DeSantis Claims Florida Marijuana Legalization Ballot Measure Will Let People 'Bring 20 Joints To An Elementary School' to politics – 377 points –
DeSantis Claims Florida Marijuana Legalization Ballot Measure Will Let People 'Bring 20 Joints To An Elementary School' - Marijuana Moment

Teachers can bring guns, let the kids bring weed.

It’s the best way to keep everyone calm with all those guns around

Guns aren't too concerning by themselves, but I think we all know a few teachers from our school years that should never, ever own one.

Yup we had one go nuts and dump out all our cubbies in 6th grade, because too many of us forgot to bring out work and she was convinced we hadn’t done it and left it in our bags.

She retired at the end of that year.

I had another in HS that threw a hammer at a kid (it was a vocational class), that annoyingly put me off a career in the trades. I wish now that I’d stuck with it. I much prefer working with my hands over temporarily organizing pixels.

It's never to late to start. We just had a guy who was 45, and worked in an office his entire career, join our apprenticeship. Being a union electrician is a great gig. Our pay is great and the benefits are awesome.

That sounds awful! If you're gonna bring something to class, you need to bring enough for everyone.

Puff puff pass with 20 joints seems like enough for everyone.

Seems like a good math problem.

“Alright class, we have 20 joints with an average of 30 puffs each. There are 35 students, one teacher, and 2 teachers aides. How many puffs does everyone get?”

They're full gram joints. I don't think Little Timmy needs more than two puffs from one. Puff puff pass.

They’re full gram joints. I don’t think Little Timmy needs more than two puffs from one. Puff puf

That all depends on how your body processes THC. For some people I know, two puffs is plenty. For others (Me, for example), two puffs ain't gonna do shit.

What you're describing is tolerance. I don't think most children have any tolerance to THC.

It's sad that we all just accept the fact most schools have classes of more than 20 kids... What a goddamn disaster education is in this country.

People can already bring 20 joints into a school if they want to. Has Ron looked at other states that have legalized it and observed schools bursting at the seems with pot?

prevalent odor of cannabis that he says would result from the reform

Oh no! Another smell to go along with car exhaust and low tide!

Don’t forget the stink of sprinklers spraying shitty hard water so it smells like diarrhea everywhere.

Ok so ban booze and guns.

Oh wait he's talking out of his ass politically, ideologically, and logically.

Ok, how about we compromise and have teachers armed with joints to protect the kids from the drug dealers?

The best defense against a bad guy with a joint is a good guy with a joint.

The best defense against a bad guy with a joint is a good guy with a joint.

I'm not a fan of pot but your logic is flawless.

The Florida government loves nothing more than a bunch of kids to get gunned down in a school shooting, as it means they can route that more money to police and less money to students.

I’m okay with banning anything to ban guns. Or, at least threatening it.

Maybe someone should try to pass a law with a ban on all contraceptives, abortion pills, and rainbow flags….. with a gun ban tacked onto it. See how much they really care.

I remember the FUD that was spread when Colorado and Washington State legalized. None of it happened. A local TV News crew created an exercise where they would make different levels of cannabis user drive a course while traffic cops would evaluate their abilities to operate a motor vehicle.

Every driver considered themselves to stoned to drive safely even though the cops said they didn't drive like it. The Stoner girl said she was way to high to drive and wouldn't even try in real life but she passed the tests.

And the smell thing.... Pioneer Square in Seattle has a smell to it, if it hasn't rained in a while. Lots of pissing in the alley type behavior. I worked for a hospital that ran a clinic there. Usually the area stinks.

A long comes accessable cannabis for all. IDK if you don't like the smell of pot smoking.

It's by far better than the smell of piss.

We also have a drinking culture where doing it alone at home is considered taboo. You're supposed to go out to a bar and do it, and then get home somehow.

Cannabis use doesn't have that culture, not even in legalized states.

Idk about that. There weren't cannibas bars because cannibas wasn't legal. But the idea of going over to a friend's house or on a date where you both smoke weed together is hardly new.

Reminder that teaching while drunk is perfectly legal in Florida

Of course is legal to be drunk at your job as long as it doesn't involve operation of dangerous machinery like automobiles or otherwise put someone in imminent danger.

Whether or not it will get you fired is a completely different thing.

Those kids can find their own weed. I'm not going to give out my weed to a bunch of kids. Insert Any George Carlin quote here

Reminds me of the fear mongering a conservative family member was spouting when my state legalized weed. She was going on and on about how car accidents were going to “skyrocket” because everyone would be driving high. We’ve been legalized for about four years now, the first time I heard about any high driving incident was a couple of weeks ago when two people died. Now, obviously the number of high drivers is probably more than that, and any kind of intoxicated driving is irresponsible, but that’s the first time I heard a case make the news, meanwhile NHTSA says an average of 37 people die due to drunk driving per day.

Alcohol is pretty unique as a drug in causing car accidents. Most other drugs will either relax/sedate you enough so you don't want to go out (opiates, ketamine), make you anxious enough so you won't want to drive (cannabis, hallucinogens), or stimulate you enough so that if you do drive you probably won't be that bad (coke, meth). Only alcohol will keep you up enough to socialize, confident enough to drive, and impaired enough to crash. Even if you were to legalize all drugs alcohol would still probably be the largest cause by far for impaired driving accidents.

Pro Life Republicans: Legalizing weed will bring weed into Schools! Also Pro Life Republicans: ANY AND ALL REGULATION ON GUNS IS ILLEGAL!

well you can't stop people from bringing joints by making it illegal; that way only the bad guys would bring joints. instead everyone should bring joints to school because the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a joint is a good guy with a joint.

Leary said: “LSD is a psychedelic drug which occasionally causes psychotic behavior in people who have NOT taken it.”

I think this applies just as much to something like the Devil's lettuce.

I can’t even imagine being a full-grown adult who doesn’t know what it feels like to have consciousness altered by drugs.

It’s like meeting someone who was born in a car, and they’ve just never ever gotten out of that car.

Like there’s a door in your wall marked “to alien universe” and you just walked by it for 40 years and never wanted to peek inside? What?

You think weed causes psychotic behavior? I've seen lots of reactions from weed... But psychotic is not a word I would use to describe any of them.... Someone on a bad hallucinogenic trip that they can't handle can definitely enter into a psycho episode though (unfortunately I have seen that).

Go back and re-read the quote a little closer. :)

Bah! First thing in the morning eyes! I didnt understand why you were getting upvotes. Ok fair enough. I'm gonna leave my mistake there anyhow. Drugs are great, I'm glad we are all in agreement!

Ron. Ron, my guy. Do you know how much weed costs? Like hell am I bringing enough for the whole damn school, those little fuckers can buy their own.

Nobody brings that much marinuanans to an elementary school and even if they did they aren't giving that shit away free to the kids. Shit costs money.

Yeah I don't think DeSantis realizes that little 9 year old Tommy's wallet just ain't that big. Like...what dealer does he think is just frothing at the mouth to break into the elementary school market? 😭

Whats great is that elementary school kids can share a joint among like two or three of them so it is really cost effective

Yeah, but what I want to know is what happened to the Taco trucks on every street. It's closing in on lunch.

Just think of how marijuana legalization would help the taco truck industry!

I mean not too big of a fan of Marijuana since it increases my risk of schizophrenia which im predisposed too but its hard not to find this extremely stupid when cigarettes are still legal their and they are 100x worse along with vapes and alcohol. I mean if you are gonna have some laws be consistent instead of favoring one cause you like it more and poisoning the air

Everytime a person or group is against something, they pull out the ol' "what about kids and schools?!" Like they give a shit.

If they're trying to pass legislation with the guise of protecting children 10 out of 10 times its not about protecting children. It's one of the oldest grifts out there.

Joints are better than guns.

But I guess DeShitStain hasn’t quite thought that through.

This is the same clown that released a Neo-Nazi campaign video right?

And participated in a human trafficking scheme that backfired spectacularly when the people he trafficked were greeted with compassion instead of contempt.

I am confused. When I was in school, a third of the faculty smoked. I was surrounded by hundreds of cigarettes all day every day at school.

What do they think is going to happen? The kids will get high by osmosis?

If only there were states that passed similar laws that we could look at to see how things played out.

Oh wait. We do. And none of this shit happened.

I live in Canada where marijuana is fully legal.

Ron DeSantis is a fucking idiot. Anyone who believes his bullshit is an even bigger fucking idiot.

They'll do something once someone builds an AR15 that shoots marijuana joints into people's mouth. Imagine 20 joint extended magazines.

In a just world they'd have a paradox error and self destruct.

South Florida is turning into New Atlantis and this fucking idiot is complaining about weed. I hope he gets hit by a meteor.

The Atlantis of legend had advanced technology and beautiful and intelligent people, which doesn't sound like South Florida to me.

Look, teachers gotta be able to wind down in the break room.

Yes,and then the trans drag queens will start raping children with those joints and their BLT BBQ agenda! And the sun will go dark, and the milk in cows' udders will go sour, and then banned books are going to rain from the sky, right Ron?

Just 20? Not 21? What if they are small, can I bring more? We have to have enough for the entire class, and kids are lightweights.

And as long as they aren't being given/sold to minors, I don't care! I'm sure half the teachers have harder stuff on hand anyway.

I see that you, too, have met a lot of teachers outside of the classroom as an adult.

Hey, elementary school kids need connections for weed just like everybody else, so I'm sure that will happen all the time.

Also, if you give cops "qualified immunity" they might decide to start murdering innocent people for no reason and get away with it. Only that happens to be true.

Which school, exactly? Asking for a friend.

Well yeah, if the teacher asks if I'm going to share with the class, I've got to.

Correct, but other laws still prohibit distribution to minors, and smoking near the building. So all it allows is keeping them on your person or with your belongings to eventually be consumed elsewhere. Doing anything with them that could be harmful to children would still be illegal.

Does it ever occur to anyone to just say, "that doesn't make any sense and is probably a distortion"?

Seeing as his supporters believe they're destined to spend eternity in flames, unless a man in a robe puts water on their heads, because a rib woman was once convinced by a talking snake to eat magical fruit, I'm thinking no.

Don't forget you have to eat God converted into crackers and wine after telling the robe man all your secrets.

That's enough to share with the class! I mean, if you're going to bring it to school, you have to bring enough to share. Those are the rules of schools.


How the court let that language on the ballot, I will never understand. You read the language, it does not do justice.

Yeah, IMAGINE, allowing people to decide, for themselves, if they want actual freedom. I mean, there is just no justice any more.

So... If the school is underwater, the joints will be ruined? 4d chess move right there!