Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files motion to oust Mike Johnson as House speaker to – 543 points –
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene files motion to oust Mike Johnson as House speaker

WASHINGTON — Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has filed a motion to oust Speaker Mike Johnson, three sources with knowledge of the move told NBC News, doing so just as the House voted to avoid a government shutdown.

Johnson, R-La., has served as speaker for five months, having taken over for Kevin McCarthy who was ousted from the top job under a similar process.


I wonder how the GOP has any toes left after shooting themselves in the foot so often.

Gotta be a MTG toe joke in there somewhere.

She looks like a cellulite infested toe.

I usually use my fingers for holding MTG cards, but you do you.

At what point do a few Republicans not running for re-election just say "Fuck it" and vote for Hakeem Jeffries? The margin is down to what, three flips? McCarthy being so thirsty for the job that he let them change the rules has fucked them over, because Ted Cruz et al made government shutdowns and other refusals to do routine shit such a losing national issue for the GOP that once in the job, even Christian-Nationalist ideologues like Johnson have to "betray the principles" of idiots like MTG, Gaetz, and Boebert.

What principles? Oh yeah, vaping and giving handies at kids’ shows and throwing tantrums in The House while doing absolutely nothing resembling their actual jobs.

Don't forget MTG is a lying, homewrecking, unfaithful PoS. Just like her golden idol, Trump.

They aren't sending the best people, folks.

There are plenty of Blue state GOPs. I can see someone giving a speech along these lines; Things have gotten out of hand. It's time to cooperate with the other Party. You know me, and that I am a strong Reagan Republican. Reagan worked with Tip O'Neil and we beat the Soviets.

There are plenty of Blue state GOPs.

Marjorie Taylor Greene is one of them (if you don't believe me, check the Senate and the 2020 Presidential election results), but that doesn't stop her district from being deeply blood-red-batshit-insane.

Thank Sarah Palin for the new political track. Back in the day, a losing pol could only go home or become a lobbyist. Now they can become media darlings. MGT will be flogging her wares for decades, in or out of office.

Wouldn't really say that Beetlejuice the Musical is directed at kids but everything else is spot on. They talk about orgies and suicide in it.

Wasn’t that Boebert?

It was both of them, especially the clown show on the floor of the house

They were both groping someone in public at a show?!?

I don’t like this ride and I would like to get off.

Because of the rule change, it's going to fuck over Dems too when they take over Speaker of the House. Reps are just going to oust every single Dem elected to the position every single day. All they need is one vote to challenge the Speaker. I really hope they nullify the rule.

I don’t think those are House rules. Those are the rules they made for themselves. Democrats don’t have to abide by this. That’s my understanding at the moment. Feel free to correct me.

I think they are house rules, but a majority of Congress can changes those rules at any time. So if Democrats take the house they can just reverse it as part of installing a new speaker.

Pretty sure those are house rules. I think they are agreed upon at the beginning of every session of congress. They can likely be changed with a simple majority but the handful of fucking-batshit-insane GOP don't want to give up that power. I can't imagine Dems just holding onto that rule when it should just be an essay easy vote to revert back to what it was.

Thank you! I agree, I don’t think Dems would keep that rule. Which kind of makes it only for republicans. But now I understand that they are in fact House rules that would need to be changed. Thanks again bro/sis!

They do. The Constitution says that each chamber makes its own rules. Whoever is in power can do pretty much whatever they like. Usually they write sensible rules to avoid a pendulum swing each time power changes hands.

The just plain wrong. When you vote for speaker you also vote the rules in. Dems will not vote for the same set of rules and likely go back to a traditional and more sane set of rules.

Only the majority party has that power & that rule will go bye bye immediately after the Democrats take that chamber back.

I can't wait for 37 more ballots of Hakeem Jeffries almost winning.

Needs exactly four Republicans House Reps to do what I could only describe as the funniest thing ever.

There's now two more early resignations in the pipeline. On April 20, it will be down to only two R's needed to defect.

when is someone putting this screaming gibbon back in her cage?

But who will be our representative for Jewish Space Lasers?? Imagine the atrocities of such an unchecked system!!

This would have been funnier before October

Eh, the comical insanity of antisemitism is still worthy of mockery.

Sorry, being chronically late is sort of my character flaw.

In your defense, the Jewish space lasers is still an astoundingly stupid idea. It's just that Israel's current right-wing government seems to have been smoking whatever it is that made Marge the way she is.

250 years from now scientist, anthropologists will figure out that it was something in the air. Something like a mushroom spore, except, instead of making us hideous and monster like on the outside, it did it on the inside. But it only affected a certain group of people henceforth referred to as the GOP and its caucus.

The infection is getting worse.

I still think it's funny. It might be even better now, because based on Israel's current record if Israel has control over it then they sure as hell would be using it about now.

I was thinking more of all the civilians that have been killed and wounded, and all the others displaced and starving. And how that’s not funny at all.

Sure, but we'd never find anything funny if every time people suffered we had to stop. MTG has almost nothing to do with that and laughing at her makes me feel better, so I'll keep laughing.

I feel for those people too, and so many others, but I can't handle thinking about that constantly for my entire life. There's always something we should feel for.

True, and I didn’t say we shouldn’t make the joke. I just said I would have been more funny before October.

Her district is like +30 Republican. She's here to stay unfortunately.

I guess he was getting too close to finally agreeing that Ukraine needs some more support.

He actually just said he wouldn’t hold up support any further. He must’ve seen this coming.

Imagine his view of the Republican caucus shit-show. I'll bet he's downright desperate to get out at this point.

Luckily MAGA was there for him to be Putin his place.

Knowing him this is less of a matter of conscience and more a "fuck it I'mma burn this bitch to the ground on the way out".

Probably more the swing-district republicans saying, "Government shutdowns always get blamed on the GOP. You gotta take one for the team here. Take it up with Donald later."

Wish someone would file a motion to oust Greene.

Her district is germandered at like +25 Republican... she's going no where. But also, having the Republicans do a ton of party infighting during an election year is great if you don't like them. Makes them less appealing overall to voters. Let them flight.

As someone who grew up in what is now her district during the 90s and early 00s, it is gerrymandered to hell and back but a good 85% of that area would vote for the GOP even if it gave them an instant herpes outbreak every time they cast a ballot

Maybe she can lose to a write-in dancing horse or something?

Theyre already unappealing to most voters we just need to make sure enough of those show up in just the right spots.

Looking at u rust belt.....

She's up for reelection this year, that's really all we can hope for.

She's in the sheep-fucker part of Georgia. She'll be back.

Hahahahaha!... takes deep breath .. HAHAHAHAHA! 🤣🤣🤣

Even better… they’re loosing their majority fast. Heard somebody else resigned and they’re down to one

Poor guy. He appeared to be completely unfit for the job, had to walk a super tightrope about not pissing off his own crazy party, and still got nuked by one of the craziest / stupidest members of his team. Can you imagine the stress? Fuck him. Let him stress. Wretched piece of shit.

His son better be keeping a close eye on his browsing history in the coming months. Can't have him masturbating his stress away.

I have no sympathy for evangelicals in the federal government.

Can't even watch porn to chill out due to his weird ass religious blood pact with his son

I was about to ask why she would do such a thing but then I remembered to my dismay that asking why mtg does shit is like asking a flat earther why they think the earth is flat.

There's a difference. A flat Earther definitely thinks the Earth is flat. What Marjorie Taylor Greene actually believes is a mystery. How much of it is natural crazy and how much of it is an act?

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time

I don't think it's an act for her

Ha! It’s so funny when they eat themselves alive.

I don't think that legislation can move forward in a scenario where there isn't a Speaker. That impacts everyone.

And I don’t think Mike Johnson should be the speaker.

Just what legislation do you think the GOP is working on passing? The GOP being the majority is what impacts everyone.

Speaking in immediate terms, I'm kind of interested in the Ukraine aid bill.

What legislation was going to be moving forward? Are they even doing anything other than the impeachment?

Tiktok ban, that's about it. Obviously the most important thing that they should be focusing on /s

Dems should make a deal with Johnson. They will throw him a few votes in exchange to allow Jeffries the ability to schedule votes. That way both parties decide what things to hold votes about.

No democrat should ever vote to leave this bigot in the succession line to the presidency.

Some fun things Mike Johnson has done:

Called us a "depraved culture" for having high LGBTQ identification:

Made his daughter pledge her virginity to him at a "purity ball":

And just read what he has to say about gay marriage:

Well he would mostly just be the GOP's speaker. Dems would have their own unofficial speaker and it would be Jeffries, not Johnson. We could mostly start ignoring Johnson with this arrangement.

Except that he remains 3rd in line to the presidency, has massive power over how the house is run and so would just backstab democrats after any "deal?"

There is two paths, we can either have a compromise speaker who isn't Mike Johnson, or Jeffries, without massive concessions (not just floor time, actual policy concessions) it makes no sense for democrats to save Johnson from his own party.

He's awful. Here's the problem: they're all awful. What's the good choice? Challenge mode: has to also be viable for a vote from his party.

No. Dems just need like 1 Republican to vote for Jeffries. At this point there may be enough Republicans furious with the extreme nut jobs to form a "not batshit crazy" coalition with the Dems.

How democracy should actually work. I don't understand why they haven't been doing this to begin with

While a lot of people are speculating about how this could lead to a Democrat speaker, I think the more likely scenario is that the Dems vote to keep him in office as long as he stops obstructing the most critical stuff, specifically Ukraine aid. Republicans alone are extremely unlikely to oust Johnson, and a failed attempt to do so only weakens the nutjobs.

MTG is practically handing the Dems the leverage they need to force Johnson to compromise. And if he won't they need only find three moderate / retiring Republicans willing to pick a more reasonable speaker.

the Dems vote to keep him in office as long as he stops obstructing the most critical stuff, specifically Ukraine aid.

He'll agree, then backstab the Democrats the moment they try to get anything done. You can't trust that filthy fuck.

they need only find three moderate / retiring Republicans willing to pick a more reasonable speaker.

I think this is both a better strategy for Democrats and a more likely outcome than Johnson keeping his word.

Republican house speakers have the life expectancy of a house fly thanks to the treason caucus.

Gotta love the Christian nationalist infighting.

Here we go again...for fooks sake!

Just when you think you're in control

Just when you think you've got a hold

Just when you get on a roll...

Wouldn't we only need one Republican defector now to have Democrats control the House?

I could be wrong, but I think it's 3. With the Colorado guy quitting (to specifically fuck over Lauren Boebert), they're at 218-213 I think.

Ken Buck's last day is today. So tomorrow, they will be at 218-213 with 4 vacancies.

Soon to be 217-213 (April 19) due to Gallagher announcement today. That will shorten it to 2 defectors to block any measure, but still require 3 to pass.

At this point, I think the job of the Speaker of the House is going to be a position most politicians wouldn't want to touch.

Democrats seem to do a fine job of managing their caucus when they have the gavel.

That's because of the democrats' shared platform of not being obstructionist disruptive morons.

The rule change that McCarthy allowed also affects Democrats. So just 1 Republican vote can oust a Democratic Speaker. They really fucked over both sides.

They could just change the rule back. The procedural rules change all the time.

I'm really hoping it does get immediately repealed when the next Dem is elected as Speaker.

Wasn't that the branch he was kneeling to the hardest? If even they don't like him, I doubt he will remain speaker long.

BuT gOd'S pLaN...

It's so funny how many GOP crazies run because "God told them to," and then fall flat on their faces with no popular support.

He must have an excellent sense of humor.

God has no sense of humour, but he hasn't found a way to power his simulation without irony. That's why we're here, the whole thing falls apart with no sentients to torment

They wouldn't recognize God's plan if he sent a bolt of fucking lightening down on them.

At least that will give him more time to allow him to let his son know what he's doing.