Can anyone recommend terrible horror films? to Ask – 116 points –

I love horror movies especially the cheesey type of horror movies that are so stupid that they are great. I do prefer the ones that would always appear on SyFy, but any other type (that is not like the ones on SyFy and look a lot better) is fine too.


The film is about a tire that comes to life and kills people with psychokinetic powers.


“Okay. We’re done. You can go home now…”

Did anyone mention "Troll 2", famously bad, notable because in spite of the title it has no trolls in it?

2.9 on IMDB!

They’re eating her! And then they’re going to eat me! Oh my gooooooooooooooooooood

Came here to mention Trolls 2 as well. This film has great standing in my family.

I was popping in to mention this as well! Excellent terrible movie.

Thankskilling. A turkey goes on a murdering spree. Nuff said. "goggle gobble motherfucker"

You can find it for free everywhere.

Chopping Mall is terrible fun.

I’d say marathoning Friday The 13th movies is worth a go. For what it’s worth, the fourth and sixth movie are legitimately good, but the rest teeter somewhere between entertaining b-movie and pure trash.

The Stuff

Saturday the 14th


Sssssss (note: not Ssssss, fuck that cheap knockoff)

Lawnmower Man (read the book first, then watch the movie, then go WTF did I just watch)

Nothing but Trouble (although this is more of a comedy. It is very clearly poking fun at Centralia and Pennsylvania)

Look Who's Talking Now

Saturday the 14th

Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. It brings me back. I can smell the independent movie rental place, the one with the low ceilings and the wall of NES games. Simpler times.

Lawnmower Man (read the book first, then watch the movie, then go WTF did I just watch)

I'm not sure that one gets back around to being good. Nailed the WTF part though. As a corollary, you can do the same with The Mangler. I saw the movie first, thought it was unremarkable. Then I saw it in one of the King short story compilations and was curious to see what they changed. It's even shorter than Lawnmower Man, like two pages. And they made it into a whole damn movie.

Look Who's Talking Now

...wait what


This movie about a tire blew its audiences heads off!

A definitive must watch!!

Oh man, Rubber was such a fun movie. I’d almost forgotten about it!

Willy's Wonderland VelociPastor Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (though this one is actually good)

Seconded "Tucker and Dale versus evil"! This movie made me drop from the sofa laughing, one of the best comedic horror flicks I've ever seen!

Orgy of the Dead starts off like it's going to be your standard weird bad Ed Wood horror movie. We get to meet Criswell, who you might recognize as inspiration for a character in Fright Night among others. There's also an Elvira type character before Elvira did it better. But then suddenly it's just a topless woman go-go dancing in a fake graveyard. The whole thing suddenly feels like an softcore porn parody of a Gilligan's Island episode. The scene ends, and you might think "Gee, maybe they'll move on to a different location or move the plot along somehow?" Nope, you get a short narration scene and then the next woman comes out with a slightly different costume and dance, still topless though. That scene ends and you think "Well they can't possibly do that again, so maybe now the 'plot' will move along." Nope! More narration, and another topless dancing woman. By the third girl I was bored. But it was funny again with the fourth. With the fifth woman, I gritted my teeth and thought, "When will this end?" But, by the seventh dancing topless woman it was hilarious. Each one of these dancing girls was almost identical, just slightly different slutty costumes and music. At some point they introduce a Zombie and a Wolf man character to leer at the women along with jerk boyfriend and scared girl tied to a post. After it was clear that the ninth topless dancing girl was the last, I felt immense relief and raised a glass to that mad genius Criswell. Those 92 minutes felt like days. This is not a movie to watch sober and alone during the day.

  • Revamped - a very bad vampire movie written by, directed by, and starring the same man
  • Death Bed: The Bed That Eats - a horrible 70s horror movie with a very literal title
  • From Dusk till Dawn

I'm also including some movies that are horror comedies that are actually good and fun on purpose in case those strike the same chord with you. Some aren't strictly comedic, but I think they're all fun.

  • Cabin in the Woods
  • Barbarian
  • Get Out
  • Housebound
  • Slither
  • Tucker & Dale vs. Evil
  • most of the Evil Dead movies
  • You're Next
  • Pearl
  • The Guest
  • Shaun of the Dead / Hot Fuzz
  • What We Do in the Shadows


Now that's one I haven't heard in a long while. When they open up that barn door and find the one woman...oh boy.

Was Barbarian horror-comedy? I thought it played things fairly straight and was a good movie anyway.

That's one that falls under the "not strictly comedic" but omg if I didn't burst out laughing at Justin Long's character several times. It was directed by one of the guys from Whitest Kids U Know and I think that shows through occasionally.

I would recommend the Ginger Snaps movies. I caught them on the SyFy channel a while back, and they're hilariously bad.

I actually watched this one several years after it was released, but I think it ticks all the check marks you want.

The Gate (1987)

Freddy vs Jason was billed as a horror film but it's really funny, imo. I don't like horror. They leaned into the cheesey bits.

You might like Drag Me To Hell which was also billed as a horror but was definitely a send-up.

And Happy Deathday which is a comedy-horror Groundhog Day with a little heart thrown in for good vibes.

Bubba Ho-Tep. You'll either think it's terrible or the best movie ever.

Brain Dead (might be Dead Alive or something in your locale).

I kick arse for the lord!

Terrible? This movie is hilarious and is also Peter Jackson!

Hope you like gore tho.

Well, terribly received I guess. I think it is fantastic 😊


Birdemic 2

Birdemic 3

Oh and Ice Cream Man, starring Clint Howard.

Death Spa!!! It's one of my favs of all time and I never see anyone talk about it. It's like actually good. Like, it's simultaneously so-bad-it's-good, but also just good on its own. Let me know if you check it out, I'd love to hear what you think!


Came here to post this if someone hadn't already. The puns, the "effects", just the story... All terrible in a wonderful way.

The podcast How Did This Get Made just did an episode on the movie Bats. It sounded so good from the first five to ten minutes of the pod that I stopped listening so it wouldn't get spoiled.

Lifeforce (1985)

Black Sheep (2006)

I’ve still got my DVD copy of Black Sheep somewhere. Beautifully toes the line between horror and comedy

Robot Monster is the epitome of a 50's low budget B-class horror movie.

Midnight Meat Train. My wife and I were looking for bad horror movies a while ago, saw that this had Bradley Cooper and thought "ehhh, it can't be *that bad. * Spoiler, it was, but not hilariously bad, just straight up weird bad

Manos: The Hands of Fate

I've seen it mentioned many times that it's the worst movie ever, I think it got a 1.7 on IMDB.

Boar had me screaming for it to eat everyone. It was really, really fun. (Maybe more so because I have a pet pig, he's just not the size of a truck.)

The original Hellraiser series is genuinely wonderfully awful. NOT the new on on Hulu. Fuck that one!

The Omen movies say they are horror and I love their ridiculousness so you should watch those too.

Between Omen and Hellraiser that's a weekend gone. Have fun!

House. And house 2. I loved them as a kid, rewatched a heap of times. Old, cheesey, trippy. You will ask the TV wtf is going on, multiple times.

  • Suburban Sasquatch
  • chopping mall
  • She Came From The Woods
  • Army of Darkness
  • Carnosaur
  • Killer Clowns From Outer Space
  • Feeders
  • Hack-o-lantern
  • Hauntedween

Take your pick, some of these are actual movies, some pretend to be (looking at you Suburban Sasquatch). You'll have some laughs regardless of the pick.

Army of Darkness

They said terrible films, not the greatest horror film of all time

Can confirm, Killer Klowns was terrible. The acting was absolutely horrible. The klowns were great. It was so bad it's a must see.

  • Basket Case (1982)
  • Fright Night (1985)
  • Night of the Creeps
  • Return of the Living Dead
1 more...

If you want a genuinely terribly one, check out “Maniac Nurses Find Ecstasy.” Sounds like a porn title, but it’s not. Just a batshit weird movie that makes no sense. It’s a Troma movie, but it’s not even funny like Toxic Avenger.

The Computer Killers. It's pure 70s low budget British teen horror cheese. Don't read about it, just find it and watch it. You'll either love it or switch it off after 20 minutes, but I must preach this gospel.

For any fellow pirates out there who try looking for this, it can be found a lot easier by searching Horror Hospital 1973


One of my favorite low budget creature movies of the time. It's legitimately a great flick.

Wow. Rocky Horror Picture Show is not listed in the comments anywhere. It's really fun to watch at midnight in a theater with a crowd, but it's terribly cheesy and stupid, so fits your criteria. Tim Curry's performance is outstanding though.

Also, They Live is fun. Featuring Rowdy Roddy Piper.

RHPS isn’t a horror movie. It’s a comedy/musical.

Llamageddon 2015 - It was a lot of fun for me.

Most terrible: Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter

Most fucked up: Ichi the Killer

WTF: Meet the Feebles

Best black mockumentary: Man bites dog

Things that aren't cheesy, maybe more weird and creepy or worth a mind fuck mention

La jetee

Naked lunch


Dark city

Repo man

Jacobs Ladder




They live

Total recall

Wristcutter A Love Story

I really like the first Human Centipede. It's so different than anything else out there. I didn't really care for the second installment, though, and the third is just too far out there for me.

Horrors of Spider Island (1960)

B&W, german production, bad dubbing, 10 girls 1 guy, Stanley Kubrick's cinematographer, uranium, exploitation flick, plane crash, plenty of WTF, island, oh and some spiders.

Step into bizzaro world.

A few versions on Apparently the restored one includes the original German adult content that was cut for the 1962 rerelease.

for a real stinker, try Boardinghouse(1982) or Cyst (2020).

I can't recommend a name off the top of my head, but Amazon Prime Video and Tubi are treasure troves.

Prince of darkness. It's about a jar of evil goo. It's laughably brilliant.

House of 1000 Corpses. Pretty much fits your description