If you like pina coladas, you might also like walks in the rain

SnokenKeekaGuard@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1358 points –

fun fact: this is called "Reductio ad absurdum" and it's a valid strategy in debate/rethoric.

It works great when countering stupid shit that sounds logical but really isn't.

If you like debates, but don’t like stupid takes then you just like to stay sane

You can also refute it by inverting the logic. If you like milk chocolate but don't like eating a bowl full of sugar, you like chocolate more than sugar. Curious what the name for that would be.

Imho you inverted the arguments but not the logic. You're still using the same blend of false dichotomy and ig slippery slope.

So it would still be the same reductio ad absurdum

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Isn't it just a type of straw man argument?

Only if you drink chocolate with a straw.

I believe they're talking about the responses, not the original post.

can i get a citation (since we're debate lording) on what constitutes a "valid" argument and how this fits into that category?

Classical philosophy used it often,

The earlier dialogues of Plato (424–348 BCE), relating the discourses of Socrates, raised the use of reductio arguments to a formal dialectical method (elenchus), also called the Socratic method.


If you want a more modern source, here is a lecture on the topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iepg5Q4rBAQ&list=PLPnZfvKID1Sje5jWxt-4CSZD7bUI4gSPS&index=53

I can recommend the entire lecture. It's both entertaining and valuable.

The first statement is actully true though, there is more sugar in milk chocolate than chocolate. the others are all obviously incorrect, there is more pickles, more chicken etc.

It’s not true. You can like a product without liking all of its ingredients in their more pure form. I like bread, but I’m not a fan of choking down handfuls of flour or yeast.

but I'm not a fan of choking down handfuls of flour or yeast

You're missing out, but whatever. More for the rest of us!

In cooking, the result is greater than the sum of its parts, and ingredients strength matters more than raw volume. Here's a more direct example. You probably don't enjoy chugging raw vanilla extract, and vanilla extract is highly concentrated in a small volume. Just because you don't like the concentrated form and it makes up a small volume in recipes, doesn't mean you don't like vanilla.

No it is not true. Things can, and often are, worth more than the sum of their parts.

ok bro, well enjoy your sugar.

How are you not able to get this? Do you like coffee? It is 99% water.

i don't understand your point. i simply pointed out that there is indeed more sugar in milk choc than chocolate. i don't think anyone can deny sugar isn't the first and most dominating flavour of milk chocolate. sure it hasa choc after-taste. The other examples were silly because they all referenced things that didn't have the dominant flavour or indeed the dominant ingredient they were attempting to mock.

Why you and apparently 19 others are butt hurt about the fact milk choc is mostly sugar both ingredient wise and flavour wise is frankly bizarre to me.

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If you love coke, but don't like raw sugar, you actually like water more than coke.

If you love water, but don’t like the taste of raw hydrogen, you actually just like oxygen.

I wonder if liquid hydrogen has a taste. Like, if we could survive in a pressure chamber that can liquify hydrogen at room temp

If you like the comment about the chicken more than the post about the chocolate, you like the roast more than the meat.

If you like air but you don’t like pure oxygen, then you actually like nitrogen more than oxygen.

Anti Death Penalty US'ers really dont agree with you atm

If you like taking a shit, but don’t like the shit, then you really like the feeling of something sliding in your anal cavity.

You mean sliding out unless you have some weird shits

What? You mean you don’t suck/ push them in/ out for a few minutes before releasing them into the wild to seek their fortune elsewhere?

If you love to drink coffee, but don't like to eat coffee beans directly as a food, you actually like hot water more than you like coffee.

I dont like coffee, i recently “discovered” drinking plain hot water during winter and its incredibly soothing.

It is good, and I sometimes drink it myself, but remember to be careful if drinking hot water outside in autumn or early winter.

If a leaf falls from a tree and lands in your cup, you'll have discovered Tea - and last time that happened, some folk from a tiny island ended up with an empire covering half the planet.

I never actually thought about how tea was discovered, and my new headcanon is that some weird person was just drinking hot water, some leaves fell in their cup, and they were too lazy to just get some clean water

As a wise man once said

You can eat anything if it is fried

I just assumed someone desperate figured if they could boil this stuff it might be food.

I want to know who the hell invented nettle tea. Like, let’s try putting the stinging leaves in water and ingesting them.

If you love table salt, but don't like sodium metal, you actually like chlorine gas more than table salt.

If you love table salt but don't lick it directly off the floor, you actually like table more than salt

Uh... No. I like milk more than cacao. You don't need sugar for milk chocolate. You can get unsweetened milk chocolate in the baking aisle. That's what I use for chocolate chip cookies or if I plan on making a sauce.

I also just happen to have a bar of 90% cacao dark and a milk chocolate bar from the same brand (chocolate xoxo) on hand, and they both have 14g of sugar.

This is why i exclusively eat baker's chocolate, and I chew my coffee grounds. I'm not trying to dilute my precious foodstuffs with disgusting things like water or sugar.

If you like vanilla ice cream, but don't like chugging raw vanilla extract, then you like cream and sugar more than vanilla.

i mean, yes

straight up unflavoured (except for sugar) icecream is perfectly fine

chewing on a vanilla bean is probably not that amazing

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I do like sugar more than chocolate, and I do like vinegar more than cucumbers.

The original statement isn't wrong, it's just not actually interesting and just trying to sound smart.

I'm pretty sure I do like vinegar more than cucumbers

If you like raw chicken but not roasted chicken, you actually like Salmonella more than chicken.

If you like reading the text of the shitpost more than admiring the number of upvotes they received then you really like content more than shitposting for karma

I don't get it. Like if you like dark chocolate but not baker's chocolate you like the sugar more than the chocolate.

Sounds like you get it. They're all dunking on their dumb logic

Mmm oven heat, I just want to put my whole head in there

This kills the head.

Then just stick your dick in it like a normal person /s

I like the roasted chicken vs heat argument best.

If you like chocolate, just eat the unprocessed cocoa bean. Anything after that is just a level of preference for how much you like that bean processed, dark chocolate included. Stating you like the sugar more than the chocolate is ridiculous.

It actually took me a long time to realize I like vinegar. I've always liked sour food and pickles especially, but I never made the connection until a few years ago.

This is not how gay works though, you either are or aren't, and you can't discover your sexuality along the way. It's genetic.

Thats not food preference works tho, either you like raw burgers or well done burgers, you can't figure it out along the way. It's genetic XD

I'm addicted to chocolate but don't care much for dark chocolate. drink all my coffees and teas without sugar, or milk.

I do love vinegar tbh

But do you like ethanol? Because if not, then you actually like acetobacter more than vinegar.

I hate cucumbers, they are disgusting, but love pickles. I even drink the water the pickles were in...

I even drink the water the pickles were in.

Yeah, that's vinegar, not water.

This is a thruth beyond initial comprehension.

It is true for most supermarket foods.

I agree with all three of these points unironically..

Seriously, I can't stand white meat chicken, it's so dry

..that's overcooked dude. It really shouldn't be.

Dry? Wtf? Learn to make chicken better

Yeah these are all logically sound. Most examples people are putting in comments are also pretty true.

Except op was right. these comparisons aren't great but yes vinegar has flavor and cucumbers don't. so that one's fair I guess

How is OP right? Just about everyone likes milk chocolate, but you'd be hard pressed to find a significant number of people that enjoy downing spoonfuls of sugar. Clearly it's not just the sugar people enjoy

The pickle comparison is also perfect. The only difference between dark and milk chocolate is the sugar content, and the only difference between a pickle and a cucumber is the vinegar.

It says "more than". It does not claim you "only like" sugar. I think people are just salty about this because they feel called out for liking super sweet chocolate. Btw, people do eat spoonfuls of honey which is probably 99.9% sugar.

It's still completely besides the point. Milk chocolate is it's own food, you don't taste the sugar or chocolate separately, it's a homogeneous mixture. You don't "like sugar more than chocolate", you like Milk Chocolate more than you like Dark Chocolate. You probably(hopefully... r.i.p your teeth otherwise) also like Milk Chocolate more than you like pure sugar, so by the OPs logic that must mean you like chocolate more than you like sugar, at the same time as you like sugar more than chocolate. See the problem here?

Btw, people do eat spoonfuls of honey which is probably 99.9% sugar.

One, not a completely fair comparison because honey has it's own distinctive flavor beyond just tasting like sugar. But also two, I've never known anyone to just eat multiple spoonfuls of honey by itself. Anecdotal, sure, but I don't think it's nearly as common as you seem to be implying it is

Ok I'm not arguing any more. Enjoy your super sweet chocolate and try not to get butthurt that it's actually the sugar that makes you tolerate the chocolate, because that will remain true

I vastly prefer dark chocolate(milk chocolate's ok, white is disgusting), actually, I just disagree with the logic.

Thank you for a voice of reason and the ability to understand the written word.

I honestly thought i was going insane reading these comments full of people confidently, (but yet seemingly unaware of) disproving their own positions. And with such venom too.

The level of salt people have for their love of sugar is truly off the scale in this thread.

Thanks for this response :)

Sugar functions like an addictive drug in all other ways, so I guess it makes sense that people get so defensive about their addiction to it!

Honey water? Delicious. Sugar water? Disgusting. Try it for yourself.