Btw, I'm.. to – 1149 points –

About your Crossfit addiction. The trifecta.

I'm a keto vegan CrossFit guy who uses arch. You wouldn't get it


I tell them about the ethical supply chain that produces my Fairphone.

this is the main problem i have with fairphones. i prefer completely unethically sourced products

I want childrens blood all over my phone

Thats why i only buy chinese produced phones!

Behold: I'm the archvegan!

So Arch first?
Got it!

vegan archbishop also sounds pretty cool but then people are gonna assume you're catholic

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Veganism, is in fact, Arch/Vegan, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Arch plus Veganism.

I don't volunteer either piece of information, but sooner or later someone is going to overhear me ordering vegan food or see me opening my lunch and the dreaded conversation will have to happen. I wish people would just let me make my own food choices in private without making a big thing about it.

But they feel attacked. They want to continue living in blissful ignorance of how animals are treated or how bad it is for the environment. Same as windows users who don't want to be reminded what corporate cucks they are. Some even go so far as to become utter bootlickers (see also Elon Musk fanboys)

I usually ask when someone eats any exotic cereals or processed (tofu, seitan) to 1 have something to talk about (I very much enjoy tofu and all uncommon cereals) 2 know their dietary restrictions to avoid offering them meat or taking care of that whenever there's an outing. You know, small talk.

I think that's great! I would talk to anyone who was genuinely interested 😊.

... or they're curious. Schools these days educate people about animal treatment, but some people don't really care that much, including myself.

The only class I ever had bring it up was my optional college level philosophy class, and even then I’m pretty sure it was more from the professor than the school. I freaking love that man for it, he changed my life. If you want to learn how animals are treated here, most of the time you gotta do the research yourself. Regrettably, very few people care enough to do so…

What sucks is that you have to keep it for yourself, otherwise people will think negatively of you. Because for some reason caring about animals or the climate is cringe or something idk, like it's something to almost be embarrassed about. Which is doubly strange when animal abuse is often considered very bad by those very same people.

But I guess for many caring about other people in general is cringe as well, as long as they are sufficiently emotionally distanced, so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I just wish it wasn't, and that caring for others was the baseline more than anything else.

Yeah, the stereotype drives me nuts. Like, yes, food is a big part of day-to-day life and sometimes I need to explain when asked why I'm not eating if there's nothing for me at, say, a company event. I try to avoid it as much as possible and just say I'm not hungry.

2 more...

Tell them your an Archvegan. That sounds cool.

Is that higher or lower than Level 5 veganism?

Whatever the highest rank is.

Arch- usually indicates the highest form possible without utter transcendence into a different form, or at least a, well, overarching rank of some sort. (Semantically related, but not etymologically, apparently. At least not directly. But I digress.)

It is, after all, why the name of Arch Linux is what it is (so sayeth Wikipedia). The creator wanted it to be the best with no equal.

An arch-vegan might be one best at not only avoiding animal-based produce but also convincing people to convert to veganism, as well as making normally well-adjusted vegans feel that they're not being a good enough vegan.

I'm currently using Gentoo. That means I should also grow my own food...

What's the arch user equivalent of getting asked if a fish is an animal?

What's the vegan equivalent of getting asked if you use PC or Mac?

Vegan Arch user btw

Also people who use pc as a synonyme for windows. fuck those guys and guydedts.

PS. Macs are also PCs as PC describes the hardware and the usecase unrelated to the producer and the installed os.

There's a bit more subtlety to it than that. The PC architecture that dominates today is a direct descendant of the 1981 IBM Personal Computer, which was made to run DOS and later Wondows. The cultural association makes sense in that context.

I know it's a completely normal typo that anyone could make, but "Wondows" has just made me a laugh for a good few seconds.

Language changes over time and words don't mean the same thing forever. The entire purpose of language is to communicate. So if you have a Mac and say you are a PC user, you are failing to use language well. Apple themselves helped facilitate that change. It can be less consistent with Linux on a PC, I agree. But language is an evolving meme (as per the original definition of meme, not the cat photos). And to not acknowledge that is like being a young earth creationist with language.

Do you also argue that anyone who is happy is part of the LGBT community?

But PC has not made this transition universaly which makes it a very ambigues word. It is still used a category of electronic devices regardless auf operating system. Also if you say PC = Windows PC and MAC = MacOS PC what is the overarching Category? and ? = Linux PC?

  1. Do you think Manjaro is Arch/an Arch derivative?

  2. But you still eat fish, right?

I forsee the creation of another arch based distro that is specifically designed for vegans that will solve this problem

Call it "starch". The cruelty-free Linux distro.

I dunno. Is it gluten-free?

This absolutely chaps my ass! I said I don't want dairy! I love gluten goddammit! Why am I being lumped in with celiacs??

Fewer SKUs to worry about, cheaper to just lump all the dietary restrictions together.

Gluten kicks ass. It's easily the best fake meat base. I remember in college cooking a meal for my roommates and them saying afterwards "wait, aren't you vegetarian? did you cook this just for us and not eat any?" and having to explain that no, that wasn't beef, it was wheat gluten and mushrooms and miso. They were dubious, saying, "well, to me this is just really tender beef."

So yeah. I'm also disappointed that gluten has gotten such a bad rap. I'm waiting for this knowledge to trickle back into the convenience foods sector so I can buy this stuff and not have to make it by hand every time, and it seems like I'll be waiting a long time.

Not if you’re using LactOS.

EDIT meant to reply to the dairy guy’s comment doh

“I use argan. It allows me to user arch in a non-violent way to adhere to my vegan lifestyle” probably

Easy: I'm Vegan, and by the way I use Arch.

But which comes first, vegan or arch?

I guess the meme is “by the way, I use arch.”

So because of that I’d say it should be second.

That they should really give CrossFit a try

Nothing, someone will make this joke before they ever get a chance.

Let me tell you about Homestuck ...

Vegan when eating, Arch Linuxing when computing, communist when sharing, capitalist when investing, ...

The list knows no end. Why not just say what's appropriate for each particular circumstance?

Why not just say what's appropriate for each particular circumstance? Because its vegans and arch users.

It depends on what comes up first. If we're talking about diet obviously you have to bring up Arch, and if you're talking about software you gotta bring up veganism

So actually I went to MIT

And what happens if they're a pilot as well???

Depends on whether you installed arch on the plane yet.

This might be my favorite meme of the month. There is a problem though. How often do they actually talk to people to end up in this quandary?

I kid. All the love to my vegan arch users. Or arch using vegans. Whichever one you prefer.

Vegan certified Arch.

Well hang on, with all the furries that use and contribute to Arch I'm not sure it would pass certification as not using animal byproducts

Non-vegan Arch user here. Fun meme.

With that out of the way, I tell whichever one best suits the context at hand. Most cases it's neither.

And the first thing you did is telling you use Arch. Well done, fellow Arch user. tips hat

>tfw when you use android, debian, ubuntu, fedora, gentoo while (also) being a vegan

Visit the tower of the Arch Vegen and he will tell you

I usually start off with some Dune lore as a litmus test to see if we can be friends.

Hi I'm a vegan non binary athiest who uses arch... W... Wait, please don't leave me! I haven't told you that I crossfit 3 times a week. WAIT, don't start running, I haven't fully showed you how empty and insufferable my personality... Awww, and they're gone. Oh well, I guess I'll go tell my neighbor about my vinyl collection again

Tell them about Arch, obviously, thats the important bit.

I mean both are great in concept, but man are some folks insufferable to talk to regarding both. Ubuntu, part time vegetarian...

What does part time vegetarian mean? Either you go full vegan or you belong in the trash and the reason why earth is dying. Dont take veganism lightly and respect us for we are your savior and the beacon of light for humanity.

What if you are using VIM and Arch ...

I'm using Vim on Arch but I'm vegetarian, not vegan. Anyway, that would be my order.

I hope this place grows quite a bit so all these boomer memes and you boomers get fucking shat on every time you post, and no one has to see this horrible, dated form of "comedy" anymore because you'll be too scared to post anymore.

I can't tell. Do you use Arch or are you a vegan.

My guess is Arch. I'm confident it's not CrossFit

"You must be poor if you think poor people shouldn't be poor." - very smart Redditor Lemmy user

I don't know what you say, but as a debian omnivore most people don't notice either.

You know, because the computer just works, looks a little different, kinda like a mac on top, but free, and powerful and stable under the hood.

See I value practicality and reliability, and also ease of use.

This applies to meals as well.

Sure I'll go vegan if I can, get free range stuff when I can afford it, but I'm not made of money and infinite free time, as one would have to be to be a morally consistent vegan.

Obviously I'm vegan so it's not that wired I start a conversation with btw