Round 2 🚒 to Lemmy – 587 points –

Their business strategy will be releasing another rendered picture every six months to bring in new investors and inevitably after few years they will ethier go bankrupt or become another yacht company that will call itself "yacht market disruptor" or "the most innovative yacht company".

or they just the psyop to cover up a new class 9f military submarine being build, u cant hide a drydock from satelites but u can lie about what u building there

I'm sure it will be a submarine*
*maximum operational depth 2 meters from surface to cabin, and must have it's conning tower, bridge, and snorkel completely exposed at all time

Or, seeing as it's billionaire bullshit, it will be an ecological disaster. What do you want to offer for the odds that it will have shit navigation, and throws out pings every 3 seconds if submerged? Goodbye local wildlife, recreational diving, and all other activities taking place underwater.

Good point. If any part of a vessel never fully submerges, can it be termed a submarine?

Not really, but it will be good enough to get some affluenza fuck to drop $2bil on it

according to their official page they do have it specced out for 4 weeks of fully submerged operation with a max depth of 250 meters. However, literally none of this is real as it's just a concept model without real engineering or a prototype built, so the chances of it meeting such specs upon delivery of the final product are... whatever the fuck you feel like they are. Anyone can put whatever numbers they want on a concept model, feasibility be damned.

It can be submerged but it can't cruise on batteries for 4 weeks. It'll have to put it's snorkel up.

Will this one also be steered with a gaming controller?

No this one is PC based

Pretty hard to download these mandatory windows updates when youre uner 500m of water.

Don't worry, those PCs are immune to freezing

I doubt they will be running Windows in a submarine

Might let all the water in if not closed properly

Me, laughing at the luxury submarine because its integrated with PCs

Me, nervous about the luxury submarine because I just found out those PCs are running Linux.

I'd be more nervous if it was Windows tbh.

"Now downloading and installing windows 10 11 12 without your knowledge, consent, or acknowledgement"

Meh, I've seen a few of these pop up and get articles written about them over the years. They usually disappear soon after. Probably just trying to scam money from Investors.

They usually disappear soon after

Yes, they go under the water

US Subs has offered these for decades and they're a legit commercial submarine firm. I'm not sure anyone actually wants to buy them.

I read on a pop sci magazine years ago that "this is not the first time we have offered a design, but nobody was willing to buy one so it didn't get built"

Unless it's a nuke sub that lets your rich ass just disappear under the water I don't see the point. Cruising around under the surface with a snorkel up on diesel engines just seems like a straight downgrade. Why even go out of your bunker.

Why even go out of your bunker.

Beach litter and run, seal clubbing and, more importantly, getting away from pesky laws

Sure, but you can do that on a yacht just as effectively and get a sun tan while you're at it.

Maybe their proposed market is evil albino billionaires. I think only Bera Ivanishvili qualifies.

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C'mon orcas, you know what to do

The title of this article really confused me because I've never hard of this company before.

I thought ol' mate migaloo (the albino Humpback whale) was swimming around fucking up super superyachts.

I've never served on a sub, but I've seen videos, and "luxury" is probably the last thing that comes to mind in relation to submarines.

well yeah, military subs arent built for comfort. neither are military surface vessels.

you can make anything luxurious if you pump enough money into it.

I'd expected much more glass on this one too. If you're underwater for fun you want to see shit!

The military sub you saw videos about house hundreds of people on board... your personal sub only need to house a few dozen.

Let's make sure all the billionaires hear about this yeah?

Welcome aboard Captain. All systems online

I want a sequel to that game now damn it.

There was a sequel of sorts, Subnautica: Below Zero. It feels pretty different, but it's fun in its own right.

Yep. Played and beat it in less than a week. It was really fun and spooky.

Where's a sequel at? Any games in development similar to it?

I wonder if depth charges work the same on luxury subs as they do on military ones?

Eat the rich!

Ah, yes, to get to their bunker undetected when the revolt begins.

Unironically, yes, that probably is what it's for. I wouldn't be surprised if Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg are excavating under sea cliffs in Lānaʻi as we speak.

New Zealand, there's a billionaire commune there that's been robbery criticized for bunker building and pay to stay passports.

There's also a billionaire commune in South Dakota...

Vivos xPoint

There is a one-time upfront payment of $55,000, plus an ongoing annual ground rent of $1,091 per bunker. Bunkers are provided in their as-is condition, without interior improvements, equipment or furnishings, ready for your outfitting.

How is this a "billionaire commune", when the price is a fraction of a standard 2-bedroom house or even a motorhome, and pretty much everyone can move in?

Its a good thing that submarines don't require any kind of routine docking and maintenance.

  • Length overall: 165.8 m
  • Beam: 23.0 m
  • Draft: 8.6 m
  • Range: approx. 15.000 km
  • Submerged duration: approx. 4 weeks
  • Depth: approx. 250 m

It even has a pool inside it!

Why would you want to spend 4 weeks trapped in a hotel with no windows?

Because you're filthy rich and want to let all those pesky peasants know how much more valuable your rich life is, so much you can literally "survive underwater" while they suffer on the surface

It has windows.

Clarification: the bogus AI images they've got have windows in the viewing gallery. It's all bullshit though - it features the images from SAFE that are allso bullshit but keep popping up in various articles, notably* the MRI room.

Even if there are windows they might as well not be there because it will be pitch dark all the time. And any light you shine will reveal... nothing.

Not so. You should really look at the info before commenting lol.

"It's got no windows!" - there are windows pretty clearly visible in the renders.

"There's no light down there!" - it tops out at 250m, light reaches about 800m.

Ha, fair enough, although I'm not reading any article about an idea this silly. I still don't want to go on any holiday where I can't leave the hotel.

That just means you're commenting on something without knowing anything about it, and so far everything you've commented has been incorrect?

It comes with two boats, jetskis, a helipad, and the ability to surface. You're not trapped in a hotel with no windows. It's not pitch black. You have ways to leave. It would have taken less time to learn this by reading the article than it would have taken to type this bollocks.

Ah, I'm sorry, you caught me, I made a flippant comment about a submarine that doesn't exist. Thank you for enlightening me so graciously.

Nah, you were trying to shit on something and point out flaws with a hypothetical product wihout even bothering to read about it. You got called out on talking shite - don't take the hump.

This has already taken more time than it deserves from either of us. My criticisms were uninformed, sorry, I still think it's a shit idea. I don't want to stay in a hotel in which for significant portions of my stay I can't leave. I realise it's not really different from a cruise - I think cruises sound awful too, and this just adds on that some of the time you can't even go outside.

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Let's tear this apart.

Length overall: 165.8 m Beam: 23.0 m Draft: 8.6 m

Not a nautical engineer, but those seem to be comparable to known military craft. That's probably a decent envelope for a sub carrying ordinance and full crew. So, lots of free space for a pleasure craft.

Range: approx. 15.000 km

To pump these numbers, that's likely surface cruising at some optimal speed. We can safely say this isn't a nuclear sub, since that would be something to boast: your "range" is really "how much food do you have?" since that runs out first.

Submerged duration: approx. 4 weeks

This one's tricky. There are ways to generate O2 without electricity. But the rest of your environmental controls like heat, light, plumbing, cooking, etc. draw power. So we can assume a pretty beefy battery bank on this boat, but not excessively so, in order to stretch into that 4 week range. But that's nothing revolutionary for subs - Electric subs go back to 1888, with diesel/electric hybrids coming along after that.

Depth: approx. 250 m

Totally plausible and shallower than military craft. But maybe not with the viewing windows in the illustration.

It even has a pool inside it!

A moon pool or a regular one? Either way, that's extravagant. But it looks like a moon pool wouldn't work below 50m or so.

Submerged duration: approx. 4 weeks

Pffft, bush league. The Titan has been submerged for checks watch 272 days with no end in sight.

A moon pool or a regular one?

Just a regular one, but I imagine they'll add one if you ask for it.

As a Subnautica player, I'd more or less demand it. Even if it limits the max cruising depth.

Considering that the record for longest continous submersion of a diesel-electric sub is something like 2 weeks, i highly doubt that 4 weeks in a civilian vessel is achievable

Ah, thanks for the fact-check. I didn't think to look that up - yeah, so they're fudging the numbers just a tad.

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Pleasepleaseplease put bazillions of dollar-equivalents into building this thing and then get it stuck in ice that later cuts into the hull and sinks it πŸ™ I know the unfathomably wealthy will never do anything to make this world actually decent but they can at least let us have a decent laugh once in a while!

(I'm assuming the pollution left before it's towed out of the environment will be less than the pollution from actually running the thing) (Also "towed out of the environment" is a funny reference. May need to look up "front fell off." I am asleep.)

Getting a bit "Nautilus from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" vibes

Or Nautilus from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea vibes, even.

Except that Capt. Nemo was an anti imperialist king.

Wasn't there a mission in one of the Armored Core games where you sank shit like that?

We need mecha.