Elon Musk wanting to remove dim theme from twitter

sma3in@lemmy.world to Mildly Infuriating@lemmy.world – 444 points –

I mean why would you wanna do that? just wwhy?


Maintaining existing CSS is hard. Luckily, usurping all of social media as an "everything app" will be trivial by comparison.

Step 1: Fire 80% of your programmers

Step 2: Promise new features including getting into banking and ecommerce and literally doing "everything"

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit(?)

Seems like step 3 might involve stopping doing even the basics of keeping your existing client base happy.

In step 3 is “lose 50% of your advertisers” and “completely destroy a well known brand that’s made its way into common nomenclature” among others

We literally had a joke about destroying a brand the very way musk is at the top rated business school I got a degree from. You kind of had to be there tho

Is it one of Canada’s top-rated business schools and did you get pretty good grades

Top rated in the US and internationally and yes

Did you graduate with someone named Nathan? I don’t remember his last name but it definitely started with an F

Elon has clearly shown that I can trust him with my finances. I am excited to turn all my personal data and money over to his excellently designed software and highly ethical company. What could go wrong?

Step 3 is using chatGTP to break.. I mean to build your site

I can't imagine wanting to use Twitter for anything critical after Elon axed the security and compliance teams. Like finance. You're basically asking for your identity to be stolen.

Stop posting and upvoting musk spam.

Better yet, Lemmy should get the much asked for ability to filter out keywords from our feeds. Musk, Twitter and reddit would be blocked immediately. I'm so sick of them.

Wasn't there extensions to do this to reddit and other sites? If so then you can just make your own extension to do that. Problem solved.

Anyone actually cares at this point?

Nope. Quit the bird site when he went full asshat. Barely used the bird site before but it was helpful for breaking news in the olden days. Other than potential A11Y legal action if it fails for contrast issues, I don't think anyone should care about this stupid site now. The tech community has moved on.

I'm guessing that no one here does. If you're on Lemmy, you're probably also using Mastodon instead of Twitter.

I wish people were far more willing to just move on when the winds were changing, instead of sticking out for.. god knows what reason

yeah, but the Twitter migration problem is “everyone i follow is here and not there so why would i leave?” It’s not like lemmy or Reddit where the individual disappears behind the content

You clearly haven't tasted the bottom of billionaire shoes.

Do you honestly think people are staying on twitter because they want to hang with Musk? Are you on Lemmy because you want to hang with tankies?


Many, many people idolize Elon Musk. That is an incongruous comparison.

I don't get why I'm supposed to leave twitter all of a sudden. Because people on Lemmy don't like it?

Because it keeps breaking down; because people are getting randomly banned for no reason; because the chance it has a future is essentially nil, because there's essentially no abuse controls any more so if someone spams you out of the blue multiple times with CSAM discussion and then calls you a necrophile when you block them (as happened to me this week) you have no recourse; because you can only send ten DMs a day or some stupid number now; because "X" is silly and ugly and you're cross about the cute bird...

and because Elon is a narcissistic fuckboy, natch.

I can't relate with your experience of what twitter is like. For me it's the same it has always been. The niche corner of twitter I'm spending time on haven't changed at all.

You're supposed to leave because you don't want to support a narcissistic fuckboy. You should actively try to avoid giving dragons more gold because all they do is burn villages to the ground.

So the answer is yes?

I'm sorry if that's what you gathered from my response.

Did you ever use Facebook or Reddit? Do you still? Why have you joined the fediverse?

I left facebook about 6 years ago and reddit over a month ago. Joined lemmy to substitute for reddit

I feel like it is very obvious that twitter has no future. It has gotten a lot worse, and will keep on just getting even more so.

It had been obvious from as soon as Elon began firing nearly everyone at twitter, jeopardizing its future development and maintanance.

I don’t really care but I find it interesting. Just how quickly he is destroying one of the worlds most recognizable companies.

Yeah, this is a car wreck I can watch without backing up traffic behind me. Except the police are arresting some of the first responders while other first responders are punching the people who were in the wreck and the tow truck just pulled right into a car in one of the open lanes, work crews are hastily pulling down billboards and Elon is out there whistling to himself and adjusting the brightness of the street lights.

I wish it would all just die and fade into obscurity, at this point. Mastodon, Bluesky, and Threads all exist. There’s literally no need for xbirdsite anymore.

Threads needs to go too. In fact all sites that want to steal/sell all your data and control the whole world do.

I'd much rather have twitter than threads, as bad as it may be

There’s literally no need for xbirdsite anymore.

  1. Almost no one I follow on twitter is on those other sites
  2. Almost none of the people that follow me are on those other sites

Well that needs to change now doesn't it?

Yeah, but you can't make them move, can you. People are like birds flocking, they want their communities, and until people start to move organically they won't go. You can talk to them all you like about how it's better and how it's not scary, but nobody's going to go anywhere that doesn't have the content they want.

I came here early in the reddit migration. The content I wanted was there, but I understood that new content would be created here with time.That proved to be completely true. The amount of content has absolutely exploded in a short time and it's still growing.

It was worth the risk to use something that both reflects my value system and does not support those that actively behave in ways I find deplorable. I'd rather not engage in social media at all than support any of those monsters. I never used x/twitter. I left Facebook years and years ago, but was never a huge fan anyway. But, make no mistake, I really loved reddit. I adored it. It was my favorite place on the internet for a third of my life. But spez ruined it by mistreating people. It hurt to leave, but I had no other option.

I think the lack of content is an excuse. I think, if you haven't left by now, you just don't really care - especially if you are aware of alternatives. You probably don't want to have to care either.

It's so annoying. The people I follow keep complaining about musk. Their followers keep telling them to move to Mastodon. But they don't. What are they scared of? They'll lose followers? Because I'm pretty sure if they switch and put a link on their twitter, a lot will follow.

At least there's a bird.makeup instance that reposts tweets to mastodon so you can follow them there, but you can't interact with them.

For my use case (browsing art and comics, mainly japanese), Mastodon's actually proving to be a worthy substitute. Some of the people I follow have already moved to it and Misskey

Most haven't yet, but the tight-knit feel it has now isn't too bad.

I post on both, but mainly browse Mastodon and encourage others to do the same.

In my case it's not so much the people I follow but the people that follow me. I post my photography there and have over 1600 followers when as on instagram I only got 33. I don't really benefit anything from my following but it's nice to post my pictures online when people actually see them too.

Want to share a couple of the Japanese art ones? I’d like to have something like that in my feed

Elon: "I'm going to delete this thing."

Everyone else: "NO! Why would you do that kind of thing?"

Elon: "O-o-okay! B-b-but I'm going to delete something today! That other thing, then!"

(Elon continues to read the hypothetical The Best Of Dilbert's Pointy-Haired Boss book and gets so many ideas, folks)

I’ve learned more about Twitter/Ten coming to Lemmy then I ever have anywhere else. I’m amazing so many people care about it.

it’s not a Roman numeral it’s actually called X as in the letter

..or, actually, 𝕏

Woooosh. We all know what it's supposed to be called. Anyone calling it Ten is doing it purposefully to further sabotage the already self-sabotaged brand of Twitter/Ten

God this wooosh shit is annoying you didnt see the other 2 comments first? can we leave that on Reddit?

Being obtuse and abrasive for no reason other than to intentionally shit on someone should also be a reddit thing that is limited here. It's hard to believe an adult capable of finding whatever weird X character that is could somehow miss what that person was doing...

Unfortunately, in Thailand where I live, both "X" and "Ten" refer to something unspeakable.

Life without Sriracha?

Contrary to popular belief among foreigners, we actually acquire our sustenance from Mama (instant noodles).

But you cover them in Sriracha right? Because that shit is delicious.

I never saw Sriracha while traveling in Thailand. You just add peppers directly.

Twitter's going save money by hosting their website on Geocities. The new plan only comes with 250mb of storage and that dancing baby gif is like 3mb easy. Gotta clean up somewhere.

Imo so he can bring it back as part of the paid features, the dude is looking for ways to make money in literally everything

And he's so shit at it, especially on Twitter. Let's not forget about the dumb idiot going full fash and chasing a significant amount of advertisers away, I'm sure that helps his financial situation a lot.

I mean, he kinda wants to make 40 billion dollars back… he ought to try to nickel and dime every single user

And I love that there will probably soon be browser extensions specifically to allow users to use custom css on Twitter (assuming they don't already exist, which they probably do), so those who are still there and really want whatever themes he's deleting still won't have to pay him if that's the plan. Which goes for anything that is handled on the client side, though some might be easier than others.

Though I gotta admit, I do like them setting dark mode as the default. Black text on white makes sense for paper and ink but for screens it's just a lot of unnecessary light being blasted at you, wasting energy and making your eyes work harder.

He doesn't like competition, especially at being fucking dim.

Has he been huffing burning plastic again?

IME new people in charge gotta "make some changes around here" to justify their position. But if you own it why?

You can't call yourself X and then not go all dark, that makes perfect sense.
I'm just waiting for the Radio X-like slogans, for the full effect : "we're the end of the alphabet people, that's got to mean something, but we don't know what"

He should get that addiction to chewing wires sorted out

He just needs to chew on bigger, thicker wires. The kinds with beefier plugs on the end of them.

There's no benefit to that... I don't get it ._.

I'm pretty sure at this point he's fully just doing a social experiment

seeing how feral people get the more he changes their addiction app

Think of all the extra kilobytes of bandwidth they will save by not serving the dim theme CSS.

Something something, deck chairs on the Titanic.

Twittertanic? Twittanic?

Well, he did run the company into a revenue-destroying iceberg (in this case, iceberg = Elon Musk), and is now rearranging the deck chairs as the company sinks, so all Titanic references are apt.

Doesn't affect us OP. Does it ?

Musk owns twitter so he can do whatever he wants to do with it. Its like when I mod my Toyota corolla , Toyota doesn't post pics and ask "why".

If you made a stupid enough looking mod to your Toyota, I guarantee someone would post a picture of it on Lemmy

Doesn't mean shit as I own the Toyota corolla and i'll do whatever I want with it. That how it works. If people have an issue, just dont use twitter. Using privately held social media and keep complaining 🤦‍♂️