Best Lemmy client for Android? to – 275 points –

I tried one called Lemmur that I downloaded off F-Droid, however, it can not find this instance ( I want one that's open-source, and preferably from F-Droid (because screw Google). Which one do you guys use?


Using Liftoff right now. Jerboa was also pretty functional. Thunder seemed promising but buggy. Lemmur is abandoned and got forked for Liftoff.

I'm also using Liftoff and the experience has been quite good so far

Is there any way for Liftoff to allow you to comment on instances that aren't your home instance? Last time I tried it it asked me to log into the instance I wanted to comment on.

Connect for Lemmy works well for me.

I'm also using connect. I find the searching for communities to be terrible and a couple of other issues, but the bread and butter of reading posts, comments, commenting is very comfortable. I'd recommend it too right now.

Comfortable is the best way to describe it. I think it's very similar in function and design to sync, which makes it very easy to use while waiting for Sync for Lemmy

Yeah, searching/ subscribing is a pain. I also would like a feature to be able to copy just a link on long press like there was with RiF. I really, badly miss RiF.

I didn't realize how amazing that feature was until I tried other 3rd party apps. RIF was very solid, only wish it had swipe gestures for navigating.

Connect has some good features, like subscription Favorites, Filters (excluding posts containing filter words), Sort defaults for comments and posts, Text size for comments and posts, and Comment dividers. The developer is active and responsive on the community. The app is available on Google Play, and is not currently Open Source.

Agree. As someone coming from Sync, Connect is the most familiar, intuitive app I've tried. It's a solid start

Honestly, using as a web app is hard to beat right now. It works very smoothly, and I finally understand why all the iOS users mourn the loss of Apollo so hard. Granted, using an iOS-esque interface on an Android device is a bit odd, but the gestures and the layout are just chef's kiss.

The biggest issue with it is that it's getting hammered on the primary domain, so I'll probably move to self-host it sooner than later.

Once the PR for more permissive CORS support gets merged and lands in the popular servers there will no longer be a need for wefwef and other apps like it to proxy requests on behalf of users. I'm personally waiting to properly release my WIP client until then, as I really don't want to take on the burden and responsibility of proxying user data. If you're a developer you can check my current progress here, and here's a short video I recorded that is already very out of date.

Yes, also wefwef has been having a lot of issues specifically with I have accounts on three other Lemmy instances and have only had issues there.

Things have gotten significantly better over the past day though. Looks like that big update pushed this morning has helped quite a bit.

I’ve also seen others hopping on other instances of wefwef out there.

I'm on using wefwef and had zero problems in the past few days since I started using it. I think most of the problems come from the instance that hosts your account rather than the frontend of wefwef.

Connect has an android style interface and the swipe gestures like Apollo / wefwef. It's pretty good for now until Sync for Lemmy comes out.

Boost for Lemmy will be out soon, just using the website/not using anything until then. Boost was the best Reddit app by far. And yeah, like others said, Sync is coming too.

Using liftoff until sync is out

Part of me feels bad for all of the homegrown Lemmy apps. They won't compare to the reconfigured Reddit apps.

Not entirely true, while I'm a huge fan of Boost and Sync, I'd say that the more options the better.

Different apps for different tastes, just need to remember when Sync made a huge overhaul of the interface, I love the new one, while others couldn't stand it. So LJ made an option to restore the old look of the app.

I'll use any app that remains FOSS so that likely rules out most reddit apps.

I'm assuming it's not a simple port. They'll probably be buggy at first.

Similar but I'm using liftoff until Boost comes out.

And I'm on Liftoff waiting for Infinity.

Is there a Lemmy fork in the works? As I understand, the developer is going to stick with Reddit and make the app subscription-based.

My bad. I meant Slide. It's what I used before moving to Infinity.

I also begrudgingly migrated to Infinity after finally coming to terms with the fact that no one was going to pick up development on Slide for Reddit. I was genuinely surprised to see that someone is working on a Slide for Lemmy.

I was an avid user of Relay, and unfortunately I haven't found anything that mirrors its layout and functionality, so I decided to build it myself. Here's the Github repo and a short recording of the UI which is already out of date. I'll be releasing it once the permissive CORS PR gets merged and lands in major servers.

One of the few things I could never get over after switching to apple was losing out on relay. No offense to anyone that uses other apps on Android, part of the reason android is so great is the variety but relay to me was the best by far without any doubt. I used apollo on iOS and it's good, I'm actually switching back to Android right now because I I just prefer it to iOS so it doesn't matter anymore because I'm looking at Lemmy apps for Android mow, and I'll probably try out wefwef on Android since I like it on iphone but man once you put this out... I don't see how I could use anything else if this is even close to relay, that UI just speaks to me

@vinnythegooch9 that’s interesting, I feel the same way but in reverse. I came back to iOS for Apollo, but Relay was my favorite on Android. What do you prefer about Relay?

Don't get me wrong, apollo is great. And I am going back to android for other OS reasons, I just like it more. I used it my whole "smartphone life" but wanted to try out ios since I saw a deal on an iphone and don't use my phone a ton anymore (I used to install custom rims and just sitch devices in general all the time). I decided to switch back to Android after a little under a year with iOS for smaller reasons like customisability, the Google ecosystem all my shit is in, etc... But to answer your question, some of the things I love about relay that no other app does is the built in browser that functions by just swiping down the bar, I used it a lot to go back and forth between an article some content and the actual reddit comments, I also really like the aesthetic of how it separates posts and comments, the swipe gestures are pretty standard, probably some other things I can't remember but it's probably just a personal feel.

I love about relay that no other app does is the built in browser that functions by just swiping down the bar

This is also something I loved, but unfortunately not something I'll be able to reproduce in a PWA.

I am considering doing some kind of native wrapper that allows me to run two separate webviews so that I could do this and distribute it as an APK on the Play Store. I should already be able to distribute the standard PWA version on app stores.

(Sorry iOS users I don't have any Apple devices and I'm not going to pay them $100 for the privilege of providing their minority platform value with a free open source app)

not a native app, but is 🔥

I was using jerboa earlier but wefwef looks way better than that. It feels a little slow on the animations for my phone though.

Wef wef is pretty great, very impressive for a non native app

Finally gave it a quick run through... The choices for buttons and swiping are bass ackwards

Jerboa is pretty good. Probably the smoothest I've tried. Liftoff is pretty good as well.

I'm waiting for Sync to come out for Lemmy and I'll jump back on that.

I was on Jerboa for a few days when I first came over, then jumped to thunder and Liftoff. The new update for Jerboa is awesome and I'm using it exclusively until Boost or Sync.

Same thing here. Except tonight, (around 8PM GMT-3) I wasn't able to reply to comments from within Jerboa.

Liftoff so far has been the only one that let me log in and also works consistently. I haven't tried connect but I can vouch for liftoff at least. I'll probably be trying sync for lemmy whenever it comes out though since I loved sync for reddit.

I'm currently on Jerboa but I'm going to switch to boost as soon as it's available

Boost when it gets available. In the meantime, Jerboa.

Jerboa has gotten pretty stable since the exodus, I also have Thunder and Liftoff installed, but mostly switching between Jerboa and Thunder.

I like those two last ones because they kinda have a Sync feeling to them, will definitely buy Sync once it's ready!


The iOS theme feels weird to use on Android though, I would love a Material Design 3 version of it. I already looked into creating one, but it's a lot or work

Definitely enjoying wefwef, haven't opened Jerboa in a while now

Absolutely this.

I've used Jerboa and it was decent, but really lacked consistency or a ui that worked.

Wefwef and connect are my two favorites at the moment.

Connect for Lemmy is my go to. The dev just released an update too with a ton more features. It's working great and I like it more than WefWef.

Connect dev here. Glad you're enjoying it!

Hello, fellow Canadian from ! 😀

We've spoken on here a couple of times before. But you're probably getting inundated with users to keep track of everyone. 🙂

Ah haha! As soon as user tagging lands this will all be easier to keep track of.

Thanks for sharing. I do like WefWef and the fact it feels like a full app despite only being a Web app.

Using Jerboa and waiting for sync for Lemmy to come out.

Just started using Connect and it's great! I moved from RiF and it's pretty similar. My one request is a way to easily switch to the next/previous parent comment like you can do in RiF

Edit: Link to Connect in Play Store

I second connect. It's quite good.

Third vote for connect. Tried jerboa, thought it was hideous. Went out of my way to try Thunder, not enough features. Connect is just right.

I'd hope the actual app doesn't look like the screenshots... doesn't give a good first impression of attention to detail when the app preview in the screenshots are quite visibly squashed to fit the vertical height of the device frame they've placed them in to.

The screenshots are horrible and I almost did not download it because of them. I'm not a big fan of cards and so I use list mode. I did the same in RiF and I was able to make Connect look pretty similar.

Thank you everybody! I ended up getting Jerboa, since it's available on F-Droid. It seems to work pretty well. I'll be trying all your other suggestions out as well.

From a productivity POV, Jerboa is the most developed & is built with one of the most secure languages (Kotlin) but from a security & privacy perspective browser (Eg. Mull-Fenix) is best suited, the constant login may be annoying but as long as you use a password manager it shouldn't be a hassle.

Nevertheless recommend downloading the update from the GitHub repository & use an RSS feed to constantly check for any development.
F-Droid has the tendency to take time to update the apps.

Regarding the RSS feed you need to generate one since GitHub doesn't make it easy with the type of link they used, Feedless (FOSS) will help with that.

As long as the app is storing the auth token received from the lemmy instance securely it makes no difference whether you login once or multiple times.

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Connect has quickly become my favorite.

Tried it again today. It's so much better than before.

I keep getting errors when trying to visit new communities. Definitely growing pains, but its much more full featured than the rest, from what I've seen.

Connect is really great.

I've been using Connect and just found "Hide read" and "Mark as read on scroll past" in the settings. Those were the last bugbears I had. Loving it so far

Agreed. I'm really enjoying Connect and wefwef is pretty great for a web based app, too.

Agreed.. connect for Android is great app. Or you can just use the web app

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Jerboa is by far the most feature-rich and least glitchy that I have used.

I've only used Jerboa so I can't compare BUT it reminds me a lot of RIF which is what I've used for the last like 7+ years?

For me jerboa was the most buggy one I tried. I am using connect now and waiting for sync because that was my Reddit app.

Sony Xperia 1 III. Aside from server issues in the first few days this month with Lemmy the Jerboa app has been working well. Seems fairly close enough ish to RiF for me. Really probably has a lot more going on than RiF ever did. Some mild stuff to get used to but overall a good experience. Was happy to see the ability to change the post sizes to smaller so I can see more at a given time.

Yeah, Lemmy in general was buggy the first week of the mass migration from Reddit, but they seem to have that mostly resolved.

I chose Jerboa because back at Reddit I was using an app called Joey. Just wanted to be consistent

I had a lot of issues with Jerboa being buggy and randomly crashing personally, but that could've just been my experience. I switched to Connect for Lemmy and haven't had any issues (and it looks better imo)

Connect, it seems fairly well made, has some swipe actions that let you vote up/down and save. Lets you switch between instances fairly easily. It's still getting updated too so it seems like its only getting better.

I'm also using this one. It seems okay but as soon as Boost for lemmy is released I'll jump on that.

I can't figure out how to collapse comment threads tho..

Long press on the center, to open/close a comment thread.

So, I'm not sure why I would switch instances (I'm very new). Do I need new account on that instance then? I've heard about different front pages or something. I'm still confused.

I downloaded Connect on your recommendation though. Thanks!

This link will help explain migrating from Reddit and what instances are and how they work independently and simultaneously at the same time. You don't have to create an account for every instance. You can follow another instance as a guest, you just won't be able to interact with any comments or upvoting/downvoting. Think of them as separate websites under the same platform that can all coexist independently but still interact with each other. But this helped me out a bunch!

I'm very new too but my understanding is that each instance can have it's own specific content. But, you can see all content from any instance if you sort by "all." If you sort by "local" then you will only get posts from the instance that you're logged in to. If you go to subscribed then you'll just get stuff you've subscribed to in that instance. Could be wrong tho lol

Hi, sorry for the late response. You don't need an account on another instance unless you want to interact with people on that instance and you want to use that specific account. I believe you can also use another account on a seperate instance as long as the two instances are federated with each other.

People tend to have multiple accounts on multiple instances because some instances arent federated with each other and thus you don't get the full experience. Take for example Beehaw and If you have an account with Beehaw the only way to see posts is to have a account or an account on an instance that is federated with world or vice versa.

Another more obvious reason is that since instances are generally privately hosted servers it'd be wiser to have accounts on multiple different instances as opposed to one because things happen and server outages are possible.

Latest version of Jerboa with a smaller instance is very smooth

I absolutely agree. Find a small instance federated with the big Lemmy communities (,,, etc...) + material theme on Jerboa is honestly better than any Reddit client (and the main app obviously 😆).

Thunder for sure. Its freakin fantastic.

For sure. Love Thunder. Jerboa crashes every time I open it. I've installed, reinstalled, cleared cache, nothing helps.

I'm new to Lemmy, but so far the client that I liked the most is which i am using right now

It's not really an app, but a web-app, but it still works

(Sorry for my English, I'm not a native speaker)

I’ll second It follows iOS design but you can use it on any device that supports PWA including Android.

Yeah it's a little odd using it on android due to the iOS design, and for some reason the framerate of navigating around is very low/choppy for me. Not sure if webapps have limitations that way but otherwise it's a great app.

I tried only Jerboa and Liftoff. Liftoff has a customizable UI, all the features I need, and tells when a post or comment was made (unlike Jerboa).

I left Liftoff because it has a block user button, but I didn't see a block community button. I havent updated it for several days, so that could be there now.

There's "Block community" in the three dots menu.

As someone who has 6 lemmy apps installed, and constantly cycling between them, I'd say for now connect and liftoff are the best although each has issues that the other migitates. I'd say you won't go wrong with either option, with it mostly being personal preference.

As a former user of infinity for reddit connect feels a bit closer layout to what I was used to, but liftoff seems to have a slightly better ui.

Have you checked out Infinity for Everything?

Yes, but I have no clue how to use it, lmao

Yeah, that's on me as I'm still working out the documentation. Essentially you prepend any user or community with the service you are attempting to hit up, so to view posts from android you would navigate to

Feel free to reach out with any other questions!

Connect for lemmy has gotten better now that i can hide posts without interacting with them.

Jerboa is my favorite right now, but I'll be buying Sync as soon as it's available.

I've been bouncing between Liftoff and Connect. I loved Sync for Reddit so I'll be using that when it comes out, though I also tried and liked Boost, Joey, and Infinity for Reddit.

I tried Jerboa but it was missing quite a few features at the time, but it's also really new so that wasn't a problem.

I do spend most of my time on Kbin so I just use the mobile web interface.

Joey was my go to. Do you know if the dev plans to make a Lemmy based App?

I haven't seen anything but I haven't looked into it either. It would be nice to see because I used Joey before I switched to Sync. But I always like trying out different apps.

Try It's a PWA, and you can easily set it as an icon on your home screen. Supposedly it looks a lot like the big iOS app (apollo?) that started the reddit blackout. Has nice swiping gestures. Works an absolute treat.

Really impressed with wefwef - one of the few webapps that rivals a native app.

Liftoff works best for me. Looks good, feels good. Tried a few and it just snapped.

Jerboa is working waaaaaay better than the previous versions. It is at last quite stable as of v39.

Liftoff for me, patiently waiting for Boost to be released since it was my main client for Reddit.

2nd liftoff, just wish I could add my kbin account.

Jerboa is my favourite, has been really smooth for me + the material you design makes it look so good!

I've been using a few, but so far I've found Connect to be the smoothest and more to my liking. I was a long time Sync user, so I'll be picking that up once it eventually launches.

I have tried a lot, the three min ones I keep coming back to are jerboa, connect and liftoff. They all have pros and cons and I like each and alternate between them. Liftoff is a continuation of lemur by the way. Lemur was abandoned but someone else picked it up and develop it further, providing frequent updates.

Jerboa since yesterday had been super smooth and error free for me. I prefer it to connect but they look similar

Wefwef has a web based app that works better than a lot of clients I tried on android.

I am having hard time picking one.

I think I am gonna stick with Liftoff; the UI is good and it also has all the features you need for a social network.

Lastly, the developers are working like crazy.

I liked the UI but the dark theme colors are bad

I believe it would be a easy implementation of better dark mode. We will see :)

I've been using Jerboa and Liftoff, as the combination of both has what I'm looking for (Liftoff has an option to see feeds from other instances without having to log in), but most of the time I use Jerboa

Liftoff but it doesn't let you see what comment or post someone replied to in your inbox. I'd say Jerboa is better for posting and stuff and Liftoff is better for browsing.

you should get the new update. comment "context" is available now.

I'm on the latest version (v0.10.5) and see context thingy in the changelog. Where's the button? I can't find it.

you must first click on the 'link' button and then the 'context button.

i don't love that it's an extra click, but it is better than nothing.

Jerboa is the best I've used so far, though hopefully Boost will be even better when that's released!

Boost for Reddit was an absolute top tier application.

I'm thinking about going for liftoff but it wants you to have an account on each server / instance. It doesn't get the idea of how federation is supposed to work

I have the iOS version, you only need to sign in on one instance, but you can also view other instances without logging in, which i think is a good idea. For example you can add beehaw, which is not viewable on is not bad. Liftoff is good too but after last realme phone update it crashes the phone.

Wefwef is my top choice right now and Connect is my second favorite.

Wefwef looks too iOS for my Material You Android

Yeah, I do agree that it feels a little out of place on Android, but currently I have been using it because it still feels polished and I haven't had many bugs with it. Lemmy clients in general are in their early days and many are quite rough around the edges. I've had a lot of bugs with most of them.

Connect for Lemmy has a Material You style to it and feels like at home on Android. It uses your current Material color scheme and feels a bit similar to Sync for Reddit.

using it right now on Android and while it's alright for a PWA, it's still a PWA.

Would much rather a smoother experience of a native app without the jank.

I think we are still in the phase where there is so much movement this answer might become outdated rather quickly.

For what it's worth I have installed: connect, liftoff, thunder, jebora and werwef (web app). But there are more I haven't tried yet

Currently writing from connect, which is my favorite.

As reference for Reddit clients I used to used relay (on my phone) and slide (on my tablet)

As a fellow Relay user you may be interested in the client I'm working on. I wanted the Relay client for Lemmy but nothing out there mirrors its layout, so I decided to build it myself.

Here's the Github repo and a short recording of the UI which is already out of date.

Thanks i'll check it out for sure. Even if the UI recording is already out of date it already shows a feature i really liked about relay on mobile:

The feature that you swipe right->left to reveal the options (up/down vote, save, share and so on) is something i really liked about relay. And at least until now i haven't really adjusted/grown to like the way most other apps including connect seem to handle it. Which is having a quick action based on how far you drag the post towards the left.

That was the number one thing for me as well. I despise the whole swipe 20px to upvote, 40 to downvote, etc. I want clear and obvious UI elements optimized for one handed use, which means little to nothing I have to reach to the top of the phone for

Liftoff and Connect mostly. Connect is a bit more mature but keep an eye liftoff

I'm using jerboa, lift and connect. Each had positives and negatives. What's really needed, imo, is a way to centrally log in to all of the instances you have accounts on from one place and have it work on all apps. A single sign on.

Grabbing a new app and logging in to multiple lemmy servers is a pain in the ass.

Liftoff! Is superb. I don't have any complaints about it. My only gripe is finding the same content repeatedly. I just need to subscribe to more communities probably

Summit for Lemmy. Really solid app.

Holy Crap. Summit looks like the official app. Had to uninstall it quick!

For me personally, and the app experience I'm accustomed to, Connect and wefwef are the current jam.

Bouncing back and forth between Jerboa / Connect / kBin on mobile web right now. Who knows what it'll be next week.

This is a fun period of extremely rapid innovation, with new Fediverse apps getting announced nearly every few days by extremely talented developers. Many of these alpha/beta apps already have a better user experience than the 1st-party Reddit app, and it should get even better from here on out.

Wefwef app was struggling last week. Today, it's been very solid. Sticking with it moving forward

I liked Liftoff the best as a dedicated client, but ended up on Wefwef. It just seems to work more consistently.

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Thunder and Jerboa are the best so far. Both have had updates in the past few days that have polished things.

Thunder user here and I can vouch for it, though it still needs some improvements of course.

My current main is Thunder. Like all the rest it also has bugs, but none of them are particularly bad and the GUI is super slick.

Agreed, Thunder has been great. I just wish I could have vote/reply buttons on comments instead of only swipe gestures...

It looks like only Jerboa and something called Lemmur are the only two available on F-Droid at the moment?

Jerboa works pretty well for me. I really like wefwef (a web app). Liftoff looks nice to me.

Ultimately a lot of us are eagerly awaiting Sync for Lemmy!

[edit] Having said all of that--I'm really having fun trying any and all of them as they arrive!

Since the 0.18 upgrade, just the web page in Firefox for Android. Works better than the apps I've tried. They all still need development time.

I'm using Jerboa for the moment, of the couple I tried is the one that performs the best and it looks good.

I'm waiting for Boost though since I used it for reddit for the entirety of my time there, I'm a loyal user.

Enjoying liftoff so far, only issue is you can't get back to your comments from your profile

Like if you look at your comments on your profile and wish to see them in context of the post they were made on, tapping on the comment will just collapse the 'thread' in your profile page lol. Kinda weird but using the menu to open it in browser gets around it for now. Aside from that, super smooth UI and performance aside from the occasional 502/3 hiccup.

Thank you! I thought I was going insane. And thanks for the workaround.

I've been using connect, I like it more than jerboa at least. But I'm planning on switching to Sync once it's out

We know sync and boost will be paid I’m wondering will anyone pay for it when there are so many FOSS apps now!

I will, because none of the apps or web apps right now are optimized for tablets/foldables, so really looking forward to Sync supporting this at launch! (ljdawson already confirmed this btw).

Besides, Sync (for Reddit) had a lot of advanced features that set it apart from others, such as being able to save message drafts, built-in kamojis, advanced markdown formatting controls, post/content filters and so on, I reckon we'll get to see these in Sync for Lemmy as well, if not at launch then surely down the line.

Jerboa should be the recommendation based on what you are looking for.

Open source, saw someone else mention they got it on whatever F-droid is, stable af (0 crashes on pixel5).

Bonuses, it has buttons, looks clean, runs smooth, swiping isn't obsfucating UX/UI as it does expected things like going back. (wefwef is painful if you can't get behind IOS UI chicanery)

F-Droid is like the play store, but with all FOSS apps. You have to side load it, and then it essentially side loads all the apps you want from it's store. Its pretty neat!

I'm trying out both Connect and Summit atm - the latter I've not seen mentioned at all by others, but feels very comfortable as an ex-Joey user

Waiting for Sync, if it has 25% of the user experience it had for reddit I'm a happy person

Using Connect, waiting for Boost (Sample page from Playstore image), and gotta admit, Lemmy is pretty awesome on the web as it is.

I have most of the Android apps installed, but the two I keep switching between are Connect and Thunder. Both devs keep pushing out updates to the apps periodically and are very responsive to user feedback.

Somehow Thunder keeps getting better each time. Kudos to the dev. Liking it so far

I'm trying app for a month, problems were mostly from instance network unstable and all, at some point only PWA was ok.

Now the latest Jerboa is stable and pretty nice, in list mode. Connect is updated every day with new features and bug fixes.

I'm waiting for Sync.

I tried Connect but had issues getting certain instances to load. Honestly I've been accessing Lemmy through Chrome of late and it hasn't been too bad.

Very much looking forward Sync for Lemmy though.

Lemmur is busted because it has been abandoned. The creator made that clear on GitHub but not in the F-Droid description. I wish they'd remove it from F-Droid.

I'm trying out Thunder, Liftoff, and Jerboa, all on F-Droid. All are decent but a little buggy. Shop around, see what you like.

No one mentioned Summit yet? I've tried Jerboa, Liftoff, Thunder, Connect, Lemmur.. pretty much all of the available Lemmy client and in the end I uninstalled all of them but Summit.

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Tried thunder. It was easy to use but currently using wefwef. It's not a native app rather webapp. It's following the apple's design ruleset, app looks like a native iOS app, but much better when it comes to performance and stability.

I bounce between wefwef and Liftoff. When one has a hiccup, I just swap to the other.

Using liftoff, seems ok so far. Was getting random crashes with connect, however, connect is pretty comfortable coming from RIF

I concur with all of the wefwef and Thunder app suggestions.