If Trump Wins... ?

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 37 points –

Americans; If Trump wins in November, what are your plans?


Resist as much as possible without getting killed. BTW, I'm an Old-White-Guy Boomer. Not all people in my generation are lining up to kiss Trump's ass...

It's important for the left to recognise that boomers as a whole also represent a group of people who face significant systemic challenges, and that the real enemy is capitalism and the power structures that maintain it as the status quo.

"Significant systemic challenges" such as...?

They've had it better than us at every stage of life and have trashed everything for those coming after them. If they are facing challenges now, they're lucky.

As they do now, capitalists are to blame for what previous generations have had, not the generation themselves. While the boomer generation may have profited by the direct disenfranchisement of others, the same is inherently true of almost anyone who participates in capitalism.

Hating boomers for being born when they were is prejudice plain and simple, while we may face our own modern issues they had their own when they were younger. More recently there's lovely stuff like elder abuse that's rampant in aged care.

The leftist cooks did a great video on the topic that I'd recommend watching rather than listening to me, I'm no expert on the topic, I just think social cohesion is important and we need to keep in mind who really causes our problems.

I don't dislike boomers because of when they were born. I dislike boomers because the right wing ones are assholes and idiots. They blame the younger generations for the problems they caused and they're actively trying to burn down our country because they believe the bullshit they're fed by fox "news" and wannabe dictator tRump.

That's exactly my point.

Hate shit people, don't hate people who belong to a demographic. There are lots of awesome boomers.

Thank you for your comments. I was getting caught up in the hate rhetoric for "boomers" in general, forgetting who perpetuated these issues we face today.

Thinking back, I know I said some shitty things to older friends and family, who were just trying to get along in life like everyone else.

They have made changes to the system they profited from so that others cannot do the same. It has nothing to do with ageism

And neither are some of the younger ones who they might have counted on in the past... I just hope it's enough.

Same thing I did last time. Hunker down in a blue city in a blue state, worry about my friends and relatives in red states, and do what I can to take care of myself and others.

God I don’t know. It’d be a god damn miscarriage of justice. I don’t think I could handle 4 more years of it.

4 more years - seems like the start of the Trump forever dynasty if you let him back in.

(From the perspective of a Canadian)

And we're in for our own ride with "Polly Pockets" as my wife calls him (pierre poilievre). Since it increasingly looks like our fellow citizens are going to fuck up...

Hunker down, pre budget anticipating more layoffs. I'm "lucky" in that I'm cis, white, male, married, too old for draft. So will also spend my time looking after folks in my community that don't have those keywords. I am already a friend to all, but will think double about their needs/concerns. (Obviously respecting their privacy). Try to volunteer more than normal.

Same. If it comes to it, I'll be a stop on another Underground Railroad. I hope it doesn't come to it.

Im a broke woman with chronic health problems in a red state who may be homeless soon and who sure as hell can't afford to leave and go somewhere better. I guess I'll just keep trudging along and hope that somehow we're all being hysterical and things won't actually get that bad but if they do and if I lose what little social assistance I have I guess I'll just tap out and call it a life, ya know?

Easy, just pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Duh. I don't understand why you haven't done it already. I kid. But seriously. I hope you get the help you need.

Have you considered to sell everything and be homeless hopping freight trains to leave the area? Or how expensive woulf a greyhound to another are be? Not trying to be mean, just have a hard time imagining being in your position.

I’m really surprised the right isn’t more concerned people in your condition will look at their choices, their right to firearms, and decide if they’re going down, they’re taking legislators with them. That’s a serious concern when people are desperate.

I'm a trans woman and I honestly think that I very well may end up having to hide myself in my parents attic or something.

would strongly recommend my transfolk friends move out of FL and TX, and really any red state. I know it's hard, but these places..... they're not run by people in their right minds.

Might as well go live in an actual developed country while you are at it.

i want to add for any trans folks thinking about moving to canada: make sure you check provincial laws. we have a federal bill enshrining trans rights*, but some of our provinces are interested in just ignoring it using the notwithstanding clause. obviously do your own research but i would say british columbia is probably your best bet (coastal bc especially, the interior is a little... traditionalist)

i found a resource that breaks it down better than i ever could

It is spreading, not many states will be safe very soon. Not to mention most people don't have the ability to move. It's a nice thought, tho

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Well, the first thing I'm going to do is drink myself into a coma. After that, I don't know. I keep hoping to wake up rich so I can have a lot more options, but that hasn't happened yet.

Unfortunately if the U.S. gets really bad, everywhere will get really bad. If Trump does putin’s bidding, then it will creat power vacuums around the world and will lead to wars. Leaving might be less safe than staying.

Or it won’t be as bad as predicted and it will just be very bad. Then I’m not sure.

Keep my head down for 4 years just like last time.

I’m watching his interview with Laura Ingraham. I started yelling at the TV and started getting PTSD from his first term. I’m really scared of what another Trump term would do to us. I forgot how scary that time was.

He'll be in office for longer than 4 years if he gets elected. Much longer.

Vote, and tell people to Vote, no matter how certain his loss is.

I’ve been pursuing getting citizenship in an EU country since my grandparents were born in the EU and came to the US. Their country of origin seems to allow it so I’ve lined up an appointment with an immigration attorney I found online to see if they can help. I’ve started doing DuoLingo for the local language. I can’t do another four years of Trump and I doubt he will leave at the end of the term if he wins. I hunkered down and dealt with it last time but damn I can’t take that stress anymore.

My feeling is that a Trump reelection will be the null result of the American experiment. I expect we'll shift gears from decline to conflagration that will consume the Constitution, The three Branches, and the Union itself. Best case, we'll emerge humbled from the ashes much like Germany in the late 20^th^ Century.

Germany was build by US. Who is gonna build US?

Just going to hope that the Democratic institution is strong enough to survive another 4 years.

Judging by the Arkansas supreme court elections it doesn't look like it. 2 seats opening, 4 judges currently holding seats are running for them. If they lose they keep their current seat, if they win they take the new seat and resign their old. Those positions are then filled by the Governor without need of an election. Aka stacking the courts through loop holes.

Mentally prepare for a civil war that could easily explode into WW3.

I've already got my passport, and my partner is getting their's later this year. I've always wanted to finish a masters, and it would be a great excuse to be anywhere else.

Already working on getting permanent residency in another country that doesn’t share a border with the U.S. Not specifically because of loser Trump but we will be more likely to use it if that fucker finds his way back to office.

Honestly, I would be shocked if he ever wins another election or somehow manages to come out on top. He lost by a lot of votes last time. Since then, we watched him on TV while he incited an insurrection, his subsequent behavior suggests he may want to start a civil war, a jury determined he is a rapist, and enough other shit to write a book series.

His post-presidency career is selling NFT’s, shoes, begging for handouts from his idiot followers, criminal defendant, and whatever other scam he thinks of when he wakes up. He’s a petty hustler who inherited money. He’s a loser.

More importantly, he is a criminal. He can’t help himself. He is going to cheat in the election because he cheats at everything. He cheats on his wife, cheats on his taxes, cheats in golf, cheated in an election. He is going to cheat and he will be caught red handed. It’s not unreasonable to wonder if he might get himself arrested for what he does in this election.

He’s already facing four criminal trials. He’s not beating 91 felony charges, especially when most of them are from the feds. They don’t lose cases and they don’t bring high profile cases unless they have the defendant dead to rights.

He is toast and he knows it, which is why he’s so desperate to delay the trials and win the presidency. He is arguably a domestic terrorist. He is arguably a national security threat. The three letter agencies are probably on him like flies on shit. If they’re not, they fucking should be. I don’t believe he will ever be permitted to set foot in the White House again, and that’s assuming he wins in the first place, which he won’t, or cheats his way to victory, which also won’t happen. He's done.

Unfortunately I think Trump will get back in

538 suggests that he's beating Biden in opinion polls, plus he's far ahead of any other candidate in the Republican primaries.

538 is bullshit. They are wrong as often as they are right. People don’t prefer Trump to Biden or anybody else for that matter. There’s just not a lot of enthusiasm for Biden.

Biden is old and boring. Otherwise, he and his administration have been competent. He has a lot of shit on his plate between the division in our country, war with Russia, and now Israel getting into shit at the worst time possible. Iran is also simmering over there and we have the usual shit from North Korea. Throw in relations with China and this administration has as many challenges as any in recent memory.

The upside is we have a great Secretary of State and the rest of the cabinet has been pretty solid overall. And don’t forget, the administration and the Fed managed to stave off a recession in the midst of all of this, which is a pretty difficult balancing act when dealing with all these external problems requires significant government spending. The Biden administration is doing a much better job than people realize.

In contrast, Trump fucks up everything he touches. Half these problems have his fingerprints all over them to begin with. A reasonable person knows he is not a good executive, even-tempered or capable of engaging with real leaders. This is a guy who turned a $5M judgement against him into $83M because he can’t control himself. He is stupid and reckless. Do you trust him to sit across from a guy like Xi Jinping? I sure as hell don’t. One of leads 1.6 billion people with an iron fist and the other is a clown masquerading as a mafioso.

For Trump to win, he would have to get a lot more votes than he did during the last election in which he was more or less trounced. I just don’t see that happening. Who didn’t vote for him last time and is looking at him now and thinking he’s the guy? He is the worst presidential candidate in the history of our country by a long shot.

The Republicans have been handed a series of crushing defeats in bi-elections post-Trump. I'm hopeful that it will carry into the federal election, especially if Alabama's "embryos are people" law survives the supreme court.

Probably leave the country for a while. That's one of the nice things about being dual citizen. I understand this doesn't work for everybody, and there are probably other maybe better responses, but that's my first thought.

Canadian here

Try to evacuate my American GF up here. We're both disabled but I will do anything in my power to get her up here

As a Canadian, my next step is to worry about whether we, stupidly, elect the Russian asset known as PeePee up here during a Trump administration across the border.

This scenario would pretty much just turn all of N America into a facist continent. Corruption and corporate rule would create social chaos and upheaval.

Both our countries are on their last breaths as it is.

Conservatives are 100% winning the next election. The only thing we don't know is if it's going to be a majority or minority.

It's fun to joke that I'll just lean into the evil.

I'm worried people around me will actually just lean into the evil, tho.

get better job after all the good people leave the country

if you are a loser brain drain can be a real boost for morale and promotions!

I mean, I get it. If he were to win again things would get much worse. But I still feel like Republicans are running the country right now anyway, and things are only very slightly better than they were under Trump. Ok, some environmental things were rolled back from Trump policies. There was some student debt relief. But all the big things they're telling me to be scared for if he wins again, I'm already scared about right now. The Supreme Court corruption, the influence of money in politics, Russian interference, sympathy toward Israeli genocide--those things are doing as much damage as Trump could, and Democrats are ignoring it all!

keep organizing and doing food solidarity work. spread anarchist propaganda. keep pwning the libs. is that unsportsmanlike?

I mean... I'll just keep on building the revolution. you?

Currently torn between stockpiling guns so I can get flashbanged and black vanned in the middle of the night by the Gestapo and illegally emigrating to Canada.

On the one hand, that first one will be annoying, on the other, I hate snow.

Continue living outside of the US, which means I'm not doing anything, really. If the US were to get stupidly unstable, pull my remaining assets out and maybe try to get Visa for family to come here (Japan), but that seems unlikely to happen.

No matter if that criminal wins or not, EU needs to fend for themselves. The US is a lot more unreliable then Poetin (we know he's a bastard).

I can't afford housing here anyways so I'd genuinely expend a lot of my life savings to try to move to Europe, at least temporarily. Yes, yes, "everywhere has its problems". I just want new problems I guess.

I've been stockpiling currencies and practicing another language, while looking into citizenship through my heritage. Also been reading a lot of info over on resisters.info I've never really been one to worry about stuff like politics to this degree, but the world as a whole is just getting so crazy and I just want to be able to live a peaceful life, so I want to prepare incase.

Try and see if my international employer has any semi-permanent positions overseas.

But more likely than not, return to introvert and hope my family doesn't continue to devolve...

I'm thinking on going to south america, I would rather go to Europe, but If Trump wins its very likely he will allow Russia to go and invade other nato members starting ww3

Where in South America would you go? What places are welcoming of American immigrants?

Most places are welcoming to Americans

But do they allow us to just move over there and gain residency without any family?

There’s one that you had to leave for a day per some interval (a year iirc) and could come right back and resume your effectively residential (but not technically) life. Can’t find it now but…

Seems Georgia offers a year at a time with a simple day trip across the border as needed.

Language would be a helluva challenge but…. Alright. I’d take the learning curve over living under Emporer Big Mac.

Yeah, I would recommend you search the government websites but most places are good about offering a path to residency

Already moved on to a boat, I'll either be staging to leave, or already out of the country, when the election is decided. Depending on the results I'll be back in the spring, or not.


But for real idk. My wife is an obgyn and I'm Hispanic soooo I feel like we might be in danger.

Waiting to buy a house until after this election. Blue enough city doesn't matter.

Well, I ain't got enough funds to go anywhere, so just wait it out as the world becomes one giant fascist world where I'm supposed to Nazi salute every single police officer and slaughter anyone who isn't white, Christian, and ultra conservative.

I’ll just go on living my life in Norway, fielding questions left and right like “is it really that bad/racist/scary in America?”.

My state will be largely unaffected, we'll still have decision makers of the opposite extreme.

Just finished reading a book during WW2 and damn. These comments, they're eerily similar.

This too shell pass.

Honestly, he is so incompetent, and he is so focused on himself that other than theatrics, I do not expect him to be any different from average republican president in terms of policies. Those policies will be formulated by whomever he likes at given moment.

As a well-off white guy, feel sad for a bit, then enjoy the short-term benefits while I can. Maybe buy a house before things go to shit.

Probably laugh at all the socialists that crossed their arms and refused to vote when they whine about how shitty things are going to be- while knowing they could have changed things had they not stayed home.

And drink a lot.

Nothing like 2016.

Lemmy, Trump live in your mind rent free.

He's literally a presidential candidate for the upcoming election in the US this year.

He has paid billions to live in our minds.

Biden is a presidential candidate for the upcoming election in the US this year (for now). But you see more Trump posts in this community.

You're right, it's even more apparent it'll be a disaster for the planet.

I was going to warn you that most Lemmy users are leftists but I guess your question is loaded to begin with

I am perplexed by people who like him. The party has shown itself full of the same ilk, but Trump specifically is... After everything he has done I have to assume ill intent, otherwise would be to assume offensive levels of retardedness.

Never said I like trump but Lemmy is way too politicized and unbalanced towards the left. You can't have a proper discussion on a hive mind echo chamber. I've had to block a ton of subs, some that shouldn't even be political, because it's all super polarized rhetoric and no discerning opinions are considered

I'm not even in the US so I don't really care that much about what happens over there so seeing almost everything end up being political propaganda for one side of the political landscape of USA is really annoying

It is annoying, but the US right consists of one party full of anti-science, so being in touch with reality automatically means not them, and in such a disgrace of a political system that means "the other party" because the bastards haven't updated from their two-party elections since the 1800s.

How many boosters did you get?

Only compared to the US, which is unbalanced towards the right.

You guys don't even have a left party. Only right wing and extreme right wing.

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