What immediately makes you lose respect for someone?

Like A Duck@programming.dev to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 116 points –

Taking advantage of people in weaker positions of power, from being rude to a waiter to abusing a disabled person. They all make me dislike the person immediately and will likely cut them out of my life as soon as possible.

When they say they are Republican. Or touch on Republican talking points promoting hate, sexism, racism, and/or ignorance in general.

Same with people who call themselves centerists, but hate everything slightly left and cheer for everything right wing. Like when the Charlottesville protests happened, and my centerist friend (not friends anymore) was defending people chanting Nazi stuff and attacking the counterprotesters.

In my experience, "centrists" are often just right-wingers who smoke weed.

Heh, that used to be the joke about libertarians, back before half the libertarians turned out to be white-supremacists and joined up with the alt-right, and the other half said "holy shit, the right wing is really bad for actual people's actual liberty."

Back in 2008 I thought Ron Paul might be an okay guy ... yeah, no, it turned out not only that he was a neoconfederate racist piece of shit, but that libertarian mainstays like Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell had been in on it all along.

Quite a lot of what passed for "libertarianism" turned out to be a fraud to get the potheads, Deadheads, perverts, and hackers to join up with the far right. Fuck that.

My old boss claimed to be a libertarian.

He would always rant and rave about the government overstepping and forcing people to get the vaccine and wear masks (which never happened, but okay) and then in the next sentence would praise the folks in power who wanted to ban abortions.

Like..... motherfucker, at least be consistent!

He also scoffed at me because "must be nice to get government money during the pandemic just for having a kid." I got like 300$. That shithead gladly got a massive business bailout and just smugly read shitty articles and conspiracy theories from with Facebook Q group at work instead of doing his job.

(Don't take this too seriously. This is a rant and I only believe about ΒΎ of it, but I'm not sure which ΒΎ.)

Libertarianism at various times became a political home for β€”

  • patriotic white American kids who had been taught lies about slavery, Reconstruction, and American history generally;
  • science-fiction nerds looking to derive human society from first principles, like Asimov's Hari Seldon, and yet end up with a system that would accommodate Heinlein's Jubal Harshaw;
  • philosophers of economics who wanted a laboratory to experiment with their free-market theories, from Nozick to the Friedmans (Milton et seq.);
  • passionate and doctrinaire anticommunists following Ayn Rand (though she hated the term "libertarian");
  • outright neoconfederates and white-supremacists, like Lew Rockwell and Ron Paul;
  • post-hippie engineers looking for a safe space to sell lots of porn and High Weirdness on the Internet.

Over time, history beats philosophy. The libertarian movement fragmented. Part of it leaned into white-supremacist patriotic pisscrap and joined up with the alt-right. Part of it got woke and teamed up with the feminists, BLMs, queers, and other progressives β€” but only so long as it's okay to vape weed, look at porn, and argue about the legitimacy of sex work. Part of it dug into economics and techno-weirdness and morphed into the cryptocurrency bros. Other bits vanished up the asses of the atheist movement, the open-source movement, or other specific issue-driven groups.

After Bush II and Trump, there's no redeeming the Republican Party. It doesn't even have big-business capitalism or national security on its side anymore. The Bush-era fratboy MBAs hollowed it out and left it to be taken over by the Putinist-Trumpists.

The Democrats are now the party of big business; the Dow is up 17% since Joe Biden took office. The Republicans have become instead the party of hate groups, child-molesters, and thieves β€” losers who have nothing to offer the nation but rape, murder, and suffering.





"...creating a nuisance" and they all came back and we had a grand old time talking about crime, mother-raping, father-stabbing, and the all the groovy things we was talking about on the bench.

Blasting music/videos on their shitty phone speaker in public. If you really don't have headphones, at least turn it down or hold the speaker closer to your ear so you're not just annoying everyone in a 10-meter radius.

I'm ASD and use music to cope ...if i don't have headphones in public, i don't play music because that's how it fucking works

Really, there's nothing else to say, no argument to be had. This is ALL you need to know right here. ☝️

not sure what asd is but thanks for not making everyone else listen to your music tastes

(im sure ur music taste is fine but too many people listen to bad rap)

ASD = Autistic spectrum disorder.

But yeah, social contract. I don't make you listen to my music, you don't make me listen to yours. Simples.

If your music is playing in public, you have bad taste in music.

Telling me I should forgive/contact my abusive exfamily. Especially after knowing me for less than 30 mins and them not at all.

"But family is so important!" You go talk to them then, or go fuck yourself, IDC.

There have been many instances when I've told someone how crazy people in my family are, and then even if they believed me, after they met them they're like "OMG I had no idea it was that bad."

You have to know that there are some extremely shitty people in the world. Sometimes, those people are someone's family.

Yeah. And when you really know next to nothing about the situation maybe let the people who've been dealing with it for literally all their lives decide.

People who leave their dog's shit on in the ground, or bag it up and leave it hanging in a tree

And people who leave their dogs outside all the time. It’s hot out there for them too.

"It's just a prank bro"-people. I already hate it when someone finds it hilarious to hurt others, but if those same "pranksters" then also act all indignant and percieve themselves as victims of prejudice when other people do NOT find their "pranks" funny, they can GTFO.

I have a bit of a weakness for pranks gone wrong. I'd probably spend more time watching videos of it if I didn't know that most of them were fake. But there's just something about that reversal of who is in control and dictating how the events will proceed that is delicious to my soul.

Being disrespectful to other people because someone think they have mundane jobs.

This one for me. Having a service job doesn't make you a slave ffs. You can really read a person's character when you see how they treat those that are less than. I'd also add animals to that list but that's just my personal axe to grind.

I was always annoyed by the idiots on reddit who would constantly try to tell me that I should be judging someone based on their job for my dating preferences.

last person I talked to on there about that tried to assume that I would never date someone who worked in a grocery store because I make more than $60k a year. I definitely have dated someone who worked in a grocery store with my salary cause I don't give a fuck where someone works. Jobs are just that, jobs. People have them because they have to. Why on earth would you judge someone for doing something they are practically forced to fucking do.

If they treat others bad. Such as waitresses, their friends & family, co-workers etc.

Instantly no respect, zero tolerance.

There's the obvious "if you're a homophobe, transphobe, racist, abelist" etc etc etc. Like obviously that makes me lose respect for people.

But I think if you judge someone for doing something that you deem "weird". I used to so that until I learned that like, hey we're all fucking weird. Who cares.

Leaving carts outside the corrals at the store. Failing to signal. Actually a lot of car or car adjacent behaviors. All of which go back to "my immediate convenience is more important than being a conscientious member of the society I live in with other people."

It’s the lack of awareness that gets me. You’re operating a 2+ ton vehicle at speeds significantly faster than humans can reach by themselves, amongst a group of other people doing the same, and you figure it’s okay to be unpredictable?

Unfortunately that’s not something you can really test for, that blasΓ© attitude towards interacting with traffic, since most early drivers are going to be on their best behavior, and this is developed after years of getting away with it (or NOT but somehow still doing it?).

I'm all for people having to retake drivers tests- like once a year. You wanna keep driving? Better prove you can keep doing it.

While I definitely agree that routine checkups like that should be happening (and especially for people who just got their licenses or are 60+) at least for a car dominant culture like the US I can see that being a huge burden both on safety organizations/DMVs and on the drivers themselves. :/

oh lol I don't give a fuck about it being a burden for someone. My job is burden too but I still have to do it.

Two things,

  1. They are a young earth creationist.
  2. They think Trump can do nothing wrong.

No flat earthers? They are even dumber than the young earthers imo.

No hobby or passion.

Some people just seem to work, then come home and watch whatever is shown to them on TV or scroll through their phone. And that's it, other than socialising, that's their lives.

It's hard to find passion for things when depression is constantly bearing down upon you. Constantly making you second guess yourself, the things you do, the things you find joy in. Anything that could bring happiness and enrich your life, your mind will sabotage any chance of you trying it out in favor of the lifeless apathy that's taken a stranglehold over your life.

Not to say I'm constantly mopey woe is me, nawh mate. It's just hard to find reason to be passionate about anything when your mind is constantly telling you it ain't worth it.

Not everybody that your comment applies to is depressive, but it's a common pattern within depressed folks.

Some of us bust our asses at work and don't have the energy for other shit. Get over yourself. πŸ˜‘

You don't have a hobby? No interests at all? Just whatever the world markets to you, you consume?

The fact you're here in a niche social media site suggests this isn't true and you have interests outside of working.

I bust my ass too but still have a hobby! Most people are busting their ass πŸ˜…

so you just let your job rule your life like that?

"Have you ever tried not having the problems that make your life difficult? Give it a shot, you might find the change refreshing!"

I use to make next to nothing and not even have enough to cover rent and only bought food with food stamps.

it never prevented me from having interests or hobbies.

They waste food and criticize a person when they're doing them a favor


The problem is that it seems 99% of the population are guilty of it.

Hypocrisy and misdirection are like 50% of the problem with politics too. If people had to say what they actually meant instead of beating around the bush we'd have much simpler debates: "I want better transportation infrastructure" vs "I don't like taxes" vs "I'm racist". Easy choice. The other 50% of the problem is that people would still vote for the third guy...

People who abuse animals, beyond normalised speciesism. Like kicking dogs or cats. Or wearing fur. Or... OK normalised speciesism also makes me lose respect to someone when they know about it and they don't care.

What is normalized speciesism?

It's treating animals in a way that you wouldn't treat humans because it's wrong/illegal.

Keeping them as pets, breeding them, caging them (slavery)

Eating them, or using their products (cannibalism)

Wearing their skins (is there even a name for that?)

I came across it when I was young as a family member worked in animal activism and was horrified that I had a pet.

Wearing their skins (is there even a name for that?)

Fashion, darling.

Fake friendliness.

More in general, I have some respect for people who overtly are just selfish (at least they're open about it) whilst having none for people who, acting with the same selfishness as the former, try and pass themselves as nice.

As it happens, nowadays I pretty good at reading people when I do care enough to pay attention.

  • being rude in general

  • being a stickler for timekeeping

  • liking dogs but not cats

  • salting food at a restaurant without tasting it first β€” though I guess this fits under "rudeness"

To be clear, these are all "lose some respect", not "lose all respect.

being a stickler for timekeeping

I have ended budding relationships because they had no respect for timekeeping. I have shit to do, a schedule to keep and sever ADHD that needs me to schedule out my day to function and people who refused to care about that are selfish. Please respect other people's time.

I respect other people's time and schedules. But if people can't respect mine, or their own, then that lowers my esteem.

I'm not talking about "you kept me waiting" people –after all, keeping others waiting is rude– I'm talking about the "if you're not early, you're late" people.

You should have said that then cause I read your original comment and thought you were defending people who are 30 minutes late to shit. I've met people who defend things like that too. So it seemed very plausible.

My boss now understands that I will come in five minutes past the hour most days, because that's when the train gets me there. It's that or leave much earlier to get there only a little earlier. There's nothing special about being there "on the hour" and I stay until all the work's done. Most of the time, there isn't even anything for me to do in those five minutes, of the ten after. He doesn't consider this being late and neither do I, because we share expectations.

A previous boss expected me to be there at noon to open the bar by one. Opening the bar took me twenty minutes, so I started coming in at 12:30. When he complained, I asked him if he wanted to pay me for another half-hour to stand around. He saw sense.

A third boss would camp out at six am just to write me up for coming in five minutes past the hour. Again, while we are not open and there was nothing for me to do but be there. And again, to get there beforehand, I would've had to get on a bus a full hour earlier. I explained this, but he was new to his job and saw this as an affront to his authority or something. I was eventually fired over it, just a week before he himself was fired for inappropriate conduct.

That is the kind of behavior I'm talking about. Worship of the clock to the exclusion of sense.

If they say "woke" unironically. Let's me know that they have nothing important to say.

Learning that they believe in ghosts, flat Earth, or anti-vaxx conspiracies.

I'm a misanthrope, I don't have any respect for anyone to begin with.

Believing in pseudoscience or spiritualistic flim flam (astrology, crystals, energy) and being anti-science.

There's a lot more but that's good enough.

When they talk about somebody else behind their backs.

I dunno, I've always found the ability to throw one's voice fascinating, even if ventriloquists are near the bottom of the comedy performer totem pole.

If they are, in a completely literal sense, impossible to predict.

I have reached a point of no return (no return of respect) with a high ranking person recently who started out as friends with me. I had a lot of controversy surrounding me, but she promised she knew none of the hearsay was true. Then she cut me out, and it took me a moment to learn why. Then some months later she reached a point where she restarted her feelings for people and eliminated her grudges. We were friends for a while, and all seemed fine, but then same exact thing happened, she promised nothing was going to happen before she cut me out again. Again, it took me a while to learn why. I would leave that general area, but we would find each other elsewhere one day, and she seemed fine with me. All seemed well. Then I went to ask her a question and discovered she cut me out again. At this point, another friend of mine got involved, not giving her a good time (I tried stopping him, but every time I did, it would still be deemed my fault that was happening), and then she declared a truce and asked if I would accept. I consented on the condition everyone knew about the truce and that it wasn't just a privately negotiated thing. She accepted, and I have proof of the truce, and to celebrate the truce, I was introduced to her inner circle. However, I was removed from her inner circle twice, once quickly the first time and once after asking to come back in a few months later, with another few months where I wasn't removed. She then came to me and said "sorry, I removed you because I have people in my group who don't like you, no hard feelings" and I was basically like "alright, I understand". Half a month later I went to ask another question only to learn I was ghosted again. And this, combined with another person coming to me saying they bore proof she was talking about me behind my back (the prime condition of the "truce" was to not do that), I had had it. I ended the truce and lost any respect for them, and I'm not afraid to show it.

I've actually had many, many, many encounters similar to this, and so have some people I know; once in a while people who become on good terms with me again cite things like "mental illness" and "shutting [person's self] down trying to cope from being overwhelmed". I don't care if you have a delusion disorder, if you're going to see other human beings as so insignificant in your seemingly solipsist mind as to think people with different ways of perceiving a situation can understand a part of your experience they don't necessarily have any reason to think exists, that is simply reckless and you're just a jerk. Many of these people also often say "well if you would just read the room you would know what the reasoning is" but unspoken words spell out differently for everyone because it's like looking at a mirage in the distance. The "writing on the wall" is a myth, in the end it refers to jibberish because at least language is communicated.

Seems like this person is actually very easy to predict... She's always going to drop you. Why do you keep going back?

Taking advantage of kind people. By all means you don't need to turn down kindness, even if you're joking to make light of your need to ask for kindness that's fine but if you take their kindness as expectation, it really hurts. My mother was always willing to help those in need and people would always use her like it was their right until she broke down. I'm currently trying to convince my senior to include me in more of his meetings because he seems to be in a similar position and I'm ready to help him say no

a lack of awareness of current events in the world around them

I know exactly what you mean, but more and more lately, considering all news is bad to terrible, I've been considering distancing myself from it.

Part of me very much wants to stay up to date on the world, global and local politics, economy, society, science, etc etc, but honestly at this point I'm not sure why I should bother.

Take political parties for example. I already know everything I need to know about Labour and the Tories. I know I'll never vote Tory, but more and more I look at Labour and realise they're just the Tories with slightly softer edges. The same rich tossers from the same rich world with the same dark dodgy connections and secrets.

And more and more, I think about what it takes for a political party or individual to rise up to the point of being in the running for votes, and realise that they're only allowed to reach that point if the rich ruling class decide they're suitable - (it's not some shadowy secret society, it's just that individuals will create friction and problems for those they know won't be pliable and useful to their cause, and over time they get weeded out, leaving just the ones that serve the rich).

So, I've come to the conclusion that all the major parties that have any chance at real power are actually all the same once you strip away their outer policies (most of which they'll discard once elected, anyway).

So, following politics doesn't seem to be useful any more to make an informed decision on who to vote for, you know? They're all essentially the same, and the radical outliers that could potentially bring about a better world are so, so far outside of the running, voting for them would be a wasted vote (not to say I don't, anyway).

As for the other news, it's all just bad and worse. Living standards declining, workers and civil rights crumbling, cost of living crisis ever worsening, proletariat being crushed, the rich getting richer, more nations turning right-wing aka fascist, climate change ravaging the world, late stage capitalism destroying our lives piece by piece, inflation and prices up with wages down as always, etc etc etc....

I still stay informed, but there will come a point that I just have to admit it's only making me depressed and miserable.

Even the supposed good news is couched in caveats and issues..... New vaccine for an illness? Great! So many antivaxers will fight it that it won't be very effective. A new cancer treatment? Great! The waiting times and crumbling health service (intentionally destroyed by the government to force healthcare to rely on rich healthcare companies instead of public healthcare) will make it difficult for the new treatment to make much difference. A society wide realisation that working from home and 4 day weeks lead to happier, healthier employees and increased productivity? Great! Except that healthy employees with breathing room will start to question why they have so few rights, and why their lives are forced to revolve around their employers, and we can't have that.

Etc etc. Almost all good news had a sinister flip side that renders any benefits moot.

Reading the news and staying informed is a noble goal, and one I've stuck to, but all it's done is made me miserable and no longer trust the government, the police, employers, heck I don't even trust supposedly highly trustworthy media outlets any more. Nowadays I see the extreme yet careful bias the BBC employ at the behest of the government and the rich, as every media outlet does, to try to control what we believe.

Take for example the unprecedented strikes of the past few years. Every single time the BBC report on say, a postal or rail or bus strike etc, it's never framed as the workers taking this desperate last resort nuclear option to resolve the issue that they really wish they didn't have to take, but their employers are being evil so they have to, etc. No. They always frame it as something like:

"Rail workers on strike again. Here's how their actions will inconvenience you, gosh they're so inconsiderate and greedy!"

They'll say it with a softer, more clever touch, and "for balance" have a paragraph or two very briefly mentioning things from the striking workers side of things, without really going into much detail, and that's it.

So.... Yeah :-( I agree with you, really I do. But... if you meet a person that chooses to no longer stay informed on events, don't immediately lose respect for them or think less of them. They may be choosing to stay uninformed with reasons that matter to them, like their own mental health ❀️

When I hear they exclusively use lemmy.world instead of a real instance

Its a real instance, you posted here and we can communicate. Thanks for joining us :)

"Real" in that it's just flooded with american propaganda sure

It's hosted in Germany I believe. But you probably mean all the moderation stuff they are doing.

Oh, this post is? I'm just glad it's not full of piracy.

People who travel in sweat pants and hoodies or "athlileasure" (sp?) cloths on airplanes. Yeah, I get that you want to pretend it's a big sleepover, but I don't want to be in a sleepover with you. I'm probably not looking forward to this trip and am already stressed. I just find it to be somehow disrespectful of others, not sure why.

I'm probably the weird one on this peeve, but I have to travel a lot for work. People do this shit on long distance trains too.

Other pet peeve is when someone corrects someone else's pronunciation of a word in a condescending manner. The person mispronouncing the word probably read it in a book and has just never heard it pronounced in the wild. Making fun of someone trying expand their vocabulary is just petty. There are nice ways to correct them and actually help them they could have used.

So, one of your pet peeves is when someone makes a big deal out of a simple thing that isn't hurting anyone else, and you're other pet peeve is a simple thing that doesn't hurt anyone else which you make a big deal out of.

Claiming everyone's dressed for a sleepover that you don't want to be part of is pretty condescending. Just like the person who doesn't think you are saying a word correctly, you're the person who doesn't think anyone is dressed correctly.

Might be time for some introspection.

I don't look like I'm wearing a tracksuit, but I often wear loose fitting comfortable clothes when travelling long distances. What's the issue you have with it? You could do the same and be comfortable, and probably less stressed πŸ˜…

I read it as "I'm powerless in the face of what I believe is social convention/work requirements, so as I am unwilling to take the risk of rebelling I dislike those who do rebel"

It's the same mindset as bitching and moaning against other people participating in demonstrations or strikes.

It's a passive-aggressive coping mechanism for low self-confidence, IMHO.

I absolutely judge people who just go about their day to day life in joggers with no shame though, but ironically, when travelling for hours?

It's the one time I totally understand the need for comfort above all else and will defend it πŸ˜…

The person mispronouncing the word probably read it in a book and has just never heard it pronounced in the wild

omg I use to hang out with people who would say to me "oh you only read that word, and never heard it said to you"

Asking dumbass questions like this that countless other schmucks have asked before.

Go for a walk. Touch a tree or grass.

People like this.

So desperatelly trying to come out as superior to others that he invented a crazy weird spin to somebody asking a question to try and make it sound bad.

The funny bit is that the few people who I've met who were like that, didn't understood that others were reading beyond the face value of such childish criticisms and forming a bad opinion of the one doing the criticism, not of the one being criticized.

It takes a special mix of overinflated opinion of one's own intellect compared to others' and social blindness to be like that.