What’s the grossest food to watch someone eat?

NoneYa@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 78 points –

Probably anything from this list of practices of eating live animals

Wtf what's wrong with these people

There was that YouTuber who would eat live stuff. We live in a mad world

Was it that Asian women who did mukbangs where she was eating live sea animals? She didn't just eat them alive, she was actually torturing them. Stuff like taking the "outer layer" off of them (multiple ones at the same time), dipping them in sauce and then just letting them sit. She was also laughing about it. Made me so angry watching that.

As strange as it sounds all of these are life preserving(? couldn't think of a better word) acts. Humans are predators.

I've eaten 4 of these and didn't consider them too bad. None are libido killers, I enjoy watching my lovers eat.

No offense, but your comments come off as kind of edgy and from someone who sounds like the most exotic thing they've eaten is pineapple on pizza.

I'm pretty much convinced that no one else in this thread has gone more than 48 hrs without eating. Of the four on the wiki I've tried only urchin has a different flavor dead to alive, all of the others have been texture or experiential differences.

Eating something alive does feel different.

@pyrflie I've gone 48 hours without eating.

Can't say it ever made me want to carefully cook the body of a fish while keeping its head alive and then eat it as it watched me.

Nobody says that it won't taste differently, It's just plain cruel

I think a squid being caught and eaten alive is pretty close to what’s been happening for thousands of years, also what every other animal who eats squid does… I don’t see the issue. Significantly less cruelty than factory farming of cows and pigs imo.

"it's always been done like this" is a pretty bad excuse. Why would you not lessen the suffering of an animal if you can do it so easily?

I don’t see eating a squid that will die in a matter of seconds as significantly more suffering than if it’s already dead at the store or in a can.

I do not understand your reasoning.

Watching someone eat is sensual. None of the food described in the wiki article would be a deal breaker.

It's the part about how torturing animals is "life preserving" that I understand the least.

Ty asking the real questions. I was like uhhhhh..."I do not understand" yep yep yep

Like I said couldn't think of a better term. Maybe life affirming, similar to screwing after watching an execution. The taste of death making everything sweeter? I'm not really sure on this one, but it falls into that dodged death camp. It can be pretty intense.

I, for one, do not get a boner at the sight of death. Put that octopus in a ball gag on the other hand…

/s just in case.

"the taste of death makes everything sweeter". Wow, what a sentence, I will remember that

Hey baby you done with your live frogs?

1 more...

I gotta say wings. People are fucking savages eating bone-in wings.

And I like it that way dammit

There’s no way to eat those cleanly tho, short of shoving the whole thing in your mouth and risk pulling bits of cartilage, to be fair. Same goes for most seafood, especially shellfish like crab, prawns or lobster, unless you pre cut everything, it’s just messy food by default

You can easily pull the bones out and eat it without touching the wing with your fingers. It's only hard to do when you have overcooked chicken. I always assumed these people never had proper wings before.


That guy is a monster, when tomatoes are that small you pop the whole thing in your mouth and hide the explosion.

This always disgusted me but I could never understand why

Will Smith eating spaghetti.

Or watching Eminem eat spaghetti and then go on stage with a dirty sweater.
I was booing him all night, the nervous fuck.

Balut - partially developed chicken or duck embryos. It's served a number of ways, but the one that turned my stomach was boiled in the shell and served like a soft-boiled egg. Watched my Filipino friend eat it. He scooped the whole thing into his mouth and when he bit down, the body cavity of the embryo ruptured, causing the entrails to pop out of his mouth. Then he slurped them back in like spaghetti. That's about when I refilled the beer pitcher with my puke.

Surströmming - fermented herring. Looks like rotten fish. Smells like rotten fish. Tastes like...well I don't know. All I can tell you is it was salty, but beyond that all I tasted was vomit. Watching a neophyte eating it will usually treat you to the sound of gagging, followed by vomiting. Maybe your own, since the smell is truly pervasive.

Okay that first one is easily the most horrifying thing I've read this morning, and this is minutes after reading about the dude who mixed his dad's sperm with his own.

I’m so gonna regret asking… what dude? 🥲

Man, they were this close not to reproduce, but daddy just had to get involved

I feel disgusting just having said this…

This article leaves me with so many questions. How did the council find out? Why did they want to force a paternity test? Why did they say there is a “welfare minefield” due to this? Why is this anybody’s business?

Some great stuff here, but I'll vote for natto. I enjoy it, but it is very gross to watch somebody eat, like seeing somebody eat a big bowl of the slimiest orange snot you've ever seen. Literally you can string it across a room.

It tastes like a mixture of cheese, hummus, and pungent soy sauce. It's definitely a different flavor, umami is the only way I can describe it.

The only thing I find terrible about the natto I've had is the bitterness. That adds a dimension that makes it truly terrible.

Tuyo! My wife loves these. She'll make a big plate of them, then tear them apart with her bare hands, dipping them chunk by chunk into a small bowl of pickle brine. When she's done there's nothing left but a pile of eyeballs and lips on the plate.

So good with rice and a chutney of diced tomatoes, vinegar, fish sauce, and salted duck egg. I grew up in the Philippines but have lived in the US for more than half my life, so I can understand how it can be perceived as weird and even gross, but as a kid I was so used to seeing it on a plate that to my brain it registers as totally normal.

nothing more infuriating than people slurping liquids or noodles as loud as they can

My dad eating soup is the worst thing i can imagine. I don't know why people do that and i don't know why i hate it so much.
I remember as a kid watching an old timey movie with some kids and one of them was slurping his soup. The other one asked why he does that and he said: becuase it's more fun, and everyone did it and they were laughing and having a grand old time. I almost threw up

This is the biggest thing that has kept me from visiting Japan. That sound sets off my misiphonia like crazy, and I'm afraid I'd wind up in a corner crying.

I had a colleague that would bring frozen soups/stews, warm them just enough so that he could break through the ice, and he'd eat that. It was disgusting.

Curious why you thought it was disgusting. Outside the texture… it’s just cold food.

I also find cold soup awful for reasons I can't describe

Not a fan of gazpacho?

I haven't had it, though I would certainly try. It sounds gross to me right off the bat, but when it comes to the way a certain food was created to be consumed I'll always give it a try that way.

Don't know honestly. I once ate cold mashed potatoes and peas, like straight from the fridge cold, and it was awful. The thought of eating frozen flat bean soup, the liquid gelatinized, gives me a gag reflex.

cherry tomatoes

Not if you just eat them whole.

Really the only correct way of eating them tbh. Why would you take bites of something so squirty when it's also so small?

I thought you were supposed to eat them whole, and didn’t realize people actually took bites out of them. It’s literally bite sized already…

In general, people eating are just not appetizing to watch.

Die Ärzte put a song on their 1995 album called "The Banana". It was about the protagonist watching his girlfriend eating a banana. He seemed rather fond of the experience.


Escargots, i.e. snails.

It's pretty slimy looking when people pull it out of the shell with a toothpick and eat it.

The flavour is not bad, but also not worth the experience, IMHO.

It’s really good au gratin with garlic butter. But it looks like a chunk of snot.

Prepared well, they are pretty amazing. Little garlic explosions. Highly recommend to anyone dipping their toes into adventurous earring because it is mentally weird, but the outcome is easy and somewhat familiar.

Love me some escargot.

Spaghetti if they're slurping it. Just because it has the convenience of existing in noodle form doesn't make it feel off to watch someone not use their silverware, even if I won't say anything about someone doing it in my presence.

Soup, hands down. Slurpers are the worst, but even not slurpers are disgusting.

seeing people eat tacos when they don't even know how to hold them properly

As someone who only ate tacos a handful of times, what is the proper way?

You curve your hands like you're cupping someone's balls, and then slide the taco into your mouth in a gently tossing motion, like you're wanking someone off.

This unfortunately is me, was not aware there was a good way

Anything where they loudly suck off their fingers afterwards. I know somebody that does, like, slow, sensual in-and-out, too.

With or without eye contact?

Mostly without, haha. It's not a come-on, and it would be a shitty, gross one if it was. This individual just loves chip dust or whatever and is apparently unaware of how messed up that looks.

Anything pitch black that coats the teeth, like that squid ink stuff. Gross.

Oysters definitely make the list.


You and I clearly have a different definition of a good evening.

sluuuuuurp ;)

Human brain from the skull

You consider that food? Interesting...

Only when paired with fava beans and a nice chianti

I forget which part of the hannibal lecter series it is from but the image is seared into my brain.

It was from Hannibal. The third in the series, if you consider Red Dragon to be a Hannibal Lector film.

Thanks! :) I watched the movie at a much too young age so it was probably my fault that I have this vivid picture in my head.