Sen. John Fetterman on Republicans trying to impeach Biden: 'Go ahead, do it. I dare you.' to politics – 865 points –
Sen. John Fetterman on Republicans trying to impeach Biden: 'Go ahead, do it. I dare you.'

Sen. John Fetterman offered a message Wednesday to House Republicans considering impeaching President Joe Biden: “Go ahead, do it. I dare you.”

Speaking to reporters in his Senate office, the Pennsylvania Democrat suggested that the impeachment push by Republicans on the other side of the Capitol was meant to deflect from the mountain of legal problems facing former President Donald Trump.

"Your man has what, three or four indictments now?" Fetterman said. “Trump has a mug shot and he’s been impeached twice.”

"Sometimes you just gotta call their bullshit," he said.

The first-term senator went on to say that a Biden impeachment "would just be like a big circle jerk on the fringe right,” and "would diminish what impeachment really means."

Note: As pointed out by reddig33 in comments, this is an old photo. Here's a couple examples of his new look.


So my kid had an end of year project on someone famous from the state he was assigned to research and present. He got Pennsylvania. I immediately said, “you’re doing John Fetterman. He’s badass. Here lemme show you why..” and my kid was all about it. The kids dressed up as their famous person and I got the whole getup. Sweatshirt, athletic shorts, bald cap, stick on goatee, custom made rub on tattoos to match. That was really fun and John Fetterman is bad fucking ass. He should be president.

I love how I started reading this comment in my mind's voice and it turned into the voice of some dude from my youth telling me how awesome Pearl Jam is.

Could you briefly explain why he’s so badass? As I know a little bit about him, but haven’t actually looked into him at all.

I’m not OP and I’m not American so I don’t know anything about his policies, but I know he suffers from depression and has been very open about it. I believe he checked himself into a psych facility not long after he was elected. I thought his honesty and openness about it as a man with a kinda macho image was refreshing to see and a good example against toxic masculinity.

Fetterman was the mayor of Braddock PA, a place I'm rather familiar with, for a long time. Braddock was/is a forgotten borough of Pittsburgh that's long past its glory days. Fetterman came in and wanted to clean up Braddock. How effective he's been has been up to debate, but the man really was a strong voice for Braddock and showed that he really cared. For every violent death that happened in Braddock while he was mayor, he'd get a tattoo of the date on his arm. He also got arrested for protesting the local hospital (UPMC), to get them to bring an urgent care center to Braddock.

Personally I think he's improved Braddock. He helped bring in a few new businesses, and it's helped liven the place up a bit. But it's still a rough neighborhood that needs a lot of work.

He was mayor of Baddock, a town near Pittsburg that had and probably still has a lot of problems. He has tattoos on his one arm of the dates that people were murdered in the town. I live on the other end of the state so I don't know Braddock well, but I believe he did quite a bit for the community. He's very straightforward and honest about issues in his life, and many people here can relate to him. His wife Gisele is from Brazil and is an activist and involved in a lot of charity and social efforts. Fetterman doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk.

Part of his bad ass reputation is his look. He is a big, muscular man with a shaved head and goatee (which he has shaved off). He has visible tattoos (the zip code of the town he was mayor of and the dates of every murder that occurred during his tenure as mayor). He is known for being very open and blunt during some of his speeches and lack of fashion sense (he spoke at a formal press conference in athletic clothing).

He gained visibility on a national level after the 2020 presidential elections. As lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania (Vice President of the state), he argued against anyone who alleged that Donald Trump won the state or that the election was rigged in some way.

After that, he ran for US Senate and won a close election against celebrity talkshow host Dr. Oz. Fetterman ran as a populist candidate, campaigning on a platform of solving the problems facing normal people.

He could but first your going to need a bald cap and a stick on goatee and a suit

I have no idea who this is. Is he an ex-wrestler or boxer or something he certainly has the right physique.

Looking at him you'd think he would be a Republican.

Who expected a sitting senator to use the phrase circle jerk?

I find it refreshing to be honest. He's definitely not weaseling the answer with slippery language.

Being a fan of Diogones the cynic I to hate vanity. Nowhere is this more apparent than in congress or the house of representatives.

Quoteth Diogones: "in a rich man's home there's nowhere to spit but his face", and republicans are trells, slaves to their masters and as vein as the emperor's New clothes, while pretending to be "rebellious". A bunch of posers, really.

For the dirst time in a long time, I'm proud of a person who represents me in the government.

I think that if the Republicans don’t manage to turn the US into a one-party state, Federman’s got a bright future, and his plain-speaking nature is part of that.

Have they found anything they could actually impeach Biden over, or do they just hope that something comes out of the nowhere once they start the process? This whole impeachment stuff sound to me just like Trumps lawsuits for "stealing my vote" and the whole "I'll hold a press conference where I will present irrefutable evidence" stuff.

Both. They scream “BiDeN cRiMe FaMiLy!” To distract from trumps corrupt ass kids being literally employed in the White House. Like dude said trump has 4 indictments…

However I am also sure they are desperate to find anything they can twist into scandal regardless of substance. They investigated Clinton for 25 years before settling on a blowjob.

Remember Trump blackmailing Zelensky to make up dirt on Biden? Nothing. Remember Hunter’s laptop? Nothing. They will keep fishing because they would prefer that over doing jackshit for the average citizen.

They investigated Clinton for 25 years before settling on a blowjob

That sounds like Clinton was given blowjob by republicans lmao

McCarthy has admitted a few different times now that they have literally zero evidence to serve as a basis for an investigation or implement

Well, he is a Democrat, I guess thats enough now?

Which shows that stupidity is still a political trait and not limited to one side.

You're both-sidesing the fact that Republicans solely are thinking about impeachment based on nothing?

I'm sure they'll eventually find something. The Clinton impeachment investigation didn't set out to find anything about his affairs, it was some land deal that turned out to be on the up and up after all.

The point is, they just want to investigate, bog the White House down with discovery, leak anything embarrassing (I'm sure there's a ton more Hunter stuff to leak), and I'm sure they'll eventually find something that sorta kinda looks like a crime (or obstruction), because if you investigate anyone you'll find something eventually.

It's basically about hurting Biden politically, and painting Biden as a criminal, so the uninformed voter can just say 'they're both the same'.

The big problem here is that you have way too many uninformed voters in your country. Which is always a weak base for a working democracy.

Not my country, but yeah, Americans are stupid (and are kept that way by the media).

some land deal that turned out to be on the up and up

The most hilarious part of the land deal was that the Clintons lost money on it. Like, that's not how corruption works.

They just want it as a historical anecdote when they talk about presidents being impeached. They're really, really sore about Trump going through 2 of them

Shame the system is rigged to allow your friends on half the jury

That dude seems to be a good one.

Im from near where he was mayor. When we were trying to get mandatory paid sick time passed in the city of Pittsburgh John came and walked the line with us. He once went on the daily show to outline his plan to get a subway to open in the little hood-ass town he was mayor of, because there was no place in that town where you could get ready to eat food and he was trying to stop tax money leaking out to other towns. Dude has a tattoo for each person who died by violence in his town while he was mayor. He's no bullshit.

At first when I read subway I thought you mean public transport and thought “that’s no small task!” When I realized you meant Subway the sandwich shop I was sad that a town didn’t even have a Subway??? They’re a dime a dozen!

Yeah, the sandwich shop. All of Pittsburgh got hecked up pretty good when steel manufacturing went to places where workers have no rights like China and Alabama. Some neighborhoods ended up in a spiral where a lot of people moved out, so they didn't have any money to do anything with, so more people left and people who used to spend money in the community now had to spend it elsewhere (depressing both income and tax revenue in the community). John's old neighborhood, Braddock, was kinda famous among Pittsburgh neighborhoods for getting absolutely smacked by this cycle.

I lived in Pittsburgh for a decade, and man, you're totally right - there were (are?) some serious ghost towns in the area. I recall a trip to Ford City where it was like "here is a town, there is a neoclassical courthouse, there are streetlights and pavement and buildings, but no cars or people." Went to a bar there and there was literally nothing inside that would let you know you weren't in the year 1985 (when it was 200X). Even the prices were out of the past. It was totally surreal.

Have you ever seen the movie The Deer Hunter? It's set during the Vietnam war, and it's shot in Pittsburgh's Polish Hill neighborhood. It was shot in 1978, 45 years ago. Polish Hill still looks like that today.

I heard Polish Hill was getting gentrified like the "East End" aka the side of East Liberty that bougies decided to rename so their friends wouldn't think they live in the scary ghetto with GASP... (whisper) black people. I used to hang out at Gooskies back in the day, though I heard it might be closing or closed? EDIT: I have not watched it but now it's on my list, thanks! EDIT 2: Man you also brought back some memories of Nico's Recovery Room - where you'd have blue collar guys side by side with Carnegie Mellon future millionaires. Fucking great.

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Quickly becoming one of my favorites. He looks like he belongs somewhere the 1860s.

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My money is on McCarthy running the inquiry so the far right will be forced to fund the government. Can’t run a government inquiry if the government has shut down. MTG has already taken the bate and has said she’d fund the government in exchange for an inquiry.

Every time I read MTG I don't think the politician I think magic the gathering

My brain thinks of MGMT because autistic lysdexia but then I can hear Kids in my head and not that harpy and so it's not so bad

Good, she didn’t start using that until she went into politics and RBG died, she always went by Marjorie Greene beforehand.

She doesn’t deserve three initials.

Should’ve used a more recent photo of him with the stache. It looks awesome.

I love that he grew it because of a bet with his kid.

And that idiots online immediately thought it was proof he was using a body double

He would have had to commit a crime to be impeached. What crime did he commit, Republicans?

He had a son who's a fuckup. Not like Trump, whose children are definitely not fuckups.

Not fuckups at all.

No, a president can actually be impeached for any reason at all. They just won't be removed unless the opposing party has a supermajority.

Strictly speaking, not really true. "high crimes and misdemeanors" I believe is what the constitution says, which unfortunately boils down to "whatever Congress has the desire and political capital to punish" which historically does mean that Fetterman is right. Republicans would likely pay some amount of political price for voting an impeachment with no real or popular basis.

Correct. They also don't need anything other than political capital to launch an impeachment inquiry and just generally be a nuisance.

This is also literally the only reason Trump survived impeachment. Turns out, impeachment means fuck all in a minority-rule-by-design system in which almost nothing is clearly spelled out, and said system is the only check on what passes muster.

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Can the US just institute a yearly recurring "impeachment day" holiday where you impeach the current president? It will make things so much easier to schedule around, and we know that from now on every president from both parties will be threatened by impeachment anyway.

You do realize this would cause impeachment to mean nothing right? It's not a frivolous tool however much some people want it to be.

When one party refuses to hold their own guy accountable then it is indeed a frivolous tool. Trump obviously should have been what do impeachment do?

Not much in the mind of the average texan.

It already means nothing.

That's incorrect. The goal of the GOP is to delegitimize it. They're just upset because their guy was the only president to be impeached twice for legitimate reasons.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

WASHINGTON — Sen. John Fetterman offered a message Wednesday to House Republicans considering impeaching President Joe Biden: “Go ahead, do it.

Speaking to reporters in his Senate office, the Pennsylvania Democrat suggested that the impeachment push by Republicans on the other side of the Capitol was meant to deflect from the mountain of legal problems facing former President Donald Trump.

Talk of an impeachment inquiry has gained steam in recent weeks, with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., telling Fox Business last month that he was open to pursuing the matter if the administration doesn't turn over documents and information to House committees investigating Biden family business dealings, including Hunter Biden.

Fetterman said impeachment would be a political "loser" for House Republicans, along with the looming threat of a government shutdown if they can't reach a funding deal before the end of the month.

Congress needs to pass a government funding bill by Sept. 30 to avoid a partial shutdown on Oct. 1, the first day of the new fiscal year.

Fetterman, who spoke to reporters using an iPad to dictate the questions asked of him as he recovers from a stroke, was also asked for his perspective about two freezing episodes involving 81-year-old Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The original article contains 404 words, the summary contains 208 words. Saved 49%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Don't feed the trolls John...

He's not feeding them. He's call them out.

At a minimum, time they waste on this is time they can't use to come up with novel ways to fuck over Americans

Didn't feel like I had to reply to you, but since everyone seems to agree with you, I'd argue this is NOT how a senator should act.

The fact is HIS time is worthwhile. He needs to spend it focusing on actions that will make peoples lives better - it's literally his job.

The entire "possible impeachment" is a red herring and engaging with them on that AT ALL is a waste of time. The fact that so many people here agree with you might be why politics is such a mess. Even you all seem to think that his job is to engage these chucklefucks. It's kinda pathetic.

When you have a former president facing jail time and whatever circus sideshow is happening daily in the house and senate I don't think now is the time to be nitpicking his behaviour.

It just is what modern politics is now.

Pushing back on BS is part of his job. Having a Senator who will call BS out is what we need. Stop with the mealy mouth faux civility.

Trolls are only trolls if they have no power.

These people have power, as evidenced by their holding the house majority leader position hostage in exchange for their petty desires.

Ignoring trolls only works if they can't set fire to your lawn while you're looking the other way.

Oh so you DO think they can impeach Biden? That's what this is about.

They can't, they have no power when it comes to this. What are you talking about? All of the other bullshit they do?

Don't take the bait and go for the red herring. You're smarter than that.

Then again, if you can get them to swarm and spend their energy on stupid shit that has no place to go, maybe they won't be backing up Trump while he's mired in legal cases.

The fewer of them available to run interference for him, the better.

Democrats in Congress would be right in providing ample distractions for their regressive colleagues right now.

post a video of him saying this.

Why? You scared of the truth?

What truth? I just don't think he can say it in one continuous, uninterrupted speech.

No, that's bitch I mean, MITCH McConnell...

and Nancy, and Biden, and Dianne...

Nothing compared to having strokes on live tv twice! I will take a stuttering president over a brain dead geriatric shell of a man, any day.

Diane is low hanging fruit, find my one democrat beside her team that are abusing her for their jobs who want her in her seat still.... that's right no one does...

Nancy has been out of her seat for a long time....

Wow your whataboutism was terrible today.. try harder Trumpican

Drunk Nancy, the current representative of CA 11th resigned recently? I'd also take a stuttering president over a brain dead one, but I guess we'll have to hope the Republican nominee wins next year for that to happen.

No one cares about a no level representative.. and the Nancy anyone would have thought you meant would have been pelosi.. but your purposely being pedantic trying to act like you have a gotchya comment when you purposely left out a last name... shows how disingenuous you in this conversation.

Drunk Nancy Pelosie is the current representative of California's 11th congressional district.

Again a nonsensical position... not that you understand that nuance

What impeachment means has been diminishing for a fucking hot minute now... like decades...

One need look no farther than two words to understand this. The words your man.

It's become a stupid junior high finger pointing game to these assholes (ALL of them. I'm not referring to either tribe, I mean government at large). Trumps impeachmet would have been far more effective if it wasn't seen as a "your team did a no-no" politics by republicans in general.

I dare you? Seriously? Come on... Please tell me people understand this is garbage leadership in every single seat...

I do agree with the man about calling out bullshit, but I disagree on the "sometimes". Should be every time :)

This is exactly the GOP’s plan though. They want to delegitimize Trump’s impeachments by impeaching Biden for frivolous reasons. That way it seems like it’s just “both sides” bickering when there are real reasons for Trump’s impeachment

Congrats on falling for it

Trump isn't being impeached... He's a normal person facing normal charges, and I wasn't talking about anything current involving his dumb ass...

The current "both sides" narrative is that anything moderate is a "both sides" defense of trump. The narrative is join the Democrats or you're a diesel truck owning, trump supporting, racist nazi wannabe... it's wholesale virtue signaling tribalist bullshit... Congrats on falling for it.

I'll be wasting my vote on independents until one or both tribes grow the fuck up.

  • Trump isn't being impeached - he's already been impeached... Twice.

  • He's not a normal person - he's a billionaire former US President.

  • He's not facing normal charges - he's been charged with election subversion, racketeering, a string of conspiracy charges, and multiple charges under the espionage act for stealing classified documents to name a few.

  • I'm not sure if you're aware of the crossover in prescriptions between the GOP, their voters, and Nazis as they relate to "sexual deviants", racial minorities, "the Jews", and so on. Also Trump is on record insisting to John Kelly that "Hitler did a lot of good things". On the other hand, how many Nazis do you think vote Democrat?

  • What cars do voters from each party drive? I wonder... I guess we'll never know

Congratulations - you with all your enlightened centrism are undoubtedly the stupidest person I've encountered today...I appreciate that you've chosen to piss away your vote.

Also: Trump could still be impeached and should be. It's within Congress's right to impeach him, and the Senate ban him from holding office.

While this is true, the Dems are highly unlikely to expend the political capital it would take to do so - particularly when the senate has clear intent to block consequences.

I'd rather just see him in prison for the dozens of traitorous, anti-democratic charges he's committed - many openly.

I’m a leftist, so I’m not for either party either, but if you think they’ll do the same amount of damage to the country, you’re wrong. A shit sandwich is always gonna be better than a shit sandwich with glass shards. But unless you’re in a swing state, vote for whoever you like, you can’t harm anyone. I certainly do.

Just remember the first of those impeachment hearings was about the extortion of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy by threatening to withhold military aid in “a perfect phone call” If they didn’t run cover for the election interference allegations in the 2016 election and offer up dirt on Hunter Biden.

There is no timeline where the republicans would have received it any better.

It only took a couple of months after the invasion happened and they realized the withholding aid in the past looked like it created the atmosphere to facilitate the invasion and suddenly all the people who were praising journalists in body armor in the Middle East were criticizing journalists for wearing body armor in Kyiv, and start backing Russia for “reasons” (I still can’t really get any concrete reason from any of them).

The only reason I’ve been given why it was a “ Partisan attack” was that it was revenge for Bill Clinton being impeached for lying about a blow job under oath, as if that diminishes the levity of the situation in the first place.

Clinton out-lawyered the GOP and they were pissed. The legal definition they gave didn't include what he and Monica were doing.

Also, that relationship didn't even start (I don't think they had even met) until after the investigation had started because of a land deal gone bad.

Trying to compare Clinton's impeachment with Trump's is asinine for many reasons.

Trump and Clinton’s impeachments were so very different, absolutely.

What’s funny is that the same Republicans flipped their positions. Old 1990s Lindsey Graham said that it doesn’t have to be a literal crime to impeach a president if they disgraced the office. (Clinton did commit a felony with the lying under oath part, although Republicans cared way more about the sex scandal at the time.) 2020 Lindsey Graham said what Trump did wasn’t a felony and therefore not impeachable. He’s one of the worst slime balls in congress and that’s saying something.

He’s one of the worst slime balls in congress

No, you're mistaken. I can assure you, Lindsey Graham has no balls.

Clinton did commit a felony with the lying under oath part

That's my point though. The legal definition they gave him to work with didn't include what he did with Monica. What he did wasn't ok, and I'm not defending him personally, but it wasn't a lie by the legal definition of "sexual relations." The GOP was just on a fishing expedition to find anything they could on him.

Baloney. What he did counted as sexual relations or “sexual relationship” as he testified to. Then he tried to claim that since he was merely pleasuring her and didn’t orgasm himself, it didn’t count. They had to drag Lewinsky back to testify further that Clinton was still lying.

Clinton tried to split hairs to pretend he didn’t lie. It didn’t work.

since he was merely pleasuring her and didn’t orgasm himself, it didn’t count

That's not what happened at all.

He claimed that she had sexual relations with him but he didn't have sexual relations with her because the special investigator defined it based on who touched whose genitals.

That correction doesn’t make it any better. It’s still perjury and she still had to testify that he lied even under that definition.

During the deposition, Clinton was asked "Have you ever had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky, as that term is defined in Deposition Exhibit 1?" The judge ordered that Clinton be given an opportunity to review the agreed definition. Afterwards, based on the definition created by the Independent Counsel's Office, Clinton answered, "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky." Clinton later said, "I thought the definition included any activity by [me], where [I] was the actor and came in contact with those parts of the bodies" which had been explicitly listed (and "with an intent to gratify or arouse the sexual desire of any person").

In other words, Clinton denied that he had ever contacted Lewinsky's "genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks", and effectively claimed that the agreed-upon definition of "sexual relations" included giving oral sex but excluded receiving oral sex.

Well played…

And she testified that under his redefinition he still lied. Don’t forget him pleasuring her with the cigar etc.

I'm not sure Democrats have any chance against the all-encompassing Republican Wall of Stupidity if they don't play the same game, to a certain extent. The fact that politics in the US is polarized like it is depends in a large part on the fact that there is no room for a third option. Not by this "your guy/our guy" kind of attitude which is inevitable.

I've voted for third parties for 30 years with a few exceptions. I might only represent a single digit % of the population in doing so, but that number is growing. Independent voters have grown large enough in number to have had laws written to preserve the binary stupidity, we aren't many, but we're enough to have an impact

You do know voting for a third party in a first-past-the-post electoral system is symbolic, right? It’s a system that just tends to steer in that direction, with or without extra laws around it. If you want a different system, great. But if you vote 3rd party in this one, I just hope you don’t live in a swing state.

Very non-swing state. My electoral representation has voted all red since 1968.

The independent count had been slowly rising since Perot, but trump kinda broke the streak. Lots of support for that clown in my neck of the woods, but it's all trump specific, so if we see a desantis or Abbott on the ticket, there's a good chance there will be a surge in libertarian votes. Could plausibly end up with a few independent electoral votes popping up again maybe.

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Impeachment meant nothing from the beginning of the Clinton mess. You can thank Gringich for this mess.

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I like the guy, but after his well documented stumble upon entering the Senate, I'd think, if he were as smart as I know he is, he'd want to chill the fuck out with the firebombs, at least for a couple years

"Why won't this man sit out to pasture and not make waves?!"

there's fighting while both your feet are firmly planted, and there's throwing haymakers with your hair on fire, and again, while his aim is true, the punches themselves could be hurting him worse than those he's aiming at. there's a lot to be said for holding your powder, and there are far more that I'd like to see take the mantle of attack dog, at least until the good senator from pennsylvania has had enough time to even out and settle, the man's got six years before re-election, he's not the only democrat, and this kind of shit doesn't impress me after seeing him spend the first six months of his current term in an pastoral institution for being unbalanced

It’s good to see a bipartisan consensus on impeaching criminal sleepy Joe

What? Look, I really don't like Biden at all, but there is no "bipartisan consensus" or even grounds to impeach him. You can't impeach someone just because you don't like them.

Don't feed the troll. This dude makes bad takes for attention, I've seen him several times.

Republicans want to impeach sleepy Joe for his many crimes. And now we have this article of a democrat saying “go ahead”. I see that as bipartisan.

What crimes?

And this article does not say Fetterman is in favor of impeaching Biden.

Too many countless crimes and schemes to count. He’s trying to turn us into a communist dictatorship. What about when he let that Chinese spy balloon take pictures of all our secrets?

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Shit... is this why conservatives have such high numbers in polls even if they support turning your country into a shithole? Is it because Republican voters can't understand nuance in speech, so when they promise you things, you keep believing?

Wow, this is breakthrough-level stuff. Is everyone voting republican unable to discern sarcasm for example? Here - you have a really great view on politics. How does that statement make you feel? Are all republicans affected by this condition? Is every single republican out there actually on the spectrum and waiting for a cure for a condition they don't even know they have, because half of them lack the education to understand it's real? The ramifications of this are potentially yuuge.

Ah, but what if they have other speech/written text-related issues as well? Like how we've established you lack the ability to understand subtext, maybe you lose focus when reading long series of words. Are all republicans functionally illiterate or suffering from ADHD? Are you maybe too close to dementia to even be able to communicate cohesive thoughts? It's an interesting rabbit hole we're going down here. But hey, I probably wrote too much already, I'll give you a hand with the comprehension.

TL;DR: lol retard

you have a really great view on politics

Thank you! Glad to see somebody around here with some common sense.

On a serious note, please don’t throw around insensitive language, I know many people who have learning disabilities, and it’s not appropriate to use those words as insults. It’s hurtful.

Thank you! Glad to see somebody around here with some common sense.

Is this Drax the Destroyer? Holy crap! I gotta say you're my 6th favorite Guardian!

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Is he sleepy or a criminal? Make up your mind.

Typical fascism. Your enemy is both weak and strong.

He’s sleepy and a criminal, there’s no contradiction there. Look at all the criminals that sleep in broad daylight on our city streets. Also I never said he was “strong”. A stiff breeze would probably knock him over

Ah, so his "crime" takes no effort and is on the level of a misdemeanor. Doesn't sound like much of a crime.

Low effort crimes are even worse than high effort ones. At least take some pride in your work, even if your job is doing crimes.

I see, so what low effort crimes has he committed in specific?

Too many to list. Stealing money from hardworking taxpayers to pay off the student loans for a bunch of lazy baristas for example. Losing the war in Afghanistan. Letting Hunter snort cocaine in the White House. Opening up the borders so just anybody can come in. Defunding the police. Bidenomics.

Stealing money from hardworking taxpayers to pay off the student loans for a bunch of lazy baristas for example.

Not a crime. He did not steal that money and this has already been dealt with by the Supreme Court. That also took a lot of effort. That wasn't a simple thing like changing a number in a spreadsheet.

Losing the war in Afghanistan.

Not a crime. Furthermore, Trump negotiated the end of that war with the Taliban and Biden had the very difficult process of doing it. He did do a terrible job, but that is not a crime.

Letting Hunter snort cocaine in the White House.

That simply didn't happen, don't lie.

Opening up the borders so just anybody can come in.

Also a lie.

Defunding the police.

Also a lie. He doesn't even have that power.


Not a crime, takes a herculean amount of effort.

Nothing you listed was a crime, a lot of it takes tons of work. So you have proven that he is neither sleepy nor a criminal. Good job!

You want me to believe he hasn’t done anything at all? Yeah right. What about when he raised taxes on the rich?

Is taxing people a crime? What the hell are you on about?

Don't feed the troll. He isn't here to argue in good faith, he just wants attention. Block and move on

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Biden commits crimes in his sleep and you can't catch him red-handed? Ouch!

He’s been caught many times, you just bury your head in the sand and pretend it didn’t happen. Sad to see what the world is coming to.

Any evidence of that or you just blowing hot air?

He talked about doing crimes for his son Hunter on video. He said he extorted the Ukraine threatening to withhold money unless they fired the prosecutor that was investigating the company that was paying Hunter $50,000 a month.

Really? Any actual video, or is it just something you heard on Truthy Liberty Patriot (or whatever the current "grassroots" conservative bullshit generator is).

It’s a real video, Biden bragged that he got that “son of a bitch” (the prosecutor investigating his son’s company for corruption) within 6 hours of threatening not to give Ukraine a billion dollar loan.

Oh you mean this.

Shokin wasn't investigating Burisma....

Kaleniuk and AntAC published a detailed timeline of events surrounding the Burisma case, an outline of evidence suggesting that three consecutive chief prosecutors of Ukraine -- first Shokin’s predecessor, then Shokin, and then his successor -- worked to bury it.

"Ironically, Joe Biden asked Shokin to leave because the prosecutor failed [to pursue] the Burisma investigation, not because Shokin was tough and active with this case," Kaleniuk said.

Ukrainian prosecutors have described no evidence indicating that Biden sought to help his son by getting Shokin dismissed -- and have suggested that they have not discovered any such evidence.

But there is a long list of Western organizations, governments, and diplomats, as well as Ukrainian anti-corruption groups, that wanted to see Shokin fired.

They include the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the U.S. government, foreign investors, and Ukrainian advocates of reform.

So, more Trump lies I guess.

Also, Biden didn't call the guy a sob, the quote is "well son of a bitch, they fired him".

Why was Biden’s crack head son getting paid exorbitant amounts of money by a Ukrainian energy company?

For access to Vice-President Biden. Did they get that access? So far, there is no evidence for that.

Why was Trump's son in law paid 2 billion dollars by the Saudi Royal family? Compared to Biden's $11 million (exorbitant, I agree), seems kind of urgent don't you think?

I don't know... therefore Joe Biden is the mastermind behind it all! 🤯

Get subpoenas, get search warrants, get testimony. Y'know, all the things they did against Trump. For the party of "law and order" the GOP sucks ass at investigating things. I read the text of the impeachment bill and can summarize as such, "Hunter is sketchy. His dad (then Vice-president) didn't stop his son's sketchy behavior." I mean this whole thing hinges on the fact they share DNA.

Why did Trump's son get 2 billion from the corrupt Saudi government.... literally the same crime you accused Hunter Biden of and you don't care??? Or it okay cause trumps son is on your team?

You know politics isn't a sports team? It's not tribal? Why can't you help yourself?

Trumps son was doing a legit business deal , Hunter just got paid money for smoking crack and taking pictures of his junk

No he wasn't doing a deal (which would be illegal if so cause it exactly what you all claim hunter did and name dropped his dad) but no business has been done with Saudi government other than a shell operation that you are claiming was business and shhh just so you know, it wasn't... you are willfully ignorant here.. and it's really sad...

What's even more sad, is you are going to be disposed by your own party when they have no more use for you... and you can't even see it nor comprehend it. You are so blind by your perceived patriotism, that you have traded your independence and dignity to be on a team that care nothing for you... I really hope you wake up someday before its too late for you....

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