.

Didn’t Fox literally claim in court that no one would ever take them at face value? (Or was that just Tucker Carlson?) Why would you want to take anything Fox News says seriously?

I dont know, I think both MSNBC and Fox have said something like that as a legal argument. But if it were not clear, I dont listen to Fox or watch cable television, I am in my 40s not 70s.

I think your (pretty solid) point got swallowed whole by your unnecessary “the lefts corporate media” spiel.

Next time just make your point clear and let it stand on its own.

You dont think its important to point out that the left will miss out on facts if they only listen to their news sources?

You're saying there is evidence that Biden was involved, correct? Could you provide an example/source?

It would be what was on the laptop and what he has been doing for and with his son. For example there was "10 for the big guy" thing. And then there is Joe lying about interacting with his sons associates. And then there is why they were all paying his son so much but not getting the influence they were obviously buying. And then Joe getting the prosecutor that was investigating the company his son was getting money from. And a bunch more. There are all kinds of podcasts that will lay it all out and list it if you are actually wanting to know.

The main problem is they should have an extensive investigation like trump had with russia. At best Joe would have a series of conflicts of interest, but they would need to look into all the things.

So mainstream news sources aren’t trustworthy, but random podcasts are?

They are only as trustworthy as they are. I think that most corporate news sources mislead at best, and lie directly if it is in their interest. I think there are many podcasts that are not always correct, but they are trying to tell the truth. Do you think mainstream sources are trustworthy?

For the most part yes. Everyone has their biases, which is why I usually check multiple sources. I’m more inclined to trust a source that is run by people who have backgrounds in journalism, who provide their sources. Articles go through professional editors, who can fact check the information. Paid professionals are involved in the process, and stake their reputations on the quality of their reporting. There has certainly been a decline in the quality of mainstream journalism - largely due to mega corps buying up local news - but I will turn to the BBC before I turn to Joe Rogan.

I find that even podcasts I like and consider informative can often have misinformation. Podcasts are often more focused on entertainment and commentary - it is a different set of priorities.

I can literally point to three stories this week by the corporate media that were false or misleading off the top of my head.

Why do you keep trusting them when they just report things without thinking or maybe worse, dont report stories because they harm a narative?

Did you determine that they were false or misleading based on Ben Shapiro podcasts? I can point to probably thousands of podcasts that regularly are false or misleading.

There are multiple corporate medias. “Corporate media” is not a single organism. I don’t “trust” them - as I pointed out in my previous comment, I critically evaluate multiple sources. (Back in the day, I had an amazing Google Reader setup, Feedly sucks 😢). I tend to discard most science reporting and read the articles directly though my university’s library. For current events, I usually try to find a local news source.

I’m not sure why the fact that corporate media can be inaccurate means that we should turn to random, much more likely to be talking out their butts, podcasts on the internet. That seems to be a way to get trapped in an echo chamber that confirms your pre existing beliefs.

I found them misleading just by using basic logic and listening to podcasts that instantly were able to refute the corporate media sources.

The issue with corporate media is that they are directly funded and owned by people with agendas that are not their own. Podcasts can be great, but then also biased, for example anything Ben Shapiro says about Israel is probably wrong.

Podcasts are good because they are typically long form and will literally read the story and then point out what is wrong and who is lying. And after a while you can get tell if the podcaster ever lies to you, and you know their bias.

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And the source of that whole line of bullshit admitted it was a lie and is now facing charges.

Reich-wingers are completely impervious to fact-based arguments

They make it up as they go along and spout so many bullshit lies one after another that it's impossible to counter them all in a single conversation. Then since you can't they disingenuously say that because you can't then they're right. Which is utter bullshit.

That was a single person, not the whole thing. The laptop was completely independent of that guy.

If there was such good material on that laptop then why was the focus on nude pics of Hunter? Because there wasn't shit, the GOP knew it and they are morally bankrupt so the only play they was to hurt/embarrass the Biden family. Oh, that and they're all in the closet and wanted to show a dick pic they liked to their other closeted christian fundie buddies.

I think republicans are mostly cowards and I am not here to defend the things they do.

There are lots of things in the laptop that show at best there is a conflict of interest. There is a reason the Bobilinsky guy had a press conference, because he knew it was a big deal, and thought it was important to let people know.

Like what? Holding a press conference doesn't mean shit. You could hold a press conference tomorrow about how much you like hotdogs. The whole thing was projection from Republicans because Trump had a bank acct in China. As a criminal, Trump knows the best defense for one is a good offense and falsely accusing everyone else of doing what he is actually doing takes the heat off of him. His weak-minded cult eats it up.

Like that Joe was involved in his sons business which involved a foreign country, and Joe said he was not involved in any of his sons business things. Bobilinsky confirmed that it was true and that the code name was Joe. Other things are open knowledge that they dont even hide.

I see you listen to stories told by Russian spies...

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Bobo is a walking advertisement for planned parenthood and contraception of all kinds.

So is Sarah Palin. From her kids' class schedule names (Track, Trig, Physics, etc), to all the divorces in her family (her and Todd, Track and his ex-wife, Bristol and her two ex-husband's), to Bristol Palin's kids' goofy names (Tripp, Sailor, Atlee, Cocoa Krispies, etc.), to all the kids conceived out of wedlock (Track's then-wife of only a few months, Bristol and her three kids with two different fathers)...

...all of which would be absolutely fine is the lot of them didn't preach "traditional family values" and shit. Hell, Bristol Palin surrounded her work as an ambassador for Candice's Foundation preaching abstinence with having three kids out of wedlock while she and her mother criticized Obama for being in favor of same-sex marriage.

Fuck the whole lot of 'em.

Isn’t it pretty likely that Trig was actually Bristol’s kid anyway lol? Or is that just a half remembered 2008 conspiracy theory.

Living in Alaska the rumor was she pretended the kid was hers. She never showed, hid her daughter, and handled it all through a private doctor. The fact that she called the it her little retard is pretty unsettling.

The kids' names are irrelevant and diluting to your otherwise good point.

I heard Boebert has a cleft butthole

I’m cracking up at this sentence

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It doesn't make a ton of sense to argue that Biden is incompetent and somehow magically running a crime family. Those opinions do not jive with one another.

Also, yes, Boebert probably isn't someone who should comment on criminal activity, especially after deciding to fuck someone in a crowded theater.

It doesn’t make a ton of sense to argue that Biden is incompetent and somehow magically running a crime family. Those opinions do not jive with one another.

Fascist societies rhetorically cast their enemies as "at the same time too strong and too weak". On the one hand, fascists play up the power of certain disfavored elites to encourage in their followers a sense of grievance and humiliation. On the other hand, fascist leaders point to the decadence of those elites as proof of their ultimate feebleness in the face of an overwhelming popular will.

Definitions of fascism, Wikipedia

It's so frustrating that she's 100% in the wrong, but this is still going to legitimize her complaints about Hunter Biden. I can already see the responses complaining that her son got arrested, therefore so should Hunter.

I hate it here.

Five felony counts? Jesus christ, that boy's going to prison. I mean, the parents kind of explain it, but christ can't you learn to cash in on your mom's political idiocy instead of stealing cars? (Not that she's going to get re-elected. She's sunk. She's going to lose this primary and it wouldn't surprise me if her son's charges are part of small town cops suddenly deciding to not turn a blind eye at JUST the right time.)

So? Jesus NEVER said your CHILDREN can't commit crimes! Unless their name is HUNTER! It's in the Bible!

Meat Canyon being real quiet since this dropped

The thing I like about Bogurt is that she just cant help but be hillariously unhinged and corrupt. If life was a comedy movie and not a tragedy reality she would be my favorite character for being too stupid to get anything right and just failing upwards anyways. Her and Marjorine Turning Greene would be good as co-antagonists (theres no good guys in this hypothetical movie) in an american pie style movie focused on gross cougars trying to reclaim their lost feelings of youth and relevancy

Sadly in reality she represents the rot of our society

Edit: forgot to add, they are so tone deaf they keep making Biden sound cooler and cooler. Why not just call him the Godfather at this point?

maybe something badass like "Dark Brandon"

Dark Brandon is honestly cringe af.

Because what it’s in response to is so high class?

They took the let’s go Brandon meme, added some actual humor and cleverness, and rolled with it. Sure, I would love to live in a world where you didn’t have to lower yourself to play someone else’s game, but when you’ve got millions of people who think they’re being clever by saying “Let’s go Brandon” instead of “Fuck Joe Biden”, I think Dark Brandon is the perfect response.

I saw somebody wearing a “Let’s go Brandon” shirt at an Incubus concert and I was really confused.

Like…is he a Trumper, or is his shirt just cheering for the singer? 🧐

It’s Pokémon Go to the polls level of cringe.

Guess what, when people say lets go Brandon, you can just say fuck Trump. You don’t need cringe coded phrases to show how cool your pick is, they don’t give a shit. You’re not going to convert a Trump voter because you tried to force a dark Brandon meme.

There’s nothing funny or clever about it, it’s just lame and it makes people who say it look like as much of a deranged cultist as a Trump supporter.

You’re not going to convert a Trump voter because you tried to force a dark Brandon meme

They’ve already shown that nothing up to and including Trump literally murdering their family members would convert them. Of course a meme isn’t going to, it’s not about that. It’s about taking something they think they’re being clever about and turning it back on them in an actual clever way. If the Dark Brandon memes were started in a void, I might agree with you that they were dumb, but as a reply to the LGB meme, I think they’re excellent.

There’s nothing funny or clever about it

I mean, humor is subjective, but I gotta say you’re most likely in the minority of people with average or above average intelligence (aka non-Trump voters) with that opinion. To be honest, I checked your post history to see if you were one of them because you are giving off that iq-is-slightly-lower-than-room-temp vibe here.

How old is that woman and why does she look like her face is more plastic than the octogenarian in the other pic?

There are a lot better ways of ragging on that vile cunt than appearance shaming.

And if we are going to call one of them out about their looks, let's talk about MTG's Cro-Magnon forehead.

I'm still convinced that MTG is Dog the Bounty Hunter in drag. I mean, has anyone seen the two of them in the same place at the same time?

Bear in mind, the vast, vast majority of us don't know who that is

Ah, the power of projection! "We are criminal scum, so they must be, too!"

Just don't forget that ACAB, the police like to plant evidence especially on minorities, and guilt and convictions are not the same thing. Good? Good! Now we can laugh at the hypocrisy

Attacking Biden for the possible crimes of his son is bullshit. Likewise, attacking Boebert for the possible crimes of her son is bullshit. Two hypocrites don't make a right.

No one's calling for a House investigation of tHe BoEbErT CrImE fAmiLy because her son is a thief, so spare me the pearl clutching and half-assed false equivalency.

I sincerely think my point was not well conveyed. I was not trying to equate this article to ongoing impeachment hearings. Quite the contrary.

Yes yes, both sides are exactly the same and calling out hypocrisy is somehow the exact same as being a hypocrite. That's nice, dad, now remember that dinner is at 6.

I didn't say that though? Where did I compare calling out a hypocrite to being a hypocrite? I was trying to offer a word of warning to those who might quickly jump onto the same platform they've been shouting from for years.

She's not being attacked for the crimes of her son, though. She's being criticized as a hypocrite.