What Reddit client did you use before the API changes?

Free-Owl716@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 100 points –


I didn’t even realize how long I’d been using Apollo until all this stuff happened. It’s been the only way I’ve used Reddit for five years. Not having access to it anymore really hurts. Christian did such a phenomenal job of making Apollo feel incredibly intuitive and customizable without feeling overly cluttered. I’m really going to miss spending my time lurking over there.

Damn, me too. It sounds so cheesy but it was really integral to me in keeping up with news, etc, etc, etc. I hate that Reddit did all that.

Same here, and then I found Memmy for Lemmy and it’s like I just moved to another state that’s just like home

Originally? AlienBlue. It was the best, but then they killed it, so I went to Apollo.

They bought it first and then killed it so that they could present their own BS “official” app.

The 4 years of reddit gold for free was pretty nice. Didn't ever motivate me to spend a dime on gold myself after it expired, but it made reddit slightly more bearable.

I still have it installed on my work phone.

I have it on my phone too lol. Idk why, but I have a thing about keeping old apps

I went Alien Blue > Antenna > Narwhal. I think the latter 2 were similar to the original AB. Apollo just felt too cluttered and “extra” to me. I just wanted a minimalist app.

Tried Narwal lately while I ween myself off of Reddit, but I’m not a huge fan. It’s little things, like you can see captions on posts, but it’s got too many little annoyances

RIF. Ugh, what a shame.

Yeah it's been many years but I remember trying the official reddit app and it simply didnt work. I installed rif and it was perfect. I used rif for many years. Countless hours just scrolling my carefully curated subs.

So sad. When I launched it and it gave me an error that day the api changes kicked in, it felt like a friend just died.


I think the fediverse might just be ok tho. These networks taking off right now are thanks to spez. Lol.

Sync on android and Apollo on iOS, both were sublime in their own way.

Currently using Memmy on iOS for lemmy, but I have about a dozen other apps installed since I’ve been trying all of them

I think that memmy is showing a lot of progress, but I’ve been getting better search results from mlem, so I’m using both right now. I think a couple more might be out for iOS right now (just grabbed liftoff).

I’m another one of those Alien Blue -> Apollo -> gtfo users. I never would have even signed up for reddit if it wasn’t for third party apps because their UI was terrible in every iteration and implementation, and I was a regular user for over ten years.


i used to use it but then it had a glitch or something and everybody had the app crash a lot so i switched to RiF

Same but stuck on an old version because I don't have Google Play Services

I used the official app, but i decided to quit because of all the API debacle.

So now i use Jerboa for Lemmy.

Yeah, same here. Th API changes had 0 effect on me, but corporate money grabs that involve restricted access and screwing the community is a big no no for me.

I used the web browser and really loved Reddit, but the way they screwed everyone over was too much to put up with. So glad I found out about Lemmy before I left!

And the same for me as well. I used the official app, and had no issues with it personally. I lurked for the most part but chimed in on subs about some of my favorite shows and questions regarding programming.

Once the shitshow hit the fan, I was already planning my exit from Instagram (hardest one, lots of IRL friends over the years), and had joined mastodon. I actually signed up for lemmy and mastodon about a year prior to the migration, but at the time it was pretty dead. Now, while not as lovely as their corporate counterparts, each has a vibrant enough community that I'm not missing either.


Really looking forward to the Lemmy version. Jerboa has a pretty similar UI but it just doesn't have the same polish.

Yeah. Connect seems to be pretty good. Haven't tried Jerboa

Sync because I had huge preference for apps that followed MD3/Material You. I wish it had an inline comment editor for replying in the middle of threads, that was my only missing feature. Slide did the inline editor nicely.

Loved sync, used that app for years and years.

Me, having never used a reddit app, just the web UI (which, as you can imagine, made me as a mobile user hate reddit more and more over time) ...

Wow, didn't there were so many apps. No wonder you were all upset at the API changes!

Apollo. Everyone in my house did. Two have stopped using reddit entirely, I'm still checking on a couple of communities until their counterparts take off here. I'm using Dystopia there now because I'll never, ever download their shitty app.

This falls under #4 - it's very similar to other Reddit discussions and I feel like we're just looking back rather than forward.

Infinity as my main, Boost as my second one. Reddit once per year to check if it was getting better or still a shit.

I used Sync for Reddit. The dev seems close to releasing the beta of Sync for Lemmy.

Connect for Lemmy has been a very nice alternative, especially after the most recent update. I might be torn once Sync is out.

This! As a former sync user and recently trying out connect (yesterday for the 1st time), I think I might be torn as well.

Slide, except for moderating a couple of specific subs where I needed the bullshit that's only available via the official crapp

Did slide come back? I thought it was basically abandonaste at some point

Another Slide user checking in. I guess I did hear something about it being abandoned, but it continued to work (at least until they all didn't, anyway) so I couldn't be bothered to switch.

It was, but it was still mostly functional and nobody else ever duplicated the tabbed ui even half as well, so I stuck with it.

Alien Blue and the Apollo.. both were incredible for their time and nothing compares.

Relay for Reddit, which was called Reddit News back in the day. I'm aware it still works; dbrady is developing support for subscriptions for those who want that.

I'm going back and forth between Connect and Thunder for Lemmy. Connect seems most like Relay, but they're both good.

Same. I'm still using relay pro until it stops working. Reddit won't see a single cent of subscription money.

First fellow relay user I find in this thread. Are most of us still in reddit because app still works?

I been using RedReader ever since its beta in 2013 ...

A fellow person of culture. I still use it to check in on a few communities. Quantum said he might make redreader lemmy compatible!

Relay. And I still miss it. Better than any of the other apps I've tried for reddit or lemmy. Very smart design and UX that made it far more usable and enjoyable.

BaconReader. I didn't shop around. I just downloaded one, liked it enough, and it never gave me reason to go hunting for something different. Unlike the official app, which was one my phone for all of maybe a day.

Slide. It was open source and available on f-droid. It had been a while since the last update and some features were long longer working (in-app YouTube Playback). But I would just open in browser things that didn't work.

It was very easy to use and highly customizable, which is why I used it. And zero ads. Can't stand ads of any kind.

Started with Sync then Boost when I found it. Boost was my favorite of all I tried.

Back when I was on iOS, I started with Alien Blue, then I moved to Apollo when reddit purchased it.

After I switched to android, I settled on Sync and Boost. I used Sync about 90% of the time but I had my alts on Boost and would have different feeds split between the apps. The last few versions of Boost had gotten me to start thinking about using it more but then the API changes were announced.

Boost for Reddit (And hopefully Lemmy soon)

Boost for Reddit and the Sync for Reddit, good news is that both apps are coming for Lemmy.

Started with Boost, then switched to Infinity because Boost Pro wasn't compatible with CalyxOS.

I was using Narwhal, which may or may not have survived. I had been under the assumption it was going away, but June 30 I stopped by the subreddit and apparently the developer was working with Reddit to move to a subscription model or something. Even though my 3rd party app has apparently survived, I walked away and deleted all my comments/accounts.

Boost for conversations. Relay for image galleries.

Over the years: Baconreader, Boost and Joey.

I started out with BaconReader, then I moved over to Sync, then when Sync development slowed down I moved over to Infinity

Sync, then something (I don't remember what) pushed my to Joey)

Let me be probably the only one to say Now for Reddit.

I also used Now for Reddit! What app are you using for Lemmy? I actually like Jeroba, but I'm open to trying something else.

I've tried Jerboa and Thunder, but I find myself using Jerboa mostly.

BaconReader for a while, then Boost the past couple of years. Anxiously awaiting Boost for Lemmy, but trying out a lot of others in the meantime.

On Android, I used Infinity, moved from Baconreader. On iOS, I used Apollo.

I was using Relay, but switched to Sync like a month before they killed API

Joey, and Boost up until a few years ago.

Compact mobile site. Mostly dead now, but you can have it sort of work by appending .i to old.reddit.com URLs.

Mainly infinity. Before that I used slide, and before that joey.

I used the official client, i wasn't aware of the fact that there were other

Antenna despite the developers lack of continued interest as well as Apollo.

AlienBlue and then Slide. I tried Apollo but didn’t like it. Official one was trash.