What do you think would improve your Lemmy experience?

Aurelius@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 28 points –

I'm curious to get everyone's thoughts on opportunities to improve!


More fun-type content.

I like Lemmy, but I feel constantly bombarded by depressing content and "comedy" poisoned by irony and sadness.

Yeah this place is by far the most negative social media I've tried

Depressing content, and comments full of political extremism where even if you agree in principle, if you don't take it to quite the extent the rest of them take it, they wanna crucify you.

Like...as much as my political opinions tend toward progressive, my time here has really gotten me to come around on why a lot of people elsewhere on the political spectrum can't stand progressives.

Yeah, I wish there was a "happy mode" on Lemmy for when I'm already feeling a bit of existential dread. I know it's not really possible without doing expensive content scanning but I can dream.

I know that it's a core design feature of Lemmy and the underlying federation, but it's pretty annoying that multiple communities with the same name can exist on different instances while not necessarily following the same ruleset or even purpose.

The small user base gets even more fractured that way, a lot of posts get reposted to multiple instances as well.

So you either:

  • subscribe to one or two communities and miss a lot of potentially interesting conversations
  • subscribe to more communities and get flooded with reposts and potentially stuff you don't want to see due to a different ruleset

You nailed my issue with the fundamental idea of lemmy. It’s like having a party at ten people’s houses with a tenth of the normal amount of guests.

Some sort of user-controllable merging of community views would honestly alleviate most of this:

Adding something like user-specific topics, e.g. allowing the user to consolidate all posts from instanceA.communityA and instanceB.communityA and even instanceA.communityB into a custom community view shouldn't be all that difficult to implement (he stated naively, having never looked at the codebase).

A great addition would also be to allow the merging of posts, e.g. show all comments of all threads under one post where the post URL matches and/or the title matches.

This isn't exact, since multiple communities can discuss the same topic from completely opposite viewpoints, but at least allowing the user to consolidate stuff and control it would be huge.

More comments, in general. Many posts have tons of upvotes but zero comments so it’s hard to engage in a conversation.

can't speak for others, but i'm mostly the quiet/introverted/lurker type..

sometimes i just feel like i have nothing valuable to add to the conversation

i will make an active effort to engage more tho

This is a good start :) thanks for the comment/contribution

This is why I sort by new comments

Yeah I've started to contribute more with comments as well. Sometimes just saying the obvious is a nice way to get the community going!

Agreed! Even a small comment gets the momentum going

Keep in mind that the same article often gets posted to multiple communities on multiple instances, dividing up the comment pool.

I asked someone i know why they didn't join lemmy, their answer is lemmy is too fractured and they have to sub to multiple same community to get the full thing. I think it's a quirk of fediverse/ap protocol, where each instance could have and want their own community, and some instance user would like to stay in their own instance as well.

Maybe there should be an option to join the various conversations together if a user wants to see more content. That sounds pretty difficult to manage, though.

A popular suggestion has been to implement the ability for communities across instances to 'subscribe' to eachother, which puts the networking of these communities in the hands of the moderators of that community.

I want that feature above all else.

That sounds like a reasonable way to handle it. Federated communities within federated instances.

I do my part by providing my two cents fairly frequently. I try to balance it against not talking out of my ass too often.

That's fair. I wonder if anyone has looked into the vote to comment ratio compared to other social media platforms. I'm curious how Lemmy compares

I did a little informal comparison between my posts and the ones at r/Superbowl, and whole the ratio was at least decently better at the time, I still get disappointed if I don't get a few comments on each post.

The likes are great and all, but to me, that just kinda feels like I'm just checking off boxes. It's the most basic form of approval.

Comments though are what really let me know making the posts are worth my time. It lets me know I'm reaching you guys enough to make you say "hey this is cool." And actual questions or you sharing something about a life experience, etc is worth way more than a hundred upvotes because it lets me know I've triggered good feelings in you from something I posted and it makes me want to post a hundred more things to do that again.

I always make sure to thank my commenters and let them know by replying, they are doing something as important as I am by posting. Without them completing the other side of the equation, it's just me telling into the void, and it's boring for me and makes posting a chore. But by you saying literally anything positive, I know I'm having an impact on your day, hopefully in a positive way, and that encourages me to post more, making a positive feedback cycle that will keep this a good place to come.

Lemmy needs more small communities.

As someone who started and is extremely active in a small community, I find Lemmy actively hostile to the point where I'm considering closing up after less than a month.

The number of indignant replies and comment-free downvotes we get inundated with continually is... disheartening.

People want content, but actively detract from any content that doesn't cater to them. It's hard to take.

Lemmy is the small community lmao

That's not exactly what I meant. Aside from a decent Trekkie presence, I don't think we've seen smaller Reddit communities leave for Lemmy.

Oh sorry, I knew what you meant. I was just being tongue in cheek haha. But you're right, we don't have any niche presence and that's what made reddit what it was.

I recently showed up here from Reddit and it’s pretty disappointing. I found a few interesting-to-me niche communities, but most of them seem to have a dozen or so posts from 8 months ago and then nothing. That timing coincides with Reddit’s API changes, so I’m left to assume there was a burst of activity driven here at that point but that it fizzled out quickly.

The infrastructure and UX here seem ready, but the network effect is very slow for a long time. Without a lot more real users (and diverse niches), it will be difficult to attract and retain a lot more real users. The initial confusion about federation and technical concepts also needs help to get them started, but the niches are needed for retention.

Tldr, I don’t want to read about technology and Star Trek, I need cast iron and Costco, 3D printing and landscaping, cycling and idiots in cars.

The ability to easily hide individual threads.

Like, I've seen "Wendy's wants to go to Uber style pricing", I want the ability to mark it as "read" and set jerboa or lemmy.world in my browser to "show unread" and still have the ability to view my "read" items later if I want to refer back to them or whatever.

It would drastically improve my mobile experience and greatly improve my PC experience as well.

Along similar lines: using Jerboa, if I click on an image or link, I'd like the corresponding post to be marked as read. Sometimes I don't feel like visiting the comments but I've seen the content so it shouldn't show as unread.

Interesting, mine (Jerboa application) seems to do this already. I'll have to check my settings and test out a few posts to see if it actually does though.

EDIT: nope! Don't know what I thought I saw but it does not do that.

I'd like all of the similar communities grouped so I can sub to one. It is annoying seeing the same content posted to multiple communities on different instances. It is also harder for new users to find.

I think we would have more active larger communities if they could all be grouped as one.

For example if we have gaming@domain1 , gaming@domain2 and gaming@domain3

I would prefer it was just gaming and all three synced the content and comments. If one node was to drop all of the content and comments would be there. There would be a larger more active community and less repetition. If a new gaming@domain4 joined it would be seeded with the existing content and sync any new content from that node.

I know it doesnt work like this but I think it would be nice if it did. I know if I go to a steamdeck subreddit I will find all the news related to that. Here I need to check the three or four that I'm subscribed to which is a pain point.

Yeah this is one of the things keeping me from using Lemmy as much. I am subscribed to multiple Steam Deck, Patient Gamer, and technology communities and they all have different levels of activity and I see a lot of duplicate posts.

I believe this would help a lot

Searchability. Not that Reddit's is good, but it's better especially when using a search engine.

Lemmy search improvements related to the UI or search results themselves?

Different commenter here.

I'd like 'search by post name' and 'search by keyword in discussions' features added to Jerboa UI.

I have to switch out to Voyager to do these searches.

  • I am sticking with Jerboa because it is what I started with and has a cute icon. Also the longest running lemmy-app in the Fdroid repos, The original.

Users. Sites like reddit and communities like Lemmy get their strengths (and weaknesses, but that's ok) from the size and contributions of their populations. Lemmy doesn't have enough yet.

I would like different types of nsfw tagging and categories like i don't wanna see porn but if it is a gruesome article or fucking insane story or question or pics i would like to have a way to acess them without seeing porn.

I like to engage in nuanced topics more than I like posting or commenting on random memes. Not necessarily to argue but to learn.

But if you post a comment in a thread that opposes the hive mind - heck even if you suggest the issue might be more complicated - you will accumulate down votes which I presume risks your comment visibility in other threads at a later time.

I wish the voting system could somehow be altered so that there's a useful/thoughtful indication separate from the "I agree/ I disagree" button.

Oh man... you're basically speaking directly to why I made our small community (consider this a personal invite). As I said elsewhere, I find Lemmy actively hostile.

The number of indignant replies and comment-free downvotes we get inundated with continually is… disheartening.

People want content, but actively detract from any content that doesn’t explicitly cater to them. It’s hard to take.

Pretty cool idea, just wanted to say I agree that Reddit, most tech site comment sections, and even Lemmy unfortunately really fall into this hive mind mentality. Saw a Reddit post on first time home owner or whatever that community is, people flaming the guy because he had the audacity to have a pickup truck with an American flag decal, just so ingrained in the culture. Truck bad! America bad!

A filter for USA centric posts / community / instances

Somehow prevent multiple posts with the same content from showing up in my feed consecutively. Some people post to multiple communities (which is fine, if the content is relevant), but sometimes I see 3-4 identical posts by the same person in various communities, one after the other on my feed.

I've blocked some accounts who have done this excessively, but in many cases it's valid.

Now that cross posting directly is getting more support it would be cool for Lemmy to have a setting where it marks ALL cross posts as read as soon as one of them is. That way they would be filtered out by the "show read posts" setting along with the original.

Multi-reddit-like functionality.

Users being able to group communities together themselves might also be a potential solution to the many, many posts complaining about the fragmentation of identical communities across instances.

Instance owners ought to clean up all the unused communities that were created during the Reddit exodus by inactive users/mods only wanting to hoard the names. They're basically redirecting traffic from actual communities and into a void.

I wonder how often it happens that some user has a hobby/interest, and go search for a community for this interest. They'll find an empty community and leave without posting.

My theory is that if the dead communities didn't exist, people who actually care about the topic would create their own active communities.

When you search for a community in lemmy, by default, the results are ordered by subscribers. If there is an active community on the topic, it will appear above any of the others, so the only way people are finding empty communities is if all of the communities are empty

I still think this is the biggest issue with lemmy right now. There should be a way for communities that are identical across instances that can connect where a post would be cross posted and connected with links to each instance it's connected with.

Image galleries in posts. Having multiple images in posts is currently extremely glitchy depending on the client, so having a central solution would be helpful.

So I'm scrolling down the All feed. Bottom of first page. Click Next Page. I get another page. Some of them are the same posts as on the first page because whatever algorithm ranks them for display just ran again and they got ranked in a different order.

I see one I'm interested in. I click on it. It loads, I leave a comment. I click Back to get back out to the feed. I'm on the first page again. It didn't remember my place.

Related- I'm in "Subscribed - New" I click a link, click Back and I'm in "Local - Active." If I cared about video games and linux this would be fine, but...

If I didn't get 403 errors when trying to post to groups that I'm subscribed to.

Ability to filter out political posts. I've blocked a few communities, but politics still invades things like news, memes, etc.

It's impossible to completely block it, I'm just saying hypothetically, if I could remove everything remotely political, I would.

I feel like the web interface could be better. I would like to be able to hide posts, use keybindings to navigate, and generally the overall performance could be better. But we have third party clients, which is a huge plus!

Ability to hide posts you've seen and aren't interesting. I usually either block the user or the community, depending on how uninteresting it is.

Not really possible, but... Have an ability to filter content by region. Removing all US content related to politics and "boring dystopia" would be a happy trade for 80%? less user activity.

The first one is already doable to some extent. In settings you can disable "show read posts" and it'll hide every post You've already opened before.

Thanks for that!

A bit of a warning: currently "read posts" also includes your own posts on your profile. If you like to check in on your posts often it can be a bit annoying but otherwise it's a really really useful feature for general lemmy use.

lichess integration so every unresolvable argument can be decided by a chess duel. A bot reacts when it's called by a command (plus arguments to customize the game) and drops a link (only OP can access and play, others join as spectators). Results are then posted as a reply. It's not possible atm, but I guess lichess devs are based and won't mind a little customization on their side for that silly matter. Federating with them would be a way to null many people's bingo cards.

Hide post button. Not always but sometimes I see a post I'm just not interested in or are questionable and don't want to see them

Fixing that bug where if you do something like upvote someone while typing a comment, your comment gets deleted.

Stop making "Undetermined" the default language for posts and comments, so my feed stops getting spammed by foreign language posts that didn't bother to correctly tag themselves.

Allow blocking entire instances (I think this might be in the latest update which my instance hasn't yet migrated to?).

Beyond that, the only thing I really miss from reddit is being able to open the comment thread for a post and read literally hundreds of comments. Gets a bit underwhelming seeing so many front-page posts with 1 or 2 comments.

Reddit exploding again so more people are driven here. :P

I should be able to "hide read posts" and not have it apply to my own posts/comments in my profile.

That's a good one, I never thought about the issue of it applying to your own content

Posts from ultra niche topics I'm interested in that inspire me to do things I would not otherwise. That is what I miss most.

I hope that the new "scaled" search helps solve this very issue

As someone who runs a community, the ability to disable downvotes and have more customization within that Community would help a great deal.

I also wouldn't mind the ability to post something like a Delta on a comment to show a changed view or something.

Native peertube support. I'd loved to be post a video have it just be federated.

Lemmy as a whole could handle media better, in my opinion. It's also difficult for devs making 3rd party apps

Better timelines. Currently there's a lot of content buried which makes it really hard to create consistent cultures.

As in better sorting options?

To change the default for comment sorting, YES PLEASE.

I am having to click "Top" for every single post. It's become a reflex but seriously this is crazy. It feels like I must be doing something wrong but I have looked everywhere for the setting and there isn't one. I've assumed this is just an oversight that will soon be fixed, but it never is.

I just don't get it.

Yes the front page sucks no matter what sorting option you use and it's not because the posted content is shitty its just sucks in the way it presents it.

To be honest, I still don't really know the difference between 'hot' and 'active'

Wish those had more accurate descriptors.

It's explained here: https://join-lemmy.org/docs/users/03-votes-and-ranking.html

Basically, Hot and Active show posts based on upvotes minus down votes, with a time decay so older posts rank lower.

Hot has the time decay based on created time, so you'll basically only see posts from the last day or so.

Active has the time decay based on the most recent comment, so if someone comments it can bring an old post back to the top.

There is also Scaled (if your instance has updated to 0.19), which is like Hot but posts from communities with less active users will get a boost so you don't miss out on posts in small communities from being drowned out by big community posts with lists of upvotes.

For people to stop using downvoting as a method of disagreeing and only for content that is not appropriate.

An single sided interactive mirror of Reddit's communities.

It would be lovely to have all that content directly available right here.

And to be able to discuss the content with other Lemmy users.

But without being able to discuss / send back to the Reddit users.

There's an instance lemmit.online that mirrors reddit content and you can subscribe to the communities.

Like others said, there is so much content it's hard to get conversations going, it works better to cross post interesting content to a lemmy community.

Thank you! :)

Sadly a lot of the small/niche sub Reddits I miss on Lemmy aren't synced (e.g. MysteryDungeon, ModdedMinecraft and Palworld), some exist here, but the activity on them is quite small.

However I did find !feedthebeast@lemmit.online on there ^

Sadly it doesn't appear to play nicely with the Eternity app I use to browse Lemmy though :/
It works now, guess it only syncs posts since you're subscribed though! :)

Still appreciate the info though!

Yes, it's a lemmy thing that when the first personnel on your instance subscribes, it takes like a page of posts and then only the new ones going forward.

Lemmit.online used to have a way to add new subreddits, but it seems they have stopped accepting new ones. Must have got a bit too big to handle.

If I could cross post in Sync like I can on the website.

Cross-posting to other communities or onto other platforms?

Other communities. I'm participating in !korea@lemmy.funami.tech but we have only a few people posting there, so when I see a post in worldnews or something about Korea I like to cross post it to there.

Being able to upvote without getting an error and having to reload the page, gets really annoying really fast

More diverse politics stances rather than just commies and liberals

Oh man... you're speaking directly to why I made Actual Discussion (consider this a personal invite).

We frequently get one-time posters coming in and flaming (or downvoting without reading) on any thread that may not agree with them, then when challenged with sources, they vanish. It's brutal. I wish we could disable certain behaviours on our instance or in the Community itself.

That’s not very “owns the means of production” of you.

But all joking aside, there’s something fundamentally socialist about the fediverse. Like it’s by design decentralized to let people own their instance.

Honestly I just and less politics. More diverse just means more fighting. I just want less politics in subs that are not inherently political.

Me too, but every other post on lemmy is about sticking it to their parents and their beliefs. It's a bunch of teenagers who never grew out of their rebellious phase

Yeah, it absolutely is. It's disappointing because I had hoped Lemmy would be a bit more working and middle class people and fewer kids. Not that their viewpoint is invalid, but reddit is filled with teenagers and I was hoping for a slightly older skew.

I'll just try to remember that, yes, they are kids, and they are currently in their rebellious phase so I can't expect much different 😅

I'd like a good Christian community

Have you considered making one?

There is one but it's very inactive and gets downvote bombed by reddit atheists

46 more...

More global presence. Too US centric to my likings.


I see so much more non-US content here than I ever did on Reddit.

Turn off Downvote. Lemmy have some quirky user where they will lurk all the time and downvote content that doesn't fit their own preference. Like, what are your purpose? If you don't like seeing that language why not turn it off? Why not scroll past the topic you don't like or don't matter to you? It chase away a lot of people because they feels unwelcome.

These quirks is also the reason it's hard to recommend lemmy to my acquaintance and friends.

Personally wouldn't want the downvote removed, it's a good indicator for things like spam posts etc. Better to have those down voted than not to imo.

Yeah, i would also like it to remain there, but i feels like from my experience, i've seen it used very arbitrary/maliciously on innocent post than on spam post. And people just can't refrain from downvoting language they don't understand.

True. But I'd also like to see a reduction of seemingly general purpose down voting. There seem to be users who do nothing but down vote everything in sight.

I like that after this was posted, all the comments in this thread got downvoted lol

Lemmy has this functionality, you just need to join a server that enabled it.