You may want to sit down to Lemmy – 915 points –

And they were roommates

Oh my god, they were roommates.

I still can't fathom how that one vine got universally accepted as code for lesbians.

Because it was treated as a reading of historical texts. I haven't personally looked up if those historical texts are legit but it's funny to think that historians would disregard lesbian relations by saying they were just friends/roommates

It wasn't just lesbian relationships. Pretty much any gay/lesbian relationship when written about by historians calls them roommates or very close friends or some bullshit like that

I had only seen it in the context of lesbian relationships till now (multiple times, not just a couple of times), and didn't want to assume.

What vine are you taking about?

-someone not universal

That's it. That's really all there is. And yet whenever you see posts about women in love there's always a reference to this one 5 second video. It's also never in the stories about people's uncles having a "friend" who lives with them in a one bed flat in the Castro, it's only ever a wlw thing.



It genuinely stresses me out that I can't refer to any of the wireless access points I'm responsible for as WAPs anymore. Damn you Cardi B.

I still do and don't give a damn. If i'm talking about network modifications and you think im referring to pussy that's a you problem and i have no part in it

I call my WAPs wet ass pussies to a degree where I'm worried I'll accidentally do it in front of a customer some time lol

I just refer to them as AP, as the wireless aspect is implied; A wired AP is called a switch.

Being responsible for numerous WAPs seems like something some people would brag about

as a cable technician I feel this to the bones.

I remember this and my back hurts

My first mobile phone was a Nokia 3330, a 3310 with WAP, and a pinball game, my parents were not happy with me when I figured out to browse the web on my phone...

i was IRCing with my PSP at around 13 :p

The coolest way I have been on IRC was back in 2011, I had just got my first paycheck from my first job, and I bought the most amazing phone I have ever had, the Nokia E7...

The fold out qwerty keyboard was amazing, and made the phone look like a tiny laptop.

It ran Symbian^3 when I got it, but over the short time I owned it (damn pickpockets) I upgraded it to Symbian Anna and later Belle.

I ran Putty touch on the phone, with the keyboard it was probably the best mobile ssh experience you could have back in the day, as you can imagine I used Putty to connect to a Linux server which ran screen irssi.

I felt like such a hacker when I sat in a hospital lobby with my E7 running Putty with screen irssi, I had even set up touch gestures, swiping up and down would scroll in the chat log, swiping left and right would change window.

It remains the coolest mobile phone I have ever had.

That sounds so awesome. Nokias were dope. It was another time when you could actually own and hack your device

So it could run an ssh client like putty, but not a native irc client?

There were absolutely native Symbian IRC clients, the example that would have worked best on the E7 is probably BelleChat, I am confused as to why you thought Symbian couldn't run an IRC client...

As to why I never used it, I preferred screen irssi, as that meant I would have a full log of the channels I was active in even when I was not at a computer.

I was using a third party site for AIM or some other instant messaging service (there were so many competing then) that worked on PSP to chat with my girlfriend into the wee hours of the morning without going over my texting limits. Looking back I have no clue how she was responding so late into the night.

It was a magical time in the early days of handheld internet connected devices. Wish I spent that time on someone more worthwhile, but that's youth for you.

No, definitely a loving symbol.

PS: I had to explain the tattoo to my cute innocent girlfriend. I think something died inside of her (not me).

Cute innocent girls are nice

Don't let her go through the rabbit hole :D

Too late, now there's a rabbit in her hole

ah the ol lemmy rabbit-a-roo (we don't have this here yet..)

The #wap makes it funnier.

What's the author think it stands for?

Judging by the nature of them posting an adult's arm with this tattoo, they know exactly that it stands for and put it in there for additional laughs.

If it was a real post, that person is obviously trolling.

Aww, they’re scissor sisters now!

Shit!I just realized what the band was named after.

The hashtag is appropriate.

#we are praying lol

Oh thaaaaat's what she was trying to say.

Yeah I thought it trolled a little too hard at first, but when someone else pointed out what it ‘meant’ I feel like if they’re trolling they got it just right.

This also looks like an adults arm, making this parent even more stupid.

A clue is that it's covered in tattoos, yes

There is also an aggressive bicep. If it's the US, there are a few states where tattoos are allowed with parental consent.

Here in Australia you can become a ward of the state from the age of 5 and through a series of outdated legal loop holes, the government has to fund you bicep surgery regardless of the gender. The best translation I have is "your right to bear biceps" I think the case cited is usually roo v. wallaby and there is often conflict and debate that the aggressiveness of the bicep must be present. It's vague as all hell, but anyway.

Tldr: OP maybe a 6yo sheila.

it could be a picture of someone with the same tattoo they found on the internet

but yeah generally when someone is able to get a tattoo without their parents consent they're probably over 18

Is her best friend Sappho?

Kinda related I saw a sculpture of Sappho at a Museum last month and it looked like she was so miserable she was going to claw herself to death. I have read some of her poetry and from what I read she seemed like a pretty happy woman. I don't know exactly what the artist was going for there.

Is it even possible to trace this back to the person who originally got that tattoo and the person who originally wrote those words, both probably never even knew each other, you know how the internet propagates and twists things

Best Friend Roommate.

I have an aunt who to this day lives together with her best friend.

50 years and counting.

We have regular family gatherings with me 300+ head extended family (1 weekend per year and 2 gathering afternoons per year) and we have over 20 gay couples in the mix.

LGBTQ+ acceptance is universal in my family.

They still are in the closet and saying they are just friends.

Friends that sleep in a single bed hotel room and smooch when people aren't watching.

Yep, they gay... but who cares, right 🤷.

I have a male friend that has a best friend and they're "really close" and both of them are kinda gayish... but to this day (this has been going on for well over a decade now) they say they're just friends. No one's seen them kissing or anything, but they do share hotel rooms, beds, whatever. They even live in the same building (one of them moved to be closer to the other one).

Oh, and none of them has had a gf since they've met each other. I know my friend has had gfs before, but as to his friend, IDK, he says he has had gfs.

Just remembered another thing, my friend was really secretive when introducing his new "friend" to us... had no idea why he was like that at the time.

It's all good, I don't judge, they wanna play sharades, that's fine by me. I don't ask, they don't tell 🤷.

We care that history has made it so that they for themselves can't be open about who they are while it's overly obvious our whole family doesn't care and is accepting.

The damage the severe repression of LGBTQ+ in society has done, that still lingers in people strong enough that they can't be who they are while nobody around them would see anything wrong with them being out.

How sad that is is what we care about.

It is sad, I agree.

My opinion is people should mind their own business, in gneral. I do and I really have no idea who is gay or not, unless it's blaintly obvious... and even then, I don't care, that doesn't change my feelings towards that person.