'There will be a civil war': Trump fans rage after Georgia judge orders trial to proceed

ZeroCool@slrpnk.net to politics @lemmy.world – 575 points –
'There will be a civil war': Trump fans rage after Georgia judge orders trial to proceed

Edit: There's a lot of people in the comment section who clearly didn't read the article so let me clarify that no, this is not about Judge Aileen Cannon. Read. The. Damn. Article.


This is one of the dumbest things about conservatives in the US ...... we're going to start a civil war - for Trump.

I could agree to many political arguments about rebelling against your own government but to say you want to start a civil war to defend a completely morally bankrupt individual that has absolutely no care for you at all has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever had the opportunity to see and hear.

MAGAs are being swindled and don't know it.

If you tell them they are being swindled, with proof, they won't believe it and take it out on you instead for suggesting it.

They'd rather be ignorant than be proven wrong. This is also why phone/computer scammers keep going after the same people. The victims never want to believe they were duped until it's too late.

“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.”

― Carl Sagan

I love that quote. We need more Sagan's and fewer Rogans.

Humanity has been victim to that for thousands of years in the form of world religions

I believe this is from Carl Sagan's book The Demon Haunted World. A fantastic read, and one I recommend to anyone who will listen.

“It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
― Mark Twain

"The entrenchment of a person's belief is directly proportional to how wrong it is."

-- Me

See, this doesn’t work as a truism because the "wrongness” or immorality is typically just a common coincidence taken advantage of by conmen (like Trump and other demagogues).

It would be more accurate to say, “The enrichment of a person’s belief is often directly proportional to how self-serving it is.”

Christianity provides a good example of this: believe in Jesus, and all of one’s sins are forgiven, basically writing a person a blank check to be a monster for their whole life, knowing that they’ll be forgiven when they die because “Jesus will forgive me.”

This is what my mother believes and why my entire family refuses to ever speak to her again.

My sympathies to you and your family .... I have a handful of people like that in my family but not to that extreme ... they half heartedly believe in a bunch of evangelical bullshit but then aren't smart enough or fundamental enough to debate anyone about it.

I'm Indigenous Canadian and I grew up with a traditional land based mindset ... my parents were Catholic but our belief system is heavily influenced by our old traditional ideas about the land, animals, and life in general. We didn't need a book, a preacher or a big giant expensive church with men in dresses to tell us that we need to be good to people, definitely don't kill anyone for any reason, treat everyone with kindness, don't destroy the environment and every bad thing you do will eventually come back to haunt you or your descendants. We aren't perfect either ... but at least we don't loudly proclaim how wrong we are.

Amazing that people think being forgiven of sins is a free pass to make more sins, when the reality is, being forgiven requires that you make your best effort to do good and not sin again on purpose.

People that sin on purpose because they assume to be forgiven... well, they won't.

Is that explicitly stated in the Bible someplace? Because I don’t think it is. The part about Jesus always forgiving no matter what, however, is. It’s also widely taught.

It is true that the forgiveness covers it all, but, if you claim to be a follower of God (and by extent, Jesus), you must behave to his standards to continue to be forgiven. Standards such as "return evil for evil to no one", "love (kindness) your enemy and those persecuting you" (with examples of treating your enemies with deceny and respect as you would and should your neighbor), and so on. Include "he who lives by the sword shall perish by it" as a warning to those that feel the need to be fighters, vigilantes, and so on. Replace sword with gun for a more modern interpretation.

Or… not do that and just ask Jesus for forgiveness, who always forgives. Abrakadaba! Sins begone!

See, it’s just a loophole so Xians have a free pass to be monsters with the belief that they still get into heaven when they die.

Your mistake is attempting to apply logic to a belief system based on myth, magic, and nonsense.

Those kinds of "once saved always saved, so I can do anything I want" people will most certainly not get a heaven ending. They are on the way to the Destruction ending.

What makes you think anyone gets any ending other than simply being dead?

yeah, but no, because i can believe that human rights are a good thing. For literally all of my life time. That never changes how right it was.

to FTFY that for you, this one is free of charge, you are welcome to yoink and boink it.

"a persons entrenchment in an idea/ideology, is likely proportional to the stubbornness of their position on it"

That's a phenomenal quote

Mark Twain was a phenomenal American. Everyone should read his books and writings.

I have my complaints about America but there are great things about the country .... and Mark Twain is one of them.

I have read a couple. It was many years ago. But I do remember a few gems.

They're not being conned, they're in on the con. Notice how there is nothing consistently rational about the messaging. The issues they're concerned about and what they say they want done about them all change daily. But they all point in one direction.

They've identified themselves as the in-group, they've identified the out-groups, and they want to stomp all over those out-groups and take everything they've got. Their money, their dignity, their lives. Whatever proves that they're on top.

Remember the second part of that LBJ quote:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."

They know the consequences and they're willing to risk it. Calling them idiots does not prepare us to deal with the situation in which we find ourselves now.

Absolutely this. Trump doesn't need a coherent message. He's whipped people into a frenzy with the help of a media empire designed to do exactly that, and no matter what he says or does his voters stick with him because no matter what else he does while in office he'll let them hurt the people he's made them afraid of. It doesn't matter what he wants to do, they know that if he gets elected they'll get to do what they want to do, which is establish a state that kills anyone who makes them uncomfortable. They're not stupid. No one involved in this is stupid. They're evil and they need to be stopped if we hope to survive.

Sunk cost fallacy is real and MAGA is all in on their shitty investment of tearing the system down, repressive policies and generalized white & hetero supremacy

And Putin and Xi laugh all thr way to the bank. Well maybe not putin he's a little busy

the dumbest thing I've ever had the opportunity to see and hear.

After fifty years on this planet I can only tell you the bar keeps getting raised, but it's not always the bars we might wish.

Against who?

If it's against the government, then it's a coup d'état.
See how well that's working out for the January 6 crowd.

And that’s the thing, they don’t want a civil war with the government, they want a civil war with ‘liberals’. They can’t control government the way they want to so they instead want to eliminate the people who vote differently than they do.

So presumably they need people to shoot at, all standing in a field with bugles and drummers. Short of that what are they going to do? Knock on random doors and ask if liberals live there? Will groups of them drive up to New York and pick a neighborhood to start canvassing? Where do they marshal their troops and where do they march to? How does this work at the low level?

Ah yes, I forgot. It's all horseshit.

How it works at the low level is they assume they know what a "liberal" looks and acts like, and they try to kill them. Civilian, combatant, doesn't matter. We've already seen this, multiple times, all over the US. You assume an organized army, don't.

While some of the big players might like to act like a regular military force, a LOT of this will just be sporadic, random violence as John GOP finally realizes he can use the War Against Liberalism as a cover to get rid of his neighbor, or his boss, or Karen in HR or whatever.

Ever wonder why they phrase it "take back our country"? It's not a coup in their eyes.

And because of this, you can accurately gauge their intelligence

Yep. And yet, here we are.

The inescapable conclusion is that a lot of people are just really really dumb, and these dummies being armed to the teeth leaves me with very little hope for humanity. Of course, these god fearing fat dummies will be no match for any real army, let alone the US army, enough of these idiots serve in said army to cause a shit storm at the least.

Best that we can hope for now is trump insulting his sugar daddy and then accidentally stumbling out of a window

Not really that different from Southern poor people marching to war on behalf of a relative handful of wealthy land owners.

An old one that's gonna be dead probably before the war would end anyways lol.

2 more...

I still can’t believe that all the rural redneck idiots are willing to start a Civil War for a failed corrupt New York City businessman, who represents everything they don’t stand for in the name of creating a fascist dictatorship and stripping away all of your rights so that the rich people can continue to fuck you in the ass.

Most of them think the war will turn the economic tides and somehow turn their rural towns into utopian areas where all the wealth from the cities is funneled into their shitty towns. They want the status and earning of being an engineer, doctor, or lawyer without trying or educating themselves.

What is sad is all conservatives are willing to kill us, our children, and everything we worked for for this ideal and for a corrupt, failed New York businessman that sells military secrets to our enemies.

What's ironic is that it's the liberal-eating-local-buy-local-equality-socialist types that are are subsidizing their ability to live in that small rural town at all.

County State Aid roads, clean water infrastructure, education, business development grants, farm grants... All of that is paid for by big city taxes, which typically (not always... Looking at you Ft. Worth...) lean liberal. In my state one rural community received tax funding at a rate of 480% compare to what they paid in, where as the city center reviebes about 60% of the taxes they pay.

Farm-to-table? Anti-trust regulations? Farm subsidies? The USDA rural development? All paid for in large part by taxes, most of which come from city centers.

And yet exactly what you said - they want liberal big cities gone. They see them as a plight upon the land.

It's crazy.

That part seems to elude these small towns. The end of the big cities mean the end of their way of life. They would all starve to death in a few months, and have pretty much nothing to offer the entire world.

I'm not convinced he sells secrets. I'm pretty sure he gives them away because poo tin tells him it's in their best interests.

I have Maga relatives, who have giddily spoken to me about finally getting to "blast the damn libs". I'm one of the people they are happily speaking about shooting down. Yeeeeesh

The real thing they love about him is that "we" hate him and with their support they think they can annoy us and "get back" at us for whatever they think we did to them. And they aren't wrong, people who hate Trump have a very hard time just ignoring the Trolls, me included.

Bro, it's not even surprising at this point.

It's the "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" principle.

Who cares what they believe, it matters exactly 0% what they believe, just that they're willing to kill you over it.

They bring the barbarianism, we send the military. Unless the famously Republican-leading military decides to betray the country too (and given the hubbub around UAPs and their response, I wouldn't give more than 50/50 odds) in which case you never had a chance in the first place.

Only rationale I can think of:

"It's not gay if you can't consent, and I really want to be fucked in the ass"

No there won't.

Alternate headline: local inbreds big mad

They are definitely trying to manifest a war

we should simply manifest anti-war. If we do it hard enough, it'll cancel out and there won't be a war, simple as that.

Like one third of the US doesn't even bother to vote. The banks own all our land and houses so there's be no economic gain. There's plenty of reason for everyone to be upset, but not really enough reason to go to war.

I agree, their numbers, organization, and ammo reserves are not to be dismissed or underestimated.

I believe all of those except organization...

They see (largely) in terms of black and white with zero shades of gray. That makes for way less infighting than the Dems. It's their superpower.

It's how they're beating the left so handily.

It has little to do with that, the problem is structural. They're beating the left because the political system is structured in a way that gives overwhelming advantage to the establishment with minority votes.

Their 35% wacko views are treated as equal to the 65% both by the political system and by the media - see manufacturing consent.

Meanwhile the left wing candidates or proposals are always both too left and not left enough - the pincer maneuver.

Take any issue and see how the left view is scrutinized in the mainstream compared to the right: Biden cancelling student debt? Both too left and not left enough. Obamacare? Same. Guns? Same. Pick your poison.

It's because the very wealthy would rather risk anarchy and societal collapse by promoting the causes of violent thugs rather than be taxed and contribute to the well-being of the people who maintain the civilization they rely on.

Because the upside is immense and the downside is insignificant. The actual risk to them is tiny. They have a lot to gain (0 tax, government contracts, favourable judges, pliable lawmakers), and worst case their man doesn't get the office, they're roughly where they are now.

The potential collapse of society is someone else's problem - if they thought on how their actions affect society or the planet they wouldn't have the money they have.

What do you think the solution to that kind of situation is then?

I'm not being facetious, I'm actually interested in your thoughts.

As an individual and as a group.

  1. Join A Union - if you are on a salary of any level, join a union. Unions are a force for equalisation of power, a proper seat at the negotiating table and a "third space" of discussion of grievances, finding common ground, resolving worries and deciding on action.

  2. Involvement in local politics, local becomes state, becomes national.

  3. Until, public holiday, mandatory, and ranked choice voting is introduced (if ever), after you advocated for as much change as possible, you voted for the best candidate in the primaries, vote for the candidate that has a chance of winning. Not voting or protest voting does worse than fuck all.

  4. Do not give up on set backs. Get involved. Demand better.

Actually, I'm kinda doing all of that. One exception: I'm looking into how to CREATE a union. It's a little daunting but I persist.

Excellent advice in general, friend.

Hmmm I believe that but we all do it.. the first pass at a problem or a situation tends to look black or white to most people...

What happens is that most people with a modicum of common sense, education or not blinded by feelings know that the analysis is not complete then. We need to go deeper and discover / resolve the nuance... These people won't.

However, real life is nuanced. Most situations are a lot more complicated than black and white. So when these people attempt to actually do anything, to solve any problem, to build anything, they'll just hit brick wall after brick wall and then the infighting will commence

Perfect example, that Canadian idiot that sold the farm and moved to Russia because fucking Russia did have Christian values and he was tired of gay chickens in his farm or something. That's the level of analysis he put to the task, 4 months of hell later Russia took all his money and is now getting kicked out because you cannot immigrante without knowing the Russian language

I hope you're right. My fear is that there are enough that are able to wag the dog and take advantage that are deviously coordinated and able to turn this country into something that we don't recognize in short order.

The worst part is that it's not some sort of crazy conspiracy theory. There are actual groups that are working to change the entire political landscape in this country and to something draconian and dark.

This. I've already seen more people on the left threatening each other over what they're going to do if Trump gets in office, rather than lashing out at the right.

If Trump decides to incite an actual war rather than just another insurrection mob at the Capitol, there will probably be a war. Rather than joining together and fighting it off, half the left will probably try to kill the other half out of spite.

And I bet a not-insignificant portion do the oppression olympics game and lecture people who, in their haughty opinion, are not sufficiently intersectional or whatever, not seeming to understand the ones most likely to engage in the oppression olympics (i.e., themselves) are the ones most at-risk from the threat of the right wing.

Yes, they should be estimated, on the premise that they're selfish assholes who won't share and don't realize they can only reasonably fire one gun at a time and the hand guns will be worthless.

If you mean more traitors will go to prison and be removed from the voter pool, neat!

It sounds like they mean to remove themselves from the gene pool as well! I'm all for it

Well, if it's a repeat of 1/6, I think there was only 1 death (of the traitors, not total), but hundreds of prison sentences. That's what I was referencing.

Translation: the few nutty enough to put plans to action will commit cowardly terrorist acts that make magats even more detested. Just because fascist asshats couldn't settle for being overrepresented.

It must be Friday, because MAGA is threatening civil war but they're sitting down. Do it or shut the fuck up, cowards.

They are all pussies. PBR drinking, fox "news" watching red faced fat asses. I hope they do attempt a "civil" war. The world will be a better place without them and they'll be curb stomped in about .3 seconds.

I dunno man. I agree and I don't . There's a million things that SHOULD have all Americans fucking slaughtering there entire corrupt leadership on the fucking daily.. but no one rises up.. the closest we got was BLM and that shit got shut down so hard and all non black america abandoned them.. MAGA aren't the only cowards

Now hold on...

PBR and a shot of two of shitty whiskey is sometimes very appropriate. Don't put is in that bucket.

They might be pussies, and are human trash cans, but a quadriplegic can press a trigger and kill someone.

I have been deployed and have seen what untrained assholes can do with guns. You can die just as easily from Billy Bob’s bullet as you can a sniper with years of actual training. Don’t discount these people to go to voting places during the election and cause havoc.

They are brainwashed into thinking that they are not only right, but all doubt has been removed as to how right they are.

Of course they're sitting down. Have you seen most of them?

Nah see the magas want us to civil war first so we'll go to jail. See, civil war is a crime in this country taps forehead

Boy it sure says an awful lot about Maga that they are going to go to war for a swollen pustule like Humpty Trumpty. If it's a movement, wouldn't it transcend a single individual? What a weak group of simpletons.

"I'm going to jail for an NFT salesman."

---Unite the Right organizer and general alt right fuckbucket Baked Alaska upon being sentenced for his participation in the 01/06 riots

They’re all idiots, but this guy was a special kind of dumb. What is he up to these days? I know Baked Alaska was sentenced for only 60 days, so it’s not like he sacrificed much for the carnival barker. I bet he’s still in the tank for him.

The Trumpist insurrection ends one of only two ways for the Trumpists.

  1. They end up in prison.

  2. They end up dead.

See January 6, 2021.

"There will be a civil war!" - Somebody definitely not prepared to fight in any kind of war.

But they have a couple of guns and a pickup truck and a vest with pockets and hunting boots and camo pants?? Some even have night vision scopes!!!! The US military won't stand a chance.

They’re prepared to fight, they just haven’t thought it through. Which is why they’re prepared to fight. Doesn’t stop them from the terror attacks they’ll commit before they’re killed or locked up.

Well, they seem more prepared for the younger generation to fight, as they do in most wars.

The issue for them is that there's very much an age difference in the whole MAGA/sanity thing and they're on the wrong side of it.

The thing I worry about is how much more angry some Americans will become as AI starts to really eat up the jobs. The radicalized far right wing has already painted Big Tech as somehow liberal/leftist (lol) because they are being "censored" on platforms like pre-Xitter Twitter or Facebook.

Imagine how they'll react when it becomes obvious that "Big Tech" has come/is coming for their jobs. I fear people that were unradicalized before may suddenly be thrown into despair with lots of time on their hands, and the usual suspects giving them easy "answers" as to the cause. You just know that DEI, "woke", and Biden's hard drive, oops, I mean, "laptop" will be the kinds of things blamed for it.

AI is 95% hype, so it won't happen especially not for the kind of jobs they like and are capable of. But then again just instilling the fear in them is probably enough.

If or when some crazy yahoos “declare” a civil war. All those toy soldiers aka weekend warriors. You know the type who own 300 guns lives in a bomb shelter and has been praying for the world to end since 1979. Those folks with have to contend with not you or me per say. The will contend with the United States Military. The tuffest military and the most trained, and frankly who has the best toys in the world for killing people. Our military is well versed in urban and rural fighting techniques. Did i mention the also own a bunch of drones. Yeah im not to worried

If they organize, they won't even make it to the military, they will be quickly stopped by our militarized police force. I fear that this is going to end up with crazy people commiting random acts of terrorism.

Crazy people are already committing random acts of terrorism, remember when some Trumper took out an electrical substation about a year ago and left a couple dozen thousand people without heat or power in the dead of winter? All that to shut down a drag show (supposedly).

That's honestly been their gameplan for years. Anders Breivik might've been the first to put it to widespread paper in his manifesto, but the whole idea of terror cells was something that right-wing militias have been wargaming since the 80s. Even when you get a bunch of terror incidents grouped REAL tight together (like the Pride parade situations we've had lately, which all seem to share MOs), they get written off as "just a bunch of dudes" or "lone wolves" and never get reported on as "well Jim and Tim and John and Tom are assumed to be part of a larger terror network" because saying "hey this seems likely to be a problem and we should be on the lookout" doesn't sell papers the same way as "CRAZED LONE WOLF" does.

This group has been masturbating to Red Dawn, shouting Wolerines! as thry orgasm, for 40 years now.

I don't know. "Terror cells on the rise. Is your son joining one? Find out at 10!"

stopped by our militarized police force

So, um, about that...

random acts of terrorism

Dude they've been doing this for so long; mass killings stopped being news.

I think it's important to remember how many civilians we killed in Iraq trying to get the bad ones. Yes, the US military would put down an insurrection... I don't know know how fast it would be, and I don't know that they wouldn't kill my kids when they drone strike the guy down the street...

In their pipe dreams (and their Chatapp groups or whatever), the US military will fight on their side. Oh boy are they in for a surprise.

I'm hoping that the A24 movie Civil War is impactful on any future discussion of American Civil War 2.

I wouldn't count on the military being on a particular side, but I should point out that their record against illiterate dipshits who don't understand wearing shoes is 0-2.

Then again, their record on the rare instance they fight against fascists is 3-0, undefeated. And those wins were against the best the fasch had to offer, delivered pretty spectacularly.

Do they actually think the military will join them?

Even if they did, how long do they think planning a war against the united states would take?

Do they remember how it went last time they pulled this?

Ending reconstruction was a Fucking mistake.

Civil War? Sounds serious.

So when are democrats dropping gun control?


gun control is too politicized of a term to be used specifically. It can range from "taking away all guns ever, completely, forever" to "hey maybe don't give violent offenders guns probably" Which is a uh variety of opinions that one can have.

Though in terms of stats, dems, queer people, minorities, etc... Are all arming themselves at increasing rates, as the founding fathers intended.

Oh yes please I hope you're right because I have been getting dinged and banned for years for telling them to do exactly that

Though in terms of stats, dems, queer people, minorities, etc... Are all arming themselves at increasing rates, as the founding fathers intended

Man. I've got some bad news about the founding fathers to tell you...

One of the saddest parts for his followers is they think they are getting that strong man that's going to clean up all that is wrong in their books and make it like some rose colored memory of how good things use to be before the world become too complicated for them to handle.

Trump isn't coming in to do that kind of hard work, he's doing it for the title, prestige, and the fact he "deserves" to be president, he should be president because he's special.

Not to say it's all about his ego which it is, but it's also pretty handy in his mind to help deal with his mounting legal issues while slow to play out but they are piling up like Everest.

It's unfortunate most won't recognize the need for a leader to do the hard work of a true servant leader. It's been a long time since we've seen one of those. Many will argue we've seen that in Carter and even perhaps despite his advancing years a little in Biden but most people have been turned against such presidents with soft skills willing to do the hardwork.

They seem to want those with a finger on the button ready to blow up anyone that dares challenge the US. That's another area Trump supporters will be let down in when it comes to Russia...

Any of his idiot base that think it's worthwhile to have a....checks notes....civil war over this stupid buffoon deserve the inevitable outcome.

Let's get on with it! I'm still waiting for the AR-15 waving morons on mobility scooters getting mowed down.

the AR-15 waving morons on mobility scooters

Oh, the Chairborne Rangers? Or is it Meal Team Six? Or the Gravy Seals? Of course, we also know the Talibangelicals, Walmartyrs, the Yeehawdists and the Oaf Keepers. But there are also the Q Cucks Clan, Cupcake Commandos, Vanilla Isis and Midlife Isis, but don't forget the Green Beignets, Waffle SS, 1st Chairborne, KFC-9, Special Farces and Snack Ops.

As you can see, they are a very diverse [all-white] group of [seriously hungry] patriots!

The problem is that we're approaching politics like sports. We root for our team, and boo the other side relentlessly. Government, though, is not a zero-sum game. We don't automatically win when the other side loses, and sometimes we all lose.

The confusion with the Cannon case in this thread is apt, actually. Because we all do the same stuff. We just think we have facts in our side. I've openly wondered whether Cannon has a new RV in her driveway, after reading some of her rulings. All the shit that the MAGAs are saying about the other judges, we are saying about Cannon. We can't both be right.

This is the real civil war here. It won't be Sherman carving a path to the sea. But it will be two sides with such different ideas about what is true that "patriots" will take it upon themselves to conduct asymmetrical warfare. i think it will look more like Belfast in the 1970's than Atlanta in the 1860's.

There will be no "civil war" until republicans win again.

Cops are gonna cop either way (so do nothing other than find the nearest brown kid they can beat on until The Public gets mad enough that they have to act). Even a bunch of untrained gravy seals with ar-15s are going to leave the cops shitting themselves and crying while they play gacha games on their phones. It is the military (mostly National Guard) who are going to matter.

And Jan 6 already showed how that plays out. They are going to do whatever they are ordered to. So if the POTUS is actively trying to murder the VPOTUS and the president pro tem and so forth? Doesn't matter because the person they report to is telling them to not act or, after seeing Jan 6 "fail", to impose martial law to protect the country. Just.. not over there. We got some uppity negros what need putting down first.

If anyone who actually cares about the country is in power (so... Democrats and a very small subset of third parties)? We roll up on the gravy seals with a few drones that drop tear gas and we are done. If it is the republicans? It won't be a "civil war" so much as a series of lynchings.

2 more...

One random guy on Twitter "there will be a civil war!"


I guess "random Twitter account spouts bullshit" isn't as compelling a headline.

Commenter Michale Darwin wrote, "Look at the judge's body language. Anyone can see that that judge hates Trump's guts. Or that judge has taken some sort of a bribe,"

They are so fucking delusional.

“tHerE wiLL bE a ciViL wAr…”

Sure Jan

It's telling how ambiguous this headline is (either "fans of Trump are raging" or "Trump is fanning the rage").

...then do it. Start your civil war, see how far it gets you. Texans laugh all the time about "liberals" (even though they are "socially conservative liberals") and how easy it would be to roll them over...

But then you have the gangs of LA, NY crime families, as well as TONS of weaponry up north and more tankies and socialists craving violent revolution than you can shake a stick at.

The only difference is that one side is stupid enough to brag about it all the time, and the other just pulls up rolling deep without as much as a speaking engagement to signal it before hand.

These gravy seals, I swear.

Plus, the military kind of needs to step in and quell a civil war

The gravy seals ain't gonna do well


Say when, bitches.

Declare it already. Quit your pussy-footing.

All these obese retirees and their incel offspring think the fucking US Military is afraid of a little asymmetric warfare. Guys, we invented this shit. All you're doing is opening the doors for your prison sentence to include torture at gitmo. That's assuming you don't get shot dead and left to rot in a field.

glhf, literally no one is scared of you. Again, just say when.

The VAST majority of them won't get off their fat-ass any more than they did on J6.

Yes, the J6 crowd wasn't small by any means, but they weren't an "army" in any sense of the word, they were a mob of stupid and violent people.

Civil war requires planning, and most Maga followers aren't capable of anything more complex than ranting on social media.

Civil war isn't going to go the way they think it will, but the problem with these morons is they could lose a civil war and walk away convinced they won.

Cannon says "no" to the defense for the first time this trial and they turn on her immediately

what a bunch of traitorous snowflakes

Cannon says "no" to the defense for the first time and they turn on her immediately.

Wanna know how I know you didn’t read the article?

Or even the headline. It clearly says Georgia.

Lol yeah, but that I can be a little more forgiving about. It can be hard to keep track of which case is being handled in which area. But had they read the article, they'd see the judge mentioned by name in the first sentence and it's not Aileen Cannon.

This is not about Florida though. Cannon is the Florida classified documents case.

I know.. it's hard to keep track with all the trials:

  • Florida classified documents
  • Stormy Daniels hush money
  • New York civil fraud (found liable & pending appeal if his paperwork and bonds clear)
  • Georgia election interference (what this is about; the perfect call)
  • EG Carrol defamation civil trial (liable & pending appeal).

I probably forgot some...

Also, if those people could read they'd realize the only reason she said no right now, is she wants to allow that argument to be used as a defense during the trial, where she can then acquit him herself and give Jack Smith no chance to appeal. She only said that the argument couldn't be used to dismiss the charges before the trial starts. If she did say yes to Trump's request right now, Smith could appeal and a higher court would slap her down in a second for this blatantly incorrect interpretation of the law, and cut off Cannon's plan to acquit Trump of all charges during the trial. She is bending over backwards to not rule on anything before the trial, so nothing can be appealed beforehand, and then get to the trial stage when her dumb shit will be effectively unappealable. Everything in her recent order is still to Trump's benefit.

Neither you nor the person you’re replying to read the article. If you did you’d know this isn’t about Judge Aileen Cannon.

I know Judge cannon is not in the article, and I did read it. I assumed the person I was replying too was bringing up judge Cannon for contrast with this judge, because unlike this judge or pretty much any other judge Trump has been before (who they and their family members have been getting constant death threats and harrasment, often from Trump himself) they've been lavishing praise on her. Kind of ironic they turned on her as well just yesterday after her order when she's still doing her best to put the fix in for Trump. Trump even had to put out a tweet to remind people that judge cannon is great.

Cmon man at least make sure it's the right case if you're not going to read the article

Oh wow another lawsuit to follow which is going to lead to absolutely nothing.

Aren't people tired of this theatre yet?