Lauren Boebert's son was arrested over a spate of thefts as his mom tries to convince voters to look past her chaotic family life to – 752 points –
Lauren Boebert's son was arrested over a spate of thefts as his mom tries to convince voters to look past her chaotic family life

Rep. Lauren Boebert's 18-year-old son, Tyler Boebert, was arrested on Tuesday afternoon and is facing 22 charges, including several felony charges relating to a string of crimes in her Colorado district.

According to a Facebook post by the Rifle Police Department, the 18-year-old Boebert was arrested after a "recent string of vehicle trespass and property thefts" in Rifle, a town in Colorado's 3rd congressional district.

According to Garfield County Jail's records, the younger Boebert is facing four counts of criminal possession of a financial device, four counts of criminal possession of ID documents, and a count of conspiracy to commit a felony.

He's also charged with four misdemeanor counts of ID theft, three misdemeanor counts of first-degree criminal trespass, and three misdemeanor counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

In addition, he's also charged with three counts of the petty offense of theft of less than $300.


$20 says this piece of shit starts bitching about "respecting her privacy", while telling others how they should live.

You forgot to add "again" to your sentence.

Boebert's hypocritical "family values" family is the least surprising thing in this article. I'm more surprised that Colorado has a town called Rifle.

I'm more surprised he wasn't shot while breaking into cars in a town called rifle. I'm sure she'd be totally fine with it if he was, right? Or is that only minorities that deserve death for theft?

It won't be long before whites are a minority in this country. So I guess then he would deserve death for even the smallest of infractions.

Did I really need to add /s?

Did I really need to add /s

Yes. Right wingers say that kind of thing earnestly all the time. Don’t expect people to give you the benefit of the doubt when you start in with ‘white replacement’ rhetoric.

I get where you are coming from. I was speaking of demographic shifts that have been projected for years.

Oh and just like reddit, anyone who wants to use a little brain power could take 2 seconds and peruse my comment history. Nothing I've ever said would have me confused with a maggat.

Ah yes. Downvote legit conversation. This is how lemmy ends up looking like reddit or twitter. Lots of people will just stop contributing to the convo if this community as a whole isn't capable of adult discourse.

Oh and unlike reddit, we can see who downvotes what on lemmy. Maybe I'll start calling out the assholes as a way to kill time when I am bored.

No one is taking the time to peruse your comment history lol... Just add the /s if you want to make a sarcastic joke 🙄

Oh my God this nonce again.

They have such a victim complex.
You aren't contributing to the conversation my dude. You are making the conversation about you.

You seem like an alright person. Just a recommendation, now is a pretty good time for self reflection. Your comment didn't sound at all sarcastic and there's no reason for anyone to check your history. Just mark it with /s next time so we know.

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There seem to be a lot of geographic locations named Rifle around there, but it looks like the name originated at Rifle Creek which got its name from someone finding a rifle along its banks in the 19th century. If Wikipedia can be believed, that is.

I think people often misunderstand "family values" from redneck trash families. They're not hypocrites, generally, in this. Teenagers being trashy happens regardless of parents political leanings, the real hypocrisy would be if they went to the abortion clinic. They usually don't. It'd be a lot smarter, but then they'd have to change their views when confronted with the consequences, and that's horribly hypocritical. Person should maybe really think things through before it's convenenient.

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Hey guys, be fair. Maybe he was just stealing to support the baby he had with a child who was "over 14, so it wasn't statutory rape, we totally swear.'

I forgot he had a kid. If having a kid doesn't grow you up, nothing will.

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Aren't felonies a requirement for running for office as a Republican now?

I'm sure he will have a bright future as a member of Yall'Qaeda

How many minors did he rape? You gotta have some of those to make it in the Republicans.

Gotta secure the black vote somehow, and they seem to think this is the way for some idiotic reason?

Yea, if you expect black people to like you.

(Dont @ me, Trump said it)

Young Tyler’s going to have to up his game if he ever wants to be a republican presidential candidate. 22 is fuckin rookie numbers boii.

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I really don't care what her shitty son does. She is much worse.

If this bitch wants to go after Joe Biden because of something Hunter Biden did/is accused of, then we damn well SHOULD care about what her son is doing. As they love to say, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

If Republicans had no double standards, they'd have no standards at all.

Nah, this "stoop to their level" stuff doesn't help at all, it's stupid and just gives them more ammo to drag attention away from actual policy issues.

Which would just give them the go ahead to continue doing shit like that. You also have to think about who you are trying to sway with that shit. Her supporters do not care and will make every excuse that they can for it. People who do not like her do not like her because she herself is a piece of shit.

They are giving themselves the go ahead to continue shit like that and nothing that you or I or anyone says will stop that.

There are bad eggs that pop out of perfectly fine people, but this really feels like someone who is acting out the life they were taught to lead. I.E. Son grew up just like the parents wanted.

Care because she's a "family values" Republican and it shows exactly how bad they are at raising their kids. It's worth pointing out every single time because that's how they think everyone else should be forced to raise their kids.

Family values Republicans voted for Trump. It's clear that they do not actually give two shits about family values when it comes to the steaming pile of shits they support.

That doesn't mean you don't point out their hypocrisy when they try to legislate based on something they're hypocritical about.

Look past her chaotic family life… and focus on her clown show in Congress?

Yes but no, her progenitor Sarah Palin set the stage for this bs. Family Values and abstinence only got Bristol knocked up at 17, unmarried of course.

Hold these shitbags accountable for all their actions.

“Yes but no” what?

I’m just pointing out that her tenure in Congress is also a total mess, so I don’t know what shifting the focus away from her family even does for her

Not to excuse his criminal activity, but I don't think it's really a surprise he's not particularly... well-adjusted, given who his mother is. I frankly would have been more shocked if I was told he was a functional, well-adjusted, pleasant human being.

which kinda sucks, honestly. it's not like these kids seem to have really had a great chance before, then she runs for congress.

I frankly would have been more shocked if I was told he was a functional, well-adjusted, pleasant human being.

It is possible for someone to rebel against their parents shittiness by being the most upstanding citizen possible.

Or by becoming an activist for causes that oppose their shitty parent (see Nate Phelps, for example)

Unfortunately, those are rare examples, but they are possible.

Personally I had no idea she was married with children. Wasn't she just kicked out of a movie theater for being stoned and giving some staffer a hanny? Or is that some other republican trainwreck.

She's a 37 year old divorced grandmother.

You're essentially correct, there, but slightly off on a couple details. About a month before her divorce finalized, she was kicked out of a musical for vaping and being rowdy with her new boyfriend.

Rowdy is generous. She had her tits out around a bunch of minors.

She was kicked out due to complaints about her vaping and being loud.

Everything else came out afterwards when they double checked the tapes.

and being rowdy with her new boyfriend.

Is that what we're calling it these days?

She split with her husband, ie the guy who exposed himself to her in a bowling alley when she was a minor.

Also the guy she fucked around with is a registered Democrat who owns a bar that does drag shows.

I'm not making any of this up

She panicked and broke up with him and claimed she didn't know. What a coward.

She's actually a grandmother. I'm not joking.

Generation times can be very short when mental illness and/or heavy drug use are in play.

I had a cousin who was a grandfather at 32 and great grandfather at 46.

Absolutely, you’re right. I work in child protection and it’s honestly pretty common to see grandparents in their thirties. I’m yet to see one younger than exactly 30 though, but I’m sure they’re out there. There’s always a heavy mix of domestic violence, substance abuse, sexual abuse, and sometimes mental health issues at play as well.

I met one who was just barely 30 once when I was over in England and it was not a fun story.

She had her daughter at 16 after being high on heroine. She had no idea who the father was. Her daughter had a baby girl after being raped by a cousin at 11.

She was a grandmother at 27.

Ah look to be fair, that short generation Al thing has only become unusual in broader western society in the last hundred years or even less.

And these people think that they are morally superior. Amazing.

They don’t just think they are.

Whatchu mean?

They know they are. They’re world renown for not thinking much. They just confidently arrive at conclusions that require little to no thought at all.

Ah, yes. I remember when I was a wee little evangelical. “We are on the righteous path! We are soldiers for the king of kings. Everyone who doesn’t conform is demon possessed. Ladies wearing blue jeans? They’re going to hell. People watching’ picher shows? They’re going to hell. Listening to their devil music? Hay-uhl! There’s godly people, and there’s everyone else. Who do you want to be brother angryseal? Oh shondra mah hyba, maw heep ah buh macoyata da bah sheenda! You say to the demon! Get behind me Say tuuuhn!”

Good lord. I need to go a good old country Pentecostal church on acid. What a show.

Still wrong. They just feel morally superior. Fuck knows why though. Plenty of delusion I guess.

Hear me out now.

Perhaps she should not be givin' handies in auditoriums, and maybe she should be focusing more on the problems of her son and cut out the malarkey.

I don’t care if she’s fucking the whole town behind closed doors or in places that such behavior is welcome. But she needs to parent better, and if that takes time away from her sex life then so be it.

But also he’s 18 and has two parents. I’m not going to say it’s all her neglect. He’s an adult. And I wouldn’t be surprised if her parenting more would make it worse. She’s got shit morals

"It's shit all the way down, Randy."

I seen the shit bird talking at a shit podium to all the other shit birds, Sconie. As far as the eye could see, shit birds. All cooing and cawing peeping and whistling shit songs, Sconie. It was a sight to see. I got shit in my eyes, bud.

Also, the shit apple never falls far from the shit tree.

This brings a good point. When my wife and I were dating, we would go to the back of the theater and she would give me a nice BJ there. She (my wife) and I are by no means evil. I think it's just a thing you do when you don't have a house with a private bedroom. But there are adult book stores where that is common place and completely out in the open for people to join in if they want. It's just the sort of thing that you don't share at work and don't do when you are trying to impress others... outside of the adult book stores... I think BJ's should stay legal to give and receive.

Being a bad parent on the other hand is completely different. It shows how much you care for the people you love the most and are responsible for. So how can we expect her to do better for people she doesn't even know?

Oh, okay, we'll just look at your congressional record, public statements, and your own police records then

"Please look past my family's personal lives" she said during a press conference about Hunter Biden...

Give him the Hunter Biden treatment.

No thank you. I don't want to see MTG holding up a picture of his dick.

I have successfully avoided seeing Hunter's (apparently impressive) penis.

Plus, there's precedent consider Lauren's ex-husband exposed himself to teenage girls (including Lauren) in a bowling alley.

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"criminal possession of a financial device"

'Had to look up what is considered a financial device...

Under 18-5-702 CRS, it is a criminal offense in Colorado to use, possess, or manufacture a blank credit card. Unlawful use of a financial transaction device encompasses credit cards, debit cards, ATM cards, or other financial devices. This crime can be a petty offense, misdemeanor, or a felony.''

Yeah... It sounds like he and his minor friends stole 4+ wallets from various (probably unlocked) cars that each contained someone's ID & credit cards and at least some of the wallets also had cash.

Lol these people are so trashy

Just looking at the picture you know the whole family are just the worst. Like Ricky Bobby's kids from Talladega nights. Poor kids probably never got taught how to behave properly.

Why is anyone surprised? Isn’t that her family values? Take what you want and sneer when you get caught?

What is a "financial device"?

In this case probably a stolen credit or debit card.

1 . A person commits criminal possession of a financial device if the person has in his or her possession or under his or her control any financial device that the person knows, or reasonably should know, to be lost, stolen, or delivered under mistake as to the identity or address of the account holder.

All of the charges look like CC fraud

Raising a bunch of shitbag people, who would’ve guessed!?!

I bet you her family and ilk blame people of color for all the crime, while their little shit head, white bread thief of a son is running around breaking into cars

Boebert is a terrible legislator, but her kids’ behavior and life choices have little to do with the record and views by which her fitness to represent should be judged.

There are so many good reasons not to vote for her. It validates Republican attacks on Hunter Biden as “how the game is played.”

The least we can do is be a bit more nuanced about how we joke about it.

I think the big difference is that this kid is barely 19. There’s a good chance that this behavior started while he was still under her roof. There’s even the possibility that he’s still living with her, which means she turned a blind eye to it all.

In comparison, Hunter has been an adult for decades. He already has a long career as a lawyer. His actions are his own.

Yes but we can see what sort of people she and her family are by how they behave. These children almost certainly had no good role models, no mentors, and no real future to speak of. They were ejected from her body and left to fend for themselves.

Remember, the GOP wants EVERYONE to live like her and her family. So, yes, we can look at what she does at home and make some judgements on that.

Wait....I suddenly have a suspicion why the dad was being rough with the son.

If I had no idea who they were, I would still look at that group photo and think they all look entirely untrustworthy and make assumptions about them being terrible people. Or that they were a fake family posing for the example photo in a photo frame.

He’s starting his career as a future Republican presidential candidate early in life. He’s an overachiever 🥹🥹

Sounds like her son needs more support than his mother is providing. Sounds like she's a neglectful mother.

Isn’t there some kind of conservative something or other about women staying at home? Like… to look after the kids etc?

I’m not saying that ‘philosophy’ is correct, but I do wonder if the cognitive dissonance amongst her supports is ringing ever more loudly.

This is the peak level schadenfreude I live for. Into my veins Republicans, into my veins.

One has to wonder if the kid is doing it on purpose to get back at their mom, not that she probably doesn't deserve it, or that it couldn't be the opposite, where he thinks he's untouchable.

You can take the boy out of the trailer, but you cain't take the trailer out of the boy.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree eh, Boebert dysfunctionaltards?

I don't usually post hot political takes, but I'd fuck the shit out of Laurens Boeberts

You’d likely get a raft of diseases.

Kind of like looking past Hunter Biden and his laptop?

I suppose you'd prefer the orange traitor that gives out classified documents to our enemies. Getting hung up on Biden's son when Trump is a very literal traitor to our country and handing out classified documents, is asinine.

And no, I don't think shitting on Boebert's son is necessary. I'm tired of the hit-pieces on people's families. She's a dumpster fire without any help. Sounds like her son is the one that needs help.

Hunter Biden has entered the chat...

edit = I figured it was obvious that i was being sarcastic and equating Bobo's Hunter hatred with her own attempts to cover up her baby's crimes.

Just to be explicit, I'm slamming on Bobo, not Hunter or his dad.