Lemmy's total users surged from 156k to 240k in a single day today! What caused the jump?

MicroWave@lemmy.world to Fediverse@lemmy.world – 199 points –

I've noticed that Lemmy is getting more and more usable as more users join and add more content.

A related contributing factor: as instances gain users, more federated content is showing up in all, so new users don’t have to jump through hoops to find it.

Um, I am desperate for them to fix their main page algorithm. I browse Lemmy cause fuck Reddit, but the main page is mostly useless.

Try sorting by "Top Day" if you haven't already

I do that sometimes, but that's not even close to what I'm looking for. If they had a top hourly, that word be close

New is good

New is only good in small communities. A feed with, I'm guessing, 10,000+ users, it's a challenge to read titles before new posts causes them to scroll off the screen.

Would anyone find it helpful if I wrote a simple bot that pulls Reddit RSS and pops a little bit of top content for various subreddits into community posts here? I can't tell if that would be useful or spammy.

I mean, the poor Webcomics community has exactly one post, while there's a deluge of good content out there waiting to be linked to.

I'm not sure, if most of the posts are just links to reddit, it could push people away. If it's just like the actual image it could work. It'd probably be better to just do it manually for communities you're personally interested in.

Respectfuly, please don't. One of the reasons I started going on reddit a decade ago and one of the reasons I come here is to find content that other people, with either similar or distinct tastes, find interesting, and talk about it. To automate or defer to a machine, however technically interesting it might be for the creator, defeats the purpose of a social network. I abandoned many subs on reddit and have abandoned Facebook and Instagram because they are no longer human. Advertisers and a machine decide what you see. Barely tolerate YouTube but they're honest and it has never been about following people and more like browsing TV channels.

I think my point is, if I wanted an RSS feed, I would setup an RSS feed.

Yeah, that’s exactly why I was asking. I figured this might be the sentiment.

Some of the big things that happened in the past 24h or so:

  • r/LegalAdviceUK wants to move their 800k+ community to another platform. Their members might be testing Lemmy.
  • Apollo developer posted another lengthy post about Reddit and their leadership.

Also r/ModCoord has started recommending moderators to move their communities to other platforms, like Lemmy.

Good hints, but these events likely were not very relevant.
While Lemmy gained almost 200,000 new users in the last two days, the active users increased by less than 3,000, just about the same as pretty much every two-day period recently. So pretty much all of those new users are inactive. That's not hordes of Redditors coming over and exploring Lemmy, that's hordes of bot and sleeper accounts being created.


I found out today that Sync for Reddit developer, LJ, is making an app for Lemmy, so I made an account here. (I've been on Kbin since the strike started.)

I love this because more people will comment. A majority of my time on Reddit was reading through comments and hearing all of people’s interesting takes and learning random information. The daily increase is fun to watch especially since I’m not the one maintaining the servers!

Yeah I learned so much reading other people's comments, so I'm trying to recreate that on this site.

totally agree. I've been trying to engage more myself to encourage others to do the same

yeah it's important that people post and comment. lurking is only good once there's a critical mass of content and engagement to sustain that kind of passive browsing. i hope new users will understand it's early days on this platform and content has to come from somewhere!

Unfortunately, such a huge spike is probably because of a bot campaign…

spez's continued jackassery. I made the switch about 24h ago.

The post by the Apollo creator was the final nail for me. It really laid everything out there pretty well. Let it go be Tumblr somewhere

I saw that post too. I can’t even begin to imagine the July 1st surge when all 3rd party reddit apps are forced to shut down.

Honestly, I'm excited! We are potentially the early comers to get the ball rolling if/when a huge number joins. We are the early people (not to discount those who came before everyone coming from reddit originally) that can help out and grow the communities

Exciting times! I witnessed the digg to reddit switch in 2010, now potentially seeing the beginning of reddit to lemmy/kbin. Fresh start, new communities, better connections. Can't wait!

This also was the realization point for me that was the last straw for me. It was a hard struggle not opening Apollo first thing in the morning and all throughout the day for the first time in such a long time. But now I do my best to avoid touching anything on reddit at all.

has there been some particularly recent? It seems that the protest is slowly dying with sped not willing to budge and seems to be winning, unfortunatelly.

Probably a significant number of bots tbh.

As much as I'd love to think that it's all users, the reality is that it was partially bots.


It's going to take a lot of bots to compare to the amount of bots and sock puppets on Reddit. At the very least we're comparing apples to apples by including them in the "members" counts.

@ruud did turn on the captcha for registration, so that should prevent it in the future. Unless they become sentient :)

It's possible for some bots to pass captcha actually, which is why Google has reCaptcha now. It's essentially an arms race.

There was also just a huge dump of mods off some big subs, and a post about it on Lemmy with a link...I had been thinking about coming here specifically when I left Reddit, and the mod dump coupled with the link was the perfect opportunity, probably not just for me

Also yay, my first ever comment on my new news platform

Could it be because r/ModCoord recommended moving to kbin, lemmy etc.?

Yeah major mods are now actively promoting the switch to lemmy.

/u/spez brought us here.

Thanks spez!

In another way: "Thank you and fuck you /u/spez, I hope your IPO crashes and burns."

Think he has an account here to check it out? I hope he does and sees this: Fuck. You.

I’ve avoided Reddit since Sunday and am missing being able to see what’s going on without having to visit tech blogs/news sites/etc…

Decided might as well make the next jump and propel the death of Dig, I mean reddit

Got sick of Reddit, looked for alternatives, found sub.rehab, found Lemmy was common… here I am.

Reddit's meltdown

Anything in particular happened over there?

To make a long story short... Reddit's doing a DEEPLY UNPOPULAR API change that effectively wipes out 3rd party tools and clients, which sparked site-wide protests. Reddit's CEO is now having a pretty public meltdown and threatening moderators partaking in said protests. Lemmy popped up in a good number of discussions on Reddit in regards to the situation. Queue the start of a mass-exodus of Reddit users and mods to Lemmy

Gotcha. I'm generally aware of what's going on over there but wasn't sure if a particular post or action caused the big surge today.

What caused me to just delete the app and my account is the post by the Apollo creator today. When you see it all put together, it's really shameful how poorly the community, moderators, and devs are treated. It was a huge post and on popular

It's there a screenshot or something? I've done good about not logging in...

It’s a very long image, so I’m not sure how readable it’ll be, but I used Apollo’s awesome “share as image” feature to do this (hoping it’ll be implemented in one of the Lemmy iOS apps soon).

Yeah that poor Apollo dev who was making half a million dollars a year for 10 years. Won’t someone think of the little guy for once?

May also have to do with reddit users wondering why all their favorite subs are now full of pictures of John Oliver and Wales (which are newer acts of protest).

Keep in mind too that the expiration date for many of the mainstream third party Reddit apps is June 30

Just think of the spike in users when that rolls around in 10 days

Reddit is already turning into shit. Like literall shit, except it's digital shit, but still shit.

Feeling horny? Visit r/horny. Oh wait, that's christian minecraft discussions!

Wanna learn something new? Visit r/InterestingAsFuck. Oh wait, that's interesting porn positions!

Wanna see what is going in gaming community? Just visit r/steam! Oh wait, it's choo choo shitwreck powered by steam engines!

No wonder why people are looking for Reddit alternative, and Lemmy might be just the right option. :)

Malicious compliance at it's finest! Screwing with the Reddit admins like that will always get a chuckle out of me

Just think of the spike in users when that rolls around in 10 days

I'm here now trying to get ahead of it.

For me it was the total fuckery of the reddit owners. I quit twitter. I've put zuckbook on read only. I can do without reddit too. The internet needs to be de-oligarched.

Hear Hear!

I'm sick of the internet being only 5 websites!

It's the way tech disseminates into the world.

If you've been here for a month or more, you're a first adopter and the true heroes of our cause. You take up what makes no sense to -- what is untested and will likely be a waste of time.

These people then tell the early adopters, which is what you are if you've been here for a couple weeks.

Once we got on board, we told all our friends who join, and then the whole thing keeps snowballing.

Of course, Lemmy really has Reddit to thank for making us all balk enough to take a look at fediverse stuff. Mastodon really didn't do it for me when I checked on it a couple years ago, but this is awesome and totally makes sense.

Playing around with Pleroma now so I can follow users here!

I joined this "fediverse" three days ago, what am I?

You're in for a surprise when the unifying hate towards reddit cools down, and the infighting between instances grows. :)

not that surprising really - many, MANY people are fed up with centralized link aggregation/social media/reddit in general & the fediverse is an excellent option

I'm tired of capitalism and greed ruining everything I love!

This is why I’m here finally. I didn’t hear about this until the Reddit shenanigans. Finally took the plunge.

I'm not that optimistic. I think MANY people are fed up with this particular case of a centralized site being annoying, but do not really care about anything other than getting their dopamine fix, and will happily jump into sack with next big social media site, centralized or not. Most people just don't care.

I really hope Lemmy becomes a Reddit alternative. It really has so much potential. I wanna stay here.

I have signed up to so many communities on here with the hope that once Lemmy gets bigger, I can leave the ones I don't actually want to be involved in. I also posted my first-ever meme. Let's contribute to make this a reddit alternative!

When Digg put business above users and reddit growth exploded it (reddit) wasn't a great "alternative" at that time either. But at that time they were putting users first. Isn't that what makes this (lemmy) a great alternative?

For me, JD Lawson, the Dev of Sync for Reddit posted that he is making a Lemmy app. I was planning on leaving Reddit at the end of June, so I signed up! I'm extremely happy to be here!

Been signing up to reddit alts all week. Finally got to Lemmy.

Same actually. What all have you signed up for? I've only signed up for Lemmy and kbin so far.

I found my inbox lol.

plebbit steemit saidit Squabbles

there may have been a few others. I like the old.reddit look of some, especially saidit, but lemmy seems to be the most active

Not OP, but I also signed up for Squabbles and I created a new account on the ancient SomethingAwful. Just wh*rin around.

All of us reddit refugees are. Hopefully one of these platforms stick and people adopt it. Personally rooting Lemmy so far.

In my opinion, the output of the disastrous Zoom meeting with the moderators & community of /r/Blind .

Reddit leadership made it clear that they have nothing but contempt for their users. They essentially refused to answer essential questions for the disabled Reddit community.

I guess Spez thinks nobody will care as long as they get their fill of GIFs and pics? I have no idea. I'm not closing out my account, but whatever reddit intended to sell to me, I'm not buying it.

Is there a link to this, wasn't aware of a zoom meeting

Soon we will look back amazed at these growing little numbers. They're growing quickly but I expect it to grow by one or two more orders of magnitude over the coming months!

Could be, reddit might go out with a whimper instead of a bang. A war of attrition from thread to thread, sub to sub. Slowly they'll lose a base of people who don't take it personally until it hits their favorite sub.

All it takes is one viable alternative, and thats the key.

I'm really hoping this can become that viable alternative. I'm not of fan of social media in general and I miss the old Usenet groups from back in the early 90s before it all became porn, MLM ads and other junk.

It really already is, from the very little I’ve seen so far, this has more of the “early” Reddit days for me feel, it’s not overrun with bots and hidden corporate interests at every post and comment thread.

I've been thinking about joining for the last few weeks. The reason I did today was because the developer of my favorite app (sync) announced they would be releasing a lemmy version

Hopefully they're all a real people and not bots or something.

Surely some are people, there's still developments at reddit that would cause further exodus. Though it is a huge jump.

Someone mentioned it on a Reddit post about mods so I'm giving it a go. Stopped Twitter a while back and don't use Facebook. I like the concept of aggregated content around topics I'm interested in just not by evil companies.

Seems like reddit just fresher. Not clogged up with all the bullshit. Also I feel like I'm on the ground level of a reddit competitor that seems to be protected from corporate bullshit.

I dunno, but I've noticed that lemmy.ml had a bunch of bot and spam bots today to ban, and both lemmy.ml and lemmy.world have defederated with a bunch more instances compared to the other day. I wonder if the registration exploit has been patched.

on lemm.ee today there was an account https://lemm.ee/u/XeNoX that registered and proceeded to create i think more than 100 communities, but evidently has not made a single post or comment anywhere. was the situation at lemmy.ml anything like that?

This has to have something to do with the newly discovered API exploit to rapidly create accounts without any limits, right? Instances without captcha or email verification are vulnerable still, AFAIK.

I signed up and then went to bed. I'm assuming the world took that as a sign and followed me. Or perhaps I should cut down on the hard drugs, idk

Is it not because of hexbear deforking?

what is hexbear? they suddenly appeared today with tons of user?

Leftist shitposting lemmy instance. It recently updated in perperation for federation. It's not federated yet but plans to federate with lemmygrad and later more instances.

thanks for the info...
how is their community? is it bad for normies like us? are they contend to post on their instance only or actively trolling on other instances?

I'm just here so i don't get fined. created an account because the developer for my reddit app is working on One for lemmy. So figured I'd give this a try

There was a post that has code snippet that tells lemmy admins to turn on email verification and captcha.

And then lemmy.world admin turned off signup for a little while to clean up bot accounts.

Then account numbers jumped 84k in one day.

Coincidence? I don't think so.

I left something out

The code snippet was 24 lines of Python code that demonstrate how to generate random username and password and call lemmy's API to register account.

Wanted to ditch Reddit following all the nonsense around their API changes, but still wanted Reddit-esque news aggregation + discussions from somewhere.

Googling for alternatives initially led me to Beehaw, but they don't have the sufficiently granular niche communities I wanted. Searching for communities I wanted to subscribe to led me here, and after refreshing myself on how the fediverse worked I realised I should just create a login here instead. So far, so good!

I finally got lemmy to reset my password, so plan to use it more. Reddit takeover of subs was ridiculous, the surge is only going to continue

This is getting so much larger! It's doubled again while active users aren't changing much. We may need to figure out this bot problem.

A lot of people on Reddit making accounts, but staying on Reddit until it implodes completely because that's how addiction works.

Gotta fully transition, I knew I'd be tempted so I just deleted it on the 12th and came here. Jerboa is getting updates constantly and it seems to be pretty solid.

Loving the smaller community though my niche subs are incredibly small here. I'm trying to contribute mostly there.

I think the severity of the bot problem is being understated. If we don't stop its going to kill lemmy

This is probably just the first big wave. The biggest will be when the apps themselves actually shut down - fence sitters will then have to make a choice to download the official app or try an alternative and I think a lot of people will be curious to see if the grass is greener.

The grass is always greener where one side has grass and the other side is a desolate nuclear wasteland created by the incompetence of the land owner.

No idea myself but we have to remember that not all the users that come try this will stay, so I anticipate once the Reddit nonsense blows over the community will shrink a bit. I am going to stay, but I was "lemmy curious" before the reddit business.

Most likely it's because of Reddi's bots, targeting all the other good options and making content pro-staying

What do you mean?

Well I took this info out of my ass. But it would be pretty smart to use bots to flood all the alternatives in order to fuck them up.

Also using bots to make the people who still lurking in Reddit believe that not that many people left.

Smart, make the instances like Leningrad top so people don't know Reddit migrants are going to .world or beehaw

A lot of us haven’t been able to create accounts due to high activity. It looks like account creation requests have finally started going through.

I've been trying to create an account for about a week. I finally managed today.

Hopefully is not an army of bots, but for me that's the most plausible explanation.

No, it's most-definitely spez removing entire moderator teams of popular subreddits.

I came too because off the newest anti user behavior of reddits CEO and Admins. Made an Account on feddit.de and now have access to all Communities in the Fediverse.

I was using Infinity for reddit most of the past years and would not switch back to the awful reddit default Android App.

The official lemmy App is not perfect. But all ready good enough to be used with mostly no bigger issues. Mostly lacking in some features compared to infinity.

It likely is spam/bot accounts. Multiple admins of instances with open reg have commented/posted about having to fight bot sign-ups the past few days. The only fix that helped (they said) was to enable captcha. There's a git issue on the lemmy project mentioning that they are removing captcha, so the admins are particularly worried about that...

Lemm.ee's admin said he had to defederate a lot of smaller instances because they were having trouble with bots

It's definitely mostly bots. There's over 1 million accounts over all the instances now. I think out of a prediction maybe somewhere between 200k-400k are actual users. The rest is just bots plumping up those numbers.

I personally jumped ship because of the API pricing changes of Reddit.

I don't even use third party apps. It's just that I can't give an entity my business when they treat folks who volunteer to make their platform better like that.

That's a good reason to jump ship. And wow, I think you missed out on not using the 3rd party apps, but they're coming to lemmy soon.

I am the opposite. I had a Reddit login for years but never used it. When I found out about Apollo, I gave it another go and it quickly became my Number 1 Internet time sink.

With Apollo no longer functional, Reddit (for me) is no longer functional.

The fuckery was just the icing on the cake to force me to delete my account.

Same here, I'm a software dev for a living and it resonated differently/pissed me off hearing about the API pricing changes and what happened with Apollo's developer

Pretty sure it's hexbear joining back into mainline lemmy

Hmm, it seems odd that the number of total user's has increased so much without the number of active user's increasing as well. Unless people are having trouble logging in?

My brother has trouble logging in consistently. It's always a spinning circle

I had the same issue getting registered. Had to fuck with it throughout the day before it finally went through. Makes me smile though. Lemmy is growing so fast it's struggling to keep up

I finally decided to make an account after a week of ignoring Reddit, what is going on over there is ridiculous at this point, Reddit should have just given 3rd party apps an exception and called it a day.

People that have ~1 week of ping time (as yours truly) are finally getting to their todo list item of checking alternatives to Reddit and making an account and first posts :)

I love that analogy. Same for me, been meaning to check out Lemmy for weaks and just made an accont yesterday

Yeah I am on the same boat, I found a lot of downtime at work today so I decided to check lemmy out and loving it so far.

I'm going back to some older style board websites. I'm looking for a reddit replacement (deleted account there) and never knew of this site. I heard about it from Shacknews.

Im really enjoying my experience here on Lemmy. Kinda like how I enjoyed reddit in the beginning

It's snowballing. A few friends tell a few friends, and so on, and so on, and so on...

I'm curious if other kbin will see a similar increase, although since we're federated with Lemmy it doesn't really matter as much to me so long as the Fediverse is gaining traction which is hopefully what is happening here after the Reddit fallout.

Kbin is up from 2k users last week to 40k users.

Yes, but that was in preparation and during the early stages of the Reddit boycott (and due to kbin being a completely new project). In the same two days Lemmy jumped from 156,456 to 350,459 users, kbin went from 40,130 to 42,729. Still notable, but among the lowest two-day increases kbin has seen for a week.

Also note that Lemmy's increase of active users was minimal in the same period, so the new ones are basically all inactive.


I'm attempting to move on from Reddit. Heard good things about Lemmy. I'm checking things out.

People are tired of Reddit's abusive policies and of not be heard, and this is our response. I will keep use Reddit thanks to an user which made this, and thanks to the dev of Infinity for make it open source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Infinity_For_Reddit/comments/14c2v5x/build_your_own_apk_with_your_personal_api_key_in/

But I will remain here on Lemmy with Jerboa and see how it evolves.

You could've always done this, infinity has always been open source. However using this just means that you and others will be paying reddits ridiculous pricing for their own api access JUST to use infinity. Which iirc is gonna be around $25 a month per user depending on amount of use. Everytime you open that app itll be charging you for data..

This seems popular to some users now but I don't see it going over to well when the bill comes due. Id rather take my chances going all in on Lemmy and helping support an instance with a community. Decentralization ftw.

I already know which this has been always possible, but an user published how to do not so much time ago. If you have unlimited plan data, like most people, that fact wouldn't be a concern so please don't spread misinformation just to scare people into not using Reddit anymore. The API use is free to regular users and with their limitation reasonable for just one user. And if not were of that way, which highly doubt it, would charged to the ISP then or no problems if you have unlimited data plan, or limitate their data usage with apps with a bunch of open source tools which allow that.

And all of that which has solutions, only in case that this you said about 25$ would be charged for the current free API 100 request per minute, would be true, and I didn't saw any official announce of Reddit. They plan to enter in stock market soon, I highly believe that they will not start to charge 25$ to every users by the use fo the current free API of 100 request per minutes, that would be so much having in count the last polemic with their abusive practicals, and people would be in a massive exodus, even higher than current happening now with a lot of people comming to Lemmy, which is great and I love that fact. They have to care about for their users, because the users decisions as a colective affects to their inversors, and they will take care about them more, we already saw it...

It's actually free to use the API below a certain limit. If you are a lurker or casual user you'll be fine.

I'll admit I wasn't familiar with the free tier. But if it gains any kind of traction though it'll go away too. They've vehemently shown through their actions that they want 3rd party apps gone, nsfw content gone and ads served.

Personally I'm much more excited for Sync for Lemmy.

Hello and I'm with you too. I wish you success in developing Lemmy.

Remember this is CEO proof as long the servers can maintain, donate to your homebase server if you can.

This is my first post, I just signed up. I was on reddit from the early days. I liked it then a lot more. This has that feel. I also like that it is open source - hopefully that will bring more developers.

I was there for the digg to reddit switch in 2010, and this drama feels just like déjà vu.

Samesies. We came from Digg, stumbleupon, Fark, icanhascheezburger etc. time for a new frontier.

I'm here because I saw a comment mentioning it and I wondered what it was. Then I saw there were threads with hundreds of responses and thought, "hey, this isn't actually dead, maybe it could be fun"

Yeah, and we're just getting started :)

Stopped using reddit after 12 years when the blackout began, and kept up with the developments through the tech news. Removing the mods and screwing around with things just because they're mad about a protest was the last straw, so now here I am!

They found put we had snacks. Specifically Bugles. Reddit didn't have any! not even enough for one hand :/

I use RIF exclusively on mobile. I never use reddit from my computer. The interface isn't all that different from RIF when on mobile, so I'm giving it a shot. Lots of the other places listed as "reddit alternatives" were mostly just discussion and not community focused and link sharing sites. I like it so far. (my first post!)

I wonder whether the Reddit blackout had anything to do with it? Just a thought.

Wow, holy shit. Servers must be getting slammed with requests. Good thing there's lots of instances to spread the burden.

As subreddits continue to protest… the lemmy FOMO is becoming real….

Reddit is fucked

All hail the new website

This instance gives a clue maybe?


It looks like it's only a day old and it has 11k users. There isn't any content on it either. There are a few instances like that, you can see them here: https://fedidb.org/software/lemmy. They all have low MAU, 10k or so users, and low Status Count.

Quite a few are showing about 10k new users in the past day or so. Probably they're small instances without bot protection or instances made to support bots.

Can this be reported to those tech savvy enough to know what to do? Fantastic find. These instances might well be preparing bots for attack.

I heard about it through a negative review of Reddit in the AppStore and decided to check it out. Reddit permanently banned me for “abuse of the report function” though I had only reported a few things in my many, many years on the site. Then they proceeded to ban my entire family’s accounts because we share an IP address. Right after all of that, the news about third party apps came out and here we are.

I hope Lemmy continues to grow!

Some big sub sabotage themself . Posting nsfw content for avoid ads income .