Are there any Windows-exclusive programs you use? to – 77 points –

I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise software I don’t really use.

I also am more familiar with the Apple ecosystem than the Microsoft one so maybe I’m just oblivious to what’s out there. Does anyone out there dual boot or use a VM for a non-game, non-niche industry Windows exclusive program?



By far the best, most customizable local music player app ever. Plus it's open source free.

I loved Foobar2000 back in the day. I’m glad it lives on.

Yep. A couple of years ago they released the 2.0 version, which supports 64-bit architecture and allows for dark mode support as well.

Oops, I just commented about Foobar2k before seeing this comment.

Just want to mention that it does run on Linux as a Snap (though then you have to have a Snap installed, lol). I'm sure it runs fine with regular Wine too.

I haven't had much luck installing via wine or bottles at all. Hasn't ever worked properly for me. I'm not bothered enough to install the Snap either, lol.

I have a Windows VM that I run it in instead, please deadbeef is good enough for my Linux system.

This is the one Windows app I just cannot find a good alternative to. Deadbeef comes the closest, but even it is laggy when searching my library, sometimes crashes when I add too many files, and has a mediocre search function.

Tell me about it.

I also use deadbeef because of the plug-in support, although I haven't experienced much lag myself.

The media library management definitely doesn't come anywhere close to FB2K, though, sadly.

The media library is the ONE reason I haven't switched to Deadbeef. Everything else seems close enough.

Annoyingly, there is apparently an updated Medialib plugin for Deadbeef, but only on the Mac, since the dev is a Mac person.

The only thing I need on Windows is the Adobe suite for my uni graphic design stuff. I could use GIMP, darktable, Krita, etc, but my lectures teach us how things work on the Adobe suite. I use FOSS when it is for personal stuff though.

Adobe CS is the industry standard in some fields. You should absolutely learn them if you’re in school for that.

The FOSS equivalents sadly aren't quite up to par with Adobe for professional work yet.

We keep saying that but part of me wonders if it is a skill issue

It's very clunky. I could see you jumping through 10 different hoops to get it half right. Maybe in the future adobe ports it over or there's a good open source competitor

SolidWorks, fusion360, codesys (plc programming) and many other enterprise grade software sadly only really work on Windows. They do however work okay through a VM but annoying to deal with.

Games now work surprisingly well on Linux so i have no problems there except Sims4 that my girlfriend plays seems to be windows only when bought through origin gamestore

And dont suggest frecad for cad work. Sadly It's seriously not even close to being competitive.

You can get Fusion360 to work okay-ish in Wine. Probably not good enough for professional use but for my hobby use case it works well enough (sometimes a bit laggy but usable). this does most of the heavy lifting in getting it installed.

Hell, it's a bit laggy in Windows so that might not even be a Wine problem.

Unsurprisingly it is the gigantic EA application which breaks Sims 4 most of the times. It crashes, Steam notices non zero exit and gives up.

EA isn't so managed so they don't even reach MS to stop pushing alpha/beta updates to stable version of their apps via Winget. So you can guess how much they will care about Linux issues. I mean Steam guys won't really hack their binaries to fix it so it is up to them.

It's a requirement for my Business Comms course to use Word, to the point where the prof will walk around to ensure you have Word open. The online version is awful and often drops sentences when I type so I dont use it. I could never get the darn thing working over WINE or Cassowary, so I have a VM that basically just runs that.

I hate to be a widows advocate but they do keep improving the online version all the time so if you have not tried it in a long while maybe try again to see if some of the issues have been fixed. I feel like it gets better and better every time I (accidentally) open documents in the browser. It's still crap in general but that's more of a general word thing.

Lots of firmware and driver updater programs seem to require Windows or Mac and I can't get them to run with wine. For example, I need Win to update the firmware on my car stereo and my 8bitdo game controllers. I also need it to run the tax software my CPA uses.

I don't know about car stereos, but at least for 8bitdo controllers, you can update the firmware via fwupd. And if the firmware isn't available on LVFS, you can download the blob install it manually using fwupd:

I did this for my 8bitdo Ultimate Bluetooth controller, and it worked great.

Yeah needed it for my monitor. I didn't want to figure out USB passthrough so I just installed Windows on a > 50,000 powered on hours HDD and booted from that. Then once I was done I put it about as far away as I could from my PC.

USB passthough is a single click for future reference. Just make sure you install virtio from the fedora project for windows VMs

Sadly, a few. I'd love to know if anyone knows any excellent Linux-equivalents for these:

  • MakeMKV^1^: For ripping DVDs & Blurays
  • Bulk Rename UtilityFor bulk-renaming files
  • Exact Audio CopyFor accurately ripping audio CDs
  • Logitech G Hub^2^: *For controlling peripherals' LED profiles & DPI presets
  • Mp3tag^3^: The best fucking metadata editor ever made, that's what!
  • Paint.NET: For raster image editing (more feature-complete than MS Paint but less complex than GIMP).
  • Playnite^4^: Platform-agnostic game launcher/manager
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic: Star Wars MMO that was better pre-7.0.
  • Mod Organizer 2: A mod management software that is open-source but not available on Linux? Heresy, I say!



^1^ Technically, it does have a Linux version, but you have to compile it yourself, and I don't know shit about that kind of stuff. Lol.

^2^ I know OpenRGB exists, and it's good enough for my needs when it comes to LED management, but it doesn't seem to be able to control DPI presets like G Hub.

^3^ I tried it back in like 2016 in Ubuntu 4.x and it worked just fine in Wine, but I'm unsure if it still does as I haven't tried it since then really. Still, any Linux-native software that can do shit just as good is something I'd love to know about. :)

^4^ Yes, I know there are alternatives like GameHub, Lutris, etc. but frankly none of them seem to come close to Playnite in terms of UI, UX, and sheer functionality.

MakeMKV: For ripping DVDs & Blurays

MakeMKV is available on Linux as Flatpak and works out of the box:

Bulk Rename Utility

Probably a tough one since most people will use the command line to bulk rename files. I do use ChatGPT sometimes to create rename commands for me that are more complicated.

Exact Audio Copy

I use Sound Juicer now, used fre:ac before.

Logitech G Hub I know OpenRGB exists, and it’s good enough for my needs when it comes to LED management, but it doesn’t seem to be able to control DPI presets like G Hub.

Piper can do DPI presets:


I used Mp3tag on Windows and switched to Picard, I like it even more than Mp3tag now:


Is GIMP really that complex for this use case? I use GIMP to do simple stuff like paint, rescale images, blur things, fill things, ...


I don't use anything out of Steam often but If you don't like Lutris, maybe Heroic for GOG and Epic?

Mod Organizer 2

r2modman has native support for Linux:

There's also support for one-click installation of Mod Organizer 2 with steamtinkerlaunch:

MakeMKV is available on Linux as Flatpak and works out of the box:

I was not aware of this. Thank you! :)

Probably a tough one since most people will use the command line to bulk rename files. I do use ChatGPT sometimes to create rename commands for me that are more complicated.

I'm still very much a Linux newbie so although I am familiar with some things on the terminal, I never even knew you could bulk-rename files with it. I knew you could rename them, but not bulk-rename them, I mean.

I use Sound Juicer now, used fre:ac before.

Thanks, I'll check that out!

I used Mp3tag on Windows and switched to Picard, I like it even more than Mp3tag now:

Thank you!

Is GIMP really that complex for this use case? I use GIMP to do simple stuff like paint, rescale images, blur things, fill things, …

Yes, it takes a bit longer, even on higher-end PCs, to load up, than Paint.NET. Pinta used to be a good equivalent, but I think that's long since been abandoned, though I could be wrong. It also has way more functions than I need, frankly, and that leads to a cluttered UI. I've tried to use it before, and that always ends up being the case.

I don’t use anything out of Steam often but If you don’t like Lutris, maybe Heroic for GOG and Epic?

I've heard about it, but from what I've seen it doesn't seem to be very close to a 1:1 comparison. Though admittedly I've only read about it, but it seems to not be as good. Again, I'd be willing to try it out, but there doesn't seem to be many Linux equivalents as good.

Also, it's not that I don't like Lutris, but compared to Playnite, it's very bare-bones.

r2modman has native support for Linux:

There’s also support for one-click installation of Mod Organizer 2 with steamtinkerlaunch:

Nice! Thank you again!


Edit: Fixed quote markup.

Just because I didn't see you respond about it, Piper is great, so I second that user's recommendation! I highly recommend you check to see if your peripherals are supported, as I use it on my Logitech mice to edit my mappings, DPI settings, and profiles (and while I don't use the function, you can edit your LEDs in Piper as well).

I tried Lutris first and it was okay but left something to be desired. I switched to Heroic and am in love with it. It works so well and the UI is great

Same with my multiple attempts at Lutris.

And ooh, Heroic has a Windows client! I can try it out now! Thanks!


Edit: So, after a couple hours of fiddling around with it, Heroic Launcher seems really great! Only a few flaws that I can see so far, like not being able to sort by category (you can filter by category, though) or being able to edit any metadata fields for a game unless it's been manually added, like any of these for instance (screenshot from Playnite):



Not deal-breaking by any means, but it can be very annoying, especially when you get instance like BioShock 2 being listed before Bioshock 1 in the game library. Lol.


Edit 2: Yeaaaaaaaah I don't know what the hell just happened, but I refreshed my GOG library and all of a sudden like 2/3rds of my games are now listed as "uninstallable". ...Yeah, I'm going back to Playnite. I hope it's better by the time Windows 10 is unsupported because there's no freaking way I'm downgrading to Windows 11. Lol.

Interesting. I use it on Linux and haven't had the issue of uninstallable games. I wish Playnite had a Linux client

I do too! Playnite is AMAZING. I've been using it for a couple years now and it is incredibly stable and so versatile. AND it's got community plugins!

I’m old and don’t really sail the high seas these days but does Handbrake not rip DVDs and BluRays?

Handbrake will rip DVDs, but not Blu Rays. That's were good ol' MakeMKV comes in.

I rip with MakeMKV (which will do DVDs as well) and then convert/encode the MKVs with Handbrake.

I do the conversion/encoding because the ripped files can be 35-50 GBs for regular Blu Rays (UHD Blu Rays are even bigger!) and I can get them down to 3-8 GBs with minimal quality loss.

I then toss the smaller MKVs on my jellyfin server.

EDIT: Handbrake CAN rip Blu Rays but only if they arent copy protected. MakeMKV is able to rip protected Blu Rays and DVDs.

1 more...

I use Foobar2000 for music. It is feature packed and so customizable. It's available as a snap using Wine (I think it's the only snap I have installed, in fact).

I really wish there were a Linux binary available but it has been Windows-only forever. The closest Linux player I've seen is Deadbeef, but Deadbeef's library plugin does not work at all like Foobar's (the later stays updated by monitoring the music folder and shows things by tags, not folder structure). Apparently the Deadbeef plugin is being updated to be more Foobar-like, but it isn't there yet.

I did try running foobar under wine but it just sucked, I have also tried deadbeef but its really lacking features and the GUI sucks. I ended up using musicbee through wine, it was a hassle to setup but now it just works for me and I like it better than foobar.

Have you tried Strawberry? It's not gonna be a foobar replacement, but I've found it very capable.

I have, I didn't like it that much but its better than deadbeef.

How's performance on MusicBee for you? Mine is slow for the components (AMD 7900XT/Ryzen 7950X), but I suspect it might be because of the high resolution album artwork (1200x1200).

I haven't noticed any performance issues (2070 Super/Ryzen 3600). I dont have that many plugins though.

For work I heavily rely on the Adobe creative suite (Photoshop and Premiere Pro specifically). I maintain Linux servers (and develop for them) and maintain Linux desktops at both home and for work, but the lack of any alternatives to Photoshop specifically has resulted in me still daily driving Windows (VMs really hamper workflow with regards to GPU passthrough and although I've successfully set up Looking Glass on my workstation in the past, running 2 gpus isn't practical). Yes I've tried the alternatives and while Premiere Pro has usable alternatives, Photoshop does not. GIMP is incredible given that it is FOSS but the UI and feature set is almost unusable (for me at least).

I found photoGIMP helped a bit on the UI aspect, but it still does have a lot of weird quirks that are just easier on photoshop

thanks, I'll check out photoGIMP. been trying desperately to make GIMP work as I wanna ditch Windows before they stop supporting 10, sooner if I can. I made the switch on everything else already.

yes, but I don't use VMs or dual boot. I've been able to get everything I need working in Wine, which is a lot more seamless

I use LTspice and some ham radio software. Everything runs on wine, so I don't bother with a VM.

I used to dual boot for some games back before wine worked well.

The only reason I have windows is to test apps that I write.

The apps are cross platform. I use it in Linux. But I also have users in Windows, so I just fire up a windows VM for testing releases. Thats it.

Games work quite well in a VM, with GPU passthrough. I use a Windows VM for VR games. The non-game program here being the drivers for my VR headset, which only work on Windows. The games themselves would probably work fine on Linux, so that's not the issue, but without drivers it's a no go.

Except for video games, all software I use daily is open source and cross platform by now, but when college demanded for me to use Adobe software, I would boot my Win 10 VM. I also boot that VM to test if the software im developing works well on Windows. I also run my Logitech mouse software in a VM with USB passthrough.

Besides games, I think the only Windows program I run with wine is a tool to extract the BGM from the official Touhou games.

Before I had a 3DS, I would use a Windows tool on my VM to decrypt my totally legally acquired ROMs

Xbox app for game pass. But i would cancel that if i didnt also needed windows for Sunshine streaming. Linux REFUSES with everything its got, to make hardware acceleration work.

Oh and geforce now, which is still since release broken on linux when using hardware acceleration since colors close to black are just black. So darker games do not work.

Some industry hardware stuff sadly ...

Datalogic DL.Code, Siemens TIA, etc.

If someone has a solution I'm all up for it.
Was some time ago, that I tried with wine, so maybe something has changed

Only for very specific terrible chip vendor software which I hate but have no choice but to use because certification reasons.

excel for vba support

Yeah, that makes sense. I’m not an irrational hater of Microsoft — maybe a little — but Excel is very good. The people who need Excel, often genuinely need Excel, specifically.

And Numbers on the macOS ecosystem is shockingly bad. Like, I’d rather barebones Gnumeric from 10 years ago for my purposes.

I ain't no hardcore Excel user so can't speak for others, but I've been able to completely switch to Excel Online and use Office Scripts and Power Automate for tasks for which I used VBA previously. In fact, Power Automate has been great for doing stuff like updating workbooks through scheduled or event-driven flows, without even having to open Excel. I can see VBA going away soon with these technologies.

With the state of O365 these days, there's zero need for me to have a native MSO install, and this no need for a Windows VM either (for day-to-day/personal stuff). The only reason I still keep Windows VMs though is for occasionally testing random things for work.

Why don't you use calc?

These are work files and shared between teams, so I'd rather maintain 100% MSO compatibility. :) Also, most of the time these files are on Sharepoint or OneDrive, so it makes it convenient to edit with M365 - don't need to save files locally and re-upload/sync them.

Oh that makes sense if it is for work. I though you were just using it for personal use.

WSL2 is pretty good. j/k

I used it a lot while developing a Linux program for a raspberry pi with a colleague and was blown away how fun and easy it was to use.... Untill I started daily driving Linux and realised how much stuipd window wsl setup and work I could have skipped by just using Linux directly.... Lol I was missing out. Now I just daily drive Linux and never looking back to wsl

Mah man! The only people recommending WSL for Linux development are the ones that have bought into the Microsoft ecosystem, don't know any better and crucially also dont care to know any better

I like WSL for what it is. My desktop is still Windows. I'm looking to switch but still have a lot to figure out before I can do that and not a lot of time to dig into it (part of why I'm reading this thread is for ideas).

Visual Studio (Not VS Code), C# is fantastic these days cross-platform wise and a pretty solid general language

But the non-ms IDEs for it...are lacking...and MS just terminated MacOS support for VS (Not that it really mattered the macOS version was a bastardized version of VS anyways) so I don't think their flagship is coming (officially) to Linux anytime soon.

Really? JetBrains Rider is great IMO. Though you do have to pay for it.

You have to pay for visual studio too if it is for business use (the license is also SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive than rider)

My coworker uses VS and it seems like the IDE is doing nothing - every time I open one of his projects in rider 85% of the code is highlighted with suggested optimizations and refactors that VS thinks is fine

Admittedly it's been awhile since I last checked on it, when I last checked it was missing a few of the hot nice features like hot reload (Which, you'll need to take from my cold dead hands, because I love it lmao)

Yeah I second Jetbrains Rider. It’s fantastic on Linux and dotnet development has never been better with it. The only lacking thing is WPF but there’s open source alternatives that are actually cross platform and integrate just as well (AvaloniaUI).

My experience has been very much the opposite. Windows is terrible for any development, even windows applications.

Rider has just been better in every way imo. I haven't touched VS in years.

It does cost but you also get a permanent licence for the version you paid for so you can pay for a year and keep that version.

! if I am donating GPU power to science research. There is a BOINC client for Linux but packaging is a hot mess (though getting better) and compatibility with graphics drivers is hit-or-miss. So any crunching rigs I have w/ GPUs all run Windows.

non-game, non-niche

Nope, that's actually strictly my reason for having a dedicated Windows rig. Games, and niche homebrew apps.

Same. I went through all the trouble of converting my server machine to debian and then found it's crazy convoluted to host an Arma server from Linux.

I made a VM to host it.

I have a Windows VM that runs Visual Studio and a small number of developer tools so I can test my code on Windows. And another windows VM that runs Daz3D, Clip Studio Paint and the Epic Launcher (to download stuff from the Unreal Engine Marketplace).

Sometimes I misuse either VM by creating a snapshot and installing Garmin Connect so I can update the music library on my watch :)

I run Scrivener, which is a writing software that's only for Mac & Windows (well, there is a Linux version but it's ancient), but I just run that through Wine rather than a VM. That's about the only thing I haven't found a good equivalent for on Linux though.

Yeah. I use quite a few windows exclusive programs. I know it is a long list but can't be helped. Good support and stability beats ideology and these apps provide me that. Here is the list:

I hope this list is helpful to others as well ☺️

Adobe Lightroom Classic. I have darktable installed on Linux, but I haven't mastered it yet. Lightroom is the software for photo edoting, unfortuntately.

There are some programs I still use that are designed for Windows, but use cases are "niche" or at very least specialized:

  1. Guitar Pro 8 - Guitar Tab software

  2. Line 6 HX Edit - Helix Settings Editor

  3. Line 6 Powercab Edit - Amp Settings Editoe

  4. Line 6 Updater - Firmware Updater for Line 6 Products

  5. Steelseries GG - Configuration Software for Steelseries Peripherals

  6. Numerous VSTs and other Audio Plugins

These are just what I remember I use off the top of my head.

I do use Guitar Pro 8 with Wine, but the others won't work through Wine. I did try to use the others with a Windows KVM through QEMU but I ultimately gave up and left one windows workstation because of my issues with my Nvidia RTX 3090.

I haven't been able to get Vectric Aspire to work yet, even under wine. It's used to layout tool paths for CNC operations, so it may be a little on the niche side, but it's pretty popular there.

I have a Windows 11 VM which I keep around. I was forced to use it for iTunes because I needed to sync my old photos onto the phone (fortunately a one time process).

I also played around with RemoteApp because I wanted to use Visual Studio or Office on Linux through the Windows VM, but I have not managed to get it working.

Why couldn't you just copy your photos? If you need special software to access them or they are stored in the cloud they are not your photos.

They’re not in the cloud, they are on my NAS. I found that you can’t directly copy photos onto an iPhone to show up on the gallery, because there is some sort of database and file naming system. That’s why I had to go through iTunes because it would do it in just this way so that I can see all the photos in the native gallery app.

Any new photos get uploaded to my NAS automatically.

MusicBee, Stardock Fences, obligatory Adobe mention, all VR everything (unless something has changed recently, I haven't looked in while).

Not currently running a VM or anything, but I might need to set one up for iTunes and Garmin stuff.

I have a Windows computer in the basement to run one program: The virtual cycling platform Zwift.

But someone made a docker image for it, so even that is tenuous. I fired it up on the Linux system I'm typing this on, and it worked fine.

I'm not very familiar with Docker and the like, though. What if the person that created it decides he's no longer interested in maintaining it?

Don't worry. The chances of zwift having major updates and breaking anything is small.

I'm mostly joking, but they've been around for a decade and not a ton of progress to show for it

They broke the coffee break with last week's update.... Sigh.

Overall I really like zwift, but sometimes I just want to slap them. Like the newer teleport feature for the robopacers. Great idea. But if you look at the menu in the app, the groups are highest power to lowest power, but then within the groups, it's low to high. What were they thinking?!

notepad++ with textfx edit, textfx tools, and hex editor. I've tried a lot of other things and it is still my favorite.
I don't actually use it for coding, but I often have to futz with files received from customers/QA or test data that I create.

I have mac for work and have been mostly hating BBedit. I keep meaning to try Cate and I guess the folks that made Atom just released something new.

Edit: just remembered: I did try Cate but had really weird UI issues using any dark themes (menus, etc. all became unreadable) and gave up.

I use an old copy of Photoshop CS5 via VMWare and Windows 10 installed in it. Unfortunately the Gimp doesn't have adjustment layers and the Selective Color feature. I can't live without these two features, I need them on each and every scan of my paintings to fix colors.

GenoPro. I don't use Windows for it, as it's packaged with wine as a snap.

MusicBee and Apple Music.

Apple is Apple so they impose dumb restrictions on the web client like any other streaming platform (and Cider is just a fancy frontend for this), so I have a Windows VM so I get the full experience.

And for MusicBee? Well, the Linux music player situation is... bad, to say the least. There is basically nothing like MusicBee in the Linux ecosystem right now. And every time I went to Reddit to see what people are going to, it's people who are not 100% satisfied with the alternative or Linux users gaslighting them into thinking MusicBee sucks and Their Choice is the Better One. I've tried other players and none of them scratch the itch for MusicBee for me. Quod Libet comes close with its queries, and Tauon looks gorgeous, but I had performance issues with QL for what I wanted it for, and I had issues with Tauon's playlist filtering. And as for WINE? Performance is slow, CJK characters don't show up, and tab dragging results in errors due to WINE not having implemented the functions for it to work. I'm happy to keep a Windows VM for MusicBee.

I wanted to do some stress testing on a gaming laptop a while ago and many people recommended OCCT. The laptop was still running Windows at the time, so I tried it and it seems like a good tool. It tests the CPU, RAM, GPU and power supply. I wasn't able to find an equivalent in Linux.

Besides video games, I need no Windows software at all. So far I have successfully played every single game I wanted to play, hundreds of them, ranging from small independent titles to AAA features without resorting to Windows. While I am aware that online play can be a problem on GNU/Linux, I don't do online gaming. Sometimes, especially in the past, I may have to come up with some serious tinkering to enjoy a flawless experience, but ultimately I have never failed to run a Windows game on GNU/Linux as if it was a native title.

There are none, thankfully. Neither work or home. Last things I've had to emulate were probably done diagnostic or update sw for cars and some ide bundled compiler horror for some old and obscure microcontroller.

I've been a Linux user for a long time. I started to use a lot of open source free software alternatives because of this, and most of them had Windows binaries.

But I always had a dual boot system only for gaming purposes.

So... I can't think of any software other than games that's educated la Windows only.

Microsoft Word for my resume. I'm not sure what I can do to change that, I don't want to risk a(n accidentally) badly formatted resume losing me an opportunity...

Convert to PDF before submitting a resume. PDFs aren't vulnerable to that kind of version difference messing things up.

Its definitely possible some other word processor would mess up the PDF conversion, but moving the formatting issues to before you submit anything lets you fully control the problem.

You should submit resumes as a PDF. This both guarantees it will look the same everywhere (regardless what you made it in, whether it's Word or Latex or Google Docs), and it will prevent shady recruiters from editing it, which sadly does happen.

will prevent shady recruiters from editing it

Well, it won't prevent it but it will set a low technological bar that most muggles can't seem to get past.

Libre Office is pretty good on Linux now. That is what the family uses now. No complains. Points for not being Microsoft's data mill slave.

Onlyoffice is even better for me. Super compatible with MS

Use libreoffice and export as PDF if you can. If you can't most if not all online applications have a preview feature

A lot of fraudsters get caught because they use the Cambria font instead of Times New Roman to make a fake word document without realizing Microsoft switched the default font in the early 2000s.

Acrobat Reader. There are a handful of fillable forms that only really work properly in the official Adobe reader.

There are alternatives

After trying 6 or 7 different alternatives for some very important government forms, I gave up and set up a VM. I do use other PDF readers whenever I can, but if someone is using features specific to Adobe Reader (outside the PDF standard), it's effectively a closed spec and there aren't alternatives for those documents.

For the life of me, I tried every single pdf reader on Linux, none gets close to Adobe reader, in terms of compatibility, tools and nice UI. Every time I found the perfect one on Linux, days later I realised my collaborators couldn't see my highlights (or something of the sorts).

not for me. Teams can be a web app, packet tracer has a linux version.