Non right-wing tech podcasts? to – 232 points –

It feels like every time I find a podcast about security/networking/technology the hosts end up saying some pretty off-color stuff, or I look them up and they also host right wing podcasts. Are there any that are more leftist, hosted by LGBT peeps, or at least not actively bigoted ?


Odd. I have never found a tech podcast that is right wing. All of them i have ever heard are done by lefties

Same, I would actually be curious to listen to a right wing tech podcast as the two concepts clash so hard in my brain.

Not specifically about podcasts, but I think there's a minority (?) of privacy/security enthusiasts who are pretty overtly right-wing libertarians, often because those technologies are anti-establishment. Think Luke Smith. I've also met people in the tech sphere (both on the I love Big Tech as well as FOSS side) who have very traditionalist, borderline right-wing opinions.

Not specifically about podcasts, but I think there’s a minority (?) of privacy/security enthusiasts who are pretty overtly right-wing libertarians, often because those technologies are anti-establishment.

yeah--the "techno-libertarians", as i've personally taken to calling them. that tendency was also the case on reddit in the early days (and to some extent still influences the site's cultural lean) and seems to be particularly common among stereotypical Silicon Valley types. a big calling card of that group is usually waxing poetic about the need to preserve almost unfiltered freedom of speech even though no website trying to preserve that has ever gone well.

Even though they're both "anti-establishment", it's funny looking at the differences between techno-libertarians and techno-anarchists. They both claim to want the same thing, but one side mostly just looks for unregulated systems that they can early adopt and exploit profit from, and the other side regularly gets their hard drives confiscated by the FBI.

Anarchists will always get persecuted by any state, their goal is to abolish the state itself, and no state is going to go down without a fight.

Libertarians on the other hand, while they share some of the same ideas, can fly under the radar... but only as long as they don't oppose those of the state, like in an individualist capitalist one, not so much in a communist authoritarian one.

There's a dude who does Linux videos.

Kind of went off the rails one day after one of the really bad mass shootings happened and he got all worked up about gun control.

I think this was actually after Trump was elected. Might have been the Vegas shooting. I remember because it was also when DuckDuckGo was getting shit from these people about not promoting Russian propaganda, which "interferes with free speech" or whatever the fuck one of their talking points is.

Actually, it might not have been after one of the shootings. But it was definitely around the time these people were complaining about DDG (and I think that was a while after the Vegas shooting) and it kind of devolved into complaining about gun control.

I didn't really watch him much, but I haven't bothered since. Can't even remember the channel name. Some bullshit. Dude was obsessed with xmonad.

It's distrotube

He also made videos complaining about GNOME's code of conduct and Mozilla's suggestion to deplatform Nazis.

There's very much a Peter Thiel-esque type of libertarian tech bro - think the crypto fanatics, the Elon Musk fanboys, etc. Or, tangentially, how New Atheism collapsed in part because some women had the audacity to point out that sexual harassment is a thing. On a similar note, just go onto any online video game and openly announce yourself to be gay or a woman.

Geek culture and its associated cultures have always had an undercurrent of sexism, probably not unrelated to the fact that they're historically dominated by somewhat awkward or lonely men. That feeling of male angst and isolation is absolutely something that the Right has been able to successfully exploit. Take Gamergate, for instance.

I don’t listen to tech podcasts at all, but now that you mention it, the concept seems odd to me, too. Tech involves objective facts, scientific reasoning, and logic, which are three things I definitely don’t associate with modern conservatism.

Tech involves objective facts, scientific reasoning, and logic

Maybe the making of tech is, but its application and relevance in modern society is, at the end of the day, a sociological phenomenon.

I think this is where "compartmentalization" comes in. Similar in concept to how you are forced to wall off sadness when a loved one dies so that you can continue to live your life, I think there are mentally competent right wingers, but they wall off the logic and reasoning so that it applies only to machines. They do this because if those ideas of logic and reason get beyond the wall/outside of the compartment, the meaning of their lives falls apart.

engineering types do seem to fall off the conservatism cliff more frequently than other science-adjacent professions. so do surgeons, for some reason? at least from what i've observed. i think something about high performance, high pay jobs that require specialized education can make a person more vulnerable to brain worms.

Tech involves a lot of do x, y, and z to get outcome a with no ambiguity. That appeals to a lot of the right wing.

Tech also involves corporate $$, “disruptive” (read: anti-worker) innovation, etc. the general skew of tech as an industry seems center-right to me plus lots of tech bros fully engaged (sometimes “ironically”) with the alt right.

At the local level, tech bros form natural partnerships with right wing interests around gentrification and policing.

They're really ideologies orthogonal to each other:

  • Technologist/Luddite
  • Progressive/Conservative
  • Anarchist/Libertarian/Statist/Authoritarian
  • Communist/Socialist/Capitalist

The "right wing tech", in a US-centric definition, would likely fall under "conservative libertarian capitalist technologist", which is a possible combination.

I'm still pretty new into looking, this post was inspired by listening to Self-Hosted and one of the hosts has a "news" podcast and one of the more recent episodes was recommending other creators, which were like Megyn Kelly and right wing people :( There were also a few YouTubers that I tried to get into to learn networking but some of them had rant videos about women and stuff. I maybe could have worded it as also like...not corporate-worshipping codebro type podcasts? If that makes sense. There seems to be a lot of libertarian types in computer networking and I just wanted some recommendations by people who have been listening longer than I have.

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When Noah was on some of the Jupiter Broadcasting podcasts, he had a number of right-wing editorialized viewpoints during discussions. Chris didn't seem to bite much on them (at least, at the time), so I'm guessing Chris didn't care for it much (speculating here). I stopped listening simply because of off-handed comments I'd hear Noah make. It didn't happen that often, but it was enough to put me off listening. I honestly suspect Noah is more center than right-wing, but I'd much rather he just kept on topic and checked his political leanings at the door.

Now that it's Chris and other hosts, Linux Action News and Linux Unplugged might be good ones to check out, if you're into Linux.

Yeah I think it was just Noah. Chris hosted a news podcast for a while that treaded into some conspiracy areas, but wasn't right-wing.

Either way I find their current setup pretty good at staying away from politics unless they're directly related to the technology conversation at hand.

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Darknet Diaries. It's more of a "stories in the web security space" kind of podcast. But I have not noticed any political leaning in the host so far.

Highly recommend it. I binged all existing episodes last year.

This is my favorite podcast ever. So good.

Start from some more recent episodes like around ep 60 or 70.

The very first ones, like 1 through 10, I think he was still trying to find his groove then.

Yeah, but the earlier episodes also has some good stories, mostly just less production quality

I really enjoy Darknet Diaries. It is unfortunate he went to a once a month release cycle but I understand it is for a better work life cycle.

If you are a fan of Darknet Diaries I would also recommend Hacked. It has two hosts which have a good dynamic. Plus they don't touch politics so it avoids any controversy.

Yep. Darknet Diaries, Cyber, and Malicious Life are all good.

The wan show is one

The WAN show is a great option for a one stop shop for broad tech stuff. It is often very long but they add very clear chapters to the youtube video that make it easy to jump to the stuff that interests you. Luke is a software developer/manager so he is fairy knowledgeable in that realm, and Linus is a very transparent CEO of a tech media company, so the coverage is actually very good between the two of them. Just dont expect in depth conversations about RHEL forks and node.js code efficiency and stuff, its very much meant to be consumed by regular tech enthusiasts and not hyper deep code monkeys.

Only issue I'd see with the WAN show is that a large chunk of it is LTT meta discussion. If you don't watch/care about LTT that could get a little dull. Same with merch messages.

The move is to watch it with a delay of 1-2 days, so that every section will be labeled by them and/or sponsorblock.

Another one would be that Linus has dropped his fair share of Hard Rs in the past ^(/s)^

Everyone loves him but essentially the same reason I can’t watch/listen to Louis Rossmann. I support the right to repair cause but his other views go way off.

Don't know anything about him other than right to repair. What are his other views?

He does a lot of videos shitting on New York and thus has brought in a lot of right-wing people who hate the "liberal elites" who live there. I don't find his views too bad tbh but his comments sections are always a complete shit show. I wouldn't be surprised if he has changed for the worst due to audience capture.

The thing about Rossman is that yes, he echoes some right-wing talking points. Unlike most of us, he actually is a small business owner who was been repeatedly harassed and mishandled by regional authorities in New York city.

He's a soldier on the front lines of the over-regulation and regulatory capture crisis. And I think folks on the right and left can agree that big companies working hand-in-hand with government to suppress new business hurts poor people. Whether he's talking about John Deere's or Apple's anti-repair stance, Amazon's over-reach when banning accounts for frivolous reasons, or New York's labyrinthine rules, he's really talking about the same fundamental problem: big organizations using rules and regulations to hurt poor folks.

With that said, I think his opinions on those matters are pretty narrowly confined to the details of running a business. I've watched quite a few of his YT videos and I never see him going "out of his lane" to express opinions on broader social trends. He's not opining on abortion or trans people or any of the other cultural touchstones on the right. He's no Qanon nutjob.

With that said, he's not a general interest tech presenter, and he probably doesn't have much to offer the OP. He's pretty narrowly focused on repair and government/corporate abuse.

So you’re saying commenters are jerks - which is out of his control - then you speculate that you “wouldn’t be surprised if he has changed for the worst”

This is how a bad reputation spreads - through speculation and low effort commentary. You’ve said nothing valid but insulted the guy without any basis.

Not attacking you here - we all get lazy, but cite a personal interaction or observation of him specifically. Because otherwise you could just be besmirching a genuinely decent guy who’s trying his best.

Personally, I think he’s doing extraordinarily good things for the consumer world without a shred of reward for his efforts. Every gigantic company that enjoys screwing over consumers for extra profits hates him and tries to derail his work at every turn. He certainly doesn’t need to be shit on by someone who’s going purely on conjecture. So please don’t. :)

So you’re saying commenters are jerks - which is out of his control - then you speculate that you “wouldn’t be surprised if he has changed for the worst”

i don't have a horse in this race but he absolutely has the power to moderate his comment section and his community's vibes generally, and he is responsible for that (or delegating another person to do so) whether he thinks he should be/takes responsibility for that or not. the audience a creator has is ultimately a reflection of the creator's priorities, and if he isn't proactive in removing shitters from his community then you really can't blame other people for assuming he's in with or agrees with the shitters.

Why should a creator be responsible for the voiced opinions of their fans? That standard makes no sense no matter how you slice it. A creator's job isn't to police their audience, it's to provide information/entertainment.

Just because he has the power to censor people you don't like doesn't mean he should, or that it's a reasonable ask. Instead of passively alienating you by not acting, censoring those people would actively alienate them. He's much better off letting individuals take responsibility for their own comments, rather than joining any given side's thought-police.

As soon as you create the standard that you are responsible for what your fans say and do, you've lost. You can immediately be held accountable for the speech of the worst of them, and good luck regulating that.

Just because he has the power to censor people you don’t like doesn’t mean he should, or that it’s a reasonable ask. Instead of passively alienating you by not acting, censoring those people would actively alienate them. He’s much better off letting individuals take responsibility for their own comments, rather than joining any given side’s thought-police.

this is the kind of thing you say if you are a person who benefits from not being moderated and, unsurprisingly, your comment history has shit like "Parents should have a say what is being taught to their kids. LGBT values are an invasive culture change that is being pushed on kids without the interests of the parents in mind." go away.

Glad they're gone. Gross beliefs fr.

You ever moderate a YouTube comments section? It’s nearly a full-time job. And it would be one thing if he were just a YouTuber, but the guy does a ton of good in the real world, for real people.

You ever moderate a YouTube comments section? It’s nearly a full-time job.

i literally co-administrate this site seven days a week, often for hours a day. yes, i do know that. if you don't want to do it, turn off comments. otherwise, assume the responsibility and cultivate a good community, or make peace with the assumptions people will make of you for not removing Respectable_Centrist's comments about how Wokeness is destroying tech and how much they want queer people to shut up and not exist.

What can I say; I don’t read what random strangers say when my purpose of watching his videos is his videos. And I don’t hold him accountable for what those strangers say. I’m just focused like that. To each their own.

“Since I have no life and spend nearly every waking hour on the internet, I expect others to do the same.”

So you’re saying commenters are jerks - which is out of his control - then you speculate that you “wouldn’t be surprised if he has changed for the worst”

Not who you're responding to, but despite it being "out of his control", it still greatly diminishes my desire to watch the videos, to chat in live streams, or otherwise engage.

Besides the mentioned hating on NY, during last two elections he supported trump and republicans, bashed democrats and just leaned into that that whole saying something conspiracy related by saying “I dunno” which has been an almost dog whistle of support while trying to act open minded. I don’t believe he’s republican but his move to Texas and being anti government kinda points him in a certain direction.

Obviously that’s all fine of him to have those views. I just don’t like hearing it during a board repair or right to repair video.

Do you have a citation on Rossman supporting Trump?

I can’t say I’ve heard him express any political opinions outside of the fairly narrow lanes of right-to-repair and regulatory abuse.

Now I know someone is going to say oh thats just one comment out of hours and he said he doesn't like blah blah... his 2016 videos had lots of joking about trump, anti hillary, pepe etc.

That is a huge stretch to call him a trump supporter for that comment.

I regularly view Rossman content, but I guess I don't really know anything about him politically.

From a quick search, it looks like he's willing to talk about tech issues with just about anyone of whatever leaning (like Sam Seider), but I could just be ignorant on this subject.

Is there a place where he typically shares his political opnions? Might even be his own channel, but perhaps the YouTube algorithm has me only watching his "neutral" stuff.

I've followed Louis Rossmann for more than 5 years and despite his channel has gone completely into opposing politics in wide themes, I haven't got anything else out of his political views than that he is a democrat despite he opposes Biden and deBlasio in general.

For me, as a very anti-political follower and hater of every politician and party, I really admire how Louis has ability to oppose and point out the problematic themes in omnious way and always unrelated to party, which I find very rare in the US.

(English is my 3rd language)

It leaks out a bit if you watch enough of his videos. I don't get the sense that he's right-wing in a MAGA ultra-bigot way, he's just very very libertarian. Loose gun laws, low-taxes, government stay outta my life kinda guy.

Not the kind of politics I subscribe to, but I don't consider him to be a bad person for it.


> Y

~~Do you have a citation on Rossman supporting Trump?

I can't say I've heard him express any political opinions outside of the fairly narrow lanes of right-to-repair and regulatory abuse. ~~

I think you misread my post.

But if you watch some of his videos on NYC and moving to Texas he'll opine on some of his other views.


Tech Won't Save Us

^^^ both of these are what you're looking for OP

Some favorites of mine are The WAN Show, Command Line Heroes, Darknet Diaries, Linux Unplugged, Destination Linux and Surveillance Report All of these cover a lot of cool areas in tech, and I have never heard any right-wing views (or really any political views) voiced in any of these.

I used to listen to Linux Unplugged but it feels like the crypto crap took over creative control.

It's all let's read some crypto paid messages. Then a taking point. More crypto messages. Here is a part where we say the names of things wrong because the crypto messages told us to.

It is creeping into the self hosted show too.

FWIW, the boosts are typically in their own section that you can skip if you like. I put chapter markers in every episode to make it easy for you.

Those boosts are helping to keep the network solvent by diversifying income. As advertisers are getting more skittish, income needs to come from somewhere. None of us can afford to work for free, and there's already one show that would be completely dead without boosts.

They also function similarly to feedback. Yes, there's plenty of shenanigans, but Linux Unplugged has always been about creating an entertaining talk show kind of vibe. Linux Action News is more the serious one. Unfortunately, that's on hiatus because of lack of sponsors.

Chris does try to tailor the boost segments per-show so they fit with the theme. Self Hosted, for example, keeps boosts more topical on average. It's also worth mentioning that we haven't removed email feedback - this isn't pay-to-play.

Source: I edit Linux Unplugged, Self Hosted, Office Hours, and Coder Radio.

I've been listening to them forever and was also pretty apprehensive about the crypto stuff but in the end he's really just using it as a way to get donations. I personally don't feel like the podcast talks about crypto much, if at all, and the boosts sections actually add to the show imo.

I listen to Linux Unplugged and I also am not a fan of the crypto stuff. I remember they actually addressed the whole crypto thing in an office hours episode, which I found incredibly disappointing as Chris essentially said crypto is a scam and we hate it, except for bitcoin. He talks about how long he's been using bitcoin and how you should trust him because he knows what he's talking about. It was very patronizing, and I took a break from unplugged for a while because of it.

I still listen to it because it's the only free Linux podcast I'm aware of, and I understand the need to make money so I can deal with the boosts for now.

Do you listen to

I haven't, but I've seen it in my Spotify recommendations. I also subscribed to the newsletter, though I haven't had much time to read it much.

Trashfuture is the best tech podcast

Alice on there is also on "Well there's your problem" a podcast about engineering disasters.

A podcast on engineering disasters that is also itself an engineering disaster.

Really the whole Trashfuture extended universe is fantastic

Will Smith and Brad Shoemaker made a tech podcast:

Will Smith was a co-founder of and has gone on to do things within the games industry specifically in VR. He currently works at Stray Bombay in communications.

Brad Shoemaker was a part of Gamespot, GiantBomb, and is now a part of Nextlander. He was a games journalist but now I would say Nextlander is less games journalism and more just personalities playing video games.

Ive been listening to these two for years. I highly recommend anything Brad Shoemaker-related.

Brad and Will Made a Tech Pod -

Brad Shoemaker of Gamespot/GiantBomb/Nextlander and Will Smith of and several other things (but not THAT Will Smith) both dive into tech issues and are more to the left. They also have a separate FOSS Pod.

It might be too much fluff for you, but the Vergecast is hosted by a trio of flaming liberals. I avoid the website these days, but I honestly think they do a better a job with the podcast.

I have listened since the time it was the Engadget podcast, then This Is My Next, then the Vergecast. Yes, it's fluff and not deep technical info, but it's really useful for keeping up with the overall zeitgeist of the tech industry. Also it's often funny. It's a nice, refreshing thing to listen to while making coffee on a Friday.

I agree. They go from technical to policy and all points in between, and they have senses of humour.. I miss hearing Deiter Bohn, but such is life.

Welcome to the vergecast, the flagship podcast of left wing propaganda

In all seriousness though, this is one of the podcasts I tune in to religiously. It’s just too fun and serves as a great high level of “what’s up in big tech” even when my brain is mush.

I was just reading an article on The Verge, and let me tell you, it was not pleasant. Bad site to go to on a mobile browser without adblock.

Maybe not what you're looking for, but Security Now! seems to fit that bill. TWiT has a bunch of other shows as well, covering a range of topics. I can honestly say I've never encountered any bigoted hosts or guests on the shows I've listened to.

It is quite good but anyone new to the show should know Steve plans to retire from the show after I think he said 999 or 1000. That's a little over a year from now. Hopefully they'll get someone capable to fill in.

Ha. I haven't been a regular listener for probably a couple years now. He's been saying that for a while, but I always assumed/guessed he was mostly joking. Has he stated officially that's when he'll be retiring?

No official announcement that I know of, he's been pretty consistent about it and it seems Leo has given up trying to convince him to stay.

Agree completely about Security Now - I’ve been listening since the beginning (like 15+ years now?) and I honestly don’t remember Steve Gibson saying much political stuff. Leo is obviously pretty liberal, but he normally keeps a lid on anything political as well, unless it is tech industry specific. (Full disclosure - I am fairly liberal so maybe I’m oblivious)

They do sometimes get on the weirdest not-security-related rants. Like a number of shows a few years back talking about melatonin.

Not a deal breaker IMO, just consider not taking medical advice from a computer security podcast. :)

Yes, they do go on some tangents occasionally. I used to think it a bit strange but have grown to like it. A number of years ago Steve went on this Vitamin D research kick and he compared taking supplements versus sunbathing nude (imagining him doing that is hilarious in its own right) and getting his levels checked after each trial. The discussion on this made me decide to start taking Vitamin D supplements and I feel like that has been a benefit.

The Melatonin thing comes from a different research project Steve did to find the “perfect sleep supplement formula” and he experimented for months with different ingredients to come up with what he contends will help him sleep and help him go back to sleep after nighttime bathroom visits. I tried some of the weird ingredients and it did help, but I didn’t stick with that. Even got my wife to try it. I’ve also discovered some great Sci-if authors from their book reviews.

I think they go on these tangents to keep the show fresh after 15 years. I believe that Security Now is TWIT’s most successful show but I wonder how they are doing overall.

The Homelab show. Hosted by the owner of Lawrence Systems Canadian managed services firm along with another guy who I can't remember. Very cool podcast for people who like to tinker with servers at home, or in the cloud.

The Mozilla Foundation did a tech podcast called IRL. It hasn't updated in nearly a year, and I don't know if it's ever coming back, but some of their back episodes are worth listening to.

Are you telling me that Malicious Life and The Darknet Diaries are right-wing? Admittedly, I haven't listened to either in quite a while, so something might have been said since.

Both are solid podcasts and I’ve never heard an ounce of leaning politically from either.

Darknet Diaries is great, I think I got a little turned off by how the host and a guest were talking about camgirls on an episode. Like it was framed as the patrons deserved privacy and protection, but not the sex workers. I haven't listened to the other one but I'll give it a try!

Hanselminutes by Scott Hanselman. Covers a variety of tech topics. He's kinda like the Mr. Rodgers of programming and tech podcasts.

I think is want you didn't know you want, but maybe you'll enjoy it. It has some really interesting guests and topics.

I felt the same way about different privacy/security forums after a bit. Every time I checked the off topic forums I was seeing highly political, often extreme content, mixed with slurs that would made me blush...and I grew up around racist fishermen and homophobic truckers.

I think a lot of American privacy/security folks start with realizing the US government isn’t about privacy, so they want smaller government, but the only party pushing for smaller government pushes bigoted views to so the privacy folks get sucked into that mental space… not condoning them at all but I think this situation is the result of two-party government. I’m in security sector, but I do research and so there are a lot more left-leaning people around me. Sorry I don’t know any podcasts to recommend though.

It’s a niche, rather than general technology, but the Internet of Things Podcast - Stacey on IoT is always professional. It’s hosted by Stacey Higginbothem and it’s refreshing to have womens perspective in a heavily male dominated industry.

Apple Podcast link

Podcast website

If you're a web dev who fuckin' loves JavaScript, Syntax is a good answer. I don't think Wes Bos or Scott Tolinski are shitbags.

Their podcast is always supper informative and fun. Very positive people that are nice to listen to. I often put that on when walking to the grocery store or going on quick drives

Those two are always make for a great listen, they keep things pretty clean and fairly non-political.

MKBHD has a good podcast called the Waveform Podcast. It doesn’t go super deep into the tech but its good. I like to watch the video podcast on youtube while i eat

That's nothing to do with security or networking. It's entirely around consumer tech.

Oh yeah whoops i only read the title

How is your Swiss German? I quite like SRF Digital, but it's likely completely incomprehensible.

I'm not OP, but thanks for the tip, will check it out. Greetings from Züri Oberland.

Here are a few I listen to that stick to the topic of their shows. I don't listen to podcasts that aren't political by nature to hear politics.

  • The Privacy, Security, & OSINT Show
  • Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons
  • Linux + Open Source News, by TLE
  • Surveillance Report
  • Darknet Diaries

Weird how people like you can't hear an opinion if the person speaking isn't gay.

this is only your third comment on our site and you are not making a good impression by immediately getting offended by a pretty banal ask.

Don't worry, alyaza. I won't be back. I don't like beehaw and how your mods act like children. How much of a weirdo you need to be to police my comments to make an "impression"?

I don't like beehaw and how your mods act like children.

This is such a classic example of projection. The mods have to step in when users act like children. They’re not the problem.

It's right there in the sidebar.

Websites with ineffective moderation allow hate speech to proliferate and contribute to the erosion of minority rights and safe spaces. Our goal with Beehaw is to demonstrate and promote a healthier environment.

It's called moderation and without it, discussions devolve into ad hominem - as you proved.

Don't worry, you won't be allowed back. This comment was reported and it's clear you're not following our code of conduct and as of thus have been banned.

It's tiring hearing people discuss how myself and people like me shouldn't have rights, so I try to avoid it.

The fact that it's much easier to avoid bigotry by sticking to queer-created content says more about cishet people than it does about LGBTQ+ folks.

Twenty years ago, before I questioned anything about myself, I fell in a pattern of looking for queer friendly spaces when looking for nice clans inside games I played. It's a shorthand for receptive spaces that I use even today.

Yes, but listening to tech podcasts should include talks about tech only. I won't listen to it if it turns into non-tech related political talk even for oneliners here and there.

The old joke was "I hate when I go to Vuvuzela concert, but people starts to play soccer". It applies into tech as well, at least for me personally.

I don't oppose/resist peoples freedom for their self-expression on any level, but I want to enjoy tech purely free from politics simply because living avoiding politics is hard enough already. I still support Pride-people to express themselves as they want.

I'm specifically interested in the overlooked history and perspectives of women, LGBT folks, POC and disabled people in tech though. Ofc not all tech podcasts should be political, I'm just interested in those things and am having trouble finding related media. I've stumbled on more right-leaning stuff while browsing Spotify though. I just don't wanna get jump scared by homophobia.

I've never heard a single person make this complaint and not also be okay with people talking a little bit about their own lives, or bring their background into what they're talking about. People are people, and most people like to talk about their lives, or bring their own personal experiences into things.

Perhaps you're different, but I would be surprised to find a tech podcast which includes a completely life/human-sanitized space which includes absolutely no conversation about the hosts and talking only about tech. Can you suggest one to me?

As an aside... pride-people? Is this a dutch thing?

It's weird how some people (who might be LGBT, a woman,BIPOC, or not bigots) don't want to hear conservative white people spouting racist, sexist, bigoted crap ...

From OP: Are there any that are more leftist, hosted by LGBT peeps, or at least not actively bigoted ?

How is this different from: are there any podcast hosted by right wing and or racists whyte cucks, at least not openly pro gay?

People need to understand thay this attitude goes both ways and fuels these degenerate culture war dick measuring contests.

This is not about teams, it's about people not being ACTIVELY BIGOTED

Just...come on man. Hatred isn't an opinion.

People disagreeing with someone else's politics doesn't make them a bigot.

Left right thing is a just a circus when most of us are the bottom. But people love a good circle jerk, so here we are.

Within two sentences, you've managed to say a lot of questionable stuff, which is impressive.

First of all: Being anti-LGBTQ is definitively bigotry. If you don't wanna be called a bigot, reconsider your stance - even this backwards ass world has left you behind on that matter,for the most part.

Now, about "left" and "right", I'm not sure what your point is. It's precisely about how you approach classes. Even moderate, capitalist leftists, aka socdems generally support social security programs, higher taxation on the rich, tax reliefs for the working class, public education, healthcare etc- and there are plenty of countries where all that is a thing. Now, I can only assume you're from the US, where "left" and "right" has lost all meaning, and Bernie Sanders - a moderate social democrat -is viewed as the second coming of Stalin.

yes... provide more of your half baked politics lol

Half-baked? This is an extremely dumbed down version. Do you have anything to say besides generalized, witty, one liners? Do you even have any idea what I'm saying? Like, bro.

Ruling class won't let us have affordable housing, healthcare and education... And we work for all of it lol

This is you. Who's the ruling class again?

I am all about naming them but you know the list of Oligarchs who own significant portions of US and/or global economy in key sectors as such energy, retail, tech, pharma etc Gates, Elon, google clown, Kucks etc They collude with political leadership at state and federal level to obtain preferential treatment, bailouts/handouts and suppress the working people's interests esp in housing, healthcare and education.

As I said above, this is not left/right issue since when "left" has power nothing has been done since FDR was president imho Their politics are just less divisive, ie the good cop. While "right" is the bad cop. Peasants fight squabbling whose daddy is better while they beat their moms.

However, people on the left keep hoping if we get "our guys" in we will get results... where are the results? Biden and Obama both had Congress and nothing got done. Life for working people has deteriorated to the point where majority live in neo feudal poverty. Political process is captured and as a working person, voting with your feet/wallet yields better result than participating in the political process.

So... what you're saying is that you're just anti-capitalist, or in other words, far left, you realise that, right? You just have a US-centric view on politics, where "left" and "right", have no meaning, because it's neoliberal capitalism on both sides.

People disagreeing with someone else’s politics doesn’t make them a bigot.

there are a very large number of ways disagreeing with someone's politics would obviously make someone a bigot, such as "disagreeing that queer people should have the right to marry". this is not a serious argument.

Believing that certain folks don't deserve basic rights because of their identity, sexual orientation, skin color, etc. is not an opinion that's acceptable. No one with a brain wants to hear any of that non-sense thankfully!

If you listen to tech podcasts, you might learn what a logical "or" means.

If you liked/tried Reply All I highly recommend Underunderstood (plus Overunderstood if you join their Patreon, it's a big catalog). That being said it's more tech in culture than heavy/deep tech (they're journalists, not developers/hackers)

I don't think Darknet Diaries falls into this boat either...? The host may be libertarian or something but it's not really relevant to the content since it's mostly narrative-driven interviews or stories

Accidental Tech Podcast ATP

It’s Apple-centric if you don’t mind that and the hosts are super friendly.

It's been mentioned already, but I genuinely love the WAN Show. Linus and Luke work really well together, and it's easily become my go-to podcast during my daily walks. This is coming from someone who generally doesn't enjoy podcasts, so maybe that means something?

Any podcast on the Relay FM network sounds like what you’re looking for!

Who cares?

Please help me to understand how this can be interpreted as anything but rude and dismissive

This is the kind of thing I'd like to have downvotes for

You don’t have downvotes? I’m using Wefwef and the downvotes are listed under the three dots to the right of the post.

You can send downvotes using 3rd party clients, but beehaw doesn't register or track them. Hitting the button does nothing (and it's not even present in the web ui)

Maybe you don't, but many do. Why bother replying if you're insinuating you don't?

One could say that conservatives can be very passionate about their political beliefs. If you're listening to a podcast about technology, or any other topic for that matter, you might find it off-putting for the host to interject with their irrelevant beliefs. Obviously there are times when politics can be topical to the conversation. That usually revolves around legal cases and policy making.

I'm glad you pointed this out. We need to move past the "this person said something I don't agree with so I will never interact with them again"

Identity politics are bad and we should not be beholden to them.

People and their technical knowledge are more than their political views.

@Recant Switching to an alt to try to talk up your original point doesn't work when all of the other replies have already called you out.

@doogiebug @HughJanus

What are you talking about?

Is it not possible for two different people to share similar opinions?

Sure, people are more than their political views, but I don't know that that means political comments made in tech content should just be ignored. The people making the content put them there deliberately, and there's enough tech content out there that at the very least if that bothers you, it's easily possible to find something that doesn't include those comments, if not something that includes political commentary that isn't bothersome.

On top of that, what some might call identity politics, others would call minority groups getting together and demanding that their voices be heard the same as others. Political divisions often reflect real life experiences and how they differ, and the only way to just ignore the political differences is to ignore important issues is people's lives.

Identity politics is also a 2 way street. I'm not familiar with tech podcasters specifically, but I imagine they're not getting the same kind of push back if the political commentary is putting minorities in a negative light.

What I am using far too many words to say is, dismissing the concerns of the OP because they sound a little bit too much like identity politics is not a nice way to contribute to this thread, and I encourage you to reexamine your post and think of nicer ways to contribute in the future.

Love the recommendations here! Would also like tech YouTube or general content creator recommendations too since a lot of them say some really sus shit that has nothing to do with tech. Recently unsubbed from one that outright made a blatantly sexist joke complete with visuals

Ugghh right 🥴 I really like tracketpacer on Tiktok, she's a network engineer and does lots of memes. Senegodess Tech on YouTube does more general career videos, "day in the life" type stuff but she's fun to listen to. Oh and Julia Evans has lots of cute zines, some of them free, explaining computer science stuff. I listened to an interview with her and you can tell how excited she is to talk about 'puters and her love for them is infectious.

Man everything is political these days

Man everything is political these days

Always has been.

I don't know any one who actively seeks out the political belives of the creators/hosts of the shows they watch even though the show itself has nothing to do with politics.

K, you should. To make sure you're not supporting a piece of shit by giving them your time, clicks, and views. But you do you if you're okay supporting potential bigots.

It's not even a high effort task, just find the name of the podcast and add "political leanings" or something similar in the web search. It's the minimal effort required to be an informed consumer.

Most of my life we never cared about this kind of stuff unless someone was leading black shirts though the streets. We listened to what they had to say about the topic in question and moved on.

Most of my life we never cared about this kind of stuff

You just described privilege very nicely, well done. Other people have to care about this stuff or we lose human rights.

How did that turn out? haha

Pretty well until everyone went mental in the 2010s on both sides.

on both sides.

Lmao, I knew it was coming.

Look, I have no time for bigotry, but you can't deny there was also a time a few years back where progressives were going ott declaring everyone and everything problematic in some way and making itbalmost embarrassing to be part of the left. That admittedly seems to have settled now and it's the right that are going too far. Not being able to criticise your own side when they're going too far isn't mature politics.

you sound like this guy

Yes, because as a man of Jewish heritage I absolutely love Nazis don't I?

I have no time for Nazis and the far right, I have very little time for the centre right in most cases either. However PR is a thing and you have to recognise when you're alienating people rather than winning them over.

Yes, because as a man of Jewish heritage I absolutely love Nazis don’t I?

i'm sorry but i sincerely don't care. it makes no difference to me what you look like or whether you do or don't like Nazis―you've had two interactions today and both times you've sounded indistinguishable from the cringe white centrist-to-chud in the comic who thinks Both Sides Are The Same and is mad society isn't catering to them anymore. as far as i'm concerned, you're that guy until you demonstrate otherwise.

The complacency that the left was calling out AKA "declaring everything problematic" and people like you not taking that seriously is exactly why we have seen a rise in "the right going too far."

Let me leave with you a quote from MLK:

First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season."

Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

Your attitude screams of being a moderate, and I beg you rethink that attitude.

Because of people who thought liberals ask for too much and go too far, we have lost our right to abortion and now we have laws in most non liberal states trying to ban people from being who they want to be based on their gender. These are a direct result of the people liberals were screaming about being complacent and being the "white moderate" as MLK describes above.

Yeah, I don't live in the US.

you can’t deny

Oh, contraire.

progressives were going ott declaring everyone and everything problematic in some way and making itbalmost embarrassing to be part of the left

There's a lot to unpack there, but I'm not gonna.

Not being able to criticise your own side when they’re going too far isn’t mature politics.

Who was insinuating that progressives can't be criticized? Where did that line come from? We're talking about doing research into your podcasters and content creators to make sure that they support human rights, that's it.

Now if you don't do thorough research on the political leanings of the people whose content you consume, some people will call you bigot.

Who called you a bigot?

My comment:

But you do you if you’re okay supporting potential bigots.

Idk how to address this without being snarky, but maybe work on reading comprehension. I'm calling the podcasters you don't research potential bigots, not even bigots, potential bigots. Which is to say I'm not condemning them or you to being bigots but you don't know whether they are or not without researching it, therefore they are potential bigots. You are not a bigot, the podcasters you don't research are potential bigots.

maybe work on reading comprehension

I wasn't just taking about people in this perticular thread.

So you're saying you get called a bigot a lot in other conversations?

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The kind of people who have to deal with those shows that have "nothing to do with politics" randomly indicating that they deny that person's human rights.

And the kind of people who care about the first category.

I kind of get what you're saying, but what you might be missing is that we are long past the point where politics is just a disagreement on how to achieve the same general goal. The mainstream GOP is full on pro-bigotry, anti-freedom, and if not openly fascist, they sure do seem to do a lot of fascist-like things. This is not hyperbole.

Additionally, money is (and always has been) the lever to obtain power, so knowingly giving money (directly or indirectly) to a person who will use that money to promote or assist these kind of beliefs becomes a moral question, not a financial one. You may not want to believe it is so, but it is so.

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ATP has a lot of Apple talk, but the hosts fit the bill you describe as I'm pretty sure they're all left of center. Not that politics come up a lot, but there certainly aren't any off-color jokes. ATP's John Siracusa hosts another podcast with Merlin Mann called Reconcilable Differences, and Merlin Mann hosts another I like called Back to Work, and they talk a lot about tech as well. Neither is a strictly tech podcast but I enjoy them all the same.

2.5 Admins and any of the Jupiter Broadcasting podcasts seem fine.

I can't help you with a left-leaning podcast. But if you want an informative and politically neutral show, check out

Can second DTNS, it's very neutral and is just about the news. Although I feel like certain hosts definitely lean left but it really never comes out because they just stick to the tech topics.

It’s Apple focused, but Accidental Tech Podcast definitively fits the bill!

For the lazy, from their website

Three nerds discussing tech, Apple, programming, and loosely related matters. Hosted by Marco Arment, Casey Liss, and John Siracusa.

I haven't listened lately but "Greater than Code" is pretty good.

It's not an exact match but I've been enjoying Hard Fork.

Pivot. It's more high level and look at business rather than in the weeds.

Decipher Security for a heavy infosec focus

Technology Pill by Privacy International for something looking more at the impact of tech on society and human rights

And as other have said I do enjoy the occasional Linux unplugged!